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Original text: Bible / Luke / Chapter 19

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και G2532 εισελθων G1525 G5631 διηρχετο G1330 G5711 την G3588 ιεριχω G2410 1 And He enteredG1525 and was passingG1330 throughG1330 Jericho.G2410
και G2532 ιδου G2400 G5628 ανηρ G435 ονοματι G3686 καλουμενος G2564 G5746 ζακχαιος G2195 και G2532 αυτος G846 ην G2258 G5713 αρχιτελωνης G754 και G2532 ουτος G3778 ην G2258 G5713 πλουσιος G4145 2 And behold,G2400 there was a manG435 calledG2564 by the nameG3686 of Zaccheus;G2195 and he was a chiefG754 tax-gatherer, and he was rich.G4145
και G2532 εζητει G2212 G5707 ιδειν G1492 G5629 τον G3588 ιησουν G2424 τις G5101 εστιν G2076 G5748 και G2532 ουκ G3756 ηδυνατο G1410 G5711 απο G575 του G3588 οχλου G3793 οτι G3754 τη G3588 ηλικια G2244 μικρος G3398 ην G2258 G5713 3 And he was tryingG2212 to seeG3708 whoG5101 JesusG2424 was, and he was unableG3756 G1410 becauseG575 of the crowd,G3793 for he was smallG3398 in stature.G2244
και G2532 προδραμων G4390 G5631 εμπροσθεν G1715 ανεβη G305 G5627 επι G1909 συκομωραιαν G4809 ινα G2443 ιδη G1492 G5632 αυτον G846 οτι G3754 δι G1223 εκεινης G1565 ημελλεν G3195 G5707 διερχεσθαι G1330 G5738 4 And he ranG4390 on aheadG1715 and climbedG305 up into a sycamoreG4809 treeG4809 in orderG2443 to seeG3708 Him, for He was aboutG3195 to passG1330 throughG1330 that way.
και G2532 ως G5613 ηλθεν G2064 G5627 επι G1909 τον G3588 τοπον G5117 αναβλεψας G308 G5660 ο G3588 ιησους G2424 ειδεν G1492 G5627 αυτον G846 και G2532 ειπεν G2036 G5627 προς G4314 αυτον G846 ζακχαιε G2195 σπευσας G4692 G5660 καταβηθι G2597 G5628 σημερον G4594 γαρ G1063 εν G1722 τω G3588 οικω G3624 σου G4675 δει G1163 G5904 με G3165 μειναι G3306 G5658 5 And whenG5613 JesusG2424 cameG2064 to the place,G5117 He lookedG308 up and saidG3004 to him, "Zaccheus,G2195 hurryG4692 and comeG2597 down,G2597 for todayG4594 I mustG1163 stayG3306 at your house.G3624"
και G2532 σπευσας G4692 G5660 κατεβη G2597 G5627 και G2532 υπεδεξατο G5264 G5662 αυτον G846 χαιρων G5463 G5723 6 And he hurriedG4692 and cameG2597 down,G2597 and receivedG5264 Him gladly.G5463
και G2532 ιδοντες G1492 G5631 απαντες G537 διεγογγυζον G1234 G5707 λεγοντες G3004 G5723 οτι G3754 παρα G3844 αμαρτωλω G268 ανδρι G435 εισηλθεν G1525 G5627 καταλυσαι G2647 G5658 7 And when they sawG3708 it, they allG3956 [began] to grumble,G1234 saying,G3004 "He has goneG1525 to be the guestG2647 of a manG435 who is a sinner.G268"
