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Christian movies

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Abraham and Isaac

Abraham and Isaac

Original title: Abraham and Isaac

1992 - USA
Cartoon - family, biography, history, biblical

Tell's of the Story of Abraham and Isaac found in the Bible.

Joseph in Egypt

Joseph in Egypt

Original title: Joseph in Egypt

1992 - USA
Cartoon - family, biography, history, biblical

Tells the story of Joseph from the Bible, when he was sent to Egypt by his brothers, and met Pharaoh.

Samuel the Boy Prophet

Samuel the Boy Prophet

Original title: Samuel the Boy Prophet

1993 - USA
Cartoon - family, biography, history, biblical

Eli, the high priest of Israel, knowingly disobeys the Lord, and he and his sons are punished. Hannah fulfills her promise to God, and gives up her son to His service. In return, God blesses Hannah by making her son, Samuel, the chosen Prophet of the people of Israel. At the tabernacle of Ark of the Covenant, Hannah prays for a son. She promises God that she will offer the boy up to His service. Eli, the high priest, overhears her prayer and sends her off with vague promises. Eli's sons abuse their position and steal from those who come to offer sacrifice. One night, ...



Original title: Elijah

1993 - USA
Cartoon - family, biography, history, biblical

Ahab, a great king of the Israelites, has fallen under the spell of Jezebel, a daughter of the King of the Sidonians. He has rejected the Israelites' God and embraced Jezebel's religion: the worship of the idol Baal. At Jezebel's command, Ahab has ordered the execution of the prophets of Israel, replacing them with Baal's false prophets. But one man, Elijah, filled with power of the true God, directly challenges Ahab and Jezebel. He pronounces God's curse. " No rain will fall on Israel until the people reject Baal and return to God. As the God of Israel liveth no rain...



Original title: Daniel

1993 - USA
Cartoon - family, biography, history, biblical

Nebuchadnezzar orders that all Hebrew boys be brought to his palace in Babylon. Daniel, along with Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, are captured and taken to the palace. They are to be trained alongside Babylonian boys to become wise men and are given Babylonian names. David demands that the Israelites be given their own food, and they become much healthier than their Babylonian counterparts. God gives Daniel and his friends great wisdom. To Daniel, God gives the special power to interpret dreams. The King has frightening dream and when Daniel interprets the dream, the...



Original title: Esther

1993 - USA
Cartoon - family, biography, history, biblical

Mordecai, a Hebrew, is the gatekeeper at the palace of a great Babylonian king. A woman brings him an orphaned infant girl named Esther. Mordecai raises her as his own daughter, devoutly praying that God care for her. Years pass, and Esther has grown into a kind and beautiful young woman. King Xerxes has ascended to the Babylonian throne, with the evil Haman as his principal adviser. Xerxes has banished his wife, and sends for all of the young women in the kingdom so that he may choose a new wife. At first Mordecai is reluctant to send Esther to Xerxes. But God has ...

Moses: From Birth to Burning Bush

Moses: From Birth to Burning Bush

Original title: Moses: From Birth to Burning Bush

1993 - USA
Cartoon - family, biography, history, biblical



Original title: Elisha

1994 - USA
Cartoon - family, biography, history, biblical

Elisha, a young man, works hard on his father's prosperous farm, a farm which he will some day inherit. When the prophet Elijah visits Elisha and tells him that he will be the new prophet of Israel, Elisha, obedient to God, leaves the farm to follow Elijah. Elijah teaches his new student, knowing that his days on earth are few. Despite Elijah's efforts, the kings of Israel continue to worship idols and not the living God. In Elijah and Elisha's wanderings, they come to the River Jordan. Elijah spreads his mantle on the waters, and God parts the river so that the …

The Story of Ruth

The Story of Ruth

Original title: The Story of Ruth

1994 - USA
Cartoon - family, biography, history, biblical

A famine has destroyed the farm of Elimelech of Bethlehem, driving him and his wife Naomi to the land of Moab. There, with the help of their two sons, they do well for a time, and the sons marry Gentile women of the region, Orpah, and the good and beautiful Ruth. But tragedy strikes the family once again. Within a short period of time, Elimelech and his two sons die. The three women are left widowed and alone. Naomi decides to return to Bethlehem. Knowing that Gentiles would not be welcome there, she tells Orpah and Ruth to return to their families. Orpah does so, but…

David and Goliath

David and Goliath

Original title: David and Goliath

1995 - USA
Cartoon - family, biography, history, biblical

Saul, king of Israel, struggles to do as the Lord commands. Through the Prophet Samuel, the Lord commands Saul destroy the Amalekites and kill all their animals. Saul refuses to kill their animals, saying they will be offered as a sacrifice. Samuel tells the arrogant Saul that obedience is more important than sacrifice and tells Saul that for disobeying Gods's command, Saul will lose his Kingdom. Samuel visits Jesse, a shepherd with eight sons. He tells Jesse that the Lord has a need for one of them. Jesse introduces his sons including David, the youngest. God tells …



Original title: Solomon

1995 - USA
Cartoon - family, biography, history, biblical

King David was renowned for his wisdom. On his deathbed, he anoints his younger son, Solomon, to be King of Israel. Solomon's older brother tries to wrest away the crown. But Solomon displays God-given wisdom and courage when he confronts his brother, saying, "If I must be king I will not live in fear. Kill me now if that is your plan, or else go home and never challenge God's will again." Faced with Solomon's courage, his brother says he will obey God's will. Solomon prays to God for the wisdom of King David, confiding, "I feel no wiser than a little child." The Lord…

Joseph's Reunion

Joseph's Reunion

Original title: Joseph's Reunion

1995 - USA
Cartoon - family, biography, history, biblical

The classic story from the Bible of Joseph in Egypt, reuniting with his brothers and his Father.

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