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Original text: Bible / 1 Chronicles / Chapter 3

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וְאֵ֤לֶּה H428 הָיוּ֙ H1961 בְּנֵ֣י H1121 דָויִ֔ד H1732 אֲשֶׁ֥ר H834 נֽוֹלַד־H3205ל֖וֹ בְּחֶבְר֑וֹן H2275 הַבְּכ֣וֹר H1060 ׀ אַמְנֹ֗ן H550 לַאֲחִינֹ֙עַם֙ H293 הַיִּזְרְעֵאלִ֔ית H3159 שֵׁנִי֙ H8145 דָּנִיֵּ֔אל H1840 לַאֲבִיגַ֖יִל H26 הַֽכַּרְמְלִֽית׃ H3762 1 Now theseH428 were the sonsH1121 of DavidH1732 whoH834 were bornH3205 to him in Hebron:H2275 the first-born [was] Amnon,H550 by AhinoamH293 the Jezreelitess;H3159 the secondH8145 [was] Daniel,H1840 by AbigailH26 the Carmelitess;H3762 ΚαὶG2532 οὗτοιG3778 ἦσανG1510 υἱοὶG5207 ΔαυιδG1138 οἱG3588 τεχθέντεςG5088 αὐτῷG846 ἐνG1722 Χεβρων· ὁG3588 πρωτότοκοςG4416 ΑμνωνG286 τῇG3588 Αχινααμ τῇG3588 Ιεζραηλίτιδι, ὁG3588 δεύτεροςG1208 ΔανιηλG1158 τῇG3588 Αβιγαια τῇG3588 Καρμηλίᾳ,
הַשְּׁלִשִׁי֙ H7992 לְאַבְשָׁל֣וֹם H53 בֶּֽן־H1121מַעֲכָ֔ה H4601 בַּת־H1323תַּלְמַ֖י H8526 מֶ֣לֶךְ H4428 גְּשׁ֑וּר H1650 הָרְבִיעִ֖י H7243 אֲדֹנִיָּ֥ה H138 בֶן־H1121חַגִּֽית׃ H2294 2 the thirdH7992 [was] AbsalomH53 the sonH1121 of Maacah,H4601 the daughterH1323 of TalmaiH8526 kingH4428 of Geshur;H1650 the fourthH7243 [was] AdonijahH138 the sonH1121 of Haggith;H2294 G3588 τρίτοςG5154 Αβεσσαλωμ υἱὸςG5207 Μωχα θυγατρὸςG2364 Θολμαι βασιλέωςG935 Γεδσουρ, ὁG3588 τέταρτοςG5067 Αδωνια υἱὸςG5207 Αγγιθ,
הַחֲמִישִׁ֥י H2549 שְׁפַטְיָ֖ה H8203 לַאֲבִיטָ֑ל H37 הַשִּׁשִּׁ֥י H8345 יִתְרְעָ֖ם H3507 לְעֶגְלָ֥ה H5698 אִשְׁתּֽוֹ׃ H802 3 the fifthH2549 [was] Shephatiah,H8203 by Abital;H37 the sixthH8345 [was] Ithream,H3507 by his wifeH802 Eglah.H5698 G3588 πέμπτοςG3991 Σαφατια τῆςG3588 Αβιταλ, ὁG3588 ἕκτοςG1622 Ιεθρααμ τῇG3588 Αγλα γυναικὶG1135 αὐτοῦ.G846
