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Best Russian movies

The Diamond Arm

The Diamond Arm

1968 - USSR
Film - comedy, crime, adventure, family

Semyon Gorbunkov goes on a cruise. In Istanbul, he slips and breaks his arm. What he didn't know is that this was a signal for a gang of smugglers (a real smuggler - Gena - was also on board the same ship). So his arm gets bandaged with gold and diamonds. After he returns home, the gangsters are trying to get their stuff back, while the police try to catch them using Gorbunkov and his arm.


The Caucasian Captive, or Shurik's New Adventures

The Caucasian Captive, or Shurik's New Adventures

1966 - USSR
Film - melodrama, comedy, adventure, family, music

In this comic story, nerdy Shurik travels to the Caucasus in search of native legends and folklore. But what he finds is a beautiful girl whom, due to intoxication and deceit of the local "gang", he ends up literally stealing for the local deceitful governor. All the time Shurik thinks that it is all just a one old Caucasian custom. When he, finally, realizes what he did he goes out in search for the girl of his dreams.


Foreign Best Movies Action Cinema-fiction Comedy comedies Movies about sports Cooking Movies Music and Dance Movies Romantic movies Fairytale movies Domestic Russian Soviet Cartoons Cartoons Christmas Foreign movies Movies domestic Short animat

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