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Project/Production... Option++N
Sequence... +N
Bin +/
Title... +T
Open Project/Production... +O
Browse in Adobe Bridge... Option++O
Close Project Shift++W
Close +W
Save +S
Save As... Shift++S
Save a Copy... Option++S
Capture... F5
Batch Capture... F6
Import from Media Browser Option++I
Import... +I
Media... +M
Selection... Shift++H


Undo +Z
Redo Shift++Z
Cut +X
Copy +C
Paste +V
Paste Insert Shift++V
Paste Attributes Option++V
Clear Delete
Ripple Delete Shift+Delete
Duplicate Shift++/
Select All +A
Deselect All Shift++A
Find... +F
Edit Original +E
Keyboard Shortcuts +Option+K


Make Subclip... +U
Audio Channels... Shift+G
Speed/Duration... +R
Insert ,
Overwrite .
Enable Shift++E
Link +l
Group +G
Ungroup Shift++G


Render Effects in WorkArea/In to Out Return
Match Frame F
Reverse Match Frame Shift+R
Add Edit +K
Add Edit to All Tracks Shift++K
Trim Edit T
Extend Selected Edit toPlayhead E
Apply Video Transition +D
Apply Audio Transition Shift++D
Apply Default Transitionsto Selection Shift+D
Lift ;
Extract '
Zoom In =
Zoom Out -
Next in Sequence Shift+;
Previous in Sequence Option+;
Snap S


Mark In I
Mark Out O
Mark Clip X
Mark Selection /
Go to In Shift+I
Go to Out Shift+O
Clear In Option+I
Clear Out Option+O
Clear In and Out Option+X
Add Marker M
Go to Next Marker Shift+M
Go to Previous Marker Shift++M
Clear Current Marker Option+M
Clear All Markers Option++M
Left Shift++L
Center Shift++C
Right Shift++R
Tab Stops... Shift++T
Templates... +J
Next Object Above Option++]
Next Object Below Option++[
Bring to Front Shift++]
Bring Forward +]
Send to Back Shift++[
Send Backward +[


Reset CurrentWorkspace... Option+Shift+0
Audio Clip Mixer Shift+9
Audio Track Mixer Shift+6
Effect Controls Shift+5
Effects Shift+7
Media Browser Shift+8
Program Monitor Shift+4
Project Shift+1
Source Monitor Shift+2
Timelines Shift+3
Show/hide application title +


Adobe Premiere ProHelp... F1
Clear Poster Frame Option+P
Cut to Camera 1 Ctrl+1
Cut to Camera 2 Ctrl+2
Cut to Camera 3 Ctrl+3
Cut to Camera 4 Ctrl+4
Cut to Camera 5 Ctrl+5
Cut to Camera 6 Ctrl+6
Cut to Camera 7 Ctrl+7
Cut to Camera 8 Ctrl+8
Cut to Camera 9 Ctrl+9
Decrease Clip Volume [
Decrease Clip Volume Many Shift+[
Expand All Tracks Shift+=
Export Frame Shift+E
Extend Next Edit ToPlayhead Shift+W
Extend Previous Edit ToPlayhead Shift+Q


Show/Hide Tracks... Option++T
Loop +L
Meter Input Only Ctrl+Shift+I
Record Video V
Record Audio A
Eject E
Fast Forward F
Go to In point Q
Go to Out point W
Record G
Rewind R
Step Back
Step Forward
Stop S
Remove Selected Effect Delete
New Custom Bin +/
Delete Custom Item Delete
Step Backward
Delete Delete
Open in Source Monitor Shift+O
Parent Directory +
Select Directory List Shift+
Select Media List Shift+
Play Spacebar
Go to Next Edit Point
Go to Previous Edit Point
Play/Stop Toggle Spacebar
Record On/Off Toggle 0


