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Original text: Bible / Leviticus / Chapter 7

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וְזֹ֥את H2063 תּוֹרַ֖ת H8451 הָאָשָׁ֑ם H817 קֹ֥דֶשׁ H6944 קָֽדָשִׁ֖ים H6944 הֽוּא׃ H1931 1 'Now thisH2088 is the lawH8451 of the guiltH817 offering;H817 it is mostH6944 holy.H6944 ΚαὶG2532 οὗτοςG3778G3588 νόμοςG3551 τοῦG3588 κριοῦ τοῦG3588 περὶG4012 τῆςG3588 πλημμελείας· ἅγιαG40 ἁγίωνG40 ἐστίν.G1510
בִּמְק֗וֹם H4725 אֲשֶׁ֤ר H834 יִשְׁחֲטוּ֙ H7819 אֶת־H853הָ֣עֹלָ֔ה H5930 יִשְׁחֲט֖וּ H7819 אֶת־H853הָאָשָׁ֑ם H817 וְאֶת־H853דָּמ֛וֹ H1818 יִזְרֹ֥ק H2236 עַל־H5921הַמִּזְבֵּ֖חַ H4196 סָבִֽיב׃ H5439 2 'In the placeH4725 whereH834 they slayH7819 the burntH5930 offeringH5930 they are to slayH7819 the guiltH817 offering,H817 and he shall sprinkleH2236 its bloodH1818 aroundH5439 on the altar.H4196 ἐνG1722 τόπῳ,G5117 οὗG3364 σφάζουσινG4969 τὸG3588 ὁλοκαύτωμα,G3646 σφάξουσινG4969 τὸνG3588 κριὸν τῆςG3588 πλημμελείας ἔναντιG1725 κυρίου,G2962 καὶG2532 τὸG3588 αἷμαG129 προσχεεῖ ἐπὶG1909 τὴνG3588 βάσινG939 τοῦG3588 θυσιαστηρίουG2379 κύκλῳ.G2945
וְאֵ֥ת H853 כָּל־H3605חֶלְבּ֖וֹ H2459 יַקְרִ֣יב H7126 מִמֶּ֑נּוּ H4480 אֵ֚ת H853 הָֽאַלְיָ֔ה H451 וְאֶת־H853הַחֵ֖לֶב H2459 הַֽמְכַסֶּ֥ה H3680 אֶת־H853הַקֶּֽרֶב׃ H7130 3 'Then he shall offerH7126 from it allH3605 its fat:H2459 the fatH451 tailH451 and the fatH2459 that coversH3680 the entrails,H7130 καὶG2532 πᾶνG3956 τὸG3588 στέαρ αὐτοῦG846 προσοίσειG4374 ἀπ᾽G575 αὐτοῦ,G846 καὶG2532 τὴνG3588 ὀσφὺνG3751 καὶG2532 πᾶνG3956 τὸG3588 στέαρ τὸG3588 κατακαλύπτονG2619 τὰG3588 ἐνδόσθια καὶG2532 πᾶνG3956 τὸG3588 στέαρ τὸG3588 ἐπὶG1909 τῶνG3588 ἐνδοσθίων
וְאֵת֙ H853 שְׁתֵּ֣י H8147 הַכְּלָיֹ֔ת H3629 וְאֶת־H853הַחֵ֙לֶב֙ H2459 אֲשֶׁ֣ר H834 עֲלֵיהֶ֔ן H5921 אֲשֶׁ֖ר H834 עַל־H5921הַכְּסָלִ֑ים H3689 וְאֶת־H853הַיֹּתֶ֙רֶת֙ H3508 עַל־H5921הַכָּבֵ֔ד H3516 עַל־H5921הַכְּלָיֹ֖ת H3629 יְסִירֶֽנָּה׃ H5493 4 and the twoH8147 kidneysH3629 with the fatH2459 that is on them, whichH834 is on the loins,H3689 and the lobeH3508 on the liverH3516 he shall removeH5493 with the kidneys.H3629 καὶG2532 τοὺςG3588 δύοG1417 νεφροὺςG3510 καὶG2532 τὸG3588 στέαρ τὸG3588 ἐπ᾽G1909 αὐτῶνG846 τὸG3588 ἐπὶG1909 τῶνG3588 μηρίων καὶG2532 τὸνG3588 λοβὸν τὸνG3588 ἐπὶG1909 τοῦG3588 ἥπατος [σὺνG4862 τοῖςG3588 νεφροῖςG3510 περιελεῖG4014 αὐτά],G846
וְהִקְטִ֨יר H6999 אֹתָ֤ם H853 הַכֹּהֵן֙ H3548 הַמִּזְבֵּ֔חָה H4196 אִשֶּׁ֖ה H801 לַיהוָ֑ה H3068 אָשָׁ֖ם H817 הֽוּא׃ H1931 5 'And the priestH3548 shall offerH6999 them up in smokeH6999 on the altarH4196 as an offeringH801 by fireH801 to the Lord;H3068 it is a guiltH817 offering.H817 καὶG2532 ἀνοίσειG399 αὐτὰG846G3588 ἱερεὺςG2409 ἐπὶG1909 τὸG3588 θυσιαστήριονG2379 κάρπωμα τῷG3588 κυρίῳ·G2962 περὶG4012 πλημμελείας ἐστίν.G1510
