Panoramas to the site English reliable site English - English Owner: Google, Uses: Google maps. address:
USA, Маунтин-Вью, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, 94043Google Street View
In order to embed a panorama on a site,
These attractions can be viewed not only on the map, they are collected in one place. Russian reliable site English - Russian Owner: Yandex, Uses: Yandex.Maps.email: ya-events@yandex.ru phone.:8 800 234-24-80 (Russian Customers toll-free) address: Russia, Москва, 119021, ул. Льва Толстого, д. 16 Yandex maps panoramasYandex.Maps made it possible to insert a panorama to your site.
How does it work?
Russian English - RussianUses: Google maps.email: info@airpano.ru
phone.: +7 (916) 827-63-07 address: Russia, Москва 1panoramaPanoramas handmade on the map.
If you used the panoramas of Yandex and especially Google, you will find there a lot of jambs, curves of gluing. I looked at the Maidan on Google and was surprised that you can jiggle in the main squares of capitals. Let's also remember the paranoia - covering faces, numbers of cars and even advertisements on buildings. There is a manual work, each panorama is made separately and of course, who will shoot in bad weather? And most importantly - you can create a panorama for free and paste it on your site. But for this you need to download it to this site and take the code. RandCityWhich city to visit?
Click and get a random city. There will not be all the cities in the world, but only those that you should go to. Also we get to the place on the map and the panorama of that place, so more clearly, to understand whether i SfericsPanoramas handmade on the map.
You can create a panorama for free and insert it on your website. But for this you need to download it to this site and take the code. You can take the code and not your panorama. |
Panorama outside
Panoramas on the map
Panorama from the air
Panorama reserves
Panorama inside
Panoramas of hotels
Panorama inside
Virtual museums
Virtual temples
Virtual tour of the aircraft
Video 360º
Panoramic video 360º
Panoramic TV
Gigapixel photo
Gigapixel photos
Gigapixel photo of cities
Gigapixel photo paintings
Gigapixel photo planets