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Original text: Bible / Job / Chapter 6

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וַיַּ֥עַן H6030 אִיּ֗וֹב H347 וַיֹּאמַֽר׃ H559 1 Then JobH347 answered,H6030 ὙπολαβὼνG5274 δὲG1161 ΙωβG2492 λέγειG3004
ל֗וּ H3863 שָׁק֣וֹל H8254 יִשָּׁקֵ֣ל H8254 כַּעְשִׂ֑י H3708 [וְהַיָּתִי כ] (וְ֝הַוָּתִ֗י H1962 ק) בְּֽמֹאזְנַ֥יִם H3976 יִשְׂאוּ־H5375יָֽחַד׃ H3162 2 "OhH3863 that my vexationH9213 were actuallyH8254 weighed,H8254 And laidH5375 in the balancesH3976 togetherH3162 with my iniquity!H1942 ΕἰG1487 γάρG1063 τιςG5100 ἱστῶνG2476 στήσαιG2476 μουG1473 τὴνG3588 ὀργήν,G3709 τὰςG3588 δὲG1161 ὀδύναςG3601 μουG1473 ἄραιG142 ἐνG1722 ζυγῷG2218 ὁμοθυμαδόν,G3661
כִּֽי־H3588עַתָּ֗ה H6258 מֵח֣וֹל H2344 יַמִּ֣ים H3220 יִכְבָּ֑ד H3513 עַל־H5921כֵּ֝֗ן H3651 דְּבָרַ֥י H1697 לָֽעוּ׃ H3886 3 "For thenH6258 it would be heavierH3513 thanH4480 the sandH2344 of the seas,H3220 ThereforeH5921 H3651 my wordsH1697 have beenH9236 rash.H9236 καὶG2532 δὴG1161 ἄμμουG285 παραλίαςG3882 βαρυτέραG926 ἔσται·G1510 ἀλλ᾽G235 ὡςG3739 ἔοικεν,G1503 τὰG3588 ῥήματάG4487 μούG1473 ἐστινG1510 φαῦλα.G5337
כִּ֤י H3588 חִצֵּ֪י H2671 שַׁדַּ֡י H7706 עִמָּדִ֗י H5978 אֲשֶׁ֣ר H834 חֲ֭מָתָם H2534 שֹׁתָ֣ה H8354 רוּחִ֑י H7307 בִּעוּתֵ֖י H1161 אֱל֣וֹהַּ H433 יַֽעַרְכֽוּנִי׃ H6186 4 "For the arrowsH2671 of the AlmightyH7706 are withinH5973 me; Their poisonH2534 my spiritH7307 drinks;H8354 The terrorsH1161 of GodH433 are arrayedH6186 against me. βέληG956 γὰρG1063 κυρίουG2962 ἐνG1722 τῷG3588 σώματίG4983 μούG1473 ἐστιν,G1510 ὧνG3739G3588 θυμὸςG2372 αὐτῶνG846 ἐκπίνει μουG1473 τὸG3588 αἷμα·G129 ὅτανG3752 ἄρξωμαιG757 λαλεῖν,G2980 κεντοῦσί με.G1473
הֲיִֽנְהַק־H5101פֶּ֥רֶא H6501 עֲלֵי־H5921דֶ֑שֶׁא H1877 אִ֥ם H518 יִגְעֶה־H1600שּׁ֝֗וֹר H7794 עַל־H5921בְּלִילֽוֹ׃ H1098 5 "Does the wildH6501 donkeyH6501 brayH5101 overH5921 [his] grass,H1877 OrH518 does the oxH7794 lowH1600 overH5921 his fodderH1098? τίG5100 γάρ;G1063 μὴG3165 διὰG1223 κενῆςG2756 κεκράξεταιG2896 ὄνοςG3688 ἄγριος,G66 ἀλλ᾽G235G2228 τὰG3588 σῖταG4621 ζητῶν;G2212 εἰG1487 δὲG1161 καὶG2532 ῥήξειG4486 φωνὴνG5456 βοῦςG1016 ἐπὶG1909 φάτνηςG5336 ἔχωνG2192 τὰG3588 βρώματα;G1033