שִׁשָּׁה֙ H8337 נֽוֹלַד־H3205ל֣וֹ בְחֶבְר֔וֹן H2275 וַיִּ֨מְלָךְ־H4427שָׁ֔ם H8033 שֶׁ֥בַע H7651 שָׁנִ֖ים H8141 וְשִׁשָּׁ֣ה H8337 חֳדָשִׁ֑ים H2320 וּשְׁלֹשִׁ֤ים H7970 וְשָׁלוֹשׁ֙ H7969 שָׁנָ֔ה H8141 מָלַ֖ךְ H4427 בִּירוּשָׁלִָֽם׃ H3389 ס 4 SixH8337 were bornH3205 to him in Hebron,H2275 and thereH8033 he reignedH4427 sevenH7651 yearsH8141 and sixH8337 months.H2320 And in JerusalemH3389 he reignedH4427 thirty-three years.H8141 ἓξG1803 ἐγεννήθησανG1080 αὐτῷG846 ἐνG1722 Χεβρων, καὶG2532 ἐβασίλευσενG936 ἐκεῖG1563 ἑπτὰG2033 ἔτηG2094 καὶG2532 ἑξάμηνον. καὶG2532 τριάκονταG5144 καὶG2532 τρίαG5140 ἔτηG2094 ἐβασίλευσενG936 ἐνG1722 Ιερουσαλημ,G2419
וְאֵ֥לֶּה H428 נוּלְּדוּ־H3205ל֖וֹ בִּירוּשָׁלָ֑יִם H3389 שִׁ֠מְעָא H8092 וְשׁוֹבָ֞ב H7727 וְנָתָ֤ן H5416 וּשְׁלֹמֹה֙ H8010 אַרְבָּעָ֔ה H702 לְבַת־שׁ֖וּעַ H1340 בַּת־H1323עַמִּיאֵֽל׃ H5988 5 And theseH428 were bornH3205 to him in Jerusalem:H3389 Shimea,H8092 Shobab,H7727 Nathan,H5416 and Solomon,H8010 four,H702 by Bath-shua the daughterH1323 of Ammiel;H5988 καὶG2532 οὗτοιG3778 ἐτέχθησανG5088 αὐτῷG846 ἐνG1722 Ιερουσαλημ·G2419 Σαμαα, Σωβαβ, ΝαθανG3481 καὶG2532 Σαλωμων,G4672 τέσσαρεςG5064 τῇG3588 Βηρσαβεε θυγατρὶG2364 Αμιηλ,
וְיִבְחָ֥ר H2984 וֶאֱלִישָׁמָ֖ע H476 וֶאֱלִיפָֽלֶט׃ H467 6 and Ibhar,H2984 Elishama,H476 Eliphelet,H467 καὶG2532 Ιβααρ καὶG2532 Ελισαμα καὶG2532 Ελιφαλετ
וְנֹ֥גַהּ H5052 וְנֶ֖פֶג H5298 וְיָפִֽיעַ׃ H3309 7 Nogah,H5052 Nepheg,H5298 and Japhia,H3309 καὶG2532 Ναγε καὶG2532 Ναφαγ καὶG2532 Ιανουε
וֶאֱלִישָׁמָ֧ע H476 וְאֶלְיָדָ֛ע H450 וֶאֱלִיפֶ֖לֶט H467 תִּשְׁעָֽה׃ H8672 8 Elishama,H476 Eliada,H450 and Eliphelet,H467 nine.H8672 καὶG2532 Ελισαμα καὶG2532 Ελιαδα καὶG2532 Ελιφαλετ, ἐννέα.G1767
כֹּ֖ל H3605 בְּנֵ֣י H1121 דָוִ֑יד H1732 מִלְּבַ֥ד H905 בְּֽנֵי־H1121פִֽילַגְשִׁ֖ים H6370 וְתָמָ֥ר H8559 אֲחוֹתָֽם׃ H269 פ 9 AllH3605 [these were] the sonsH1121 of David,H1732 besidesH4480 H905 the sonsH1121 of the concubines;H6370 and TamarH8559 [was] their sister.H269 πάντεςG3956 υἱοὶG5207 ΔαυιδG1138 πλὴνG4133 τῶνG3588 υἱῶνG5207 τῶνG3588 παλλακῶν, καὶG2532 Θημαρ ἀδελφὴG79 αὐτῶν.G846
