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Original text: Bible / Isaiah / Chapter 58

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קְרָ֤א H7121 בְגָרוֹן֙ H1627 אַל־H408תַּחְשֹׂ֔ךְ H2820 כַּשּׁוֹפָ֖ר H7782 הָרֵ֣ם H7311 קוֹלֶ֑ךָ H6963 וְהַגֵּ֤ד H5046 לְעַמִּי֙ H5971 פִּשְׁעָ֔ם H6588 וּלְבֵ֥ית H1004 יַעֲקֹ֖ב H3290 חַטֹּאתָֽם׃ H2403 1 "CryH7121 loudly,H1627 do not holdH2820 back;H2820 RaiseH7311 your voiceH6963 like a trumpet,H7782 And declareH5046 to My peopleH5971 their transgression,H6588 And to the houseH1004 of JacobH3290 their sins.H9128 ἈναβόησονG310 ἐνG1722 ἰσχύιG2479 καὶG2532 μὴG3165 φείσῃ,G5339 ὡςG3739 σάλπιγγαG4536 ὕψωσονG5312 τὴνG3588 φωνήνG5456 σουG4771 καὶG2532 ἀνάγγειλονG312 τῷG3588 λαῷG2992 μουG1473 τὰG3588 ἁμαρτήματαG265 αὐτῶνG846 καὶG2532 τῷG3588 οἴκῳG3624 ΙακωβG2384 τὰςG3588 ἀνομίαςG458 αὐτῶν.G846
וְאוֹתִ֗י H853 י֥וֹם H3117 יוֹם֙ H3117 יִדְרֹשׁ֔וּן H1875 וְדַ֥עַת H1847 דְּרָכַ֖י H1870 יֶחְפָּצ֑וּן H2654 כְּג֞וֹי H1471 אֲשֶׁר־H834צְדָקָ֣ה H6666 עָשָׂ֗ה H6213 וּמִשְׁפַּ֤ט H4941 אֱלֹהָיו֙ H430 לֹ֣א H3808 עָזָ֔ב H5800 יִשְׁאָל֙וּנִי֙ H7592 מִשְׁפְּטֵי־H4941צֶ֔דֶק H6664 קִרְבַ֥ת H7132 אֱלֹהִ֖ים H430 יֶחְפָּצֽוּן׃ H2654 2 "Yet they seekH1875 Me dayH3117 by day,H3117 and delightH2654 to knowH1847 My ways,H1870 As a nationH1471 that has doneH6213 righteousness,H6666 And has not forsakenH5800 the ordinanceH4941 of their God.H430 They askH7592 Me [for] justH6664 decisions,H4941 They delightH2654 in the nearnessH7132 of God.H430 ἐμὲG1473 ἡμέρανG2250 ἐξG1537 ἡμέραςG2250 ζητοῦσινG2212 καὶG2532 γνῶναίG1097 μουG1473 τὰςG3588 ὁδοὺςG3598 ἐπιθυμοῦσιν·G1937 ὡςG3739 λαὸςG2992 δικαιοσύνηνG1343 πεποιηκὼςG4160 καὶG2532 κρίσινG2920 θεοῦG2316 αὐτοῦG846 μὴG3165 ἐγκαταλελοιπὼςG2641 αἰτοῦσίνG154 μεG1473 νῦνG3568 κρίσινG2920 δικαίανG1342 καὶG2532 ἐγγίζεινG1448 θεῷG2316 ἐπιθυμοῦσινG1937
לָ֤מָּה H4100 צַּ֙מְנוּ֙ H6684 וְלֹ֣א H3808 רָאִ֔יתָ H7200 עִנִּ֥ינוּ H6031 נַפְשֵׁ֖נוּ H5315 וְלֹ֣א H3808 תֵדָ֑ע H3045 הֵ֣ן H2005 בְּי֤וֹם H3117 צֹֽמְכֶם֙ H6685 תִּמְצְאוּ־H4672חֵ֔פֶץ H2656 וְכָל־H3605עַצְּבֵיכֶ֖ם H6092 תִּנְגֹּֽשׂוּ׃ H5065 3 'WhyH4100 have we fastedH6684 and Thou dost not seeH7200? [Why] have we humbledH6031 ourselvesH5315 and Thou dost not noticeH3045?' Behold,H2005 on the dayH3117 of your fastH6685 you findH4672 [your] desire,H2656 And driveH5065 hardH5065 allH3605 your workers.H6092 λέγοντεςG3004 ΤίG5100 ὅτιG3754 ἐνηστεύσαμενG3522 καὶG2532 οὐκG3364 εἶδες;G3708 ἐταπεινώσαμενG5013 τὰςG3588 ψυχὰςG5590 ἡμῶνG1473 καὶG2532 οὐκG3364 ἔγνως;G1097 ἐνG1722 γὰρG1063 ταῖςG3588 ἡμέραιςG2250 τῶνG3588 νηστειῶνG3521 ὑμῶνG4771 εὑρίσκετεG2147 τὰG3588 θελήματαG2307 ὑμῶνG4771 καὶG2532 πάνταςG3956 τοὺςG3588 ὑποχειρίους ὑμῶνG4771 ὑπονύσσετε.
