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Country car codes in table

Auto Codes of regions of Russia | Country car codes | Materials for motorists

IVR Code (International Vehicle Registration Code)


Russia International Diplomatic
Australia - 016

Austria - 017

Azerbaijan - 145

Albania - 129

Algeria - 018

Angola - 076

Argentina - 021

Armenia - 138

Afghanistan - 022

Bangladesh - 028

Bahrain - 136

Belarus - 150

Belgium - 008

Benin - 094

Bulgaria - 082

Bolivia - 024

Bosnia and Herzegovina - 155

Brazil - 025

Brunei - 159

Burkina Faso - 057

Burundi - 026

Vatican - 131

United Kingdom - 001

Hungary - 083

Venezuela - 054

Vietnam - 084

Gabon - 095

Guyana - 096

Gambia - 160

Ghana - 027

Guatemala - 154

Guinea - 029

Guinea-Bissau - 080

Germany - 002

Greece - 009

Georgia - 158

Denmark - 010

Democratic Republic of Congo - 077

Egypt - 019

Zambia - 030

Zimbabwe - 115

Yemen - 105

Israel - 127

India - 032

Indonesia - 033

Jordan - 034

Iraq - 035

Iran - 036

Ireland - 037

Iceland - 038

Spain - 006

Italy - 011

Cape Verde - 113

Kazakhstan - 153

Cambodia - 039

Cameroon - 079

Canada - 003

Qatar - 121

Kenya - 040

Cyprus - 041

China - 090

North Korea - 124

Colombia - 078

Congo - 042

Korea, South Korea - 087

Costa Rica - 043

Ivory Coast - 117

Cuba - 088

Kuwait - 044

Kyrgizstan - 143

Laos - 045

Latvia - 135

Liberia - 046

Lebanon - 047

Libya - 048

Lithuania - 132

Luxembourg - 012

Mauritius - 162

Mauritania - 097

Madagascar - 098

North Macedonia - 128

Malaysia - 099

Mali - 049

Malta - 112

Mexico - 051

Mozambique - 109

Moldova - 147

Mongolia - 089

Myanmar - 023

Namibia - 118

Nepal - 052

Niger - 100

Nigeria - 053

Netherlands - 013

Nicaragua - 108

New Zealand - 055

Norway - 014

United Arab Emirates - 116

Oman - 120

Pakistan - 056

Palestinian Territories - 107

Panama - 126

Paraguay - 157

Peru - 031

Poland - 086

Portugal - 081

Rwanda - 020

Romania - 091

Saudi Arabia - 140

Senegal - 058

Serbia - 093

Singapore - 101

Syria - 133

Slovakia - 149

Slovenia - 141

Somalia - 060

Sudan - 061

United States of America - 004

Sierra Leone - 062

Tajikistan - 151

Thailand - 063

Tanzania - 064

Togo - 102

Tunisia - 065

Turkmenistan - 152

Turkey - 015

Uganda - 066

Uzbekistan - 142

Ukraine - 146

Uruguay - 067

Philippines - 068

Finland - 069

France - 007

Croatia - 144

Central African Republic - 103

Chad - 071

Czech Republic - 148

Chile - 125

Switzerland - 072

Sweden - 073

Sri Lanka - 070

Ecuador - 074

Equatorial Guinea - 110

Eritrea - 156

Estonia - 134

Ethiopia - 075

South Africa - 137

Jamaica - 104

Japan - 005

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