σταθεις G2476 G5685 δε G1161 ζακχαιος G2195 ειπεν G2036 G5627 προς G4314 τον G3588 κυριον G2962 ιδου G2400 G5628 τα G3588 ημιση G2255 των G3588 υπαρχοντων G5224 G5723 μου G3450 κυριε G2962 διδωμι G1325 G5719 τοις G3588 πτωχοις G4434 και G2532 ει G1487 τινος G5100 τι G5100 εσυκοφαντησα G4811 G5656 αποδιδωμι G591 G5719 τετραπλουν G5073 8 And ZaccheusG2195 stoppedG2476 and saidG3004 to the Lord,G2962 "Behold,G2400 Lord,G2962 halfG2255 of my possessionsG5225 I will giveG1325 to the poor,G4434 and ifG1487 I have defraudedG4811 anyoneG5100 of anything,G5100 I will giveG591 backG591 fourG5073 timesG5073 as much.G5073"
ειπεν G2036 G5627 δε G1161 προς G4314 αυτον G846 ο G3588 ιησους G2424 οτι G3754 σημερον G4594 σωτηρια G4991 τω G3588 οικω G3624 τουτω G5129 εγενετο G1096 G5633 καθοτι G2530 και G2532 αυτος G846 υιος G5207 αβρααμ G11 εστιν G2076 G5748 9 And JesusG2424 saidG3004 to him, "TodayG4594 salvationG4991 has comeG1096 to thisG3778 house,G3624 becauseG2530 he, too,G2532 is a sonG5207 of Abraham.G11
ηλθεν G2064 G5627 γαρ G1063 ο G3588 υιος G5207 του G3588 ανθρωπου G444 ζητησαι G2212 G5658 και G2532 σωσαι G4982 G5658 το G3588 απολωλος G622 G5756 10 "For the SonG5207 of ManG444 has comeG2064 to seekG2212 and to saveG4982 that which was lost.G622"
ακουοντων G191 G5723 δε G1161 αυτων G846 ταυτα G5023 προσθεις G4369 G5631 ειπεν G2036 G5627 παραβολην G3850 δια G1223 το G3588 εγγυς G1451 αυτον G846 ειναι G1511 G5750 ιερουσαλημ G2419 και G2532 δοκειν G1380 G5721 αυτους G846 οτι G3754 παραχρημα G3916 μελλει G3195 G5719 η G3588 βασιλεια G932 του G3588 θεου G2316 αναφαινεσθαι G398 G5745 11 And while they were listeningG191 to theseG3778 things,G3778 He wentG4369 on to tellG3004 a parable,G3850 becauseG1223 He was nearG1451 Jerusalem,G2419 and they supposedG1380 that the kingdomG932 of GodG2316 was goingG3195 to appearG398 immediately.G3916
ειπεν G2036 G5627 ουν G3767 ανθρωπος G444 τις G5100 ευγενης G2104 επορευθη G4198 G5675 εις G1519 χωραν G5561 μακραν G3117 λαβειν G2983 G5629 εαυτω G1438 βασιλειαν G932 και G2532 υποστρεψαι G5290 G5658 12 He saidG3004 therefore,G3767 "A certainG5100 noblemanG2104 G444 wentG4198 to a distantG3117 countryG5561 to receiveG2983 a kingdomG932 for himself,G1438 and [then] return.G5290
καλεσας G2564 G5660 δε G1161 δεκα G1176 δουλους G1401 εαυτου G1438 εδωκεν G1325 G5656 αυτοις G846 δεκα G1176 μνας G3414 και G2532 ειπεν G2036 G5627 προς G4314 αυτους G846 πραγματευσασθε G4231 G5663 εως G2193 ερχομαι G2064 G5736 13 "And he calledG2564 tenG1176 of his slaves,G1401 and gaveG1325 them tenG1176 minas,G3414 and saidG3004 to them, 'DoG4231 businessG4231 [with this] untilG1722 G3739 I comeG2064 [back.]'
οι G3588 δε G1161 πολιται G4177 αυτου G846 εμισουν G3404 G5707 αυτον G846 και G2532 απεστειλαν G649 G5656 πρεσβειαν G4242 οπισω G3694 αυτου G846 λεγοντες G3004 G5723 ου G3756 θελομεν G2309 G5719 τουτον G5126 βασιλευσαι G936 G5658 εφ G1909 ημας G2248 14 "But his citizensG4177 hatedG3404 him, and sentG649 a delegationG4242 afterG3694 him, saying,G3004 'We do not wantG2309 thisG3778 manG3778 to reignG936 overG1909 us.'
