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Black methods of promotion

There are a number of tricks that will help to quickly get to the good places at the inquiries. But at the same time there are side effects - a good chance to be blocked. If earlier, when inquiries were made on Yandex, most of the information provided was not on the topic, which indicates the use of "black technology" on these sites, but now such things are rare.

Moreover, if you are going to promote a good business project using "black technologies", it will sooner or later come to light. Which will cause more damage than good. In addition, the effect of "black technologies" is blown, and business requires dynamic development. For example, in our country piracy is widespread, but only a fool will use a hacked accounting program for business - an error will cost more.

One site scored attendance and was very proud of it.
But through the site WayBackMachine looked at him a year ago and he was advertising for porn sites. And as a result, there is attendance, but there is no good name. Here and try to keep a good face in a bad game.


We describe the pros and cons.


Input page - page of the site, optimized for one or more search phrases in order to hit high places in search results. Automatically created Dorve contains random text, which periodically finds the desired search phrase, and therefore does not bring any benefit to the visitor. A hand-created doorway can be a meaningful page on a narrow topic, useful and useful to the user.

Most often, the option of automatic generation (possible and the creation of such pages manually) of a large number of doorways with a blank content for the user, but under the string stuffed with thematic key phrases is most often used. With each, created in this way, the input page (doorway), is set up a redirect hidden from the search robots to the page of the "promoted" web site in this way. For greater disguise, doorways are often placed on different domains.

It is reasonable to pick keywords and this method will be very effective, but the chance of being caught and forever blocked is almost one hundred percent.


The way the web server works when a user who visits the pages of a site sees one content, and the search engine - another. It is implemented by tracking IP addresses of search robots and giving them other information. Cloaking allows you to hide spam, thanks to which the page is high in the search results, and give decent content to users.

That is, there is a script that defines IP, if it is a search engine, it will give out one page, and if someone else, then another.

To define simply if the page given out in the search engine at the request and the real one is different, and this site is your competitor, tell the search engine about this miracle and you sank the competitor.
Only an idiot can do serious business in such ways.

White text

Or invisible text.
Previously, many people put text, consisting of a long list of phrases consisting of popular requests to your site, and that it was not visible (who needs garbage on the page), made it the same color with the background.

This method increases the number of requests.
Today it is very easy to recognize by search engines and the site is blocked.
In addition, pages with a large amount of text are poorly indexed, the less text, the greater the weight of each word.

- American firm for the production of canned meat known for its annoying advertising. The name of this company called unwanted e-mail messages.
March 5, 1994, the law firm Canter and Siegel published in the news Usenet groups the first message with the advertisement of their own services, this is the first spam.

This method is practically not punishable. But what does it give?
  1. Earnings for companies offering spam mailing
  2. Someone does not care, yes answer.
The efficiency is very weak:
  • Some of the letters go to outdated or nonexistent addresses.
  • No one is reading the vast majority of these emails, they are simply filtered.
  • Those that leak out are simply deleted as garbage.
  • And only a small percentage is read.
There is a good alternative - mailing. The main plus - they are carefully read.
Nepotistic spam

Placing links exclusively for the account of their search engines and thus increasing the values ​​of link popularity, with the aim to influence the position of the site in the search results.

This method is harder to recognize.
  • Invisible links are placed,
  • links are collected on a separate site - "Link-Farm" - faceless "farm sites",
  • Web sites for exchanging links.
But they are nevertheless often recognized. After all, it is clear to whom the links stand. These sites are banned (blocked).
These are not all methods, but others are the same. They are more suitable for adolescents with an inferiority complex.

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