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Original text: Bible / Matthew / Chapter 2

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του G3588 δε G1161 ιησου G2424 γεννηθεντος G1080 G5685 εν G1722 βηθλεεμ G965 της G3588 ιουδαιας G2449 εν G1722 ημεραις G2250 ηρωδου G2264 του G3588 βασιλεως G935 ιδου G2400 G5628 μαγοι G3097 απο G575 ανατολων G395 παρεγενοντο G3854 G5633 εις G1519 ιεροσολυμα G2414 1 NowG1161 after JesusG2424 was bornG1080 in BethlehemG965 of JudeaG2453 in the daysG2250 of HerodG2264 the king,G935 behold,G2400 magiG3097 from the eastG395 arrivedG3854 in Jerusalem,G2414 saying,G3004
λεγοντες G3004 G5723 που G4226 εστιν G2076 G5748 ο G3588 τεχθεις G5088 G5685 βασιλευς G935 των G3588 ιουδαιων G2453 ειδομεν G1492 G5627 γαρ G1063 αυτου G846 τον G3588 αστερα G792 εν G1722 τη G3588 ανατολη G395 και G2532 ηλθομεν G2064 G5627 προσκυνησαι G4352 G5658 αυτω G846 2 "WhereG4226 is He who has been bornG5088 KingG935 of the JewsG2453? For we sawG3708 His starG792 in the east,G395 and have comeG2064 to worshipG4352 Him."
ακουσας G191 G5660 δε G1161 ηρωδης G2264 ο G3588 βασιλευς G935 εταραχθη G5015 G5681 και G2532 πασα G3956 ιεροσολυμα G2414 μετ G3326 αυτου G846 3 And when HerodG2264 the kingG935 heardG191 it, he was troubled,G5015 and allG3956 JerusalemG2414 with him.
και G2532 συναγαγων G4863 G5631 παντας G3956 τους G3588 αρχιερεις G749 και G2532 γραμματεις G1122 του G3588 λαου G2992 επυνθανετο G4441 G5711 παρ G3844 αυτων G846 που G4226 ο G3588 χριστος G5547 γενναται G1080 G5743 4 And gatheringG4863 togetherG4863 allG3956 the chiefG749 priestsG749 and scribesG1122 of the people,G2992 he [began] to inquireG4441 of them whereG4226 the ChristG5547 was to be born.G1080
οι G3588 δε G1161 ειπον G2036 G5627 αυτω G846 εν G1722 βηθλεεμ G965 της G3588 ιουδαιας G2449 ουτως G3779 γαρ G1063 γεγραπται G1125 G5769 δια G1223 του G3588 προφητου G4396 5 And they saidG3004 to him, "In BethlehemG965 of Judea,G2453 for soG3779 it has been writtenG1125 by the prophet,G4396
και G2532 συ G4771 βηθλεεμ G965 γη G1093 ιουδα G2448 ουδαμως G3760 ελαχιστη G1646 ει G1488 G5748 εν G1722 τοις G3588 ηγεμοσιν G2232 ιουδα G2448 εκ G1537 σου G4675 γαρ G1063 εξελευσεται G1831 G5695 ηγουμενος G2233 G5740 οστις G3748 ποιμανει G4165 G5692 τον G3588 λαον G2992 μου G3450 τον G3588 ισραηλ G2474 6 'And you, Bethlehem,G965 landG1093 of Judah,G2455 Are by noG3760 meansG3760 leastG1646 amongG1722 the leadersG2233 of Judah;G2455 For out of you shall comeG1831 forthG1831 a Ruler,G2233 WhoG3748 will shepherdG4165 My peopleG2992 Israel.G2474' "
τοτε G5119 ηρωδης G2264 λαθρα G2977 καλεσας G2564 G5660 τους G3588 μαγους G3097 ηκριβωσεν G198 G5656 παρ G3844 αυτων G846 τον G3588 χρονον G5550 του G3588 φαινομενου G5316 G5730 αστερος G792 7 ThenG5119 HerodG2264 secretlyG2977 calledG2564 the magi,G3097 and ascertainedG198 from them the timeG5550 the starG792 appeared.G5316
και G2532 πεμψας G3992 G5660 αυτους G846 εις G1519 βηθλεεμ G965 ειπεν G2036 G5627 πορευθεντες G4198 G5679 ακριβως G199 εξετασατε G1833 G5657 περι G4012 του G3588 παιδιου G3813 επαν G1875 δε G1161 ευρητε G2147 G5632 απαγγειλατε G518 G5657 μοι G3427 οπως G3704 καγω G2504 ελθων G2064 G5631 προσκυνησω G4352 G5661 αυτω G846 8 And he sentG3992 them to Bethlehem,G965 and said,G3004 "GoG4198 and makeG1833 carefulG199 searchG1833 for the Child;G3813 and whenG1875 you have foundG2147 [Him,] reportG518 to me, that I tooG2532 may comeG2064 and worshipG4352 Him."