και G2532 εγενετο G1096 G5633 εν G1722 τω G3588 επανελθειν G1880 G5629 αυτον G846 λαβοντα G2983 G5631 την G3588 βασιλειαν G932 και G2532 ειπεν G2036 G5627 φωνηθηναι G5455 G5683 αυτω G846 τους G3588 δουλους G1401 τουτους G5128 οις G3739 εδωκεν G1325 G5656 το G3588 αργυριον G694 ινα G2443 γνω G1097 G5632 τις G5101 τι G5101 διεπραγματευσατο G1281 G5662 15 "And it cameG1096 about that whenG1722 he returned,G1880 after receivingG2983 the kingdom,G932 he orderedG3004 that theseG3778 slaves,G1401 to whomG3739 he had givenG1325 the money,G694 be calledG5455 to him in orderG2443 that he might knowG1097 whatG5101 businessG1281 they had done.G1281
παρεγενετο G3854 G5633 δε G1161 ο G3588 πρωτος G4413 λεγων G3004 G5723 κυριε G2962 η G3588 μνα G3414 σου G4675 προσειργασατο G4333 G5662 δεκα G1176 μνας G3414 16 "And the firstG4413 appeared,G3854 saying,G3004 'Master,G2962 your minaG3414 has madeG4333 tenG1176 minasG3414 more.G4333'
και G2532 ειπεν G2036 G5627 αυτω G846 ευ G2095 αγαθε G18 δουλε G1401 οτι G3754 εν G1722 ελαχιστω G1646 πιστος G4103 εγενου G1096 G5633 ισθι G2468 G5749 εξουσιαν G1849 εχων G2192 G5723 επανω G1883 δεκα G1176 πολεων G4172 17 "And he saidG3004 to him, 'WellG1065 G2095 done,G2095 goodG18 slave,G1401 becauseG3754 you have beenG1096 faithfulG4103 in a veryG1646 littleG1646 thing,G1646 be in authorityG1849 overG1883 tenG1176 cities.G4172'
και G2532 ηλθεν G2064 G5627 ο G3588 δευτερος G1208 λεγων G3004 G5723 κυριε G2962 η G3588 μνα G3414 σου G4675 εποιησεν G4160 G5656 πεντε G4002 μνας G3414 18 "And the secondG1208 came,G2064 saying,G3004 'Your mina,G3414 master,G2962 has madeG4160 fiveG4002 minas.G3414'
ειπεν G2036 G5627 δε G1161 και G2532 τουτω G5129 και G2532 συ G4771 γινου G1096 G5737 επανω G1883 πεντε G4002 πολεων G4172 19 "And he saidG3004 to him also,G2532 'And you are to be overG1883 fiveG4002 cities.G4172'
και G2532 ετερος G2087 ηλθεν G2064 G5627 λεγων G3004 G5723 κυριε G2962 ιδου G2400 G5628 η G3588 μνα G3414 σου G4675 ην G3739 ειχον G2192 G5707 αποκειμενην G606 G5740 εν G1722 σουδαριω G4676 20 "And anotherG2087 came,G2064 saying,G3004 'Master,G2962 beholdG2400 your mina,G3414 whichG3739 I keptG2192 putG606 awayG606 in a handkerchief;G4676
εφοβουμην G5399 G5711 γαρ G1063 σε G4571 οτι G3754 ανθρωπος G444 αυστηρος G840 ει G1488 G5748 αιρεις G142 G5719 ο G3739 ουκ G3756 εθηκας G5087 G5656 και G2532 θεριζεις G2325 G5719 ο G3739 ουκ G3756 εσπειρας G4687 G5656 21 for I was afraidG5399 of you, becauseG3754 you are an exactingG840 man;G444 you takeG142 up whatG3739 you did not layG5087 down,G5087 and reapG2325 whatG3739 you did not sow.G4687'
λεγει G3004 G5719 δε G1161 αυτω G846 εκ G1537 του G3588 στοματος G4750 σου G4675 κρινω G2919 G5692 σε G4571 πονηρε G4190 δουλε G1401 ηδεις G1492 G5715 οτι G3754 εγω G1473 ανθρωπος G444 αυστηρος G840 ειμι G1510 G5748 αιρων G142 G5723 ο G3739 ουκ G3756 εθηκα G5087 G5656 και G2532 θεριζων G2325 G5723 ο G3739 ουκ G3756 εσπειρα G4687 G5656 22 "He saidG3004 to him, 'By your own wordsG4750 I will judgeG2919 you, you worthlessG4190 slave.G1401 Did you knowG3609 that I amG1510 an exactingG840 man,G444 takingG142 up whatG3739 I did not layG5087 down,G5087 and reapingG2325 whatG3739 I did not sowG4687?
