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Beatles songs, Sun King

Sun King

(John Lennon – John Lennon and Paul McCartney)

Albums in which the song is present

   1969 - Abbey Road

JOHN 1969: 'We just started joking, you know, singing `quando para mucho.´ So we just made up… Paul knew a few Spanish words from school, you know.
So we just strung any Spanish words that sounded vaguely like something.
And of course we got `chicka ferdy´ in. That´s a Liverpool expression.
Just like sort of – it doesn´t mean anything to me but (childish taunting) `na-na, na-na-na!´ `Cake and eat it´ is another nice line too, because they have that in Spanish – 'Que' or something, and eat it.'

JOHN 1980: 'That's a piece of garbage I had around.'

GEORGE 1987: 'At the time, 'Albatross' (by Fleetwood Mac) was out, with all the reverb on guitar.
So we said, 'Let's be Fleetwood Mac doing Albatross, just to get going.' It never really sounded like Fleetwood Mac… but that was the point of origin.'

Here comes the Sun King
Here comes the Sun King
Everybody's laughing
Everybody's happy
Here comes the Sun King

Quando paramucho mi amore de felice carathon
Mundo paparazzi mi amore cicce verdi parasol
Questo abrigado tantamucho que canite carousel

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