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Original text: Bible / Matthew / Chapter 12

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εν G1722 εκεινω G1565 τω G3588 καιρω G2540 επορευθη G4198 G5675 ο G3588 ιησους G2424 τοις G3588 σαββασιν G4521 δια G1223 των G3588 σποριμων G4702 οι G3588 δε G1161 μαθηται G3101 αυτου G846 επεινασαν G3983 G5656 και G2532 ηρξαντο G756 G5662 τιλλειν G5089 G5721 σταχυας G4719 και G2532 εσθιειν G2068 G5721 1 At that timeG2540 JesusG2424 wentG4198 on the SabbathG4521 throughG1223 the grainfields,G4702 and His disciplesG3101 became hungryG3983 and beganG757 to pickG5089 the headsG4719 [of grain] and eat.G2068
οι G3588 δε G1161 φαρισαιοι G5330 ιδοντες G1492 G5631 ειπον G2036 G5627 αυτω G846 ιδου G2400 G5628 οι G3588 μαθηται G3101 σου G4675 ποιουσιν G4160 G5719 ο G3739 ουκ G3756 εξεστιν G1832 G5904 ποιειν G4160 G5721 εν G1722 σαββατω G4521 2 But when the PhariseesG5330 sawG3708 it, they saidG3004 to Him, "Behold,G2400 Your disciplesG3101 doG4160 whatG3739 is not lawfulG1832 to doG4160 on a Sabbath.G4521"
ο G3588 δε G1161 ειπεν G2036 G5627 αυτοις G846 ουκ G3756 ανεγνωτε G314 G5627 τι G5101 εποιησεν G4160 G5656 δαβιδ G1138 οτε G3753 επεινασεν G3983 G5656 αυτος G846 και G2532 οι G3588 μετ G3326 αυτου G846 3 But He saidG3004 to them, "Have you not readG314 whatG5101 DavidG7035 did,G4160 whenG3753 he became hungry,G3983 he and his companionsG3588;G3326
πως G4459 εισηλθεν G1525 G5627 εις G1519 τον G3588 οικον G3624 του G3588 θεου G2316 και G2532 τους G3588 αρτους G740 της G3588 προθεσεως G4286 εφαγεν G5315 G5627 ους G3739 ουκ G3756 εξον G1832 G5901 ην G2258 G5713 αυτω G846 φαγειν G5315 G5629 ουδε G3761 τοις G3588 μετ G3326 αυτου G846 ει G1487 μη G3361 τοις G3588 ιερευσιν G2409 μονοις G3441 4 howG4459 he enteredG1525 the houseG3624 of God,G2316 and they ateG2068 the consecratedG4286 bread,G740 whichG3739 was not lawfulG1832 for him to eat,G2068 norG3761 for thoseG3588 with him, but for the priestsG2409 aloneG3441?
η G2228 ουκ G3756 ανεγνωτε G314 G5627 εν G1722 τω G3588 νομω G3551 οτι G3754 τοις G3588 σαββασιν G4521 οι G3588 ιερεις G2409 εν G1722 τω G3588 ιερω G2411 το G3588 σαββατον G4521 βεβηλουσιν G953 G5719 και G2532 αναιτιοι G338 εισιν G1526 G5748 5 "OrG2228 have you not readG314 in the Law,G3551 that on the SabbathG4521 the priestsG2409 in the templeG2413 breakG953 the Sabbath,G4521 and are innocentG338?