και G2532 δια G1223 τι G5101 ουκ G3756 εδωκας G1325 G5656 το G3588 αργυριον G694 μου G3450 επι G1909 την G3588 τραπεζαν G5132 και G2532 εγω G1473 ελθων G2064 G5631 συν G4862 τοκω G5110 αν G302 επραξα G4238 G5656 αυτο G846 23 'ThenG2532 whyG1223 G5101 did you not putG1325 the moneyG694 in the bank,G5132 and having come,G2064 I would have collectedG4238 it with interestG5110?'
και G2532 τοις G3588 παρεστωσιν G3936 G5761 ειπεν G2036 G5627 αρατε G142 G5657 απ G575 αυτου G846 την G3588 μναν G3414 και G2532 δοτε G1325 G5628 τω G3588 τας G3588 δεκα G1176 μνας G3414 εχοντι G2192 G5723 24 "And he saidG3004 to the bystanders,G3936 'TakeG142 the minaG3414 awayG142 from him, and giveG1325 it to the one who hasG2192 the tenG1176 minas.G3414'
και G2532 ειπον G2036 G5627 αυτω G846 κυριε G2962 εχει G2192 G5719 δεκα G1176 μνας G3414 25 "And they saidG3004 to him, 'Master,G2962 he hasG2192 tenG1176 minasG3414 [already.]'
λεγω G3004 G5719 γαρ G1063 υμιν G5213 οτι G3754 παντι G3956 τω G3588 εχοντι G2192 G5723 δοθησεται G1325 G5701 απο G575 δε G1161 του G3588 μη G3361 εχοντος G2192 G5723 και G2532 ο G3739 εχει G2192 G5719 αρθησεται G142 G5701 απ G575 αυτου G846 26 "I tellG3004 you, that to everyoneG3956 who hasG2192 shall [more] be given,G1325 but from the one who does not have,G2192 evenG2532 whatG3739 he does haveG2192 shall be takenG142 away.G142
πλην G4133 τους G3588 εχθρους G2190 μου G3450 εκεινους G1565 τους G3588 μη G3361 θελησαντας G2309 G5660 με G3165 βασιλευσαι G936 G5658 επ G1909 αυτους G846 αγαγετε G71 G5628 ωδε G5602 και G2532 κατασφαξατε G2695 G5657 εμπροσθεν G1715 μου G3450 27 "But theseG3778 enemiesG2190 of mine,G1473 who did not wantG2309 me to reignG936 overG1909 them, bringG71 them hereG5602 and slayG2695 them in my presence.G1715"
και G2532 ειπων G2036 G5631 ταυτα G5023 επορευετο G4198 G5711 εμπροσθεν G1715 αναβαινων G305 G5723 εις G1519 ιεροσολυμα G2414 28 And after He had saidG3004 theseG3778 things,G3778 He was goingG4198 on ahead,G1715 ascendingG305 to Jerusalem.G2414
και G2532 εγενετο G1096 G5633 ως G5613 ηγγισεν G1448 G5656 εις G1519 βηθφαγη G967 και G2532 βηθανιαν G963 προς G4314 το G3588 ορος G3735 το G3588 καλουμενον G2564 G5746 ελαιων G1636 απεστειλεν G649 G5656 δυο G1417 των G3588 μαθητων G3101 αυτου G846 29 And it cameG1096 about that whenG5613 He approachedG1448 BethphageG967 and Bethany,G963 nearG4314 the mountG3735 that is calledG2564 Olivet,G1638 He sentG649 twoG1417 of the disciples,G3101
ειπων G2036 G5631 υπαγετε G5217 G5720 εις G1519 την G3588 κατεναντι G2713 κωμην G2968 εν G1722 η G3739 εισπορευομενοι G1531 G5740 ευρησετε G2147 G5692 πωλον G4454 δεδεμενον G1210 G5772 εφ G1909 ον G3739 ουδεις G3762 πωποτε G4455 ανθρωπων G444 εκαθισεν G2523 G5656 λυσαντες G3089 G5660 αυτον G846 αγαγετε G71 G5628 30 saying,G3004 "GoG5217 into the villageG2968 oppositeG2713 [you,] in whichG3739 as you enterG1531 you will findG2147 a coltG4454 tied,G1210 on whichG3739 noG3762 oneG444 G3762 yetG4455 has everG4455 sat;G2523 untieG3089 it, and bringG71 it [here.]
