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Original text: Bible / Proverbs / Chapter 3

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בְּ֭נִי H1121 תּוֹרָתִ֣י H8451 אַל־H408תִּשְׁכָּ֑ח H7911 וּ֝מִצְוֹתַ֗י H4687 יִצֹּ֥ר H5341 לִבֶּֽךָ׃ H3820 1 My son,H1121 do not forgetH7911 my teaching,H8451 But let your heartH3820 keepH5341 my commandments;H4687 Υἱέ,G5207 ἐμῶνG1699 νομίμωνG3545 μὴG3165 ἐπιλανθάνου,G1950 τὰG3588 δὲG1161 ῥήματάG4487 μουG1473 τηρείτωG5083 σὴG4674 καρδία·G2588
כִּ֤י H3588 אֹ֣רֶךְ H753 יָ֭מִים H3117 וּשְׁנ֣וֹת H8141 חַיִּ֑ים H2416 וְ֝שָׁל֗וֹם H7965 יוֹסִ֥יפוּ H3254 לָֽךְ׃ 2 For lengthH753 of daysH3117 and yearsH8141 of life,H9132 And peaceH7965 they will addH3254 to you. μῆκοςG3372 γὰρG1063 βίουG979 καὶG2532 ἔτηG2094 ζωῆςG2222 καὶG2532 εἰρήνηνG1515 προσθήσουσίνG4369 σοι.G4771
חֶ֥סֶד H2617 וֶאֱמֶ֗ת H571 אַֽל־H408יַעַ֫זְבֻ֥ךָ H5800 קָשְׁרֵ֥ם H7194 עַל־H5921גַּרְגְּרוֹתֶ֑יךָ H1621 כָּ֝תְבֵ֗ם H3789 עַל־H5921ל֥וּחַ H3871 לִבֶּֽךָ׃ H3820 3 Do not let kindnessH2617 and truthH571 leaveH5800 you; BindH7194 them aroundH5921 your neck,H1621 WriteH3789 them on the tabletH3871 of your heart.H3820 ἐλεημοσύναιG1654 καὶG2532 πίστειςG4102 μὴG3165 ἐκλιπέτωσάνG1587 σε,G4771 ἄφαψαι δὲG1161 αὐτὰςG846 ἐπὶG1909 σῷG4674 τραχήλῳ,G5137 καὶG2532 εὑρήσειςG2147 χάριν·G5485
וּמְצָא־H4672חֵ֖ן H2580 וְשֵֽׂכֶל־H7922ט֑וֹב H2896 בְּעֵינֵ֖י H5869 אֱלֹהִ֣ים H430 וְאָדָֽם׃ H120 פ 4 So you will findH4672 favorH2580 and goodH2896 reputeH7922 In the sightH5869 of GodH430 and man.H120 καὶG2532 προνοοῦG4306 καλὰG2570 ἐνώπιονG1799 κυρίουG2962 καὶG2532 ἀνθρώπων.G444
בְּטַ֣ח H982 אֶל־H413יְ֭הוָה H3068 בְּכָל־H3605לִבֶּ֑ךָ H3820 וְאֶל־H413בִּֽ֝ינָתְךָ֗ H998 אַל־H408תִּשָּׁעֵֽן׃ H8172 5 TrustH982 in the LordH3068 with allH3605 your heart,H3820 And do not leanH8172 on your own understanding.H998 ἴσθιG1510 πεποιθὼςG3982 ἐνG1722 ὅλῃG3650 καρδίᾳG2588 ἐπὶG1909 θεῷ,G2316 ἐπὶG1909 δὲG1161 σῇG4674 σοφίᾳG4678 μὴG3165 ἐπαίρου·G1869