λεγω G3004 G5719 δε G1161 υμιν G5213 οτι G3754 του G3588 ιερου G2411 μειζων G3187 εστιν G2076 G5748 ωδε G5602 6 "But I sayG3004 to you, that something greaterG3173 than the templeG2413 is here.G5602
ει G1487 δε G1161 εγνωκειτε G1097 G5715 τι G5101 εστιν G2076 G5748 ελεον G1656 θελω G2309 G5719 και G2532 ου G3756 θυσιαν G2378 ουκ G3756 αν G302 κατεδικασατε G2613 G5656 τους G3588 αναιτιους G338 7 "But ifG1487 you had knownG1097 whatG5101 this means,G1510 'I desireG2309 compassion,G1656 and not a sacrifice,G2378' you would not have condemnedG2613 the innocent.G338
κυριος G2962 γαρ G1063 εστιν G2076 G5748 και G2532 του G3588 σαββατου G4521 ο G3588 υιος G5207 του G3588 ανθρωπου G444 8 "For the SonG5207 of ManG444 is LordG2962 of the Sabbath.G4521"
και G2532 μεταβας G3327 G5631 εκειθεν G1564 ηλθεν G2064 G5627 εις G1519 την G3588 συναγωγην G4864 αυτων G846 9 And departingG3327 from there,G1564 He wentG2064 into their synagogue.G4864
και G2532 ιδου G2400 G5628 ανθρωπος G444 ην G2258 G5713 την G3588 χειρα G5495 εχων G2192 G5723 ξηραν G3584 και G2532 επηρωτησαν G1905 G5656 αυτον G846 λεγοντες G3004 G5723 ει G1487 εξεστιν G1832 G5904 τοις G3588 σαββασιν G4521 θεραπευειν G2323 G5721 ινα G2443 κατηγορησωσιν G2723 G5661 αυτου G846 10 And behold,G2400 [there was] a manG444 with a witheredG3584 hand.G5495 And they questionedG1905 Him, saying,G3004 "Is it lawfulG1832 to healG2323 on the SabbathG4521?" – in orderG2443 that they might accuseG2723 Him.
ο G3588 δε G1161 ειπεν G2036 G5627 αυτοις G846 τις G5101 εσται G2071 G5704 εξ G1537 υμων G5216 ανθρωπος G444 ος G3739 εξει G2192 G5692 προβατον G4263 εν G1520 και G2532 εαν G1437 εμπεση G1706 G5632 τουτο G5124 τοις G3588 σαββασιν G4521 εις G1519 βοθυνον G999 ουχι G3780 κρατησει G2902 G5692 αυτο G846 και G2532 εγερει G1453 G5692 11 And He saidG3004 to them, "WhatG5101 manG444 shall there be amongG1537 you, whoG3739 shall haveG2192 oneG1520 sheep,G4263 and ifG1437 it fallsG1706 into a pitG999 on the Sabbath,G4521 will he not takeG2902 holdG2902 of it, and liftG1453 it out?
ποσω G4214 ουν G3767 διαφερει G1308 G5719 ανθρωπος G444 προβατου G4263 ωστε G5620 εξεστιν G1832 G5904 τοις G3588 σαββασιν G4521 καλως G2573 ποιειν G4160 G5721 12 "Of howG4214 muchG4214 moreG1308 valueG1308 thenG3767 is a manG444 than a sheep!G4263 SoG5620 then,G5620 it is lawfulG1832 to doG4160 goodG2573 on the Sabbath.G4521"
τοτε G5119 λεγει G3004 G5719 τω G3588 ανθρωπω G444 εκτεινον G1614 G5657 την G3588 χειρα G5495 σου G4675 και G2532 εξετεινεν G1614 G5656 και G2532 αποκατεσταθη G600 G5681 υγιης G5199 ως G5613 η G3588 αλλη G243 13 ThenG5119 He saidG3004 to the man,G444 "StretchG1614 out your hand!G5495" And he stretchedG1614 it out, and it was restoredG600 to normal,G5199 likeG5613 the other.G243
οι G3588 δε G1161 φαρισαιοι G5330 συμβουλιον G4824 ελαβον G2983 G5627 κατ G2596 αυτου G846 εξελθοντες G1831 G5631 οπως G3704 αυτον G846 απολεσωσιν G622 G5661 14 But the PhariseesG5330 wentG1831 out, and counseledG4824 G2983 togetherG4824 againstG2596 Him, [as to] howG3704 they might destroyG622 Him.