הֲיֵאָכֵ֣ל H398 תָּ֭פֵל H8602 מִבְּלִי־H1097מֶ֑לַח H4417 אִם־H518יֶשׁ־H3426טַ֝֗עַם H2940 בְּרִ֣יר H7388 חַלָּמֽוּת׃ H2495 6 "Can somethingH8602 tastelessH8602 be eatenH398 withoutH1097 salt,H4417 OrH518 is thereH3426 anyH3426 tasteH2940 in the whiteH2495 of an eggH2495? εἰG1487 βρωθήσεταιG977 ἄρτοςG740 ἄνευG427 ἁλός;G251 εἰG1487 δὲG1161 καὶG2532 ἔστινG1510 γεῦμα ἐνG1722 ῥήμασινG4487 κενοῖς;G2756
מֵאֲנָ֣ה H3985 לִנְגּ֣וֹעַ H5060 נַפְשִׁ֑י H5315 הֵ֝֗מָּה H1992 כִּדְוֵ֥י H1741 לַחְמִֽי׃ H3899 7 "My soulH5315 refusesH3985 to touchH5060 [them;] They are like loathsomeH1741 foodH3899 to me. οὐG3364 δύναταιG1410 γὰρG1063 παύσασθαίG3973 μουG1473G3588 ψυχή·G5590 βρόμον γὰρG1063 ὁρῶG3708 τὰG3588 σῖτάG4621 μουG1473 ὥσπερG3746 ὀσμὴνG3744 λέοντος.G3023
מִֽי־H4310יִ֭תֵּן H5414 תָּב֣וֹא H935 שֶֽׁאֱלָתִ֑י H7596 וְ֝תִקְוָתִ֗י H8615 יִתֵּ֥ן H5414 אֱלֽוֹהַּ׃ H433 8 "OhH4310 H5414 that my requestH7596 might comeH935 to pass,H935 And that GodH433 would grantH5414 my longing!H8615 εἰG1487 γὰρG1063 δῴη,G1325 καὶG2532 ἔλθοιG2064 μουG1473G3588 αἴτησις, καὶG2532 τὴνG3588 ἐλπίδαG1680 μουG1473 δῴηG1325G3588 κύριος.G2962
וְיֹאֵ֣ל H2974 אֱ֭לוֹהַּ H433 וִֽידַכְּאֵ֑נִי H1792 יַתֵּ֥ר H5425 יָ֝ד֗וֹ H3027 וִֽיבַצְּעֵֽנִי׃ H1214 9 "Would that GodH433 were willingH2974 to crushH1792 me; That He would looseH5425 His handH3027 and cutH1214 me off!H1214 ἀρξάμενοςG757G3588 κύριοςG2962 τρωσάτω με,G1473 εἰςG1519 τέλοςG5056 δὲG1161 μήG3165 μεG1473 ἀνελέτω.G337
וּ֥תְהִי H1961 ע֨וֹד H5750 ׀ נֶ֘חָ֤מָתִ֗י H5165 וַאֲסַלְּדָ֣ה H5539 בְ֭חִילָה H2427 לֹ֣א H3808 יַחְמ֑וֹל H2550 כִּי־H3588לֹ֥א H3808 כִ֝חַ֗דְתִּי H3582 אִמְרֵ֥י H561 קָדֽוֹשׁ׃ H6918 10 "But it is stillH5750 my consolation,H5165 And I rejoiceH5539 in unsparingH3808 H2550 pain,H9133 That I have not deniedH3582 the wordsH561 of the HolyH6918 One.H6918 εἴηG1510 δέG1161 μουG1473 πόλιςG4172 τάφος,G5028 ἐφ᾽G1909 ἧςG3739 ἐπὶG1909 τειχέωνG5038 ἡλλόμηνG242 ἐπ᾽G1909 αὐτῆς,G846 οὐG3364 μὴG3165 φείσωμαι·G5339 οὐG3364 γὰρG1063 ἐψευσάμηνG5574 ῥήματαG4487 ἅγιαG40 θεοῦG2316 μου.G1473