בְּכָל־H3605דְּרָכֶ֥יךָ H1870 דָעֵ֑הוּ H3045 וְ֝ה֗וּא H1931 יְיַשֵּׁ֥ר H3474 אֹֽרְחֹתֶֽיךָ׃ H734 6 In allH3605 your waysH1870 acknowledgeH3045 Him, And He will makeH3474 your pathsH734 straight.H3474 ἐνG1722 πάσαιςG3956 ὁδοῖςG3598 σουG4771 γνώριζεG1107 αὐτήν,G846 ἵναG2443 ὀρθοτομῇG3718 τὰςG3588 ὁδούςG3598 σου,G4771 [ὁG3588 δὲG1161 πούςG4228 σουG4771 οὐG3364 μὴG3165 προσκόπτῃ.]G4350
אַל־H408תְּהִ֣י H1961 חָכָ֣ם H2450 בְּעֵינֶ֑יךָ H5869 יְרָ֥א H3372 אֶת־H853יְ֝הוָ֗ה H3069 וְס֣וּר H5493 מֵרָֽע׃ H7451 7 Do not be wiseH2450 in your own eyes;H5869 FearH3372 the LordH3068 and turnH5493 awayH5493 from evil.H9563 μὴG3165 ἴσθιG1510 φρόνιμοςG5429 παρὰG3844 σεαυτῷ,G4572 φοβοῦG5399 δὲG1161 τὸνG3588 θεὸνG2316 καὶG2532 ἔκκλινεG1578 ἀπὸG575 παντὸςG3956 κακοῦ·G2556
רִ֭פְאוּת H7500 תְּהִ֣י H1961 לְשָׁרֶּ֑ךָ H8270 וְ֝שִׁקּ֗וּי H8250 לְעַצְמוֹתֶֽיךָ׃ H6106 8 It will be healingH7500 to your body,H8270 And refreshmentH8250 to your bones.H6106 τότεG5119 ἴασιςG2392 ἔσταιG1510 τῷG3588 σώματίG4983 σουG4771 καὶG2532 ἐπιμέλειαG1958 τοῖςG3588 ὀστέοιςG3747 σου.G4771
כַּבֵּ֣ד H3513 אֶת־H853יְ֭הוָה H3068 מֵהוֹנֶ֑ךָ H1952 וּ֝מֵרֵאשִׁ֗ית H7225 כָּל־H3605תְּבוּאָתֶֽךָ׃ H8393 9 HonorH3513 the LordH3068 from your wealth,H1952 And from the firstH7225 of allH3605 your produce;H8393 τίμαG5091 τὸνG3588 κύριονG2962 ἀπὸG575 σῶνG4674 δικαίωνG1342 πόνωνG4192 καὶG2532 ἀπάρχου αὐτῷG846 ἀπὸG575 σῶνG4674 καρπῶνG2590 δικαιοσύνης,G1343
וְיִמָּלְא֣וּ H4390 אֲסָמֶ֣יךָ H618 שָׂבָ֑ע H7647 וְ֝תִיר֗וֹשׁ H8492 יְקָבֶ֥יךָ H3342 יִפְרֹֽצוּ׃ H6555 פ 10 So your barnsH618 will be filledH4390 with plenty,H7647 And your vatsH3342 will overflowH6555 with newH8492 wine.H8492 ἵναG2443 πίμπληται τὰG3588 ταμίειάG5009 σουG4771 πλησμονῆςG4140 σίτου,G4621 οἴνῳG3631 δὲG1161 αἱG3588 ληνοίG3025 σουG4771 ἐκβλύζωσιν.