ο G3588 δε G1161 ιησους G2424 γνους G1097 G5631 ανεχωρησεν G402 G5656 εκειθεν G1564 και G2532 ηκολουθησαν G190 G5656 αυτω G846 οχλοι G3793 πολλοι G4183 και G2532 εθεραπευσεν G2323 G5656 αυτους G846 παντας G3956 15 But Jesus,G2424 awareG1097 of [this,] withdrewG402 from there.G1564 And manyG4183 followedG190 Him, and He healedG2323 them all,G3956
και G2532 επετιμησεν G2008 G5656 αυτοις G846 ινα G2443 μη G3361 φανερον G5318 αυτον G846 ποιησωσιν G4160 G5661 16 and warnedG2008 them not to makeG4160 Him known,G5318
οπως G3704 πληρωθη G4137 G5686 το G3588 ρηθεν G4483 G5685 δια G1223 ησαιου G2268 του G3588 προφητου G4396 λεγοντος G3004 G5723 17 in orderG2443 that whatG3588 was spokenG3004 throughG1223 IsaiahG2268 the prophet,G4396 might be fulfilled,G4137 saying,G3004
ιδου G2400 G5628 ο G3588 παις G3816 μου G3450 ον G3739 ηρετισα G140 G5656 ο G3588 αγαπητος G27 μου G3450 εις G1519 ον G3739 ευδοκησεν G2106 G5656 η G3588 ψυχη G5590 μου G3450 θησω G5087 G5692 το G3588 πνευμα G4151 μου G3450 επ G1909 αυτον G846 και G2532 κρισιν G2920 τοις G3588 εθνεσιν G1484 απαγγελει G518 G5692 18 "Behold,G2400 My ServantG3816 whomG3739 I have chosen;G140 My BelovedG27 in whomG3739 My soulG5590 is well-pleased; I will putG5087 My SpiritG4151 upon Him, And He shall proclaimG518 justiceG2920 to the Gentiles.G1484
ουκ G3756 ερισει G2051 G5692 ουδε G3761 κραυγασει G2905 G5692 ουδε G3761 ακουσει G191 G5692 τις G5100 εν G1722 ταις G3588 πλατειαις G4113 την G3588 φωνην G5456 αυτου G846 19 "He will not quarrel,G2051 norG3761 cryG2905 out; NorG3761 will anyoneG5100 hearG191 His voiceG5456 in the streets.G4116
καλαμον G2563 συντετριμμενον G4937 G5772 ου G3756 κατεαξει G2608 G5656 και G2532 λινον G3043 τυφομενον G5188 G5746 ου G3756 σβεσει G4570 G5692 εως G2193 αν G302 εκβαλη G1544 G5632 εις G1519 νικος G3534 την G3588 κρισιν G2920 20 "A batteredG4937 reedG2563 He will not breakG2608 off, And a smolderingG5188 wickG3043 He will not putG4570 out, UntilG2193 He leadsG1544 justiceG2920 to victory.G3534
και G2532 εν G1722 τω G3588 ονοματι G3686 αυτου G846 εθνη G1484 ελπιουσιν G1679 G5692 21 "And in His nameG3686 the GentilesG1484 will hope.G1679"
τοτε G5119 προσηνεχθη G4374 G5681 αυτω G846 δαιμονιζομενος G1139 G5740 τυφλος G5185 και G2532 κωφος G2974 και G2532 εθεραπευσεν G2323 G5656 αυτον G846 ωστε G5620 τον G3588 τυφλον G5185 και G2532 κωφον G2974 και G2532 λαλειν G2980 G5721 και G2532 βλεπειν G991 G5721 22 ThenG5119 there was broughtG4374 to Him a demon-possessed man [who was] blindG5185 and dumb,G2974 and He healedG2323 him, soG5620 that the dumbG2974 manG2974 spokeG2980 and saw.G991
και G2532 εξισταντο G1839 G5710 παντες G3956 οι G3588 οχλοι G3793 και G2532 ελεγον G3004 G5707 μητι G3385 ουτος G3778 εστιν G2076 G5748 ο G3588 υιος G5207 δαβιδ G1138 23 And allG3956 the multitudesG3793 were amazed,G1839 and [began] to say,G3004 "ThisG3778 [man] cannotG3385 be the SonG5207 of David,G7035 can he?"
οι G3588 δε G1161 φαρισαιοι G5330 ακουσαντες G191 G5660 ειπον G2036 G5627 ουτος G3778 ουκ G3756 εκβαλλει G1544 G5719 τα G3588 δαιμονια G1140 ει G1487 μη G3361 εν G1722 τω G3588 βεελζεβουλ G954 αρχοντι G758 των G3588 δαιμονιων G1140 24 But when the PhariseesG5330 heardG191 it, they said,G3004 "ThisG3778 manG3778 castsG1544 out demonsG1140 onlyG3756 G1487 G3361 by BeelzebulG954 the rulerG758 of the demons.G1140"
ειδως G1492 G5761 δε G1161 ο G3588 ιησους G2424 τας G3588 ενθυμησεις G1761 αυτων G846 ειπεν G2036 G5627 αυτοις G846 πασα G3956 βασιλεια G932 μερισθεισα G3307 G5685 καθ G2596 εαυτης G1438 ερημουται G2049 G5743 και G2532 πασα G3956 πολις G4172 η G2228 οικια G3614 μερισθεισα G3307 G5685 καθ G2596 εαυτης G1438 ου G3756 σταθησεται G2476 G5701 25 And knowingG3609 their thoughtsG1761 He saidG3004 to them, "AnyG3956 kingdomG932 dividedG3307 againstG2596 itselfG1438 is laidG2049 waste;G2049 and anyG3956 cityG4172 orG2228 houseG3614 dividedG3307 againstG2596 itselfG1438 shall not standG2476.
