TyposquattingTyposquatting Registration of domain names that are close to writing with the addresses of popular sites in the calculation of the error of some users. For example, wwwlenta.ru In the calculation for the user who wanted to get to 'www.lenta.ru'. With proximity to very popular domains, a typos can create on its website a certain percentage of 'missed' visitors and earn money by advertising.
Does it harm anyone? And why is this considered a variation of cybersquatting? After all cybersquatting captures domain names and firms have to redeem a domain name or sue. Typosquatting is simply "basking in the rays of glory" or eating crumbs falling from the owners' table. On Microsoft does not agree with this and sues people who bought a whole group of domain names consonant with Windows products. Reasons
International domain auctions
Russian domain auctions
Reselling Domain
Domain disputes
Not to lose