Selection Tool V
Track Select Tool A
Ripple Edit Tool B
Rolling Edit Tool N
Rate Stretch Tool R
Razor Tool C
Slip Tool Y
Slide Tool U
Pen Tool P
Hand Tool H
Zoom Tool Z
Go to Next Edit Point
Go to Next Edit Point on Any Track Shift+
Go to Previous Edit Point
Go to Previous Edit Point on Any Track
Go to Selected Clip End Shift+End
Go to Selected Clip Start Shift+Home
Go to Sequence-Clip End End
Go to Sequence-Clip Start Home
Increase Clip Volume ]
Increase Clip Volume Many Shift+]
Maximize or Restore Active Frame Shift+`
Maximize or Restore Frame Under Cursor `
Minimize All Tracks Shift+-
Play Around Shift+K
Play In to Out Option+K
Play In to Out with Preroll/Postroll Shift+Spacebar
Play from Playhead to Out Point Ctrl+Spacebar
Play-Stop Toggle SpaceRecord Voiceover
Reveal Nested Sequence Shift+T
Ripple Trim Next Edit To Playhead W
Ripple Trim Previous Edit To Playhead Q
Select Camera 1 1
Select Camera 2 2
Select Camera 3 3
Select Camera 4 4
Select Camera 5 5
Select Camera 6 6
Select Camera 7 7
Select Camera 8 8
Select Camera 9 9
Select Find Box Shift+F
Select Clip at Playhead D
Select Next Clip +
Select Next Panel Ctrl+Shift+.
Select Previous Clip +
Select Previous Panel Ctrl+Shift+,
Set Poster Frame +P
Shuttle Left J
Shuttle Right L
Shuttle Slow Left Shift+J
Shuttle Slow Right Shift+L
Shuttle Stop K
Step Back
Step Back Five Frames - Units Shift+
Step Forward
Step Forward Five Frames - Units Shift+
Toggle All Audio Targets +9
Toggle All Source Audio Option++9
Toggle All Source Video Option++0
Toggle All Video Targets +0
Toggle Audio During Scrubbing Shift+S
Toggle Full Screen Ctrl+`
Toggle Multi-Camera View Shift+0
Toggle Trim Type Ctrl+T
Trim Backward Option+
Trim Backward Many Option+Shift+
Trim Forward Option+
Trim Forward Many Option+Shift+
Trim Next Edit to Playhead Option+W
Trim Previous Edit to Playhead Option+Q
Workspace 1 Option+Shift+1
Workspace 2 Option+Shift+2
Workspace 3 Option+Shift+3
Workspace 4 Option+Shift+4
Workspace 5 Option+Shift+5
Workspace 6 Option+Shift+6
Workspace 7 Option+Shift+7
Workspace 8 Option+Shift+8
Workspace 9 Option+Shift+9
Zoom to Sequence \
Extend Selection Up
Move Selection Down
Move Selection End End
Move Selection Home Home
Move Selection Left
Move Selection PageDown PageDown
Move Selection Page Up PageUp
Move Selection Right
Move Selection Up
Next Column Field Tab
Next Row Field Return
Open in Source Monitor Shift+O
Previous Column Field Shift+Tab
Previous Row Field Shift+Return
Thumbnail Size Next Shift+]
Thumbnail Size Previous Shift+[
Toggle View Shift+\
Clear Selection Delete
Decrease Audio Tracks Height Option+-
Decrease Video Tracks Height +-
Increase Audio Tracks Height Option+=
Increase Video Tracks Height +=
Nudge Clip Selection Left Five Frames Shift++
Nudge Clip Selection Left One Frame +
Nudge Clip Selection Right Five Frames Shift++
Nudge Clip Selection Right One Frame +
Ripple Delete Option+Delete
Set Work Area Bar In Point Option+[
Set Work Area Bar Out Point Option+]
Show Next Screen PageDown
Show Previous Screen PageUp
Slide Clip Selection Left Five Frames Option+Shift+,
Slide Clip Selection Left One Frame Option+,
Slide Clip Selection Right Five Frames Option+Shift+.
Slide Clip Selection Right One Frame Option+.
Slip Clip Selection Left Five Frames Option+Shift++
Slip Clip Selection Left One Frame Option++
Slip Clip Selection Right Five Frames Option+Shift++
Slip Clip Selection Right One Frame Option++
Arc Tool A
Bold +B
Decrease Kerning by Five Units Option+Shift+
Decrease Kerning by One Unit Option+
Decrease Leading by Five Units Option+Shift+
Decrease Leading by One Unit Option+
Decrease Text Size by Five Points Option+Shift++
Decrease Text Size by One Point Option++
Ellipse Tool E
Increase Kerning by Five Units Option+Shift+
Increase Kerning by One Unit Option+
Increase Leading by Five Units Option+
Increase Leading by One Unit Option+
Increase Text Size by Five Points Option+Shift++
Increase Text Size by One Point Option++
Insert Copyright Symbol Option+Shift++C
Insert Registered Symbol Option+Shift++R
Italic +I
Line Tool L
Nudge Selected Object Down by Five Pixels Shift+
Nudge Selected Object Down by One Pixel
Nudge Selected Object Left by Five Pixels Shift+
Nudge Selected Object Left by One Pixel
Nudge Selected Object Right by Five Pixels Shift+
Nudge Selected Object Right by One Pixel
Nudge Selected Object Up by Five Pixels
Nudge Selected Object Up by One Pixel
Position Objects to Bottom Title Safe Margin Shift++D
Position Objects to Left Title Safe Margin Shift++F
Position Objects to Top Title Safe Margin Shift++O
Rectangle Tool R
Rotation Tool O
Type Tool T
Underline +U
Vertical Type Tool C
Wedge Tool W
Focus Both Outgoing and Incoming Option+1
Focus on Incoming Side Option+3
Focus on Outgoing Side Option+2
Loop +L
Trim Backward by Large Trim Offset Option+Shift+
Trim Backward by One Frame Option+
Trim Forward by Large Trim Offset Option+Shift+
Trim Forward by One Frame Option+
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