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Best movies

Miss Congeniality

Miss Congeniality

Original title: Miss Congeniality

2000 - USA
Film - thriller, comedy, crime

An FBI agent must go undercover in the Miss United States beauty pageant to prevent a group from bombing the event.


The Whole Nine Yards

The Whole Nine Yards

Original title: The Whole Nine Yards

2000 - USA
Film - thriller, comedy, crime

A struggling dentist's life is turned upside down when a famous gangster moves in next door, and his wife convinces him to inform a notorious mob boss about the gangster's whereabouts.


Mission: Impossible II

Mission: Impossible II

Original title: Mission: Impossible II

2000 - USA, Germany
Film - thriller, thriller, adventure

A secret agent is sent to Sydney, to find and destroy a genetically modified disease called "Chimera".


The 6th Day

The 6th Day

Original title: The 6th Day

2000 - USA
Film - fantastic, thriller, thriller, detective

Futuristic action about a man who meets a clone of himself and stumbles into a grand conspiracy about clones taking over the world.



Original title: X-Men

2000 - USA
Film - fantastic, thriller, adventure

Two mutants come to a private academy for their kind whose resident superhero team must oppose a terrorist organization with similar powers.


Time Share

Time Share

Original title: Time Share

2000 - USA
Film - melodrama, comedy

Two single parents - male and female - along with their kids have to involuntarily share a house for their holidays.


Foreign Best Movies Action Cinema-fiction Comedy comedies Movies about sports Cooking Movies Music and Dance Movies Romantic movies Fairytale movies Domestic Russian Soviet Cartoons Cartoons Christmas Foreign movies Movies domestic Short animat

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