και G2532 εαν G1437 τις G5100 υμας G5209 ερωτα G2065 G5725 δια G1223 τι G5101 λυετε G3089 G5719 ουτως G3779 ερειτε G2046 G5692 αυτω G846 οτι G3754 ο G3588 κυριος G2962 αυτου G846 χρειαν G5532 εχει G2192 G5719 31 "And ifG1437 anyoneG5100 asksG2065 you, 'WhyG1223 G5101 are you untyingG3089 it?' thusG3779 shall you speak,G3004 'The LordG2962 hasG2192 needG5532 of it.'"
απελθοντες G565 G5631 δε G1161 οι G3588 απεσταλμενοι G649 G5772 ευρον G2147 G5627 καθως G2531 ειπεν G2036 G5627 αυτοις G846 32 And thoseG3588 who were sentG649 wentG565 awayG565 and foundG2147 it justG2531 as He had toldG3004 them.
λυοντων G3089 G5723 δε G1161 αυτων G846 τον G3588 πωλον G4454 ειπον G2036 G5627 οι G3588 κυριοι G2962 αυτου G846 προς G4314 αυτους G846 τι G5101 λυετε G3089 G5719 τον G3588 πωλον G4454 33 And as they were untyingG3089 the colt,G4454 its ownersG2962 saidG3004 to them, "WhyG5101 are you untyingG3089 the coltG4454?"
οι G3588 δε G1161 ειπον G2036 G5627 ο G3588 κυριος G2962 αυτου G846 χρειαν G5532 εχει G2192 G5719 34 And they said,G3004 "The LordG2962 hasG2192 needG5532 of it."
και G2532 ηγαγον G71 G5627 αυτον G846 προς G4314 τον G3588 ιησουν G2424 και G2532 επιρριψαντες G1977 G5660 εαυτων G1438 τα G3588 ιματια G2440 επι G1909 τον G3588 πωλον G4454 επεβιβασαν G1913 G5656 τον G3588 ιησουν G2424 35 And they broughtG71 it to Jesus,G2424 and they threwG1977 their garmentsG2440 on the colt,G4454 and putG1913 JesusG2424 [on it.]
πορευομενου G4198 G5740 δε G1161 αυτου G846 υπεστρωννυον G5291 G5707 τα G3588 ιματια G2440 αυτων G846 εν G1722 τη G3588 οδω G3598 36 And as He was going,G4198 they were spreadingG5291 their garmentsG2440 in the road.G3598
εγγιζοντος G1448 G5723 δε G1161 αυτου G846 ηδη G2235 προς G4314 τη G3588 καταβασει G2600 του G3588 ορους G3735 των G3588 ελαιων G1636 ηρξαντο G756 G5662 απαν G537 το G3588 πληθος G4128 των G3588 μαθητων G3101 χαιροντες G5463 G5723 αινειν G134 G5721 τον G3588 θεον G2316 φωνη G5456 μεγαλη G3173 περι G4012 πασων G3956 ων G3739 ειδον G1492 G5627 δυναμεων G1411 37 And as He was nowG2235 approaching,G1448 nearG4314 the descentG2600 of the MountG3735 of Olives,G1636 the wholeG537 multitudeG4128 of the disciplesG3101 beganG757 to praiseG134 GodG2316 joyfullyG5463 with a loudG3173 voiceG5456 for allG3956 the miraclesG1411 whichG3739 they had seen,G3708
λεγοντες G3004 G5723 ευλογημενος G2127 G5772 ο G3588 ερχομενος G2064 G5740 βασιλευς G935 εν G1722 ονοματι G3686 κυριου G2962 ειρηνη G1515 εν G1722 ουρανω G3772 και G2532 δοξα G1391 εν G1722 υψιστοις G5310 38 saying,G3004 "BlessedG2127 is the KingG935 who comesG2064 in the nameG3686 of the Lord;G2962 PeaceG1515 in heavenG3772 and gloryG1391 in the highest!G5310"
και G2532 τινες G5100 των G3588 φαρισαιων G5330 απο G575 του G3588 οχλου G3793 ειπον G2036 G5627 προς G4314 αυτον G846 διδασκαλε G1320 επιτιμησον G2008 G5657 τοις G3588 μαθηταις G3101 σου G4675 39 And someG5100 of the PhariseesG5330 in the multitudeG3793 saidG3004 to Him, "Teacher,G1320 rebukeG2008 Your disciples.G3101"
και G2532 αποκριθεις G611 G5679 ειπεν G2036 G5627 αυτοις G846 λεγω G3004 G5719 υμιν G5213 οτι G3754 εαν G1437 ουτοι G3778 σιωπησωσιν G4623 G5661 οι G3588 λιθοι G3037 κεκραξονται G2896 G5688 40 And He answeredG611 and said,G3004 "I tellG3004 you, ifG1437 theseG3778 becomeG4623 silent,G4623 the stonesG3037 will cryG2896 out!"
