Museum on the map

Transport / Travel / Travel on Map

Museum on the map

Virtual Museums

Museums of the world virtually.
One enthusiast has gathered the world's museums in one place. Or rather, collects, there's a way to add.
Museums can be searched on the map and then get to sites where you can make a virtual tour.

During the coronvirus there was a need to diversify the leisure time without leaving home.
Therefore, more and more museums began to offer virtual visits, excursions.
And those that already offered such an opportunity, often it was as if advertising, limited. Now they are trying to make the virtual visit as comprehensive as possible.


Used: Yandex.Maps.
address: Russia

Sights, tours of the world.

Choose a country and get a list of cities that are worth visiting. Against the city is the number of attractions.

And you can choose not by city, but by topics of interest to us, for example. Botanical gardens, Cathedrals, Fountains, Clubs ...

The most basic information on the country is indicated - capital, population, area, currency, rate.