כָּל־H3605זָכָ֥ר H2145 בַּכֹּהֲנִ֖ים H3548 יֹאכְלֶ֑נּוּ H398 בְּמָק֤וֹם H4725 קָדוֹשׁ֙ H6918 יֵאָכֵ֔ל H398 קֹ֥דֶשׁ H6944 קָֽדָשִׁ֖ים H6944 הֽוּא׃ H1931 6 'EveryH3605 maleH2145 among the priestsH3548 may eatH398 of it. It shall be eatenH398 in a holyH6918 place;H4725 it is mostH6944 holy.H6944 πᾶςG3956 ἄρσηνG730 ἐκG1537 τῶνG3588 ἱερέωνG2409 ἔδεταιG2068 αὐτά,G846 ἐνG1722 τόπῳG5117 ἁγίῳG40 ἔδονταιG2068 αὐτά·G846 ἅγιαG40 ἁγίωνG40 ἐστίν.G1510
כַּֽחַטָּאת֙ H2403 כָּֽאָשָׁ֔ם H817 תּוֹרָ֥ה H8451 אַחַ֖ת H259 לָהֶ֑ם הַכֹּהֵ֛ן H3548 אֲשֶׁ֥ר H834 יְכַפֶּר־H3722בּ֖וֹ ל֥וֹ יִהְיֶֽה׃ H1961 7 'The guiltH817 offeringH817 is like the sinH9128 offering,H9128 there is oneH259 lawH8451 for them; the priestH3548 whoH834 makesH3722 atonementH3722 with it shall haveH1961 it. ὥσπερG3746 τὸG3588 περὶG4012 τῆςG3588 ἁμαρτίας,G266 οὕτωG3778 καὶG2532 τὸG3588 τῆςG3588 πλημμελείας, νόμοςG3551 εἷςG1519 αὐτῶν·G846G3588 ἱερεύς,G2409 ὅστιςG3748 ἐξιλάσεται ἐνG1722 αὐτῷ,G846 αὐτῷG846 ἔσται.G1510
וְהַ֨כֹּהֵ֔ן H3548 הַמַּקְרִ֖יב H7126 אֶת־H853עֹ֣לַת H5930 אִ֑ישׁ H376 ע֤וֹר H5785 הָֽעֹלָה֙ H5930 אֲשֶׁ֣ר H834 הִקְרִ֔יב H7126 לַכֹּהֵ֖ן H3548 ל֥וֹ יִהְיֶֽה׃ H1961 8 'Also the priestH3548 who presentsH7126 anyH376 man's burntH5930 offering,H5930 that priestH3548 shall haveH1961 for himself the skinH5785 of the burntH5930 offeringH5930 whichH834 he has presented.H7126 καὶG2532G3588 ἱερεὺςG2409G3588 προσάγωνG4317 ὁλοκαύτωμαG3646 ἀνθρώπου,G444 τὸG3588 δέρμαG1192 τῆςG3588 ὁλοκαυτώσεως, ἧςG3739 αὐτὸςG846 προσφέρει,G4374 αὐτῷG846 ἔσται.G1510
וְכָל־H3605מִנְחָ֗ה H4503 אֲשֶׁ֤ר H834 תֵּֽאָפֶה֙ H644 בַּתַּנּ֔וּר H8574 וְכָל־H3605נַעֲשָׂ֥ה H6213 בַמַּרְחֶ֖שֶׁת H4227 וְעַֽל־H5921מַחֲבַ֑ת H4802 לַכֹּהֵ֛ן H3548 הַמַּקְרִ֥יב H7126 אֹתָ֖הּ H853 ל֥וֹ תִֽהְיֶֽה׃ H1961 9 'Likewise, everyH3605 grain offeringH4503 that is bakedH644 in the oven,H8574 and everythingH3605 preparedH6213 in a panH4802 or on a griddle,H4227 shall belongH1961 to the priestH3548 who presentsH7126 it. καὶG2532 πᾶσαG3956 θυσία,G2378 ἥτιςG3748 ποιηθήσεταιG4160 ἐνG1722 τῷG3588 κλιβάνῳ,G2823 καὶG2532 πᾶσα,G3956 ἥτιςG3748 ποιηθήσεταιG4160 ἐπ᾽G1909 ἐσχάρας ἢG2228 ἐπὶG1909 τηγάνου, τοῦG3588 ἱερέωςG2409 τοῦG3588 προσφέροντοςG4374 αὐτήν,G846 αὐτῷG846 ἔσται.G1510
וְכָל־H3605מִנְחָ֥ה H4503 בְלוּלָֽה־H1101בַשֶּׁ֖מֶן H8081 וַחֲרֵבָ֑ה H2720 לְכָל־H3605בְּנֵ֧י H1121 אַהֲרֹ֛ן H175 תִּהְיֶ֖ה H1961 אִ֥ישׁ H376 כְּאָחִֽיו׃ H251 פ 10 'And everyH3605 grain offeringH4503 mixedH1101 with oil,H8081 or dry,H9164 shall belongH1961 to allH3605 the sonsH1121 of Aaron,H175 to allH376 alike.H251 καὶG2532 πᾶσαG3956 θυσίαG2378 ἀναπεποιημένη ἐνG1722 ἐλαίῳG1637 καὶG2532 μὴG3165 ἀναπεποιημένη πᾶσιG3956 τοῖςG3588 υἱοῖςG5207 ΑαρωνG2 ἔσται,G1510 ἑκάστῳG1538 τὸG3588 ἴσον.G2470
וְזֹ֥את H2063 תּוֹרַ֖ת H8451 זֶ֣בַח H2077 הַשְּׁלָמִ֑ים H8002 אֲשֶׁ֥ר H834 יַקְרִ֖יב H7126 לַיהוָֽה׃ H3068 11 'Now thisH2088 is the lawH8451 of the sacrificeH2077 of peaceH8002 offeringsH8002 whichH834 shall be presentedH7126 to the Lord.H3068 ΟὗτοςG3778G3588 νόμοςG3551 θυσίαςG2378 σωτηρίου,G4992 ἣνG3739 προσοίσουσινG4374 κυρίῳ.G2962
