DNS tunesDNS (eng. DNS — Domain Name System) The Internet is a global network of computers and everybody has their own addresses, which consist of a group of digits like, which computers and servers understand, but not the average user, we understand the URL - addresses of the sites where their system, such as YANDEX.ru — Yandex in the zone of RU. We give their addresses, which we understand and special services translate into groups of digits.
Yandex.DNSFree DNS-service, blocking dangerous sites and sites for adults.
Also protects against viruses and fraud. The easiest way to set up Yandex.DNS is through a Wi-Fi access point.
Addresses Yandex.DNS:BasicPredecessed DNS server: Alternative DNS server: Secure Family Google Public DNSCompletely free of charge.
Why would I do that? For faster loading of sites and more stable work of the Internet. I highly recommend just to try. As a reward, Google will get to know you better, but not to steal bank details and steal your money. Google Public DNS Addresses - IPv4:Preferred DNS server: DNS server: Google Public DNS Addresses - IPv6:2001:4860:4860::88882001:4860:4860::8844 OpenDNSAn Internet service that provides public DNS servers.
There is a free mode, fixes typos in the typed addresses, phishing filter. In case of error, the page with the form of search and advertising is displayed, which is disabled on the paid rate. | Internet introduction 10 tips for novice users of Internet Internet for the elderly Email Search on Internet Software Internet money Internet Ethics Start page Disappear with the advent of Internet Random website |