מַה־H4100כֹּחִ֥י H3581 כִֽי־H3588אֲיַחֵ֑ל H3176 וּמַה־H4100קִּ֝צִּ֗י H7093 כִּֽי־H3588אַאֲרִ֥יךְ H748 נַפְשִֽׁי׃ H5315 11 "WhatH4100 is my strength,H3581 that I should waitH3176? And whatH4100 is my end,H7093 that I should endureH748 H5315? τίςG5100 γάρG1063 μουG1473G3588 ἰσχύς,G2479 ὅτιG3754 ὑπομένω;G5278G2228 τίςG5100 μουG1473G3588 χρόνος,G5550 ὅτιG3754 ἀνέχεταίG430 μουG1473G3588 ψυχή;G5590
אִם־H518כֹּ֣חַ H3581 אֲבָנִ֣ים H68 כֹּחִ֑י H3581 אִֽם־H518בְּשָׂרִ֥י H1320 נָחֽוּשׁ׃ H5153 12 "Is my strengthH3581 the strengthH3581 of stones,H68 OrH518 is my fleshH1320 bronzeH5153? μὴG3165 ἰσχὺςG2479 λίθωνG3037G3588 ἰσχύςG2479 μου;G1473G2228 αἱG3588 σάρκεςG4561 μούG1473 εἰσινG1510 χάλκειαι;G5470
הַאִ֬ם H518 אֵ֣ין H369 עֶזְרָתִ֣י H5833 בִ֑י וְ֝תֻשִׁיָּ֗ה H8454 נִדְּחָ֥ה H5080 מִמֶּֽנִּי׃ H4480 13 "Is it that my helpH5833 is not within me, And that deliveranceH8454 is drivenH5080 from me? G2228 οὐκG3364 ἐπ᾽G1909 αὐτῷG846 ἐπεποίθειν;G3982 βοήθειαG996 δὲG1161 ἀπ᾽G575 ἐμοῦG1473 ἄπεστιν.G548
לַמָּ֣ס H4523 מֵרֵעֵ֣הוּ H7453 חָ֑סֶד H2617 וְיִרְאַ֖ת H3374 שַׁדַּ֣י H7706 יַעֲזֽוֹב׃ H5800 14 "For the despairingH4523 manH4523 [there should be] kindnessH2617 from his friend;H7453 Lest he forsakeH5800 the fearH3374 of the Almighty.H7706 ἀπείπατόG550 μεG1473 ἔλεος,G1656 ἐπισκοπὴG1984 δὲG1161 κυρίουG2962 ὑπερεῖδέν με.G1473
אַ֭חַי H251 בָּגְד֣וּ H898 כְמוֹ־H3644נָ֑חַל H5158 כַּאֲפִ֖יק H650 נְחָלִ֣ים H5158 יַעֲבֹֽרוּ׃ H5674 15 "My brothersH251 have actedH898 deceitfullyH898 likeH3644 a wadi,H5158 Like the torrentsH650 of wadisH5158 which vanish,H5674 οὐG3364 προσεῖδόν μεG1473 οἱG3588 ἐγγύτατοίG1451 μου·G1473 ὥσπερG3746 χειμάρρουςG5493 ἐκλείπωνG1587G2228 ὥσπερG3746 κῦμαG2949 παρῆλθόνG3928 με·G1473
הַקֹּדְרִ֥ים H6937 מִנִּי־H4480קָ֑רַח H7140 עָ֝לֵ֗ימוֹ H5921 יִתְעַלֶּם־H5956שָֽׁלֶג׃ H7950 16 Which are turbidH6937 becauseH4480 of ice,H7140 [And] into which the snowH7950 melts.H5956 οἵτινέςG3748 μεG1473 διευλαβοῦντο, νῦνG3568 ἐπιπεπτώκασίνG1968 μοιG1473 ὥσπερG3746 χιὼνG5510G2228 κρύσταλλοςG2930 πεπηγώς·G4078
בְּ֭עֵת H6256 יְזֹרְב֣וּ H2215 נִצְמָ֑תוּ H6789 בְּ֝חֻמּ֗וֹ H2527 נִדְעֲכ֥וּ H1846 מִמְּקוֹמָֽם׃ H4725 17 "WhenH6256 they becomeH2215 waterless,H2215 they are silent,H6789 When it is hot,H2552 they vanishH1846 from their place.H4725 καθὼςG2531 τακεῖσαG5080 θέρμηςG2329 γενομένηςG1096 οὐκG3364 ἐπεγνώσθηG1921 ὅπερG3746 ἦν,G1510