אִ֣ם H518 עַל־H5921תּוֹדָה֮ H8426 יַקְרִיבֶנּוּ֒ H7126 וְהִקְרִ֣יב H7126 ׀ עַל־H5921זֶ֣בַח H2077 הַתּוֹדָ֗ה H8426 חַלּ֤וֹת H2471 מַצּוֹת֙ H4682 בְּלוּלֹ֣ת H1101 בַּשֶּׁ֔מֶן H8081 וּרְקִיקֵ֥י H7550 מַצּ֖וֹת H4682 מְשֻׁחִ֣ים H4886 בַּשָּׁ֑מֶן H8081 וְסֹ֣לֶת H5560 מֻרְבֶּ֔כֶת H7246 חַלֹּ֖ת H2471 בְּלוּלֹ֥ת H1101 בַּשָּֽׁמֶן׃ H8081 12 'IfH518 he offersH7126 it by wayH5921 of thanksgiving,H8426 then alongH5921 with the sacrificeH2077 of thanksgivingH8426 he shall offerH7126 unleavenedH4682 cakesH2471 mixedH1101 with oil,H8081 and unleavenedH4682 wafersH7550 spreadH4886 with oil,H8081 and cakesH2471 [of well] stirredH7246 fineH5560 flourH5560 mixedH1101 with oil.H8081 ἐὰνG1437 μὲνG3303 περὶG4012 αἰνέσεωςG133 προσφέρῃG4374 αὐτήν,G846 καὶG2532 προσοίσειG4374 ἐπὶG1909 τῆςG3588 θυσίαςG2378 τῆςG3588 αἰνέσεωςG133 ἄρτουςG740 ἐκG1537 σεμιδάλεωςG4585 ἀναπεποιημένους ἐνG1722 ἐλαίῳ,G1637 λάγανα ἄζυμαG106 διακεχρισμένα ἐνG1722 ἐλαίῳG1637 καὶG2532 σεμίδαλινG4585 πεφυραμένην ἐνG1722 ἐλαίῳ·G1637
עַל־H5921חַלֹּת֙ H2471 לֶ֣חֶם H3899 חָמֵ֔ץ H2557 יַקְרִ֖יב H7126 קָרְבָּנ֑וֹ H7133 עַל־H5921זֶ֖בַח H2077 תּוֹדַ֥ת H8426 שְׁלָמָֽיו׃ H8002 13 'With the sacrificeH2077 of his peaceH8002 offeringsH8002 for thanksgiving,H8426 he shall presentH7126 his offeringH7133 with cakesH2471 of leavenedH2557 bread.H3899 ἐπ᾽G1909 ἄρτοιςG740 ζυμίταις προσοίσειG4374 τὰG3588 δῶραG1435 αὐτοῦG846 ἐπὶG1909 θυσίᾳG2378 αἰνέσεωςG133 σωτηρίου.G4992
וְהִקְרִ֨יב H7126 מִמֶּ֤נּוּ H4480 אֶחָד֙ H259 מִכָּל־H3605קָרְבָּ֔ן H7133 תְּרוּמָ֖ה H8641 לַיהוָ֑ה H3068 לַכֹּהֵ֗ן H3548 הַזֹּרֵ֛ק H2236 אֶת־H853דַּ֥ם H1818 הַשְּׁלָמִ֖ים H8002 ל֥וֹ יִהְיֶֽה׃ H1961 14 'And of this he shall presentH7126 oneH259 of everyH3605 offeringH7133 as a contributionH8641 to the Lord;H3068 it shall belongH1961 to the priestH3548 who sprinklesH2236 the bloodH1818 of the peaceH8002 offerings.H8002 καὶG2532 προσάξειG4317 ἓνG1519 ἀπὸG575 πάντωνG3956 τῶνG3588 δώρωνG1435 αὐτοῦG846 ἀφαίρεμα κυρίῳ·G2962 τῷG3588 ἱερεῖG2409 τῷG3588 προσχέοντι τὸG3588 αἷμαG129 τοῦG3588 σωτηρίου,G4992 αὐτῷG846 ἔσται.G1510
וּבְשַׂ֗ר H1320 זֶ֚בַח H2077 תּוֹדַ֣ת H8426 שְׁלָמָ֔יו H8002 בְּי֥וֹם H3117 קָרְבָּנ֖וֹ H7133 יֵאָכֵ֑ל H398 לֹֽא־H3808יַנִּ֥יחַ H3240 מִמֶּ֖נּוּ H4480 עַד־H5704בֹּֽקֶר׃ H1242 15 'Now [as for] the fleshH1320 of the sacrificeH2077 of his thanksgivingH8426 peaceH8002 offerings,H8002 it shall be eatenH398 on the dayH3117 of his offering;H7133 he shall not leaveH5117 anyH4480 of it over untilH5704 morning.H1242 καὶG2532 τὰG3588 κρέαG2907 θυσίαςG2378 αἰνέσεωςG133 σωτηρίουG4992 αὐτῷG846 ἔσταιG1510 καὶG2532 ἐνG1722G3739 ἡμέρᾳG2250 δωρεῖται,G1433 βρωθήσεται·G977 οὐG3364 καταλείψουσινG2641 ἀπ᾽G575 αὐτοῦG846 εἰςG1519 τὸG3588 πρωί.G4404
