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I'm trying to make friends outside Facebook using the same principles.

Therefore, every day I walk the streets and tell passersby what I ate, how I feel at the moment, what I did last night, what I'll do next, and with whom.

I give them photos of my family, my dog, about my garden, about how I threw the trash out of the garage, how I cleaned, where I walked, where I went, what I ate, and how I did everything that everyone and everywhere do.

I also tried to listen to their conversations, showed them my thumb, and told them how I liked it.

And it worked just like in Facebook! I already have 4 folowers (followers) who follow me: two policemen, a private detective and a psychiatrist.

This video depicts a person's life through Facebook. Very similar.

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reliable site
English - Russian

Owner: Meta,

Uses: Facebook.

address: USA, Менло-Парк, 1 Hacker Way, CA 94025


A leading social network.
A beautiful engine, constantly evolving and growing with new functions, the number of which can not be compared to any service.

For example,

  1. integration with YouTube - you can easily transfer your video album.
  2. integration with gmail and other leading mail services,,, yahoo, ...) - you can easily find out, Has anyone registered in your address book on Facebook.
  3. Integration with Skype - m You can add friends from your address book and view the latest messages from your friends on Skype, which you can immediately answer.
  4. Integration with Yandex - On the start page of Yandex, you can add a widget with the latest Facebook news, which can be immediately answered.
  5. integration with Twitter - you send messages to Twitter, And they automatically appear on your Facebook. So you can write on Facebook via mobile by sending SMS.
Another thing to say is that not so long ago the network opened up for all comers.
  1. We go in,
  2. enter your email, password, facebook explores your address book and tells you which of your friends already has a Facebook entry and you can invite them to your friends.
You can have a photo album, create groups, or join by region or by interest.

There is a wall (the wall) For visitor records.

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