יִ֭לָּ֣פְתוּ H3943 אָרְח֣וֹת H734 דַּרְכָּ֑ם H1870 יַעֲל֖וּ H5927 בַתֹּ֣הוּ H8414 וְיֹאבֵֽדוּ׃ H6 18 "The pathsH734 of their courseH1870 windH3943 along,H3943 They goH5927 up into nothingH8414 and perish. οὕτωςG3778 κἀγὼG2504 κατελείφθηνG2641 ὑπὸG5259 πάντων,G3956 ἀπωλόμηνG622 δὲG1161 καὶG2532 ἔξοικος ἐγενόμην.G1096
הִ֭בִּיטוּ H5027 אָרְח֣וֹת H734 תֵּמָ֑א H8485 הֲלִיכֹ֥ת H1979 שְׁ֝בָ֗א H7614 קִוּוּ־H6960לָֽמוֹ׃ 19 "The caravansH734 of TemaH8485 looked,H5027 The travelersH1979 of ShebaH7614 hopedH6960 for them. ἴδετεG3708 ὁδοὺςG3598 Θαιμανων, ἀτραποὺς Σαβων, οἱG3588 διορῶντες·
בֹּ֥שׁוּ H954 כִּֽי־H3588בָטָ֑ח H982 בָּ֥אוּ H935 עָ֝דֶ֗יהָ H5704 וַיֶּחְפָּֽרוּ׃ H2659 20 "They were disappointedH954 for they had trusted,H982 They cameH935 thereH5704 and were confounded.H2659 καὶG2532 αἰσχύνηνG152 ὀφειλήσουσινG3784 οἱG3588 ἐπὶG1909 πόλεσινG4172 καὶG2532 χρήμασινG5536 πεποιθότες.G3982
כִּֽי־H3588עַ֭תָּה H6258 הֱיִ֣יתֶם H1961 [לֹא כ] (לֹ֑ו H3808 ק) תִּֽרְא֥וּ H7200 חֲ֝תַ֗ת H2866 וַתִּירָֽאוּ׃ H3372 21 "Indeed,H3588 you have nowH6258 becomeH1961 such,H3808 You seeH7200 a terrorH2866 and are afraid.H3372 ἀτὰρ δὲG1161 καὶG2532 ὑμεῖςG4771 ἐπέβητέG1910 μοιG1473 ἀνελεημόνως,G415 ὥστεG5620 ἰδόντεςG3708 τὸG3588 ἐμὸνG1699 τραῦμαG5134 φοβήθητε.G5399
הֲ‍ֽכִי־H3588אָ֭מַרְתִּי H559 הָ֣בוּ H3051 לִ֑י וּ֝מִכֹּחֲכֶ֗ם H3581 שִׁחֲד֥וּ H7809 בַעֲדִֽי׃ H1157 22 "Have I said,H559 'GiveH3051 me [something,'] Or, 'OfferH7809 a bribeH7809 for me from your wealth,H3581' τίG5100 γάρ;G1063 μήG3165 τιG5100 ὑμᾶςG4771 ᾔτησαG154G2228 τῆςG3588 παρ᾽G3844 ὑμῶνG4771 ἰσχύοςG2479 ἐπιδέομαι
וּמַלְּט֥וּנִי H4422 מִיַּד־H3027צָ֑ר H6862 וּמִיַּ֖ד H3027 עָרִיצִ֣ים H6184 תִּפְדּֽוּנִי׃ H6299 23 Or, 'DeliverH4422 me from the handH3027 of the adversary,H6862' Or, 'RedeemH6299 me from the handH3027 of the tyrantsH6184'? ὥστεG5620 σῶσαίG4982 μεG1473 ἐξG1537 ἐχθρῶνG2190G2228 ἐκG1537 χειρὸςG5495 δυναστῶνG1413 ῥύσασθαίG4506 με;G1473
ה֭וֹרוּנִי H3384 וַאֲנִ֣י H589 אַחֲרִ֑ישׁ H2790 וּמַה־H4100שָּׁ֝גִ֗יתִי H7686 הָבִ֥ינוּ H995 לִֽי׃ 24 "TeachH3384 me, and I will be silent;H2790 And showH995 me howH4100 I have erred.H7686 διδάξατέG1321 με,G1473 ἐγὼG1473 δὲG1161 κωφεύσω· εἴG1487 τιG5100 πεπλάνημαι,G4105 φράσατέG5419 μοι.G1473