וּבֶן־H1121שְׁלֹמֹ֖ה H8010 רְחַבְעָ֑ם H7346 אֲבִיָּ֥ה H29 בְנ֛וֹ H1121 אָסָ֥א H609 בְנ֖וֹ H1121 יְהוֹשָׁפָ֥ט H3092 בְּנֽוֹ׃ H1121 10 Now Solomon's sonH1121 [was] Rehoboam,H7346 AbijahH29 [was] his son,H1121 AsaH609 his son,H1121 JehoshaphatH3092 his son,H1121 ΥἱοὶG5207 Σαλωμων·G4672 Ροβοαμ,G4497 ΑβιαG7 υἱὸςG5207 αὐτοῦ,G846 ΑσαG760 υἱὸςG5207 αὐτοῦ,G846 ΙωσαφατG2498 υἱὸςG5207 αὐτοῦ,G846
יוֹרָ֥ם H3141 בְּנ֛וֹ H1121 אֲחַזְיָ֥הוּ H274 בְנ֖וֹ H1121 יוֹאָ֥שׁ H3101 בְּנֽוֹ׃ H1121 11 JoramH3141 his son,H1121 AhaziahH274 his son,H1121 JoashH3060 his son,H1121 ΙωραμG2496 υἱὸςG5207 αὐτοῦ,G846 Οχοζια υἱὸςG5207 αὐτοῦ,G846 Ιωας υἱὸςG5207 αὐτοῦ,G846
אֲמַצְיָ֧הוּ H558 בְנ֛וֹ H1121 עֲזַרְיָ֥ה H5838 בְנ֖וֹ H1121 יוֹתָ֥ם H3147 בְּנֽוֹ׃ H1121 12 AmaziahH558 his son,H1121 AzariahH5838 his son,H1121 JothamH3147 his son,H1121 Αμασιας υἱὸςG5207 αὐτοῦ,G846 Αζαρια υἱὸςG5207 αὐτοῦ,G846 Ιωαθαν υἱὸςG5207 αὐτοῦ,G846
אָחָ֥ז H271 בְּנ֛וֹ H1121 חִזְקִיָּ֥הוּ H2396 בְנ֖וֹ H1121 מְנַשֶּׁ֥ה H4519 בְנֽוֹ׃ H1121 13 AhazH271 his son,H1121 HezekiahH2396 his son,H1121 ManassehH4519 his son,H1121 ΑχαζG881 υἱὸςG5207 αὐτοῦ,G846 ΕζεκιαςG1478 υἱὸςG5207 αὐτοῦ,G846 ΜανασσηςG3128 υἱὸςG5207 αὐτοῦ,G846
אָמ֥וֹן H526 בְּנ֖וֹ H1121 יֹאשִׁיָּ֥הוּ H2977 בְנֽוֹ׃ H1121 14 AmonH526 his son,H1121 JosiahH2977 his son.H1121 ΑμωνG300 υἱὸςG5207 αὐτοῦ,G846 ΙωσιαG2502 υἱὸςG5207 αὐτοῦ.G846
וּבְנֵי֙ H1121 יֹאשִׁיָּ֔הוּ H2977 הַבְּכוֹר֙ H1060 יוֹחָנָ֔ן H3110 הַשֵּׁנִ֖י H8145 יְהוֹיָקִ֑ים H3079 הַשְּׁלִשִׁי֙ H7992 צִדְקִיָּ֔הוּ H6667 הָרְבִיעִ֖י H7243 שַׁלּֽוּם׃ H7967 15 And the sonsH1121 of JosiahH2977 [were] JohananH3076 the first-born, and the secondH8145 [was] Jehoiakim,H3079 the thirdH7992 Zedekiah,H6667 the fourthH7243 Shallum.H7967 καὶG2532 υἱοὶG5207 Ιωσια·G2502 πρωτότοκοςG4416 Ιωαναν,G2490G3588 δεύτεροςG1208 Ιωακιμ, ὁG3588 τρίτοςG5154 Σεδεκια, ὁG3588 τέταρτοςG5067 Σαλουμ.