הֵ֣ן H2005 לְרִ֤יב H7379 וּמַצָּה֙ H4683 תָּצ֔וּמוּ H6684 וּלְהַכּ֖וֹת H5221 בְּאֶגְרֹ֣ף H106 רֶ֑שַׁע H7562 לֹא־H3808תָצ֣וּמוּ H6684 כַיּ֔וֹם H3117 לְהַשְׁמִ֥יעַ H8085 בַּמָּר֖וֹם H4791 קוֹלְכֶֽם׃ H6963 4 "Behold,H2005 you fastH6684 for contentionH7379 and strifeH4683 and to strikeH5221 with a wickedH7562 fist.H106 You do not fastH6684 like [you do] todayH3117 to makeH8085 your voiceH6963 heardH8085 on high.H4791 εἰG1487 εἰςG1519 κρίσειςG2920 καὶG2532 μάχαςG3163 νηστεύετεG3522 καὶG2532 τύπτετεG5180 πυγμαῖςG4435 ταπεινόν,G5011 ἵναG2443 τίG5100 μοιG1473 νηστεύετεG3522 ὡςG3739 σήμερονG4594 ἀκουσθῆναιG191 ἐνG1722 κραυγῇG2906 τὴνG3588 φωνὴνG5456 ὑμῶν;G4771
הֲכָזֶ֗ה H2088 יִֽהְיֶה֙ H1961 צ֣וֹם H6685 אֶבְחָרֵ֔הוּ H977 י֛וֹם H3117 עַנּ֥וֹת H6031 אָדָ֖ם H120 נַפְשׁ֑וֹ H5315 הֲלָכֹ֨ף H3721 כְּאַגְמֹ֜ן H100 רֹאשׁ֗וֹ H7218 וְשַׂ֤ק H8242 וָאֵ֙פֶר֙ H665 יַצִּ֔יעַ H3331 הֲלָזֶה֙ H2088 תִּקְרָא־H7121צ֔וֹם H6685 וְי֥וֹם H3117 רָצ֖וֹן H7522 לַיהוָֽה׃ H3068 5 "Is it a fastH6685 like thisH2088 which I choose,H977 a dayH3117 for a manH120 to humbleH6031 himselfH5315? Is it for bowingH3721 one's headH7218 like a reed,H100 And for spreadingH3331 out sackclothH8242 and ashesH665 as a bed? Will you callH7121 thisH2088 a fast,H6685 even an acceptableH7522 dayH3117 to the LordH3068? οὐG3364 ταύτηνG3778 τὴνG3588 νηστείανG3521 ἐξελεξάμηνG1586 καὶG2532 ἡμέρανG2250 ταπεινοῦνG5013 ἄνθρωπονG444 τὴνG3588 ψυχὴνG5590 αὐτοῦ·G846 οὐδG3761 ἂνG302 κάμψῃςG2578 ὡςG3739 κρίκον τὸνG3588 τράχηλόνG5137 σουG4771 καὶG2532 σάκκονG4526 καὶG2532 σποδὸνG4700 ὑποστρώσῃ,G5291 οὐδG3761 οὕτωςG3778 καλέσετεG2564 νηστείανG3521 δεκτήν.G1184
הֲל֣וֹא H3808 זֶה֮ H2088 צ֣וֹם H6685 אֶבְחָרֵהוּ֒ H977 פַּתֵּ֙חַ֙ H6605 חַרְצֻבּ֣וֹת H2784 רֶ֔שַׁע H7562 הַתֵּ֖ר H5425 אֲגֻדּ֣וֹת H92 מוֹטָ֑ה H4133 וְשַׁלַּ֤ח H7971 רְצוּצִים֙ H7533 חָפְשִׁ֔ים H2670 וְכָל־H3605מוֹטָ֖ה H4133 תְּנַתֵּֽקוּ׃ H5423 6 "Is thisH2088 not the fastH6685 which I choose,H977 To loosenH6605 the bondsH2784 of wickedness,H7562 To undoH5425 the bandsH92 of the yoke,H4133 And to letH7971 the oppressedH7533 goH7971 free,H2670 And breakH5423 everyH3605 yokeH4133? οὐχὶG3364 τοιαύτηνG5108 νηστείανG3521 ἐγὼG1473 ἐξελεξάμην,G1586 λέγειG3004 κύριος,G2962 ἀλλὰG235 λῦεG3089 πάνταG3956 σύνδεσμονG4886 ἀδικίας,G93 διάλυεG1262 στραγγαλιὰς βιαίωνG972 συναλλαγμάτων, ἀπόστελλεG649 τεθραυσμένουςG2352 ἐνG1722 ἀφέσειG859 καὶG2532 πᾶσανG3956 συγγραφὴν ἄδικονG94 διάσπα·G1288
