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English English - English

What was going on in the world when I was born?

Specify our birthday and get the information:

  • a popular song for that day,
  • what was playing in movie theaters,
  • what famous people were born on that day.

logo Who was born

Who was born

Which famous person was born on this day?

We go to the site and get a list with small photos of the most famous people who were born today.

You can choose the day yourself, you can look at the year.

English English - English

Uses: YouTube.

address: USA

Song on the Day You Were Born

What was the most popular song at the time you were born?

How it works

  1. Specify the month, day, and year you were born,
  2. get a result - what song and by which artist was number one on that day.
  3. here you can listen to it and see it in the YouTube video offered (not all songs are offered).This can also be applied to a wedding day or the date of another interesting event.

English English - English

You're getting old!

We grow old, this is the name of the site. Enter your date of birth and get all kinds of statistics:

  1. how many days,
  2. how many times we breathed in,
  3. how many heartbeats were in our life,
  4. how many moons you lived,
  5. What happened when you were born and what events in the world are according to your age.
A lot of interesting information.

The site is in English, but on the video a person used a translator built into the browser.

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