וְאִם־H518נֶ֣דֶר H5088 ׀ א֣וֹ H176 נְדָבָ֗ה H5071 זֶ֚בַח H2077 קָרְבָּנ֔וֹ H7133 בְּי֛וֹם H3117 הַקְרִיב֥וֹ H7126 אֶת־H853זִבְח֖וֹ H2077 יֵאָכֵ֑ל H398 וּמִֽמָּחֳרָ֔ת H4283 וְהַנּוֹתָ֥ר H3498 מִמֶּ֖נּוּ H4480 יֵאָכֵֽל׃ H398 16 'But ifH518 the sacrificeH2077 of his offeringH7133 is a votiveH5088 orH176 a freewillH5071 offering,H5071 it shall be eatenH398 on the dayH3117 that he offersH7126 his sacrifice;H2077 and on the nextH4283 dayH4283 what is leftH3498 of it may be eaten;H398 κἂνG2579 εὐχή,G2171G2228 ἑκούσιονG1596 θυσιάζῃ τὸG3588 δῶρονG1435 αὐτοῦ,G846G3739 ἂνG302 ἡμέρᾳG2250 προσαγάγῃG4317 τὴνG3588 θυσίανG2378 αὐτοῦ,G846 βρωθήσεταιG977 καὶG2532 τῇG3588 αὔριον·G839
וְהַנּוֹתָ֖ר H3498 מִבְּשַׂ֣ר H1320 הַזָּ֑בַח H2077 בַּיּוֹם֙ H3117 הַשְּׁלִישִׁ֔י H7992 בָּאֵ֖שׁ H784 יִשָּׂרֵֽף׃ H8313 17 but what is leftH3498 overH3498 from the fleshH1320 of the sacrificeH2077 on the thirdH7992 dayH3117 shall be burnedH8313 with fire.H784 καὶG2532 τὸG3588 καταλειφθὲνG2641 ἀπὸG575 τῶνG3588 κρεῶνG2907 τῆςG3588 θυσίαςG2378 ἕωςG2193 ἡμέραςG2250 τρίτηςG5154 ἐνG1722 πυρὶG4442 κατακαυθήσεται.G2618
וְאִ֣ם H518 הֵאָכֹ֣ל H3605 יֵ֠אָכֵל H398 מִבְּשַׂר־H1320זֶ֨בַח H2077 שְׁלָמָ֜יו H8002 בַּיּ֣וֹם H3117 הַשְּׁלִישִׁי֮ H7992 לֹ֣א H3808 יֵרָצֶה֒ H7521 הַמַּקְרִ֣יב H7126 אֹת֗וֹ H853 לֹ֧א H3808 יֵחָשֵׁ֛ב H2803 ל֖וֹ פִּגּ֣וּל H6292 יִהְיֶ֑ה H1961 וְהַנֶּ֛פֶשׁ H5315 הָאֹכֶ֥לֶת H398 מִמֶּ֖נּוּ H4480 עֲוֹנָ֥הּ H5771 תִּשָּֽׂא׃ H5375 18 'So ifH518 anyH4480 of the fleshH1320 of the sacrificeH2077 of his peaceH8002 offeringsH8002 should [ever] be eatenH398 on the thirdH7992 day,H3117 he who offersH7126 it shall not be accepted,H7521 [and] it shall not be reckonedH2803 to his [benefit.] It shall be an offensiveH6292 thing,H6292 and the personH5315 who eatsH398 of it shall bearH5375 his [own] iniquity.H5771 ἐὰνG1437 δὲG1161 φαγὼνG2068 φάγῃG2068 ἀπὸG575 τῶνG3588 κρεῶνG2907 τῇG3588 ἡμέρᾳG2250 τῇG3588 τρίτῃ,G5154 οὐG3364 δεχθήσεταιG1209 αὐτῷG846 τῷG3588 προσφέροντιG4374 αὐτό,G846 οὐG3364 λογισθήσεταιG3049 αὐτῷ,G846 μίασμάG3393 ἐστιν·G1510G3588 δὲG1161 ψυχή,G5590 ἥτιςG3748 ἐὰνG1437 φάγῃG2068 ἀπ᾽G575 αὐτοῦ,G846 τὴνG3588 ἁμαρτίανG266 λήμψεται.G2983
וְהַבָּשָׂ֞ר H1320 אֲשֶׁר־H834יִגַּ֤ע H5060 בְּכָל־H3605טָמֵא֙ H2931 לֹ֣א H3808 יֵֽאָכֵ֔ל H398 בָּאֵ֖שׁ H784 יִשָּׂרֵ֑ף H8313 וְהַ֨בָּשָׂ֔ר H1320 כָּל־H3605טָה֖וֹר H2889 יֹאכַ֥ל H398 בָּשָֽׂר׃ H1320 19 'Also the fleshH1320 that touchesH5060 anythingH3605 uncleanH2931 shall not be eaten;H398 it shall be burnedH8313 with fire.H784 As for [other] flesh,H1320 anyoneH3605 who is cleanH2889 may eatH398 [such] flesh.H1320 καὶG2532 κρέα,G2907 ὅσαG3745 ἂνG302 ἅψηταιG680 παντὸςG3956 ἀκαθάρτου,G169 οὐG3364 βρωθήσεται,G977 ἐνG1722 πυρὶG4442 κατακαυθήσεται.G2618 πᾶςG3956 καθαρὸςG2513 φάγεταιG2068 κρέα.G2907
