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Archive of the dead in WWII

  1. отечестворт.рф - Association Fatherland of the Republic of Tatarstan - Information about the war dead, whose remains have been identified.
  2. - РГАВМФ - The Russian State Navy Archives.
  3. - PermGASPI - Database on the site of the Perm State Archive of Modern History, which includes basic biographical information on former Red Army soldiers (natives of the Perm Krai or called up for military service from the Kama region), who are
  4. - The feat of the people - Publicly available electronic bank of documents on awarded and rewarded documents from the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.
  5. - Forgotten Regiment - Information about Soviet and Russian soldiers missing in the wars of the 20th century (including the pages "The Great Patriotic War" and "Unwrapped awards").
  6. - Remember us! - Photos and descriptions of military burials.
  7. - Workers' and Peasants' Red Army
  8. - Ministry of Defense Central Archives.
  9. - Russian Geographical Society

Electronic Memory Books

  1. - Rostov region memory book
  2. - The memory book of Soviet soldiers - Information about every hero who gave his life for our Motherland in the territory of the present Kaliningrad region.
  3. - Book of Memory Kremnik - Search for the dead and missing in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945
  4. - Crimean virtual necropolis
  5. - E-book of memory of Ukraine
  6. - Memory Books - By regions of Russia, with direct references and annotation.
  7. - Searching for a person in the consolidated database - The book of memory of the Russian Federation, for today 4.5 million names of the lost soldiers (full name, year and a birthplace, a call place, a rank, date and a place of departure).
  8. - Memory Book of the Tver Region
  9. - Volgograd region electronic book of memory
  10. - Memorable Book - Victory Soldiers - Electronic memory book of Ulyanovsk region
  11. - People's Encyclopedia My Krasnoyarsk - Krasnoyarsk Krai Memorial Book, 1st volume
  12. - Book of Memory - Website of the Division of Education, Storytelling
  13. - Book of Memory - г. Staraia Russa, Novgorod region
  14. - Book of Memory - д. Zalkovo (Rzhev)
  15. - Information about the dead in the Kaliningrad region - Book of memory of the Kaliningrad region (volumes 2-5, 18, 19).
  16. - Electronic Memory Book of Ukraine (Nikolaev region)
  17. - Book of Memory - 552 prisoners of war who died in Bila Tserkva.
  18. - Book of Memory of Karakalpakstan
logo Immortal regiment

Immortal regiment

Today everyone knows what the Immortal Regiment is.
This is when we carry a photo of our relative - a member of the Second World War.

But this is only once a year and I would like some kind of continuation.
This site allows you to post information about our veterans.

We indicate the dislocation, rank, dates of birth - death. And we see who else fought together.

The site also allows you to actively participate in this movement.

In Russian
state site
English - Russian

Owner: Russian Ministry of Defense,

address: Russia

Memory of the People

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and ELAR Corporation represent the world's largest Internet portal of original documents about the Second World War of 1939-1945 and the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Search for primary burial sites and documents about awards, about service, about victories and deprivations on the battlefields.

logo WGWA


logo HBS Memorial

HBS Memorial

The generalized databank contains information on the defenders of the Fatherland, who died and were missing during the Great Patriotic War and the post-war period.

To date, 11.8 million digital copies of documents on irreversible losses of the period of the Great Patriotic War from 35 980 archives of the Central Committee of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, TsVMA, RGVA, GA RF, regional archives of Rosarkhiv and 31 590 passports of military graves of existing military burial sites in and outside the Russian Federation.

There are about 26 million records in the HBS (not to be confused With a total of M. Combat losses - 8.5 million.)

Comparing information from all these sources will complement and refine the data from the source - front-line reports of losses.

In addition, wide access to information about the victims and Disappeared warriors through Internet documentary refutes the falsification of pseudo-historians regarding the number of losses of the Soviet Army during the Great Patriotic War.

In Russian
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