הֲל֨וֹא H3808 פָרֹ֤ס H6536 לָֽרָעֵב֙ H7457 לַחְמֶ֔ךָ H3899 וַעֲנִיִּ֥ים H6041 מְרוּדִ֖ים H4788 תָּ֣בִיא H935 בָ֑יִת H1004 כִּֽי־H3588תִרְאֶ֤ה H7200 עָרֹם֙ H6174 וְכִסִּית֔וֹ H3680 וּמִבְּשָׂרְךָ֖ H1320 לֹ֥א H3808 תִתְעַלָּֽם׃ H5956 7 "Is it not to divideH6536 your breadH3899 with the hungry,H7457 And bringH935 the homelessH4788 poorH6041 into the house;H1004 WhenH3588 you seeH7200 the naked,H6174 to coverH3680 him; And not to hideH5956 yourself from your own fleshH1320? διάθρυπτε πεινῶντιG3983 τὸνG3588 ἄρτονG740 σουG4771 καὶG2532 πτωχοὺςG4434 ἀστέγους εἴσαγεG1521 εἰςG1519 τὸνG3588 οἶκόνG3624 σου·G4771 ἐὰνG1437 ἴδῃςG3708 γυμνόν,G1131 περίβαλε,G4016 καὶG2532 ἀπὸG575 τῶνG3588 οἰκείωνG3609 τοῦG3588 σπέρματόςG4690 σουG4771 οὐχG3364 ὑπερόψῃ.G5246
אָ֣ז H227 יִבָּקַ֤ע H1234 כַּשַּׁ֙חַר֙ H7837 אוֹרֶ֔ךָ H216 וַאֲרֻכָתְךָ֖ H724 מְהֵרָ֣ה H4120 תִצְמָ֑ח H6779 וְהָלַ֤ךְ H1980 לְפָנֶ֙יךָ֙ H6440 צִדְקֶ֔ךָ H6664 כְּב֥וֹד H3519 יְהוָ֖ה H3068 יַאַסְפֶֽךָ׃ H622 8 "ThenH227 your lightH216 will breakH1234 out like the dawn,H7837 And your recoveryH724 will speedilyH4120 springH6779 forth;H6779 And your righteousnessH6664 will goH1980 beforeH6440 you; The gloryH9202 of the LordH3068 will be your rearH622 guard.H622 τότεG5119 ῥαγήσεταιG4486 πρόιμονG4406 τὸG3588 φῶςG5457 σου,G4771 καὶG2532 τὰG3588 ἰάματάG2386 σουG4771 ταχὺG5036 ἀνατελεῖ,G393 καὶG2532 προπορεύσεταιG4313 ἔμπροσθένG1715 σουG4771G3588 δικαιοσύνηG1343 σου,G4771 καὶG2532G3588 δόξαG1391 τοῦG3588 θεοῦG2316 περιστελεῖ σε·G4771
אָ֤ז H227 תִּקְרָא֙ H7121 וַיהוָ֣ה H3068 יַעֲנֶ֔ה H6030 תְּשַׁוַּ֖ע H7768 וְיֹאמַ֣ר H559 הִנֵּ֑נִי H2005 אִם־H518תָּסִ֤יר H5493 מִתּֽוֹכְךָ֙ H8432 מוֹטָ֔ה H4133 שְׁלַ֥ח H7971 אֶצְבַּ֖ע H676 וְדַבֶּר־H1696אָֽוֶן׃ H205 9 "ThenH227 you will call,H7121 and the LordH3068 will answer;H6030 You will cry,H7768 and He will say,H559 'HereH2009 I am.' IfH518 you removeH5493 the yokeH4133 from your midst,H8432 The pointingH7971 of the finger,H676 and speakingH1696 wickedness,H205 τότεG5119 βοήσῃ,G994 καὶG2532G3588 θεὸςG2316 εἰσακούσεταίG1522 σου·G4771 ἔτιG2089 λαλοῦντόςG2980 σουG4771 ἐρεῖG2046 ἸδοὺG2400 πάρειμι.G3918 ἐὰνG1437 ἀφέλῃςG851 ἀπὸG575 σοῦG4771 σύνδεσμονG4886 καὶG2532 χειροτονίαν καὶG2532 ῥῆμαG4487 γογγυσμοῦG1112