וְהַנֶּ֜פֶשׁ H5315 אֲשֶׁר־H834תֹּאכַ֣ל H398 בָּשָׂ֗ר H1320 מִזֶּ֤בַח H2077 הַשְּׁלָמִים֙ H8002 אֲשֶׁ֣ר H834 לַיהוָ֔ה H3068 וְטֻמְאָת֖וֹ H2932 עָלָ֑יו H5921 וְנִכְרְתָ֛ה H3772 הַנֶּ֥פֶשׁ H5315 הַהִ֖וא H1931 מֵעַמֶּֽיהָ׃ H5971 20 'But the personH5315 whoH834 eatsH398 the fleshH1320 of the sacrificeH2077 of peaceH8002 offeringsH8002 whichH834 belong to the Lord,H3068 in his uncleanness,H2932 that personH5315 shall be cutH3772 offH3772 from his people.H9415 G3588 δὲG1161 ψυχή,G5590 ἥτιςG3748 ἐὰνG1437 φάγῃG2068 ἀπὸG575 τῶνG3588 κρεῶνG2907 τῆςG3588 θυσίαςG2378 τοῦG3588 σωτηρίου,G4992G3739 ἐστινG1510 κυρίου,G2962 καὶG2532G3588 ἀκαθαρσίαG167 αὐτοῦG846 ἐπ᾽G1909 αὐτοῦ,G846 ἀπολεῖταιG622G3588 ψυχὴG5590 ἐκείνηG1565 ἐκG1537 τοῦG3588 λαοῦG2992 αὐτῆς.G846
וְנֶ֜פֶשׁ H5315 כִּֽי־H3588תִגַּ֣ע H5060 בְּכָל־H3605טָמֵ֗א H2931 בְּטֻמְאַ֤ת H2932 אָדָם֙ H120 א֣וֹ H176 ׀ בִּבְהֵמָ֣ה H929 טְמֵאָ֗ה H2931 א֚וֹ H176 בְּכָל־H3605שֶׁ֣קֶץ H8263 טָמֵ֔א H2931 וְאָכַ֛ל H398 מִבְּשַׂר־H1320זֶ֥בַח H2077 הַשְּׁלָמִ֖ים H8002 אֲשֶׁ֣ר H834 לַיהוָ֑ה H3068 וְנִכְרְתָ֛ה H3772 הַנֶּ֥פֶשׁ H5315 הַהִ֖וא H1931 מֵעַמֶּֽיהָ׃ H5971 פ 21 'And whenH3588 anyoneH5315 touchesH5060 anythingH3605 unclean,H2931 whether humanH120 uncleanness,H2932 orH176 an uncleanH2931 animal,H929 orH176 anyH3605 uncleanH2931 detestableH8263 thing,H8263 and eatsH398 of the fleshH1320 of the sacrificeH2077 of peaceH8002 offeringsH8002 whichH834 belong to the Lord,H3068 that personH5315 shall be cutH3772 offH3772 from his people.H9415' " καὶG2532 ψυχή,G5590G3739 ἂνG302 ἅψηταιG680 παντὸςG3956 πράγματοςG4229 ἀκαθάρτουG169G2228 ἀπὸG575 ἀκαθαρσίαςG167 ἀνθρώπουG444G2228 τῶνG3588 τετραπόδωνG5074 τῶνG3588 ἀκαθάρτωνG169G2228 παντὸςG3956 βδελύγματοςG946 ἀκαθάρτουG169 καὶG2532 φάγῃG2068 ἀπὸG575 τῶνG3588 κρεῶνG2907 τῆςG3588 θυσίαςG2378 τοῦG3588 σωτηρίου,G4992G3739 ἐστινG1510 κυρίου,G2962 ἀπολεῖταιG622G3588 ψυχὴG5590 ἐκείνηG1565 ἐκG1537 τοῦG3588 λαοῦG2992 αὐτῆς.G846
וַיְדַבֵּ֥ר H1696 יְהוָ֖ה H3069 אֶל־H413מֹשֶׁ֥ה H4872 לֵּאמֹֽר׃ H559 22 Then the LordH3068 spokeH1696 to Moses,H4872 saying,H559 ΚαὶG2532 ἐλάλησενG2980 κύριοςG2962 πρὸςG4314 ΜωυσῆνG3475 λέγωνG3004
דַּבֵּ֛ר H1696 אֶל־H413בְּנֵ֥י H1121 יִשְׂרָאֵ֖ל H3478 לֵאמֹ֑ר H559 כָּל־H3605חֵ֜לֶב H2459 שׁ֥וֹר H7794 וְכֶ֛שֶׂב H3775 וָעֵ֖ז H5795 לֹ֥א H3808 תֹאכֵֽלוּ׃ H398 23 "SpeakH1696 to the sonsH1121 of Israel,H3478 saying,H559 'You shall not eatH398 anyH3605 fatH2459 [from] an ox,H7794 a sheep,H3775 or a goat.H5795 ΛάλησονG2980 τοῖςG3588 υἱοῖςG5207 ΙσραηλG2474 λέγωνG3004 ΠᾶνG3956 στέαρ βοῶνG1016 καὶG2532 προβάτωνG4263 καὶG2532 αἰγῶνG137 οὐκG3364 ἔδεσθε.G2068
וְחֵ֤לֶב H2459 נְבֵלָה֙ H5038 וְחֵ֣לֶב H2459 טְרֵפָ֔ה H2966 יֵעָשֶׂ֖ה H6213 לְכָל־H3605מְלָאכָ֑ה H4399 וְאָכֹ֖ל H398 לֹ֥א H3808 תֹאכְלֻֽהוּ׃ H398 24 'Also the fatH2459 of [an animalH2966] which dies,H5038 and the fatH2459 of an animal tornH2966 [by beasts], may be putH6213 to anyH3605 other use,H4399 but you must certainlyH398 not eatH398 it. καὶG2532 στέαρ θνησιμαίων καὶG2532 θηριάλωτον ποιηθήσεταιG4160 εἰςG1519 πᾶνG3956 ἔργονG2041 καὶG2532 εἰςG1519 βρῶσινG1035 οὐG3364 βρωθήσεται.G977