מוּסַ֣ר H4148 יְ֭הוָה H3068 בְּנִ֣י H1121 אַל־H408תִּמְאָ֑ס H3988 וְאַל־H408תָּ֝קֹ֗ץ H6973 בְּתוֹכַחְתּֽוֹ׃ H8433 11 My son,H1121 do not rejectH3988 the disciplineH4148 of the Lord,H3068 Or loatheH6973 His reproof,H9640 Υἱέ,G5207 μὴG3165 ὀλιγώρειG3643 παιδείαςG3809 κυρίουG2962 μηδὲG3366 ἐκλύουG1590 ὑπ᾽G5259 αὐτοῦG846 ἐλεγχόμενος·G1651
כִּ֤י H3588 אֶ֥ת H853 אֲשֶׁ֣ר H834 יֶאֱהַ֣ב H157 יְהוָ֣ה H3068 יוֹכִ֑יחַ H3198 וּ֝כְאָ֗ב H1 אֶת־H853בֵּ֥ן H1121 יִרְצֶֽה׃ H7521 12 For whomH834 the LordH3068 lovesH157 He reproves,H3198 Even as a father, the sonH1 in whom he delights.H1121 ὃνG3739 γὰρG1063 ἀγαπᾷG25 κύριοςG2962 παιδεύει,G3811 μαστιγοῖG3146 δὲG1161 πάνταG3956 υἱὸνG5207 ὃνG3739 παραδέχεται.G3858
אַשְׁרֵ֣י H835 אָ֭דָם H120 מָצָ֣א H4672 חָכְמָ֑ה H2451 וְ֝אָדָ֗ם H120 יָפִ֥יק H6329 תְּבוּנָֽה׃ H8394 13 How blessedH835 is the manH120 who findsH4672 wisdom,H2451 And the manH120 who gainsH6329 understanding.H8394 μακάριοςG3107 ἄνθρωποςG444 ὃςG3739 εὗρενG2147 σοφίανG4678 καὶG2532 θνητὸςG2349 ὃςG3739 εἶδενG3708 φρόνησιν·G5428
כִּ֤י H3588 ט֣וֹב H2896 סַ֭חְרָהּ H5504 מִסְּחַר־H5505כָּ֑סֶף H3701 וּ֝מֵחָר֗וּץ H2742 תְּבוּאָתָֽהּ׃ H8393 14 For its profitH5504 is betterH2896 thanH4480 the profitH5504 of silver,H3701 And its gainH8393 thanH4480 fine gold.H2742 κρεῖττονG2908 γὰρG1063 αὐτὴνG846 ἐμπορεύεσθαιG1710G2228 χρυσίουG5553 καὶG2532 ἀργυρίουG694 θησαυρούς.G2344
יְקָ֣רָה H3368 הִ֭יא H1931 [מִפְּנִיִּים כ] (מִפְּנִינִ֑ים H6443 ק) וְכָל־H3605חֲ֝פָצֶ֗יךָ H2656 לֹ֣א H3808 יִֽשְׁווּ־H7737בָֽהּ׃ 15 She is moreH4480 preciousH3368 thanH4480 jewels;H6443 And nothingH3605 H3808 you desireH2656 comparesH9586 with her. τιμιωτέραG5093 δέG1161 ἐστινG1510 λίθωνG3037 πολυτελῶν,G4185 οὐκG3364 ἀντιτάξεται αὐτῇG846 οὐδὲνG3762 πονηρόν·G4190 εὔγνωστός ἐστινG1510 πᾶσινG3956 τοῖςG3588 ἐγγίζουσινG1448 αὐτῇ,G846 πᾶνG3956 δὲG1161 τίμιονG5093 οὐκG3364 ἄξιονG514 αὐτῆςG846 ἐστιν.G1510
אֹ֣רֶךְ H753 יָ֭מִים H3117 בִּֽימִינָ֑הּ H3225 בִּ֝שְׂמֹאולָ֗הּ H8040 עֹ֣שֶׁר H6239 וְכָבֽוֹד׃ H3519 16 LongH753 lifeH3117 is in her rightH3225 hand;H3225 In her leftH8040 handH8040 are richesH6239 and honor.H9202 μῆκοςG3372 γὰρG1063 βίουG979 καὶG2532 ἔτηG2094 ζωῆςG2222 ἐνG1722 τῇG3588 δεξιᾷG1188 αὐτῆς,G846 ἐνG1722 δὲG1161 τῇG3588 ἀριστερᾷG710 αὐτῆςG846 πλοῦτοςG4149 καὶG2532 δόξα·G1391