וְתָפֵ֤ק H6329 לָֽרָעֵב֙ H7457 נַפְשֶׁ֔ךָ H5315 וְנֶ֥פֶשׁ H5315 נַעֲנָ֖ה H6031 תַּשְׂבִּ֑יעַ H7646 וְזָרַ֤ח H2224 בַּחֹ֙שֶׁךְ֙ H2822 אוֹרֶ֔ךָ H216 וַאֲפֵלָתְךָ֖ H653 כַּֽצָּהֳרָֽיִם׃ H6672 10 And if you giveH6329 yourselfH5315 to the hungry,H7457 And satisfyH7646 the desireH5315 of the afflicted,H6031 Then your lightH216 will riseH2224 in darkness,H2822 And your gloomH653 [will become] like midday.H6672 καὶG2532 δῷςG1325 πεινῶντιG3983 τὸνG3588 ἄρτονG740 ἐκG1537 ψυχῆςG5590 σουG4771 καὶG2532 ψυχὴνG5590 τεταπεινωμένηνG5013 ἐμπλήσῃς,G1705 τότεG5119 ἀνατελεῖG393 ἐνG1722 τῷG3588 σκότειG4655 τὸG3588 φῶςG5457 σου,G4771 καὶG2532 τὸG3588 σκότοςG4655 σουG4771 ὡςG3739 μεσημβρία.G3314
וְנָחֲךָ֣ H5148 יְהוָה֮ H3069 תָּמִיד֒ H8548 וְהִשְׂבִּ֤יעַ H7646 בְּצַחְצָחוֹת֙ H6710 נַפְשֶׁ֔ךָ H5315 וְעַצְמֹתֶ֖יךָ H6106 יַחֲלִ֑יץ H2502 וְהָיִ֙יתָ֙ H1961 כְּגַ֣ן H1588 רָוֶ֔ה H7302 וּכְמוֹצָ֣א H4161 מַ֔יִם H4325 אֲשֶׁ֥ר H834 לֹא־H3808יְכַזְּב֖וּ H3576 מֵימָֽיו׃ H4325 11 "And the LordH3068 will continuallyH8548 guideH5148 you, And satisfyH7646 your desireH5315 in scorchedH6710 places,H6710 And giveH9139 strengthH9139 to your bones;H6106 And you will be like a wateredH7302 garden,H1588 And like a springH4161 of waterH4325 whoseH834 watersH4325 do not fail.H3576 καὶG2532 ἔσταιG1510G3588 θεόςG2316 σουG4771 μετὰG3326 σοῦG4771 διὰG1223 παντός·G3956 καὶG2532 ἐμπλησθήσῃG1705 καθάπερG2509 ἐπιθυμεῖG1937G3588 ψυχήG5590 σου,G4771 καὶG2532 τὰG3588 ὀστᾶG3747 σουG4771 πιανθήσεται, καὶG2532 ἔσῃG1510 ὡςG3739 κῆποςG2779 μεθύωνG3184 καὶG2532 ὡςG3739 πηγὴG4077 ἣνG3739 μὴG3165 ἐξέλιπενG1587 ὕδωρ,G5204 καὶG2532 τὰG3588 ὀστᾶG3747 σουG4771 ὡςG3739 βοτάνηG1008 ἀνατελεῖG393 καὶG2532 πιανθήσεται, καὶG2532 κληρονομήσουσιG2816 γενεὰςG1074 γενεῶν.G1074
וּבָנ֤וּ H1129 מִמְּךָ֙ H4480 חָרְב֣וֹת H2723 עוֹלָ֔ם H5769 מוֹסְדֵ֥י H4146 דוֹר־H1755וָד֖וֹר H1755 תְּקוֹמֵ֑ם H6965 וְקֹרָ֤א H7121 לְךָ֙ גֹּדֵ֣ר H1443 פֶּ֔רֶץ H6556 מְשֹׁבֵ֥ב H7725 נְתִיב֖וֹת H5410 לָשָֽׁבֶת׃ H3427 12 "And those from among you will rebuildH1129 the ancientH5769 ruins;H2723 You will raiseH6965 up the age-old foundations;H4144 And you will be calledH7121 the repairerH1443 of the breach,H6556 The restorerH7725 of the streetsH9350 in which to dwell.H3427 καὶG2532 οἰκοδομηθήσονταίG3618 σουG4771 αἱG3588 ἔρημοιG2048 αἰώνιοι,G166 καὶG2532 ἔσταιG1510 σουG4771 τὰG3588 θεμέλιαG2310 αἰώνιαG166 γενεῶνG1074 γενεαῖς·G1074 καὶG2532 κληθήσῃG2564 ΟἰκοδόμοςG3620 φραγμῶν,G5418 καὶG2532 τοὺςG3588 τρίβουςG5147 τοὺςG3588 ἀνὰG303 μέσονG3319 παύσεις.G3973
