Attractions on the map

Transport / Travel / Travel on Map

Attractions on the map

Gorky Park

A beautiful functional official map of Gorky Park.
Besides the map itself, there are a lot of other information about the park, including photos and video.


Travel planning in Russia.
Places that are not in the usual guidebooks, people who talk about their travel experiences.

UK mailboxes on the map.
Simply put in a postcode in the form and find the post boxes nearest to you.

Simply put in your postcode (top right) and find the post boxes nearest to you.

Night at the city museums

Museums on the city map.
Night of Museums is an annual event dedicated to the International Museum Day. Petersburg museums, large and small, traditionally open doors for visitors in the evening and at night, and also prepare a special program: exhibitions of one Days, concerts, performances, author's excursions, master classes, historical reconstructions.