Learn Esperanto

Education / Foreign languages / Learning other languages

Learn Esperanto

Esperanto catalogues

  1. bertilow.com/pmeg/elshutebla/pmeg_14... - PMEG - Plena Manlibro de Esperanta Gramatiko - PMEG celas ordinarajn Esperantistojn, kiuj volas studi la gramatikon, vortfaradon, skribon kaj elparolon de la Internacia Lingvo. Ĝi estas unuavice praktika lernilo, ne teoria verko por lingvistoj. Wennergren
    CHM (962,9 Kb)
  2. lernolibro.info/manlibro/lingvaj_res... - Lingvaj Respondoj - Plena kolekto de lingvaj respondoj, aperintaj en 'La Esperantisto' (1889-1893), 'La Revuo' (1906-1908), 'La Oficiala Gazeto' (1911-1912) kaj aliaj gazetoj. Author: LLZamenhof
    CHM (53,3 Kb)

Learn Esperanto

  1. rusio.ru/uchebnik/urok1/ - Textbook Esperanto online
  2. ikso.net/esperanto-kurso/ - Distance learning Esperanto
  3. twitter.com/cursoesperanto/ - Esperanto Courses on Twitter

Lessonbooks of Esperanto

  1. ph4.ru/dl/more/esperanto/tuta_kolker... - Esperanto in 16 days Express Course - AUTHOR: BORIS KOLKER
    HTML (80,7 KB)
Russian - Englesh

reliable site

email: teamo@lernu.net
address: Esperanto


Esperanto is a language very suitable for international communication.

Free website for learning and studying the international language of Esperanto.
It is also a kind of experiment in teaching methods on the Web — learning a language out of class and without a teacher.

The site has a course for which registration will be required.
The grammar section (Esperanto has a simple and clear grammar).
And a forum where you can find help if something is not clear, and most importantly, start using Esperanto - practice.

Esperanto - Englesh
address: Russia
Website, forum and mailing about the world speaking the Esperanto. Completely in Russian. More than 3500 subscribers.