Travel on the map

Transport / Travel / Travel on Map

Travel on the map


Map of the world metro.
You can choose a city in the search form or in the list, the zoom will not work.

This is an open map and is created by the whole world. Therefore, not everything is noted, for example, the Metro of Moscow is there, but it is empty. Probably because we have enough good Moscow metro cards, so it is not in demand.

Filters allow you to disable subway lines.
It is possible on a time scale to examine how the metro looked like, how it developed.

Routs on Google Maps

Google Maps routes.
Just try.

We tested for northern Scandinavia, where there are very small settlements.
It's very simple, set the point From and point To.
The distance along the road, Time on the car and on foot.
It is described in detail how to get to where, on what street to leave the city, where to turn, to the number of which route to go.
They even found panoramas (remember, this sparsely populated north is small Country), so that you could see the place of the interchanges, what is, what it looks like.

Environmentally friendly routing

As far as apps are concerned, they will suggest a route that will save fuel.

Learn more about Google Maps. Google Map site

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Google My maps

Here you can create and store maps created with routes and labels. Also you can store cards created by someone else.

In fact, we store a portion of the Google map with the layer we built.
We'll set point A and point B, Google builds a route, we can change the route with a mouse, and add our tags to it. For example, we can specify the destination of the route and key locations along the route, etc.

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reliable site

Used: OpenStreetMap.


Worldwide public transport facilities on a uniform map.

Here airports, trains, metro, monorail, light metro, bus stops ....

The card is open and evolving. More details are routes, airports ... where there are more active Internet users. This is first west and major cities.


Mobile fitness, which combines classic fitness with mobile applications with game elements as a logical response.

When we are engaged in fitness, we like air beat, we are engaged in emptiness. Agree, not a very good incentive.

This application allows us to see the results of our efforts. For example, today is more than yesterday, etc.

The application allows others to observe how you are doing in real time. It stimulates you and allows others to join. And to do together is always fun.

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Public vehicles of the world on a map.

Another map that uses the base OpenStreetMap.

On the map you can see the red dots, by clicking on them you can get the route of the transport with the schedule and you can watch the vehicle finding in real time where there is such a possibility.


Airplanes and trains on the map.

Want to see the planes that are now in the air and where are the trains now? Now you can follow them directly on the map.

Information about the flights and the calculation of the location is based on the data of the Yandex.Respisation service. Our planes fly in orthodromies - the shortest distance between two points located on the surface of the sphere (although in real life routes are routed through special air corridors).

Click on the airplane or train and see its route.

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Public transport of St. Petersburg

City transport Petersburg online. Enter the portal, choose the number of your bus, then mark the stop on which you are, and immediately get Data, after how many minutes the arrival of the machine of the route you want is expected. The information on the movement of vehicles is based on data from the GLONASS navigation instruments - they are as accurate as possible, and the traffic is calculated taking into account the traffic situation.

Russian - Englesh

Used: Yandex.Maps, OpenStreetMap.
address: Russia

Smolensk city transport routes on the map. The entire passenger transport of Smolensk is equipped with the GLONASS system equipment and connected to a single monitoring system.

We choose the route of a bus, trolleybus or tram and look at the map.

Update goes wrong often, as on similar sevises, because the transport does not go, but jumps. That is, it does not seem to move, then it is ahead at a decent distance.


The site allows you to build routes and make an animated presentation.

You can impose data imported from Facebook, Twitter, FourSquare, Instagram and Tripit on the presentation.

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Used: Yandex.Maps.
address: Russia

Archive of sport maps

The purpose of the site is the development of sports cartography and orienteering in general.
The site has sports maps of Russia in JPG format (some in Ocad).

City of Novosibirsk transport. MU 'TSUGAET'

Transportation of Novosibirsk.
Satellite navigation systems have been installed on all Novosibirsk transport. Then tied to the Google map.
  • Choose the type of transport;
  • Click on the route number. In the "Your list" field a list of displayed routes is formed;
  • To delete one route, click the cross at the corresponding number;
  • You can move the map by clicking the left mouse button.
  • The scale is changed by rotating the mouse wheel or the corresponding tool on the left.
  • To fix the location and scale of the map, turn on "Do not move the map".
  • The maximum number of simultaneous displayed routes is limited.
  • Clicking on the transport icon displays a window with the actual schedule of the following checkpoints (if any).

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City of Novosibirsk transport. MU


Itineraries are a community of traveling people. If you like to visit new places, travel around the world, go hiking, make extreme expeditions, then this site is for you.

Routes provides registered users with placement and storage services, including but not limited to text and photo materials, then Content corresponding to the subject of "Travel", on personal user pages, in comments to entries of other registered users.

What you can do on the site

  1. Find stories, useful information, photos, coordinates and satellite imagery of the places where you are going to go.
  2. Find traveling people who have been or are living in the area where you are going to, and contact them.
  3. Create your personal page and add there a collection of places you've visited.
  4. Write in detail about your routes. Upload photo albums, maps, coordinates to your stories. In this case, the maps will be saved in several formats and will be convenient for viewing.
  5. When you upload photos to a site, they do not need to be reduced, they will decrease to the correct size automatically.
  6. If you add geographic features to your routes, they will appear on your Google map. And if you upload a .kml format file from the Google Earth program to the route, then the route will also appear on the map.
  7. You can add "useful notes" to the route that will be available to users on the geographic site page.
  8. Add your own satellites to the site, even if they are not registered on the site. This will not prevent them from registering under their own name in the future. And on your page they will be now.
  9. All people with whom you have shared routes are automatically added to your Friends page. But you can add to friends and other people registered on the site.
  10. The site will help you organize a trip, to assemble a group. To do this, you can create an upcoming route and not publish it. And on the route page, create a forum for discussion with the participants. The route will not be visible to all users, but you can transfer the link to the page of the route to your friends and invite them to the trip.
  11. Vote for the materials of the site online and yourself participate in the contests of stories. In July, the site starts a contest with excellent prizes: backpacks, down jackets, GPS, sleeping bags and other necessary things in travel.

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Used: Google maps.

Sport Map World

The site has maps with the location of sports clubs of the leading world leagues, leading sports: football, American football, basketball, baseball, rugby, Formula 1, NASCAR, London and Sochi Olympics.

The site uses a Google map and you can use the panoramas wherever they are, no more. So, somewhere we can visit the stadium, and somewhere just look outside.

There are different maps of sports clubs on the Internet, but this is the most updated.

In addition to places on the map, there is a brief information on the clubs : stadium name, capacity, postal address.