New radio - newradio.biz email: info@newradio.biz Programs for young people and those who feel young and advanced. Basically, these are programs aimed at active and positive perception of the world. Here you can hear alternative music, conversations with musicians, reflections on life. |
91.3 WCSG - wcsg.org address: 1159 E Beltline Ave NE, MI 49525 tel.: +1 (937) 424-16-40 email: info@michiganlabs.com Broadcast ministry page of Cornerstone University Radio from Grand Rapids, Michigan. |
Acappella Ministries - acappella.org address: 900 N. Dixieland Road, AR 72756 tel.: +1 (615) 855-1770 email: info@acappella.com |
Christian Classic Rock - christianclassicrock.net address: 405 N Jefferson Ave, Ste 1015 tel.: +1 (800) 669-5044 email: mail@christianrock.net |
House of Praise - mypraisefm.com address: KLVV, 6600 W. Highway 60, OK 74601 tel.: +1 (877) 324-8488 email: info@jacapps.com |
Life FM - lifefm.co.nz tel.: +64 508 543-336 email: studio@lifefm.co.nz |
Lifesongs Radio - lifesongs.com address: 3939 Gentilly Blvd, LA 70126 tel.: +1 (504) 816-8000 email: onair@lifesongs.com |
The House - thehousefm.com address: KJTH, 6600 W. Highway 60, OK 74601 tel.: +1 (800) 324-8488 email: info@jacapps.com |
The Promise FM - promisefm.com address: P.O. Box 695, 1511 East M32 tel.: +1 (800) 545-8857 email: studio@thepromisefm.com |
United Christian Broadcasters - ucb.co.uk address: UCB Broadcast Centre. Hanchurch Lane, Hanchurch, ST4 8RY tel.: +44 178 264-20-00 email: broadcasting@ucb.co.uk Playing today’s Christian hits and making sense of the world around us. |
Vision Christian Radio - vision.org.au tel.: +64 508 47-43-62 email: admin@vision.org.au Christian music, testimonies from real life, biblical reviews, news and ... The site has prayer support. |
WAY LOUD - wayloud.rocks email: powerfm@waymedianetwork.com |
WMBM Where Ministry Blesses Many - wmbm.com tel.: +1 (888) 224-23-24 |
Word of Truth Radio - wordoftruthradio.com Instrumental Hymns Radio, Acoustic Praise Radio, Christmas Stations |
WordFM Positive & Uplifting Radio - wordfm.org address: PO Box 17, PA 19438 tel.: +1 (877) 967-3361, 1 (215) 721-2141 email: info@wordfm.org |
Radio Piligrim - radiopiligrim.ru email: info@radiopiligrim.ru Radio for active Christians.MoreRadio for active Christians.Christian music, communication, sermons, various programs on current topics, live broadcast, online broadcasting of services ...The site offers 3 channels: - Christian radio,
- Christian music channel
- The Bible - around the clock reading.
Broadcast quality - 128 Kbps. |
RuWorship Radio - ruworship.ru email: alex@plumy.ru Songs in the style of Praise & Worship, songs in the style of Gospel, songs of glorification and worship in Russian. |