και G2532 ει G1487 ο G3588 σατανας G4567 τον G3588 σαταναν G4567 εκβαλλει G1544 G5719 εφ G1909 εαυτον G1438 εμερισθη G3307 G5681 πως G4459 ουν G3767 σταθησεται G2476 G5701 η G3588 βασιλεια G932 αυτου G846 26 "And ifG1487 SatanG4567 castsG1544 out Satan,G4567 he is dividedG3307 againstG1909 himself;G1438 howG4459 thenG3767 shall his kingdomG932 standG2476?
και G2532 ει G1487 εγω G1473 εν G1722 βεελζεβουλ G954 εκβαλλω G1544 G5719 τα G3588 δαιμονια G1140 οι G3588 υιοι G5207 υμων G5216 εν G1722 τινι G5101 εκβαλλουσιν G1544 G5719 δια G1223 τουτο G5124 αυτοι G846 υμων G5216 εσονται G2071 G5704 κριται G2923 27 "And ifG1487 I by BeelzebulG954 castG1544 out demons,G1140 by whomG5101 do your sonsG5207 castG1544 them out? ConsequentlyG1223 G3778 they shall be your judges.G2923
ει G1487 δε G1161 εγω G1473 εν G1722 πνευματι G4151 θεου G2316 εκβαλλω G1544 G5719 τα G3588 δαιμονια G1140 αρα G686 εφθασεν G5348 G5656 εφ G1909 υμας G5209 η G3588 βασιλεια G932 του G3588 θεου G2316 28 "But ifG1487 I castG1544 out demonsG1140 by the SpiritG4151 of God,G2316 thenG686 the kingdomG932 of GodG2316 has comeG5348 upon you.
η G2228 πως G4459 δυναται G1410 G5736 τις G5100 εισελθειν G1525 G5629 εις G1519 την G3588 οικιαν G3614 του G3588 ισχυρου G2478 και G2532 τα G3588 σκευη G4632 αυτου G846 διαρπασαι G1283 G5658 εαν G1437 μη G3361 πρωτον G4412 δηση G1210 G5661 τον G3588 ισχυρον G2478 και G2532 τοτε G5119 την G3588 οικιαν G3614 αυτου G846 διαρπασει G1283 G5692 29 "OrG2228 howG4459 canG1410 anyoneG5100 enterG1525 the strongG2478 man's houseG3614 and carryG726 offG726 his property,G4632 unlessG1437 G3361 he firstG4413 bindsG1210 the strongG2478 [man]? And thenG5119 he will plunderG1283 his house.G3614
ο G3588 μη G3361 ων G5607 G5752 μετ G3326 εμου G1700 κατ G2596 εμου G1700 εστιν G2076 G5748 και G2532 ο G3588 μη G3361 συναγων G4863 G5723 μετ G3326 εμου G1700 σκορπιζει G4650 G5719 30 "He who is not with Me is againstG2596 Me; and he who does not gatherG4863 with Me scatters.G4650
δια G1223 τουτο G5124 λεγω G3004 G5719 υμιν G5213 πασα G3956 αμαρτια G266 και G2532 βλασφημια G988 αφεθησεται G863 G5701 τοις G3588 ανθρωποις G444 η G3588 δε G1161 του G3588 πνευματος G4151 βλασφημια G988 ουκ G3756 αφεθησεται G863 G5701 τοις G3588 ανθρωποις G444 31 "ThereforeG1223 G3778 I sayG3004 to you, anyG3956 sinG266 and blasphemyG988 shall be forgivenG863 men,G444 but blasphemyG988 against the SpiritG4151 shall not be forgiven.G863
και G2532 ος G3739 αν G302 ειπη G2036 G5632 λογον G3056 κατα G2596 του G3588 υιου G5207 του G3588 ανθρωπου G444 αφεθησεται G863 G5701 αυτω G846 ος G3739 δ G1161 αν G302 ειπη G2036 G5632 κατα G2596 του G3588 πνευματος G4151 του G3588 αγιου G40 ουκ G3756 αφεθησεται G863 G5701 αυτω G846 ουτε G3777 εν G1722 τουτω G5129 τω G3588 αιωνι G165 ουτε G3777 εν G1722 τω G3588 μελλοντι G3195 G5723 32 "And whoeverG3739 G1437 shall speakG3004 a wordG3056 againstG2596 the SonG5207 of Man,G444 it shall be forgivenG863 him; but whoeverG3739 G302 shall speakG3004 againstG2596 the HolyG40 Spirit,G4151 it shall not be forgivenG863 him, eitherG3777 in thisG3778 age,G165 orG3777 in the [age] to come.G3195