אִם־H518תָּשִׁ֤יב H7725 מִשַּׁבָּת֙ H7676 רַגְלֶ֔ךָ H7272 עֲשׂ֥וֹת H6213 חֲפָצֶ֖יךָ H2656 בְּי֣וֹם H3117 קָדְשִׁ֑י H6944 וְקָרָ֨אתָ H7121 לַשַּׁבָּ֜ת H7676 עֹ֗נֶג H6027 לִקְד֤וֹשׁ H6918 יְהוָה֙ H3068 מְכֻבָּ֔ד H3513 וְכִבַּדְתּוֹ֙ H3513 מֵעֲשׂ֣וֹת H6213 דְּרָכֶ֔יךָ H1870 מִמְּצ֥וֹא H4672 חֶפְצְךָ֖ H2656 וְדַבֵּ֥ר H1696 דָּבָֽר׃ H1697 13 "IfH518 becauseH4480 of the sabbath,H7676 you turnH7725 your footH7272 From doingH6213 your [own] pleasureH2656 on My holyH6944 day,H3117 And callH7121 the sabbathH7676 a delight,H6027 the holyH6918 [day] of the LordH3068 honorable,H3513 And shall honorH3513 it, desistingH6213 from your [own] ways,H1870 From seekingH4672 your [own] pleasure,H2656 And speakingH1696 [your own] word,H1697 ἐὰνG1437 ἀποστρέψῃςG654 τὸνG3588 πόδαG4228 σουG4771 ἀπὸG575 τῶνG3588 σαββάτωνG4521 τοῦG3588 μὴG3165 ποιεῖνG4160 τὰG3588 θελήματάG2307 σουG4771 ἐνG1722 τῇG3588 ἡμέρᾳG2250 τῇG3588 ἁγίᾳG40 καὶG2532 καλέσειςG2564 τὰG3588 σάββαταG4521 τρυφερά, ἅγιαG40 τῷG3588 θεῷG2316 σου,G4771 οὐκG3364 ἀρεῖςG142 τὸνG3588 πόδαG4228 σουG4771 ἐπ᾽G1909 ἔργῳG2041 οὐδὲG3761 λαλήσειςG2980 λόγονG3056 < ἐνG1722 ὀργῇG3709 ἐκG1537 τοῦG3588 στόματόςG4750 σου,G4771
אָ֗ז H227 תִּתְעַנַּג֙ H6026 עַל־H5921יְהוָ֔ה H3068 וְהִרְכַּבְתִּ֖יךָ H7392 עַל־H5921[בָּמֹותֵי כ] (בָּ֣מֳתֵי H1116 ק) אָ֑רֶץ H776 וְהַאֲכַלְתִּ֗יךָ H398 נַחֲלַת֙ H5159 יַעֲקֹ֣ב H3290 אָבִ֔יךָ H1 כִּ֛י H3588 פִּ֥י H6310 יְהוָ֖ה H3068 דִּבֵּֽר׃ H1696 ס 14 ThenH227 you will takeH6026 delightH6026 in the Lord,H3068 And I will make you rideH7392 on the heightsH1116 of the earth;H776 And I will feedH398 you [with] the heritageH5159 of JacobH3290 your father, For the mouthH1 of the LordH6310 has spoken.H3068 " καὶG2532 ἔσῃG1510 πεποιθὼςG3982 ἐπὶG1909 κύριον,G2962 καὶG2532 ἀναβιβάσειG307 σεG4771 ἐπὶG1909 τὰG3588 ἀγαθὰG18 τῆςG3588 γῆςG1065 καὶG2532 ψωμιεῖG5595 σεG4771 τὴνG3588 κληρονομίανG2817 ΙακωβG2384 τοῦG3588 πατρόςG3962 σου·G4771 τὸG3588 γὰρG1063 στόμαG4750 κυρίουG2962 ἐλάλησενG2980 ταῦτα.G3778
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