כִּ֚י H3588 כָּל־H3605אֹכֵ֣ל H398 חֵ֔לֶב H2459 מִן־H4480הַ֨בְּהֵמָ֔ה H929 אֲשֶׁ֨ר H834 יַקְרִ֥יב H7126 מִמֶּ֛נָּה H4480 אִשֶּׁ֖ה H801 לַיהוָ֑ה H3068 וְנִכְרְתָ֛ה H3772 הַנֶּ֥פֶשׁ H5315 הָאֹכֶ֖לֶת H398 מֵֽעַמֶּֽיהָ׃ H5971 25 'For whoeverH3605 eatsH398 the fatH2459 of the animalH929 from whichH834 an offeringH801 by fireH801 is offeredH7126 to the Lord,H3068 even the personH5315 who eatsH398 shall be cutH3772 offH3772 from his people.H9415 πᾶςG3956G3588 ἔσθωνG2068 στέαρ ἀπὸG575 τῶνG3588 κτηνῶν,G2934 ὧνG3739 προσάξειG4317 αὐτῶνG846 κάρπωμα κυρίῳ,G2962 ἀπολεῖταιG622G3588 ψυχὴG5590 ἐκείνηG1565 ἀπὸG575 τοῦG3588 λαοῦG2992 αὐτῆς.G846
וְכָל־H3605דָּם֙ H1818 לֹ֣א H3808 תֹאכְל֔וּ H398 בְּכֹ֖ל H3605 מוֹשְׁבֹתֵיכֶ֑ם H4186 לָע֖וֹף H5775 וְלַבְּהֵמָֽה׃ H929 26 'And you are not to eatH398 anyH3605 blood,H1818 either of birdH5775 or animal,H929 in anyH3605 of your dwellings.H4186 πᾶνG3956 αἷμαG129 οὐκG3364 ἔδεσθεG2068 ἐνG1722 πάσῃG3956 τῇG3588 κατοικίᾳG2733 ὑμῶνG4771 ἀπόG575 τεG5037 τῶνG3588 πετεινῶνG4071 καὶG2532 ἀπὸG575 τῶνG3588 κτηνῶν.G2934
כָּל־H3605נֶ֖פֶשׁ H5315 אֲשֶׁר־H834תֹּאכַ֣ל H398 כָּל־H3605דָּ֑ם H1818 וְנִכְרְתָ֛ה H3772 הַנֶּ֥פֶשׁ H5315 הַהִ֖וא H1931 מֵֽעַמֶּֽיהָ׃ H5971 פ 27 'AnyH3605 personH5315 whoH834 eatsH398 anyH3605 blood,H1818 even that personH5315 shall be cutH3772 offH3772 from his people.H9415' " πᾶσαG3956 ψυχή,G5590G3739 ἄνG302 φάγῃG2068 αἷμα,G129 ἀπολεῖταιG622G3588 ψυχὴG5590 ἐκείνηG1565 ἀπὸG575 τοῦG3588 λαοῦG2992 αὐτῆς.G846
וַיְדַבֵּ֥ר H1696 יְהוָ֖ה H3068 אֶל־H413מֹשֶׁ֥ה H4872 לֵּאמֹֽר׃ H559 28 Then the LordH3068 spokeH1696 to Moses,H4872 saying,H559 ΚαὶG2532 ἐλάλησενG2980 κύριοςG2962 πρὸςG4314 ΜωυσῆνG3475 λέγωνG3004
דַּבֵּ֛ר H1696 אֶל־H413בְּנֵ֥י H1121 יִשְׂרָאֵ֖ל H3478 לֵאמֹ֑ר H559 הַמַּקְרִ֞יב H7126 אֶת־H853זֶ֤בַח H2077 שְׁלָמָיו֙ H8002 לַיהוָ֔ה H3068 יָבִ֧יא H935 אֶת־H853קָרְבָּנ֛וֹ H7133 לַיהוָ֖ה H3068 מִזֶּ֥בַח H2077 שְׁלָמָֽיו׃ H8002 29 "SpeakH1696 to the sonsH1121 of Israel,H3478 saying,H559 'He who offersH7126 the sacrificeH2077 of his peaceH8002 offeringsH8002 to the LordH3068 shall bringH935 his offeringH7133 to the LordH3068 from the sacrificeH2077 of his peaceH8002 offerings.H8002 ΚαὶG2532 τοῖςG3588 υἱοῖςG5207 ΙσραηλG2474 λαλήσειςG2980 λέγωνG3004G3588 προσφέρωνG4374 θυσίανG2378 σωτηρίουG4992 κυρίῳG2962 οἴσειG5342 τὸG3588 δῶρονG1435 αὐτοῦG846 κυρίῳG2962 ἀπὸG575 τῆςG3588 θυσίαςG2378 τοῦG3588 σωτηρίου.G4992
יָדָ֣יו H3027 תְּבִיאֶ֔ינָה H935 אֵ֖ת H853 אִשֵּׁ֣י H801 יְהוָ֑ה H3068 אֶת־H853הַחֵ֤לֶב H2459 עַל־H5921הֶֽחָזֶה֙ H2373 יְבִיאֶ֔נּוּ H935 אֵ֣ת H854 הֶחָזֶ֗ה H2373 לְהָנִ֥יף H5130 אֹת֛וֹ H853 תְּנוּפָ֖ה H8573 לִפְנֵ֥י H6440 יְהוָֽה׃ H3068 30 'His own handsH3027 are to bringH935 offeringsH801 by fireH801 to the Lord.H3068 He shall bringH935 the fatH2459 with the breast,H2373 that the breastH2373 may be presentedH5130 as a waveH8573 offeringH8573 beforeH6440 the Lord.H3068 αἱG3588 χεῖρεςG5495 αὐτοῦG846 προσοίσουσινG4374 τὰG3588 καρπώματα κυρίῳ·G2962 τὸG3588 στέαρ τὸG3588 ἐπὶG1909 τοῦG3588 στηθυνίου καὶG2532 τὸνG3588 λοβὸν τοῦG3588 ἥπατος, προσοίσειG4374 αὐτὰG846 ὥστεG5620 ἐπιθεῖναιG2007 δόμαG1390 ἔναντιG1725 κυρίου.G2962