η G2228 ποιησατε G4160 G5657 το G3588 δενδρον G1186 καλον G2570 και G2532 τον G3588 καρπον G2590 αυτου G846 καλον G2570 η G2228 ποιησατε G4160 G5657 το G3588 δενδρον G1186 σαπρον G4550 και G2532 τον G3588 καρπον G2590 αυτου G846 σαπρον G4550 εκ G1537 γαρ G1063 του G3588 καρπου G2590 το G3588 δενδρον G1186 γινωσκεται G1097 G5743 33 "EitherG2228 makeG4160 the treeG1186 good,G2570 and its fruitG2590 good;G2570 orG2228 makeG4160 the treeG1186 bad,G4550 and its fruitG2590 bad;G4550 for the treeG1186 is knownG1097 by its fruit.G2590
γεννηματα G1081 εχιδνων G2191 πως G4459 δυνασθε G1410 G5736 αγαθα G18 λαλειν G2980 G5721 πονηροι G4190 οντες G5607 G5752 εκ G1537 γαρ G1063 του G3588 περισσευματος G4051 της G3588 καρδιας G2588 το G3588 στομα G4750 λαλει G2980 G5719 34 "You broodG1081 of vipers,G2191 howG4459 canG1410 you, beingG1510 evil,G4190 speakG2980 what is goodG18? For the mouthG4750 speaksG2980 out of that whichG4051 fillsG4051 the heart.G2588
ο G3588 αγαθος G18 ανθρωπος G444 εκ G1537 του G3588 αγαθου G18 θησαυρου G2344 της G3588 καρδιας G2588 εκβαλλει G1544 G5719 τα G3588 αγαθα G18 και G2532 ο G3588 πονηρος G4190 ανθρωπος G444 εκ G1537 του G3588 πονηρου G4190 θησαυρου G2344 εκβαλλει G1544 G5719 πονηρα G4190 35 "The goodG18 manG444 out of [his] goodG18 treasureG2344 bringsG1544 forthG1544 what is good;G18 and the evilG4190 manG444 out of [his] evilG4190 treasureG2344 bringsG1544 forthG1544 what is evil.G4190
λεγω G3004 G5719 δε G1161 υμιν G5213 οτι G3754 παν G3956 ρημα G4487 αργον G692 ο G3739 εαν G1437 λαλησωσιν G2980 G5661 οι G3588 ανθρωποι G444 αποδωσουσιν G591 G5692 περι G4012 αυτου G846 λογον G3056 εν G1722 ημερα G2250 κρισεως G2920 36 "And I sayG3004 to you, that everyG3956 carelessG692 wordG4487 that menG444 shall speak,G2980 they shall renderG591 accountG3056 for it in the dayG2250 of judgment.G2920
εκ G1537 γαρ G1063 των G3588 λογων G3056 σου G4675 δικαιωθηση G1344 G5701 και G2532 εκ G1537 των G3588 λογων G3056 σου G4675 καταδικασθηση G2613 G5701 37 "For by your wordsG3056 you shall be justified,G1344 and by your wordsG3056 you shall be condemned.G2613"
τοτε G5119 απεκριθησαν G611 G5662 τινες G5100 των G3588 γραμματεων G1122 και G2532 φαρισαιων G5330 λεγοντες G3004 G5723 διδασκαλε G1320 θελομεν G2309 G5719 απο G575 σου G4675 σημειον G4592 ιδειν G1492 G5629 38 ThenG5119 someG5100 of the scribesG1122 and PhariseesG5330 answeredG611 Him, saying,G3004 "Teacher,G1320 we wantG2309 to seeG3708 a signG4592 from You."