οι G3588 δε G1161 ακουσαντες G191 G5660 του G3588 βασιλεως G935 επορευθησαν G4198 G5675 και G2532 ιδου G2400 G5628 ο G3588 αστηρ G792 ον G3739 ειδον G1492 G5627 εν G1722 τη G3588 ανατολη G395 προηγεν G4254 G5707 αυτους G846 εως G2193 ελθων G2064 G5631 εστη G2476 G5627 επανω G1883 ου G3757 ην G2258 G5713 το G3588 παιδιον G3813 9 And having heardG191 the king,G935 they wentG4198 their way;G4198 and lo,G2400 the star,G792 whichG3739 they had seenG3708 in the east,G395 wentG4254 on beforeG4254 them, untilG2193 it cameG2064 and stoodG2476 overG1883 whereG3757 the ChildG3813 was.
ιδοντες G1492 G5631 δε G1161 τον G3588 αστερα G792 εχαρησαν G5463 G5644 χαραν G5479 μεγαλην G3173 σφοδρα G4970 10 And when they sawG3708 the star,G792 they rejoicedG5463 exceedinglyG4970 with greatG3173 joy.G5479
και G2532 ελθοντες G2064 G5631 εις G1519 την G3588 οικιαν G3614 {VAR1: ευρον G2147 G5627 } {VAR2: ειδον G1492 G5627 } το G3588 παιδιον G3813 μετα G3326 μαριας G3137 της G3588 μητρος G3384 αυτου G846 και G2532 πεσοντες G4098 G5631 προσεκυνησαν G4352 G5656 αυτω G846 και G2532 ανοιξαντες G455 G5660 τους G3588 θησαυρους G2344 αυτων G846 προσηνεγκαν G4374 G5656 αυτω G846 δωρα G1435 χρυσον G5557 και G2532 λιβανον G3030 και G2532 σμυρναν G4666 11 And they cameG2064 into the houseG3614 and sawG3708 the ChildG3813 with MaryG3137 His mother;G3384 and they fellG4098 downG4098 and worshipedG4352 Him; and openingG455 their treasuresG2344 they presentedG4374 to Him giftsG1435 of goldG5557 and frankincenseG3030 and myrrh.G4666
και G2532 χρηματισθεντες G5537 G5685 κατ G2596 οναρ G3677 μη G3361 ανακαμψαι G344 G5658 προς G4314 ηρωδην G2264 δι G1223 αλλης G243 οδου G3598 ανεχωρησαν G402 G5656 εις G1519 την G3588 χωραν G5561 αυτων G846 12 And having been warnedG5537 [by God] in a dreamG3677 not to returnG344 to Herod,G2264 they departedG402 for their own countryG5561 by anotherG243 way.G3598
αναχωρησαντων G402 G5660 δε G1161 αυτων G846 ιδου G2400 G5628 αγγελος G32 κυριου G2962 φαινεται G5316 G5727 κατ G2596 οναρ G3677 τω G3588 ιωσηφ G2501 λεγων G3004 G5723 εγερθεις G1453 G5685 παραλαβε G3880 G5628 το G3588 παιδιον G3813 και G2532 την G3588 μητερα G3384 αυτου G846 και G2532 φευγε G5343 G5720 εις G1519 αιγυπτον G125 και G2532 ισθι G2468 G5749 εκει G1563 εως G2193 αν G302 ειπω G2036 G5632 σοι G4671 μελλει G3195 G5719 γαρ G1063 ηρωδης G2264 ζητειν G2212 G5721 το G3588 παιδιον G3813 του G3588 απολεσαι G622 G5658 αυτο G846 13 NowG1161 when they had departed,G402 behold,G2400 an angelG32 of the LordG2962 appearedG5316 to JosephG2501 in a dream,G3677 saying,G3004 "AriseG1453 and takeG3880 the ChildG3813 and His mother,G3384 and fleeG5343 to Egypt,G125 and remainG1510 thereG1563 untilG2193 I tellG3004 you; for HerodG2264 is goingG3195 to searchG2212 for the ChildG3813 to destroyG622 Him."
