Yandex.Direct Russian reliable site Russian Owner: Yandex, phone.:8 800 234-24-80 (Russian Customers toll-free), + 7 (863) 268-83-00#2480, + 7 (812) 633-36-00#2480address: Russia Yandex.DirectThe system of advertising for the keywords on Yandex and other venues of runet.
Features of contextual advertising on Yandex:
The advertising medium in Yandex.Direct is a text ad, the size of which should not exceed 75 characters, plus a small heading of 25 characters. Payment is made for 1000 ad impressions. The cost of 1000 impressions (for 2003) is $20-30 depending on the focus of the impressions, i.e. The possibility of showing ads only to Muscovites or only to Russian users. The clickthrough rate (CTR) of the ad, on average, is 10% (based on personal experience), although it may vary greatly. It all depends on the text of your ad and the number of competitors showing their ads for the same query. Thus, the cost of one attracted visitor is $0.25. In 2004, the search system Yandex introduced the same system of payment for advertising displays as the Runner. Now the cost of payment is determined by auction. Advertisements are placed to the right of the search results. |
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