וּבְנֵ֖י H1121 יְהוֹיָקִ֑ים H3079 יְכָנְיָ֥ה H3204 בְנ֖וֹ H1121 צִדְקִיָּ֥ה H6667 בְנֽוֹ׃ H1121 16 And the sonsH1121 of JehoiakimH3079 [were] JeconiahH3204 his son,H1121 ZedekiahH6667 his son.H1121 καὶG2532 υἱοὶG5207 Ιωακιμ· ΙεχονιαςG2423 υἱὸςG5207 αὐτοῦ,G846 Σεδεκιας υἱὸςG5207 αὐτοῦ.G846
וּבְנֵי֙ H1121 יְכָנְיָ֣ה H3204 אַסִּ֔ר H617 שְׁאַלְתִּיאֵ֖ל H7597 בְּנֽוֹ׃ H1121 17 And the sonsH1121 of Jeconiah,H3204 the prisoner,H616 [were] ShealtielH7597 his son,H1121 καὶG2532 υἱοὶG5207 Ιεχονια, ασιρ· ΣαλαθιηλG4528 υἱὸςG5207 αὐτοῦ,G846
וּמַלְכִּירָ֥ם H4443 וּפְדָיָ֖ה H6305 וְשֶׁנְאַצַּ֑ר H8137 יְקַמְיָ֥ה H3359 הוֹשָׁמָ֖ע H1953 וּנְדַבְיָֽה׃ H5072 18 and Malchiram,H4443 Pedaiah,H6305 Shenazzar,H8137 Jekamiah,H3359 Hoshama,H1953 and Nedabiah.H5072 Μελχιραμ καὶG2532 Φαδαιας καὶG2532 Σανεσαρ καὶG2532 Ιεκεμια καὶG2532 Ωσαμω καὶG2532 Δενεθι.
וּבְנֵ֣י H1121 פְדָיָ֔ה H6305 זְרֻבָּבֶ֖ל H2216 וְשִׁמְעִ֑י H8096 וּבֶן־H1121זְרֻבָּבֶל֙ H2216 מְשֻׁלָּ֣ם H4918 וַחֲנַנְיָ֔ה H2608 וּשְׁלֹמִ֖ית H8019 אֲחוֹתָֽם׃ H269 19 And the sonsH1121 of PedaiahH6305 [were] ZerubbabelH2216 and Shimei.H8096 And the sonsH1121 of ZerubbabelH2216 [were] MeshullamH4918 and Hananiah,H2608 and ShelomithH9609 [was] their sister;H269 καὶG2532 υἱοὶG5207 Σαλαθιηλ·G4528 ΖοροβαβελG2216 καὶG2532 Σεμει.G4584 καὶG2532 υἱοὶG5207 Ζοροβαβελ·G2216 Μοσολλαμος καὶG2532 Ανανια,G367 καὶG2532 Σαλωμιθ ἀδελφὴG79 αὐτῶν,G846
וַחֲשֻׁבָ֡ה H2807 וָ֠אֹהֶל H169 וּבֶרֶכְיָ֧ה H1296 וַֽחֲסַדְיָ֛ה H2619 י֥וּשַׁב חֶ֖סֶד H3142 חָמֵֽשׁ׃ H2568 20 and Hashubah,H2807 Ohel,H169 Berechiah,H1296 Hasadiah,H2619 and Jushab-hesed, five.H2568 καὶG2532 Ασουβε καὶG2532 Οολ καὶG2532 Βαραχια καὶG2532 Ασαδια καὶG2532 Ασοβαεσδ, πέντε.G4002
