Help or fundraising
There are situations in life when you can not cope on your own, when you need help and outside, when you really need money. In this situation, the Internet can very much help, if you use it wisely. Of course, someone makes a website, advertises everywhere, spoils, writes tearful letters and asks for help. And this can have a limited effect. For example, I do not react to such letters. What is the probability that I'm not being manipulated, that this is their situation, and not another fraudulent letter? But if someone really dies without urgent help. Then advice, do not spam, but write to friends and friends and ask them to ask their friends and acquaintances. By the way, in USA people try to help in any situation. And they give for $5- $10. Not for $100 and not for $1000. So it's faster to type the right amount. Or you can go to a well-established fund. But you can not only ask for help, but also participate. It is possible to help worthy trust funds or begging if it is not manipulation. Russian Russianemail: info@ktoeslineya.ru phone.: +7 (495) 995-97-05 address: Russia, Москва, 125009, Большой Гнездниковский пер, д. 7, 1 этаж Who if not meho, if not not me? Charity fund
Children's charity fund "Who if not I?" Provides real charitable help to orphanages in Tver, Voronezh, Kaluga, Moscow regions and other regions of Russia. One From the programs of a charitable online project - My Teacher, see below. Russian English - Russianemail: pomogi@gmail.com phone.: +7 (499) 250-02-44, + 7 (903) 777-6553 address: Russia, Москва, 125047 1-й Тверской-Ямской пер., д. 18. Станция метро «Маяковская» HelpThe charity Internet fund "Pomogi.Org" unites the efforts of Internet users in different countries for the most effective collection and distribution of targeted donations for acute and urgent social and medical needs (operations, expensive treatment courses, assistance to children's and medical institutions in Russia).
The Foundation provides assistance to those in need, regardless of their age, disease, place of registration and citizenship. All reporting of collected and distributed funds is published Online. The main motto of the fund is "From every donated ruble to the needy it reaches 100 cents." All expenses of the fund are financed by special contributions of the friends of the fund for salaries, rent, and telephone charges. Major programs
The staff of the fund now has four employees. The fund's trusteeship council includes leading Internet sites that support us, Known philanthropists and cultural figures. The Foundation operates on the basis of the statutory documents, which can be found on the website. | We throw off Search investment Beggars Charity Fundraising with ЮMoney Free services free of charge Yandex - collect good works Book Buyback |