ο G3588 δε G1161 αποκριθεις G611 G5679 ειπεν G2036 G5627 αυτοις G846 γενεα G1074 πονηρα G4190 και G2532 μοιχαλις G3428 σημειον G4592 επιζητει G1934 G5719 και G2532 σημειον G4592 ου G3756 δοθησεται G1325 G5701 αυτη G846 ει G1487 μη G3361 το G3588 σημειον G4592 ιωνα G2495 του G3588 προφητου G4396 39 But He answeredG611 and saidG3004 to them, "An evilG4190 and adulterousG3428 generationG1074 cravesG1934 for a sign;G4592 and [yet] noG3756 signG4592 shall be givenG1325 to it but the signG4592 of JonahG2495 the prophet;G4396
ωσπερ G5618 γαρ G1063 ην G2258 G5713 ιωνας G2495 εν G1722 τη G3588 κοιλια G2836 του G3588 κητους G2785 τρεις G5140 ημερας G2250 και G2532 τρεις G5140 νυκτας G3571 ουτως G3779 εσται G2071 G5704 ο G3588 υιος G5207 του G3588 ανθρωπου G444 εν G1722 τη G3588 καρδια G2588 της G3588 γης G1093 τρεις G5140 ημερας G2250 και G2532 τρεις G5140 νυκτας G3571 40 for justG5618 as JonahG2495 was threeG5140 daysG2250 and threeG5140 nightsG3571 in the bellyG2836 of the seaG2785 monster,G2785 soG3779 shall the SonG5207 of ManG444 be threeG5140 daysG2250 and threeG5140 nightsG3571 in the heartG2588 of the earth.G1093
ανδρες G435 νινευιται G3536 αναστησονται G450 G5698 εν G1722 τη G3588 κρισει G2920 μετα G3326 της G3588 γενεας G1074 ταυτης G3778 και G2532 κατακρινουσιν G2632 G5692 αυτην G846 οτι G3754 μετενοησαν G3340 G5656 εις G1519 το G3588 κηρυγμα G2782 ιωνα G2495 και G2532 ιδου G2400 G5628 πλειον G4119 ιωνα G2495 ωδε G5602 41 "The menG435 of NinevehG3536 shall standG450 up with thisG3778 generationG1074 at the judgment,G2920 and shall condemnG2632 it becauseG3754 they repentedG3340 at the preachingG2782 of Jonah;G2495 and behold,G2400 something greaterG4183 than JonahG2495 is here.G5602
βασιλισσα G938 νοτου G3558 εγερθησεται G1453 G5701 εν G1722 τη G3588 κρισει G2920 μετα G3326 της G3588 γενεας G1074 ταυτης G3778 και G2532 κατακρινει G2632 G5692 αυτην G846 οτι G3754 ηλθεν G2064 G5627 εκ G1537 των G3588 περατων G4009 της G3588 γης G1093 ακουσαι G191 G5658 την G3588 σοφιαν G4678 σολομωντος G4672 και G2532 ιδου G2400 G5628 πλειον G4119 σολομωντος G4672 ωδε G5602 42 "[The] QueenG938 of [the] SouthG3558 shall riseG1453 up with thisG3778 generationG1074 at the judgmentG2920 and shall condemnG2632 it, becauseG3754 she cameG2064 from the endsG4009 of the earthG1093 to hearG191 the wisdomG4678 of Solomon;G4672 and behold,G2400 something greaterG4183 than SolomonG4672 is here.G5602
οταν G3752 δε G1161 το G3588 ακαθαρτον G169 πνευμα G4151 εξελθη G1831 G5632 απο G575 του G3588 ανθρωπου G444 διερχεται G1330 G5736 δι G1223 ανυδρων G504 τοπων G5117 ζητουν G2212 G5723 αναπαυσιν G372 και G2532 ουχ G3756 ευρισκει G2147 G5719 43 "NowG1161 whenG3752 the uncleanG169 spiritG4151 goesG1831 out of a man,G444 it passesG1330 throughG1223 waterlessG504 places,G5117 seekingG2212 rest,G372 and does not findG2147 [it.]