וּבֶן־H1121חֲנַנְיָ֖ה H2608 פְּלַטְיָ֣ה H6410 וִישַֽׁעְיָ֑ה H3470 בְּנֵ֤י H1121 רְפָיָה֙ H7509 בְּנֵ֣י H1121 אַרְנָ֔ן H770 בְּנֵ֥י H1121 עֹבַדְיָ֖ה H5662 בְּנֵ֥י H1121 שְׁכַנְיָֽה׃ H7935 ס 21 And the sonsH1121 of HananiahH2608 [were] PelatiahH6410 and Jeshaiah,H3470 the sonsH1121 of Rephaiah,H7509 the sonsH1121 of Arnan,H770 the sonsH1121 of Obadiah,H5662 the sonsH1121 of Shecaniah.H7935 καὶG2532 υἱοὶG5207 Ανανια·G367 Φαλλετια, καὶG2532 Ισαια υἱὸςG5207 αὐτοῦ,G846 Ραφαια υἱὸςG5207 αὐτοῦ,G846 Ορνα υἱὸςG5207 αὐτοῦ,G846 Αβδια υἱὸςG5207 αὐτοῦ,G846 Σεχενια υἱὸςG5207 αὐτοῦ.G846
וּבְנֵ֥י H1121 שְׁכַנְיָ֖ה H7935 שְׁמַעְיָ֑ה H8098 וּבְנֵ֣י H1121 שְׁמַעְיָ֗ה H8098 חַטּ֡וּשׁ H2407 וְ֠יִגְאָל H3008 וּבָרִ֧יחַ H1282 וּנְעַרְיָ֛ה H5294 וְשָׁפָ֖ט H8202 שִׁשָּֽׁה׃ H8337 22 And the sonH1121 of ShecaniahH7935 [was] Shemaiah,H8098 and the sonsH1121 of ShemaiahH8098 [were] Hattush,H2407 Igal,H3008 Bariah,H1282 Neariah,H5294 and Shaphat,H8202 six.H8337 καὶG2532 υἱὸςG5207 Σεχενια· Σαμαια. καὶG2532 υἱοὶG5207 Σαμαια· Χαττους καὶG2532 ΙωηλG2493 καὶG2532 Μαρι καὶG2532 Νωαδια καὶG2532 Σαφαθ, ἕξ.G1803
וּבֶן־H1121נְעַרְיָ֗ה H5294 אֶלְיוֹעֵינַ֧י H454 וְחִזְקִיָּ֛ה H2396 וְעַזְרִיקָ֖ם H5840 שְׁלֹשָֽׁה׃ H7969 23 And the sonsH1121 of NeariahH5294 [were] Elioenai,H454 Hizkiah,H2396 and Azrikam,H5840 three.H7969 καὶG2532 υἱοὶG5207 Νωαδια· Ελιθεναν καὶG2532 ΕζεκιαG1478 καὶG2532 Εζρικαμ, τρεῖς.G5140
וּבְנֵ֣י H1121 אֶלְיוֹעֵינַ֗י H454 [הֹדַיְוָהוּ כ] (הֹודַוְיָ֡הוּ H1937 ק) וְאֶלְיָשִׁ֡יב H475 וּפְלָיָ֡ה H6411 וְ֠עַקּוּב H6126 וְיוֹחָנָ֧ן H3110 וּדְלָיָ֛ה H1806 וַעֲנָ֖נִי H6054 שִׁבְעָֽה׃ H7651 ס 24 And the sonsH1121 of ElioenaiH454 [were] Hodaviah,H1939 Eliashib,H475 Pelaiah,H6411 Akkub,H6126 Johanan,H3076 Delaiah,H1806 and Anani,H6054 seven.H7651 καὶG2532 υἱοὶG5207 Ελιθεναν· Οδουια καὶG2532 Ελιασιβ καὶG2532 Φαλαια καὶG2532 Ακουν καὶG2532 ΙωανανG2490 καὶG2532 Δαλαια καὶG2532 Ανανι, ἑπτά.G2033
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