ο G3588 δε G1161 εγερθεις G1453 G5685 παρελαβεν G3880 G5627 το G3588 παιδιον G3813 και G2532 την G3588 μητερα G3384 αυτου G846 νυκτος G3571 και G2532 ανεχωρησεν G402 G5656 εις G1519 αιγυπτον G125 14 And he aroseG1453 and tookG3880 the ChildG3813 and His motherG3384 by night,G3571 and departedG402 for Egypt;G125
και G2532 ην G2258 G5713 εκει G1563 εως G2193 της G3588 τελευτης G5054 ηρωδου G2264 ινα G2443 πληρωθη G4137 G5686 το G3588 ρηθεν G4483 G5685 υπο G5259 του G3588 κυριου G2962 δια G1223 του G3588 προφητου G4396 λεγοντος G3004 G5723 εξ G1537 αιγυπτου G125 εκαλεσα G2564 G5656 τον G3588 υιον G5207 μου G3450 15 and was thereG1563 untilG2193 the deathG5054 of Herod,G2264 that whatG3588 was spokenG3004 by the LordG2962 throughG1223 the prophetG4396 might be fulfilled,G4137 saying,G3004 "Out of EgyptG125 did I callG2564 My Son.G5207"
τοτε G5119 ηρωδης G2264 ιδων G1492 G5631 οτι G3754 ενεπαιχθη G1702 G5681 υπο G5259 των G3588 μαγων G3097 εθυμωθη G2373 G5681 λιαν G3029 και G2532 αποστειλας G649 G5660 ανειλεν G337 G5627 παντας G3956 τους G3588 παιδας G3816 τους G3588 εν G1722 βηθλεεμ G965 και G2532 εν G1722 πασιν G3956 τοις G3588 οριοις G3725 αυτης G846 απο G575 διετους G1332 και G2532 κατωτερω G2736 κατα G2596 τον G3588 χρονον G5550 ον G3739 ηκριβωσεν G198 G5656 παρα G3844 των G3588 μαγων G3097 16 ThenG5119 when HerodG2264 sawG3708 that he had been trickedG1702 by the magi,G3097 he became veryG3029 enraged,G2373 and sentG649 and slewG337 allG3956 the maleG3816 childrenG3816 who were in BethlehemG965 and in allG3956 its environs,G3725 from twoG1332 yearsG1332 oldG1332 and under,G2736 accordingG2596 to the timeG5550 whichG3739 he had ascertainedG198 from the magi.G3097
τοτε G5119 επληρωθη G4137 G5681 το G3588 ρηθεν G4483 G5685 υπο G5259 ιερεμιου G2408 του G3588 προφητου G4396 λεγοντος G3004 G5723 17 ThenG5119 that which was spokenG3004 throughG1223 JeremiahG2408 the prophetG4396 was fulfilled,G4137 saying,G3004
φωνη G5456 εν G1722 ραμα G4471 ηκουσθη G191 G5681 θρηνος G2355 και G2532 κλαυθμος G2805 και G2532 οδυρμος G3602 πολυς G4183 ραχηλ G4478 κλαιουσα G2799 G5723 τα G3588 τεκνα G5043 αυτης G846 και G2532 ουκ G3756 ηθελεν G2309 G5707 παρακληθηναι G3870 G5683 οτι G3754 ουκ G3756 εισιν G1526 G5748 18 "A voiceG5456 was heardG191 in Ramah,G4471 WeepingG2805 and greatG4183 mourning,G3602 RachelG4478 weepingG2799 for her children;G5043 And she refusedG3756 G2309 to be comforted,G3870 BecauseG3754 they were noG3756 more."