וְהִקְטִ֧יר H6999 הַכֹּהֵ֛ן H3548 אֶת־H853הַחֵ֖לֶב H2459 הַמִּזְבֵּ֑חָה H4196 וְהָיָה֙ H1961 הֶֽחָזֶ֔ה H2373 לְאַהֲרֹ֖ן H175 וּלְבָנָֽיו׃ H1121 31 'And the priestH3548 shall offerH6999 up the fatH2459 in smokeH6999 on the altar;H4196 but the breastH2373 shall belongH1961 to AaronH175 and his sons.H1121 καὶG2532 ἀνοίσειG399G3588 ἱερεὺςG2409 τὸG3588 στέαρ ἐπὶG1909 τοῦG3588 θυσιαστηρίου,G2379 καὶG2532 ἔσταιG1510 τὸG3588 στηθύνιον ΑαρωνG2 καὶG2532 τοῖςG3588 υἱοῖςG5207 αὐτοῦ.G846
וְאֵת֙ H853 שׁ֣וֹק H7785 הַיָּמִ֔ין H3225 תִּתְּנ֥וּ H5414 תְרוּמָ֖ה H8641 לַכֹּהֵ֑ן H3548 מִזִּבְחֵ֖י H2077 שַׁלְמֵיכֶֽם׃ H8002 32 'And you shall giveH5414 the rightH3225 thighH7785 to the priestH3548 as a contributionH8641 from the sacrificesH2077 of your peaceH8002 offerings.H8002 καὶG2532 τὸνG3588 βραχίοναG1023 τὸνG3588 δεξιὸνG1188 δώσετεG1325 ἀφαίρεμα τῷG3588 ἱερεῖG2409 ἀπὸG575 τῶνG3588 θυσιῶνG2378 τοῦG3588 σωτηρίουG4992 ὑμῶν·G4771
הַמַּקְרִ֞יב H7126 אֶת־H853דַּ֧ם H1818 הַשְּׁלָמִ֛ים H8002 וְאֶת־H853הַחֵ֖לֶב H2459 מִבְּנֵ֣י H1121 אַהֲרֹ֑ן H175 ל֧וֹ תִהְיֶ֛ה H1961 שׁ֥וֹק H7785 הַיָּמִ֖ין H3225 לְמָנָֽה׃ H4490 33 'The one amongH4480 the sonsH1121 of AaronH175 who offersH7126 the bloodH1818 of the peaceH8002 offeringsH8002 and the fat,H2459 the rightH3225 thighH7785 shall be his as [his] portion.H4490 G3588 προσφέρωνG4374 τὸG3588 αἷμαG129 τοῦG3588 σωτηρίουG4992 καὶG2532 τὸG3588 στέαρ ἀπὸG575 τῶνG3588 υἱῶνG5207 Ααρων,G2 αὐτῷG846 ἔσταιG1510G3588 βραχίωνG1023G3588 δεξιὸςG1188 ἐνG1722 μερίδι.G3310
כִּי֩ H3588 אֶת־H853חֲזֵ֨ה H2373 הַתְּנוּפָ֜ה H8573 וְאֵ֣ת H853 ׀ שׁ֣וֹק H7785 הַתְּרוּמָ֗ה H8641 לָקַ֙חְתִּי֙ H3947 מֵאֵ֣ת H853 בְּנֵֽי־H1121יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל H3478 מִזִּבְחֵ֖י H2077 שַׁלְמֵיהֶ֑ם H8002 וָאֶתֵּ֣ן H5414 אֹ֠תָם H853 לְאַהֲרֹ֨ן H175 הַכֹּהֵ֤ן H3548 וּלְבָנָיו֙ H1121 לְחָק־H2706עוֹלָ֔ם H5769 מֵאֵ֖ת H853 בְּנֵ֥י H1121 יִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃ H3478 34 'For I have takenH3947 the breastH2373 of the waveH8573 offeringH8573 and the thighH7785 of the contributionH8641 from the sonsH1121 of IsraelH3478 from the sacrificesH2077 of their peaceH8002 offerings,H8002 and have givenH5414 them to AaronH175 the priestH3548 and to his sonsH1121 as [their] dueH2706 foreverH5769 from the sonsH1121 of Israel.H3478 τὸG3588 γὰρG1063 στηθύνιον τοῦG3588 ἐπιθέματος καὶG2532 τὸνG3588 βραχίοναG1023 τοῦG3588 ἀφαιρέματος εἴληφαG2983 παρὰG3844 τῶνG3588 υἱῶνG5207 ΙσραηλG2474 ἀπὸG575 τῶνG3588 θυσιῶνG2378 τοῦG3588 σωτηρίουG4992 ὑμῶνG4771 καὶG2532 ἔδωκαG1325 αὐτὰG846 ΑαρωνG2 τῷG3588 ἱερεῖG2409 καὶG2532 τοῖςG3588 υἱοῖςG5207 αὐτοῦG846 νόμιμονG3545 αἰώνιονG166 παρὰG3844 τῶνG3588 υἱῶνG5207 Ισραηλ.G2474