ἐκG1537 τοῦG3588 στόματοςG4750 αὐτῆςG846 ἐκπορεύεταιG1607 δικαιοσύνη,G1343 νόμονG3551 δὲG1161 καὶG2532 ἔλεονG1656 ἐπὶG1909 γλώσσηςG1100 φορεῖ.G5409
דְּרָכֶ֥יהָ H1870 דַרְכֵי־H1870נֹ֑עַם H5278 וְֽכָל־H3605נְתִ֖יבוֹתֶ֣יהָ H5410 שָׁלֽוֹם׃ H7965 17 Her waysH1870 are pleasantH5278 ways,H1870 And allH3605 her pathsH9350 are peace.H7965 αἱG3588 ὁδοὶG3598 αὐτῆςG846 ὁδοὶG3598 καλαί,G2570 καὶG2532 πάντεςG3956 οἱG3588 τρίβοιG5147 αὐτῆςG846 ἐνG1722 εἰρήνῃ·G1515
עֵץ־H6086חַיִּ֣ים H2416 הִ֭יא H1931 לַמַּחֲזִיקִ֣ים H2388 בָּ֑הּ וְֽתֹמְכֶ֥יהָ H8551 מְאֻשָּֽׁר׃ H833 פ 18 She is a treeH6086 of lifeH9132 to those who takeH2388 holdH2388 of her, And happyH833 are all who holdH8551 her fast.H8551 ξύλονG3586 ζωῆςG2222 ἐστιG1510 πᾶσιG3956 τοῖςG3588 ἀντεχομένοιςG472 αὐτῆς,G846 καὶG2532 τοῖςG3588 ἐπερειδομένοις ἐπ᾽G1909 αὐτὴνG846 ὡςG3739 ἐπὶG1909 κύριονG2962 ἀσφαλής.G804
יְֽהוָ֗ה H3068 בְּחָכְמָ֥ה H2451 יָֽסַד־H3245אָ֑רֶץ H776 כּוֹנֵ֥ן H3559 שָׁ֝מַ֗יִם H8064 בִּתְבוּנָֽה׃ H8394 19 The LordH3068 by wisdomH2451 foundedH3245 the earth;H776 By understandingH8394 He establishedH3559 the heavens.H8064 G3588 θεὸςG2316 τῇG3588 σοφίᾳG4678 ἐθεμελίωσενG2311 τὴνG3588 γῆν,G1065 ἡτοίμασενG2090 δὲG1161 οὐρανοὺςG3772 ἐνG1722 φρονήσει·G5428
בְּ֭דַעְתּוֹ H1847 תְּהוֹמ֣וֹת H8415 נִבְקָ֑עוּ H1234 וּ֝שְׁחָקִ֗ים H7834 יִרְעֲפוּ־H7491טָֽל׃ H2919 20 By His knowledgeH1847 the deepsH8415 were brokenH1234 up, And the skiesH7834 dripH7491 with dew.H2919 ἐνG1722 αἰσθήσειG144 ἄβυσσοιG12 ἐρράγησαν,G4486 νέφηG3509 δὲG1161 ἐρρύησανG4482 δρόσους.
בְּ֭נִי H1121 אַל־H408יָלֻ֣זוּ H3868 מֵעֵינֶ֑יךָ H5869 נְצֹ֥ר H5341 תֻּ֝שִׁיָּ֗ה H8454 וּמְזִמָּֽה׃ H4209 21 My son,H1121 let them not departH3868 from your sight;H5869 KeepH5341 soundH8454 wisdomH8454 and discretion,H4209 Υἱέ,G5207 μὴG3165 παραρρυῇς,G3901 τήρησονG5083 δὲG1161 ἐμὴνG1699 βουλὴνG1012 καὶG2532 ἔννοιαν,G1771
וְיִֽהְי֣וּ H1961 חַיִּ֣ים H2416 לְנַפְשֶׁ֑ךָ H5315 וְ֝חֵ֗ן H2580 לְגַרְגְּרֹתֶֽיךָ׃ H1621 22 So they will be lifeH9132 to your soul,H5315 And adornmentH2580 to your neck.H1621 ἵναG2443 ζήσῃG2198G3588 ψυχήG5590 σου,G4771 καὶG2532 χάριςG5485G1510 περὶG4012 σῷG4674 τραχήλῳ.G5137
ἔσταιG1510 δὲG1161 ἴασιςG2392 ταῖςG3588 σαρξίG4561 σουG4771 καὶG2532 ἐπιμέλειαG1958 τοῖςG3588 σοῖςG4674 ὀστέοις,G3747