τελευτησαντος G5053 G5660 δε G1161 του G3588 ηρωδου G2264 ιδου G2400 G5628 αγγελος G32 κυριου G2962 κατ G2596 οναρ G3677 φαινεται G5316 G5727 τω G3588 ιωσηφ G2501 εν G1722 αιγυπτω G125 19 But when HerodG2264 was dead,G5053 behold,G2400 an angelG32 of the LordG2962 appearedG5316 in a dreamG3677 to JosephG2501 in Egypt,G125 saying,G3004
λεγων G3004 G5723 εγερθεις G1453 G5685 παραλαβε G3880 G5628 το G3588 παιδιον G3813 και G2532 την G3588 μητερα G3384 αυτου G846 και G2532 πορευου G4198 G5737 εις G1519 γην G1093 ισραηλ G2474 τεθνηκασιν G2348 G5758 γαρ G1063 οι G3588 ζητουντες G2212 G5723 την G3588 ψυχην G5590 του G3588 παιδιου G3813 20 "AriseG1453 and takeG3880 the ChildG3813 and His mother,G3384 and goG4198 into the landG1093 of Israel;G2474 for thoseG3588 who soughtG2212 the Child's lifeG5590 are dead.G2348"
ο G3588 δε G1161 εγερθεις G1453 G5685 παρελαβεν G3880 G5627 το G3588 παιδιον G3813 και G2532 την G3588 μητερα G3384 αυτου G846 και G2532 ηλθεν G2064 G5627 εις G1519 γην G1093 ισραηλ G2474 21 And he aroseG1453 and tookG3880 the ChildG3813 and His mother,G3384 and cameG1525 into the landG1093 of Israel.G2474
ακουσας G191 G5660 δε G1161 οτι G3754 αρχελαος G745 βασιλευει G936 G5719 επι G1909 της G3588 ιουδαιας G2449 αντι G473 ηρωδου G2264 του G3588 πατρος G3962 αυτου G846 εφοβηθη G5399 G5675 εκει G1563 απελθειν G565 G5629 χρηματισθεις G5537 G5685 δε G1161 κατ G2596 οναρ G3677 ανεχωρησεν G402 G5656 εις G1519 τα G3588 μερη G3313 της G3588 γαλιλαιας G1056 22 But when he heardG191 that ArchelausG745 was reigningG936 over JudeaG2453 in placeG473 of his fatherG3962 Herod,G2264 he was afraidG5399 to goG565 there.G1563 And being warnedG5537 [by God] in a dream,G3677 he departedG402 for the regionsG3313 of Galilee,G1056
και G2532 ελθων G2064 G5631 κατωκησεν G2730 G5656 εις G1519 πολιν G4172 λεγομενην G3004 G5746 {VAR1: ναζαρετ G3478 } {VAR2: ναζαρεθ G3478 } οπως G3704 πληρωθη G4137 G5686 το G3588 ρηθεν G4483 G5685 δια G1223 των G3588 προφητων G4396 οτι G3754 ναζωραιος G3480 κληθησεται G2564 G5701 23 and cameG2064 and residedG2730 in a cityG4172 calledG3004 Nazareth,G3478 that whatG3588 was spokenG3004 throughG1223 the prophetsG4396 might be fulfilled,G4137 "He shall be calledG2564 a Nazarene.G3480"
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