זֹ֣את H2063 מִשְׁחַ֤ת H4888 אַהֲרֹן֙ H175 וּמִשְׁחַ֣ת H4888 בָּנָ֔יו H1121 מֵאִשֵּׁ֖י H801 יְהוָ֑ה H3068 בְּיוֹם֙ H3117 הִקְרִ֣יב H7126 אֹתָ֔ם H853 לְכַהֵ֖ן H3547 לַיהוָֽה׃ H3068 35 'ThisH2088 is that whichH4888 is consecratedH4888 to AaronH175 and that whichH4888 is consecratedH4888 to his sonsH1121 from the offeringsH801 by fireH801 to the Lord,H3068 in that dayH3117 when he presentedH7126 them to serveH3547 as priestsH3547 to the Lord.H3068 ΑὕτηG3778G3588 χρῖσις ΑαρωνG2 καὶG2532G3588 χρῖσις τῶνG3588 υἱῶνG5207 αὐτοῦG846 ἀπὸG575 τῶνG3588 καρπωμάτων κυρίουG2962 ἐνG1722G3739 ἡμέρᾳG2250 προσηγάγετοG4317 αὐτοὺςG846 τοῦG3588 ἱερατεύεινG2407 τῷG3588 κυρίῳ,G2962
אֲשֶׁר֩ H834 צִוָּ֨ה H6680 יְהוָ֜ה H3068 לָתֵ֣ת H5414 לָהֶ֗ם בְּיוֹם֙ H3117 מָשְׁח֣וֹ H4886 אֹתָ֔ם H853 מֵאֵ֖ת H853 בְּנֵ֣י H1121 יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל H3478 חֻקַּ֥ת H2708 עוֹלָ֖ם H5769 לְדֹרֹתָֽם׃ H1755 36 'TheseH834 the LordH3068 had commandedH6680 to be givenH5414 them from the sonsH1121 of IsraelH3478 in the dayH3117 that He anointedH4886 them. It is [their] dueH2708 foreverH5769 throughout their generations.H1755' " καθὰG2505 ἐνετείλατοG1781 κύριοςG2962 δοῦναιG1325 αὐτοῖςG846G3739 ἡμέρᾳG2250 ἔχρισενG5548 αὐτούς,G846 παρὰG3844 τῶνG3588 υἱῶνG5207 Ισραηλ·G2474 νόμιμονG3545 αἰώνιονG166 εἰςG1519 τὰςG3588 γενεὰςG1074 αὐτῶν.G846
זֹ֣את H2063 הַתּוֹרָ֗ה H8451 לָֽעֹלָה֙ H5930 לַמִּנְחָ֔ה H4503 וְלַֽחַטָּ֖את H2403 וְלָאָשָׁ֑ם H817 וְלַ֨מִּלּוּאִ֔ים H4394 וּלְזֶ֖בַח H2077 הַשְּׁלָמִֽים׃ H8002 37 ThisH2088 is the lawH8451 of the burntH5930 offering,H5930 the grain offeringH4503 and the sinH9128 offeringH9128 and the guiltH817 offeringH817 and the ordinationH4394 offeringH4394 and the sacrificeH2077 of peaceH8002 offerings,H8002 οὗτοςG3778G3588 νόμοςG3551 τῶνG3588 ὁλοκαυτωμάτωνG3646 καὶG2532 θυσίαςG2378 καὶG2532 περὶG4012 ἁμαρτίαςG266 καὶG2532 τῆςG3588 πλημμελείας καὶG2532 τῆςG3588 τελειώσεωςG5050 καὶG2532 τῆςG3588 θυσίαςG2378 τοῦG3588 σωτηρίου,G4992
אֲשֶׁ֨ר H834 צִוָּ֧ה H6680 יְהוָ֛ה H3068 אֶת־H853מֹשֶׁ֖ה H4872 בְּהַ֣ר H2022 סִינָ֑י H5514 בְּי֨וֹם H3117 צַוֹּת֜וֹ H6680 אֶת־H853בְּנֵ֣י H1121 יִשְׂרָאֵ֗ל H3478 לְהַקְרִ֧יב H7126 אֶת־H853קָרְבְּנֵיהֶ֛ם H7133 לַיהוָ֖ה H3068 בְּמִדְבַּ֥ר H4057 סִינָֽי׃ H5514 פ 38 whichH834 the LordH3068 commandedH6680 MosesH4872 at MountH2022 SinaiH5514 in the dayH3117 that He commandedH6680 the sonsH1121 of IsraelH3478 to presentH7126 their offeringsH7133 to the LordH3068 in the wildernessH4057 of Sinai.H5514 ὃνG3739 τρόπονG5158 ἐνετείλατοG1781 κύριοςG2962 τῷG3588 ΜωυσῇG3475 ἐνG1722 τῷG3588 ὄρειG3735 ΣιναG4614G3739 ἡμέρᾳG2250 ἐνετείλατοG1781 τοῖςG3588 υἱοῖςG5207 ΙσραηλG2474 προσφέρεινG4374 τὰG3588 δῶραG1435 αὐτῶνG846 ἔναντιG1725 κυρίουG2962 ἐνG1722 τῇG3588 ἐρήμῳG2048 Σινα.G4614
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