אָ֤ז H227 תֵּלֵ֣ךְ H1980 לָבֶ֣טַח H983 דַּרְכֶּ֑ךָ H1870 וְ֝רַגְלְךָ֗ H7272 לֹ֣א H3808 תִגּֽוֹף׃ H5062 23 ThenH227 you will walkH1980 in your wayH1870 securely,H983 And your footH7272 will not stumble.H5062 ἵναG2443 πορεύῃG4198 πεποιθὼςG3982 ἐνG1722 εἰρήνῃG1515 πάσαςG3956 τὰςG3588 ὁδούςG3598 σου,G4771G3588 δὲG1161 πούςG4228 σουG4771 οὐG3364 μὴG3165 προσκόψῃ.G4350
אִם־H518תִּשְׁכַּ֥ב H7901 לֹֽא־H3808תִפְחָ֑ד H6342 וְ֝שָׁכַבְתָּ֗ H7901 וְֽעָרְבָ֥ה H6149 שְׁנָתֶֽךָ׃ H8142 24 WhenH518 you lieH7901 down,H7901 you will not be afraid;H6342 When you lieH7901 down,H7901 your sleepH8142 will be sweet.H6149 ἐὰνG1437 γὰρG1063 κάθῃ,G2521 ἄφοβοςG870 ἔσῃ,G1510 ἐὰνG1437 δὲG1161 καθεύδῃς,G2518 ἡδέωςG2234 ὑπνώσεις·
אַל־H408תִּ֭ירָא H3372 מִפַּ֣חַד H6343 פִּתְאֹ֑ם H6597 וּמִשֹּׁאַ֥ת H7722 רְ֝שָׁעִ֗ים H7563 כִּ֣י H3588 תָבֹֽא׃ H935 25 Do not be afraidH3372 of suddenH6597 fear,H6343 NorH408 of the onslaughtH9585 of the wickedH7563 whenH3588 it comes;H935 καὶG2532 οὐG3364 φοβηθήσῃG5399 πτόησινG4423 ἐπελθοῦσανG1904 οὐδὲG3761 ὁρμὰςG3730 ἀσεβῶνG765 ἐπερχομένας·G1904
כִּֽי־H3588יְ֭הוָה H3068 יִהְיֶ֣ה H1961 בְכִסְלֶ֑ךָ H3689 וְשָׁמַ֖ר H8104 רַגְלְךָ֣ H7272 מִלָּֽכֶד׃ H3921 אַל־H408תִּמְנַע־H4513 26 For the LordH3068 will be your confidence,H3689 And will keepH8104 your footH7272 from being caught.H3921 G3588 γὰρG1063 κύριοςG2962 ἔσταιG1510 ἐπὶG1909 πασῶνG3956 ὁδῶνG3598 σουG4771 καὶG2532 ἐρείσειG2043 σὸνG4674 πόδα,G4228 ἵναG2443 μὴG3165 σαλευθῇς.G4531
ט֥וֹב H2896 מִבְּעָלָ֑יו H1167 בִּהְי֨וֹת H1961 לְאֵ֖ל H410 [יָדֶיךָ כ] (יָדְךָ֣ H3027 ק) לַעֲשֽׂוֹת׃ H6213 27 Do not withholdH4513 goodH9185 from those to whom it is due,H1167 When it is in your powerH3027 to doH6213 [it.] μὴG3165 ἀπόσχῃG568 εὖG2095 ποιεῖνG4160 ἐνδεῆ,G1729 ἡνίκαG2259 ἂνG302 ἔχῃG2192G3588 χείρG5495 σουG4771 βοηθεῖν·G997
אַל־H408תֹּ֘אמַ֤ר H559 [לְרֵעֶיךָ כ] (לְרֵֽעֲךָ֨ H7453 ק) לֵ֣ךְ H1980 וָ֭שׁוּב H7725 וּמָחָ֥ר H4279 אֶתֵּ֗ן H5414 וְיֵ֣שׁ H3426 אִתָּֽךְ׃ H854 28 Do not sayH559 to your neighbor,H7453 "Go,H1980 and comeH7725 back,H7725 And tomorrowH4279 I will giveH5414 [it,]" When you haveH3426 it with you. μὴG3165 εἴπηςG2036 ἘπανελθὼνG1880 ἐπάνηκε καὶG2532 αὔριονG839 δώσω,G1325 δυνατοῦG1415 σουG4771 ὄντοςG1510 εὖG2095 ποιεῖν·G4160 οὐG3364 γὰρG1063 οἶδαςG1492 τίG5100 τέξεταιG5088G3588 ἐπιοῦσα.G1966
