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Best Christmas movies

Ironiya sudby, ili S lyogkim parom!

Ironiya sudby, ili S lyogkim parom!

1975 - USSR
Film - melodrama, comedy

A group of old friends have a tradition of going to a public bathing house on New Years eve. Incidentally, too much vodka and beer makes two of them unconscious. The problem is that one of them (Sasha) has to go to Leningrad but another one (Zhenya) goes. Zhenya wakes up at Leningrad airport. Believing that he is still in Moscow he takes a taxi and goes home. The street name, building and even apartment number, the way an apartment complex looks the same and the key coincide completely - just typical Soviet-type 'economy' architecture. Imagine the surprise of Nadya when she enters her apartment and finds a man without trousers in her bed. What's more - Nadya's fiancé also finds him there…

Новогодние приключения Маши и Вити

Новогодние приключения Маши и Вити

1975 - USSR
Telefilm - fantasy, family, music


Kak ezhik i medvezhonok vstrechali noviy god

Kak ezhik i medvezhonok vstrechali noviy god

1975 - USSR
Short cartoon - children

In the New Year's Eve one of the friends discovers his gift of reincarnation.

Foreign Best Movies Action Cinema-fiction Comedy comedies Movies about sports Cooking Movies Music and Dance Movies Romantic movies Fairytale movies Domestic Russian Soviet Cartoons Cartoons Christmas Foreign movies Movies domestic Short animat

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