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Time Feasts Counter


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5 FebruaryExplosive day
Explosions - a full bellies gluttons ready is about to explode. That is supposedly a glutton before Lent harvested for future use meat, fat and flour products, the prohibition on fasting.
21 Februaryfat Tuesday (Laskiainen)
Holiday Carnival, the eve of Ash Wednesday, marks the beginning of Lent.
28 JanuaryCarnival (Апокриес)
The three-week carnival - Greek Carnival. The name "apokries" takes on the season when farmers ended meat:. "Apo kreas" - "without meat"
11 MarchMaslenitsa
Carnival - a holiday which has remained since pagan times. It is noted in the week before the Grand postom.Obychay celebrate Carnival dates back to ancient times - from Greek and Roman saturnalia and bacchanalia.
24 FebruaryMaslenitsa
Carnival - a holiday which has remained since pagan times. It is noted in the week before the Grand postom.Obychay celebrate Carnival dates back to ancient times - from Greek and Roman saturnalia and bacchanalia.
13 MarchForgiveness Sunday
The last day of Pancake - Forgiveness Sunday, or wires. Ends with a walk on the ice slides make fires to melt the ice, the cold kill.