Internet review - Lite Web-master Graphics Games Freeware Time Christmas Bible
Sport Football Hockey Games

World hockey championships - Latvia

Gold - 0
Silver - 0
Bronze - 1

2024 - 9 place
2023 - 3 place
2022 - 10 place
2021 - 11 place
2019 - 10 place
2018 - 8 place
2017 - 10 place
2016 - 13 place
2015 - 13 place
2014 - 11 place
2013 - 11 place
2012 - 10 place
2011 - 13 place
2010 - 11 place
2009 - 7 place
2008 - 11 place
2007 - 13 place
2006 - 10 place
2005 - 9 place
2004 - 7 place
2003 - 9 place
2002 - 11 place
2001 - 13 place
2000 - 8 place
1999 - 11 place
1998 - 9 place
1997 - 7 place
1939 - 10 place
1938 - 11 place
1936 - 14 place
1935 - 13 place
1933 - 10 place

Summary table All places

Individual trophies
Most Valuable Player Best players Symbolic team Snipers Scorers

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