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The Beatles Lyrics, album "I Wanna Be Santa Claus"

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Cover of the Beatles album - "I Wanna Be Santa Claus"
Come On Christmas, Christmas Come On
(Richard Starkey, Mark Hudson and Dean Grakal)
Winter Wonderland
(Felix Bernard and Richard B. Smith)
I Wanna Be Santa Claus
(Richard Starkey, Mark Hudson and Dick Monda)
The Little Drummer Boy
(Harry Simeone, Henry Onorati and Katherine K. Davis)
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
(Johnny Marks)
Christmas Eve
(Richard Starkey and Mark Hudson)
The Christmas Dance
(Richard Starkey, Mark Hudson, Jim Cox and Steve Dudas)
Christmas Time (Is Here Again)
(George Harrison, John Lennon, Paul McCartney and Richard Starkey)
Blue Christmas
(Billy Hayes and Jay W. Johnson)
White Christmas
(Irving Berlin)
Pax Um Biscum (Peace Be with You)
(Richard Starkey, Mark Hudson and cott Gordon)

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