Russian - Englesh
reliable site Owner: Yandex
Used: Yandex.Maps. email:
tel.: 8 800 234-24-80
address: Russia, Moscow, 119021, ул. Льва Толстого, д. 16
reliable site Owner: Yandex
Used: Yandex.Maps. email:
tel.: 8 800 234-24-80
address: Russia, Moscow, 119021, ул. Льва Толстого, д. 16
Organizations on Yandex.Maps
Finding organizations.It's very simple, we make a request and get it, the service itself understands that you are requesting an address or an organization. You will be prompted.
- Specify the name or part or scope (hairdresser, cafe ...) in the search
- All organizations appear on the map on the open map.
- When you go to the site, a map of your location will open. But when navigating, we'll see the organizations according to the search query and the list will change.