τοτε G5119 λεγει G3004 G5719 επιστρεψω G1994 G5692 εις G1519 τον G3588 οικον G3624 μου G3450 οθεν G3606 εξηλθον G1831 G5627 και G2532 ελθον G2064 G5631 ευρισκει G2147 G5719 σχολαζοντα G4980 G5723 σεσαρωμενον G4563 G5772 και G2532 κεκοσμημενον G2885 G5772 44 "ThenG5119 it says,G3004 'I will returnG1994 to my houseG3624 from whichG3606 I cameG1831'; and when it comes,G2064 it findsG2147 it unoccupied,G4980 swept,G4563 and putG2885 in order.G2885
τοτε G5119 πορευεται G4198 G5736 και G2532 παραλαμβανει G3880 G5719 μεθ G3326 εαυτου G1438 επτα G2033 ετερα G2087 πνευματα G4151 πονηροτερα G4191 εαυτου G1438 και G2532 εισελθοντα G1525 G5631 κατοικει G2730 G5719 εκει G1563 και G2532 γινεται G1096 G5736 τα G3588 εσχατα G2078 του G3588 ανθρωπου G444 εκεινου G1565 χειρονα G5501 των G3588 πρωτων G4413 ουτως G3779 εσται G2071 G5704 και G2532 τη G3588 γενεα G1074 ταυτη G3778 τη G3588 πονηρα G4190 45 "ThenG5119 it goes,G4198 and takesG3880 alongG3880 with it sevenG2033 otherG2087 spiritsG4151 moreG4190 wickedG4190 than itself,G1438 and they goG1525 in and liveG2730 there;G1563 and the lastG2078 state of that manG444 becomesG1096 worseG5501 than the first.G4413 That is the wayG3779 it will alsoG2532 be with thisG3778 evilG4190 generation.G1074"
ετι G2089 δε G1161 αυτου G846 λαλουντος G2980 G5723 τοις G3588 οχλοις G3793 ιδου G2400 G5628 η G3588 μητηρ G3384 και G2532 οι G3588 αδελφοι G80 αυτου G846 ειστηκεισαν G2476 G5715 εξω G1854 ζητουντες G2212 G5723 αυτω G846 λαλησαι G2980 G5658 46 While He was stillG2089 speakingG2980 to the multitudes,G3793 behold,G2400 His motherG3384 and brothersG80 were standingG2476 outside,G1854 seekingG2212 to speakG2980 to Him.
ειπεν G2036 G5627 δε G1161 τις G5100 αυτω G846 ιδου G2400 G5628 η G3588 μητηρ G3384 σου G4675 και G2532 οι G3588 αδελφοι G80 σου G4675 εξω G1854 εστηκασιν G2476 G5758 ζητουντες G2212 G5723 σοι G4671 λαλησαι G2980 G5658 47 And someoneG5100 saidG3004 to Him, "Behold,G2400 Your motherG3384 and Your brothersG80 are standingG2476 outsideG1854 seekingG2212 to speakG2980 to You."
ο G3588 δε G1161 αποκριθεις G611 G5679 ειπεν G2036 G5627 τω G3588 ειποντι G2036 G5631 αυτω G846 τις G5101 εστιν G2076 G5748 η G3588 μητηρ G3384 μου G3450 και G2532 τινες G5101 εισιν G1526 G5748 οι G3588 αδελφοι G80 μου G3450 48 But He answeredG611 the one who was tellingG3004 Him and said,G3004 "WhoG5101 is My motherG3384 and whoG5101 are My brothersG80?"
και G2532 εκτεινας G1614 G5660 την G3588 χειρα G5495 αυτου G846 επι G1909 τους G3588 μαθητας G3101 αυτου G846 ειπεν G2036 G5627 ιδου G2400 G5628 η G3588 μητηρ G3384 μου G3450 και G2532 οι G3588 αδελφοι G80 μου G3450 49 And stretchingG1614 out His handG5495 towardG1909 His disciples,G3101 He said,G3004 "Behold,G2400 My motherG3384 and My brothers!G80
οστις G3748 γαρ G1063 αν G302 ποιηση G4160 G5661 το G3588 θελημα G2307 του G3588 πατρος G3962 μου G3450 του G3588 εν G1722 ουρανοις G3772 αυτος G846 μου G3450 αδελφος G80 και G2532 αδελφη G79 και G2532 μητηρ G3384 εστιν G2076 G5748 50 "For whoeverG3748 G302 doesG4160 the willG2307 of My FatherG3962 who is in heaven,G3772 he is My brotherG80 and sisterG79 and mother.G3384"
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