אַל־H408תַּחֲרֹ֣שׁ H7451 עַל־H5921רֵעֲךָ֣ H7453 רָעָ֑ה H2790 וְהֽוּא־H1931יוֹשֵׁ֖ב H3427 לָבֶ֣טַח H983 אִתָּֽךְ׃ H854 29 Do not deviseH9177 harmH9567 againstH5921 your neighbor,H7453 While he livesH3427 in securityH983 besideH854 you. μὴG3165 τεκτήνῃ ἐπὶG1909 σὸνG4674 φίλονG5384 κακὰG2556 παροικοῦνταG3939 καὶG2532 πεποιθόταG3982 ἐπὶG1909 σοί.G4771
אַל־H408[תָּרֹוב כ] (תָּרִ֣יב H7378 ק) עִם־H5973אָדָ֣ם H120 חִנָּ֑ם H2600 אִם־H518לֹ֖א H3808 גְמָלְךָ֣ H1580 רָעָֽה׃ H7451 30 Do not contendH7378 with a manH120 withoutH2600 cause,H2600 IfH518 he has doneH1580 you noH3808 harm.H9567 μὴG3165 φιλεχθρήσῃς πρὸςG4314 ἄνθρωπονG444 μάτην,G3155 μήG3165 τιG5100 εἰςG1519 σὲG4771 ἐργάσηταιG2038 κακόν.G2556
אַל־H408תְּ֭קַנֵּא H7065 בְּאִ֣ישׁ H376 חָמָ֑ס H2555 וְאַל־H408תִּ֝בְחַ֗ר H977 בְּכָל־H3605דְּרָכָֽיו׃ H1870 31 Do not envyH7065 a manH376 of violence,H2555 And do not chooseH977 anyH3605 of his ways.H1870 μὴG3165 κτήσῃG2932 κακῶνG2556 ἀνδρῶνG435 ὀνείδηG3681 μηδὲG3366 ζηλώσῃςG2206 τὰςG3588 ὁδοὺςG3598 αὐτῶν·G846
כִּ֤י H3588 תוֹעֲבַ֣ת H8441 יְהוָ֣ה H3068 נָל֑וֹז H3868 וְֽאֶת־H853יְשָׁרִ֥ים H3477 סוֹדֽוֹ׃ H5475 32 For the crookedH3868 [man] is an abominationH8441 to the Lord;H3068 But He is intimateH5475 with the upright.H3477 ἀκάθαρτοςG169 γὰρG1063 ἔναντιG1725 κυρίουG2962 πᾶςG3956 παράνομος, ἐνG1722 δὲG1161 δικαίοιςG1342 οὐG3364 συνεδριάζει.
מְאֵרַ֣ת H3994 יְ֭הוָה H3068 בְּבֵ֣ית H1004 רָשָׁ֑ע H7563 וּנְוֵ֖ה H5116 צַדִּיקִ֣ים H6662 יְבָרֵֽךְ׃ H1288 33 The curseH3994 of the LordH3068 is on the houseH1004 of the wicked,H7563 But He blessesH1288 the dwellingH5116 of the righteous.H6662 κατάραG2671 θεοῦG2316 ἐνG1722 οἴκοιςG3624 ἀσεβῶν,G765 ἐπαύλειςG1886 δὲG1161 δικαίωνG1342 εὐλογοῦνται.G2127
אִם־H518לַלֵּצִ֥ים H3887 הֽוּא־H1931יָלִ֑יץ H3887 [וְלַעֲנִיִּים כ] (וְ֝לַעֲנָוִ֗ים H6041 ק) יִתֶּן־H5414חֵֽן׃ H2580 34 ThoughH518 He scoffsH9238 at the scoffers,H9238 Yet He givesH5414 graceH2580 to the afflicted.H6035 κύριοςG2962 ὑπερηφάνοιςG5244 ἀντιτάσσεται,G498 ταπεινοῖςG5011 δὲG1161 δίδωσινG1325 χάριν.G5485
כָּ֭בוֹד H3519 חֲכָמִ֣ים H2450 יִנְחָ֑לוּ H5157 וּ֝כְסִילִ֗ים H3684 מֵרִ֥ים H7311 קָלֽוֹן׃ H7036 פ 35 The wiseH2450 will inheritH5157 honor,H9202 But foolsH3684 displayH7311 dishonor.H7036 δόξανG1391 σοφοὶG4680 κληρονομήσουσιν,G2816 οἱG3588 δὲG1161 ἀσεβεῖςG765 ὕψωσανG5312 ἀτιμίαν.G819
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