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Best Russian movies

Cruel romance

Cruel romance

1984 - USSR
Film - drama, melodrama

Cinematographic adaptation of classical Russian play "Dowry-less" by A. Ostrovsky. Noble but poor widow seeks to arrange marriage for her three daughters. She maintains "open house" or provincial form of salon hoping to attract gentlemen well-off enough to marry for love to a dowry-less.


Love and pigeons

Love and pigeons

1984 - USSR
Film - melodrama, comedy

Injured on the job Vasily Kuzyakin gets a ticket to the resort. There he meets femme fatale Raisa Zakharovna, and once under the charm, moves to live with her. Unfortunately, a new life is not all that sweet as dreamed hapless Vasily.


Love Formula

Love Formula

1984 - USSR
Telefilm - melodrama, comedy

A young aristocrat, Aleksei Fedyashev, is languishing in his family's country estate, spending his days reading poetry and confessing his love... to a statue. Upon hearing that famous Count Cagliostro is touring Russia and has created quite a buzz in high society with his "magic", he decides to ask the Count to bring the statue to life…


Foreign Best Movies Action Cinema-fiction Comedy comedies Movies about sports Cooking Movies Music and Dance Movies Romantic movies Fairytale movies Domestic Russian Soviet Cartoons Cartoons Christmas Foreign movies Movies domestic Short animat

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