מַה־H4100נִּמְרְצ֥וּ H4834 אִמְרֵי־H561יֹ֑שֶׁר H3476 וּמַה־H4100יּוֹכִ֖יחַ H3198 הוֹכֵ֣חַ H3198 מִכֶּֽם׃ H4480 25 "HowH4100 painfulH4834 are honestH3476 words!H561 But whatH4100 does your argumentH3198 proveH3198? ἀλλ᾽G235 ὡςG3739 ἔοικεν,G1503 φαῦλαG5337 ἀληθινοῦG228 ῥήματα,G4487 οὐG3364 γὰρG1063 παρ᾽G3844 ὑμῶνG4771 ἰσχὺνG2479 αἰτοῦμαι·G154
הַלְהוֹכַ֣ח H3198 מִלִּ֣ים H4405 תַּחְשֹׁ֑בוּ H2803 וּ֝לְר֗וּחַ H7307 אִמְרֵ֥י H561 נֹאָֽשׁ׃ H2976 אַף־H637עַל־H5921 26 "Do you intendH2803 to reproveH3198 [my] words,H561 When the wordsH4405 of one in despairH2976 belong to the windH7307? οὐδὲG3761G3588 ἔλεγχοςG1650 ὑμῶνG4771 ῥήμασίνG4487 μεG1473 παύσει,G3973 οὐδὲG3761 γὰρG1063 ὑμῶνG4771 φθέγμα ῥήματοςG4487 ἀνέξομαι.G430
יָת֥וֹם H3490 תַּפִּ֑ילוּ H5307 וְ֝תִכְר֗וּ H3738 עַל־H5921רֵֽיעֲכֶֽם׃ H7453 27 "You would evenH637 castH5307 [lots] for the orphans,H3490 And barterH3739 overH5921 your friend.H7453 πλὴνG4133 ὅτιG3754 ἐπ᾽G1909 ὀρφανῷG3737 ἐπιπίπτετε,G1968 ἐνάλλεσθεG1724 δὲG1161 ἐπὶG1909 φίλῳG5384 ὑμῶν.G4771
וְ֭עַתָּה H6258 הוֹאִ֣ילוּ H2974 פְנוּ־H6437בִ֑י וְעַל־H5921פְּ֝נֵיכֶ֗ם H6440 אִם־H518אֲכַזֵּֽב׃ H3576 28 "And nowH6258 pleaseH2974 lookH6437 at me, And [see] ifH518 I lieH3576 to your face.H6440 νυνὶG3570 δὲG1161 εἰσβλέψας εἰςG1519 πρόσωπαG4383 ὑμῶνG4771 οὐG3364 ψεύσομαι.G5574
שֻֽׁבוּ־H7725נָ֭א H4994 אַל־H408תְּהִ֣י H1961 עַוְלָ֑ה H5766 [וְשֻׁבִי כ] (וְשׁ֥וּבוּ H7725 ק) ע֝וֹד H5750 צִדְקִי־H6664בָֽהּ׃ 29 "DesistH7725 now,H4994 let there be noH408 injustice;H9390 Even desist,H7725 my righteousnessH6664 is yetH5750 in it. καθίσατεG2523 δὴG1161 καὶG2532 μὴG3165 εἴηG1510 ἄδικον,G94 καὶG2532 πάλινG3825 τῷG3588 δικαίῳG1342 συνέρχεσθε.G4905
הֲיֵשׁ־H3426בִּלְשׁוֹנִ֥י H3956 עַוְלָ֑ה H5766 אִם־H518חִ֝כִּ֗י H2441 לֹא־H3808יָבִ֥ין H995 הַוּֽוֹת׃ H1942 30 "Is thereH3426 injusticeH9390 on my tongueH3956? CannotH3808 my palateH2441 discernH995 calamitiesH1942? οὐG3364 γάρG1063 ἐστινG1510 ἐνG1722 γλώσσῃG1100 μουG1473 ἄδικον·G94G2228G3588 λάρυγξG2995 μουG1473 οὐχὶG3364 σύνεσινG4907 μελετᾷ;G3191
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