και G2532 ως G5613 ηγγισεν G1448 G5656 ιδων G1492 G5631 την G3588 πολιν G4172 εκλαυσεν G2799 G5656 επ G1909 αυτη G846 41 And whenG5613 He approached,G1448 He sawG3708 the cityG4172 and weptG2799 overG1909 it,
λεγων G3004 G5723 οτι G3754 ει G1487 εγνως G1097 G5627 και G2532 συ G4771 και G2532 γε G1065 εν G1722 τη G3588 ημερα G2250 σου G4675 ταυτη G3778 τα G3588 προς G4314 ειρηνην G1515 σου G4675 νυν G3568 δε G1161 εκρυβη G2928 G5648 απο G575 οφθαλμων G3788 σου G4675 42 saying,G3004 "IfG1487 you had knownG1097 in thisG3778 day,G2250 evenG2532 you, the things which make for peace!G1515 But nowG3568 they have been hiddenG2928 from your eyes.G3788
οτι G3754 ηξουσιν G2240 G5692 ημεραι G2250 επι G1909 σε G4571 και G2532 περιβαλουσιν G4016 G5692 οι G3588 εχθροι G2190 σου G4675 χαρακα G5482 σοι G4671 και G2532 περικυκλωσουσιν G4033 G5692 σε G4571 και G2532 συνεξουσιν G4912 G5692 σε G4571 παντοθεν G3840 43 "For the daysG2250 shall comeG2240 upon you whenG2532 your enemiesG2190 will throwG3925 up a bankG5482 before you, and surroundG4033 you, and hemG4912 you in on everyG3840 side,G3840
και G2532 εδαφιουσιν G1474 G5692 σε G4571 και G2532 τα G3588 τεκνα G5043 σου G4675 εν G1722 σοι G4671 και G2532 ουκ G3756 αφησουσιν G863 G5692 εν G1722 σοι G4671 λιθον G3037 επι G1909 λιθω G3037 ανθ G473 ων G3739 ουκ G3756 εγνως G1097 G5627 τον G3588 καιρον G2540 της G3588 επισκοπης G1984 σου G4675 44 and will levelG1474 you to the groundG1474 and your childrenG5043 withinG1722 you, and they will not leaveG863 in you one stoneG3037 upon another,G3037 becauseG473 G3739 you did not recognizeG1097 the timeG2540 of your visitation.G1984 "
και G2532 εισελθων G1525 G5631 εις G1519 το G3588 ιερον G2411 ηρξατο G756 G5662 εκβαλλειν G1544 G5721 τους G3588 πωλουντας G4453 G5723 εν G1722 αυτω G846 και G2532 αγοραζοντας G59 G5723 45 And He enteredG1525 the templeG2413 and beganG757 to castG1544 out thoseG3588 who were selling,G4453
λεγων G3004 G5723 αυτοις G846 γεγραπται G1125 G5769 ο G3588 οικος G3624 μου G3450 οικος G3624 προσευχης G4335 εστιν G2076 G5748 υμεις G5210 δε G1161 αυτον G846 εποιησατε G4160 G5656 σπηλαιον G4693 ληστων G3027 46 sayingG3004 to them, "It is written,G1125 'And My houseG3624 shall be a houseG3624 of prayer,G4335' but you have madeG4160 it a robbers' den.G4693"
και G2532 ην G2258 G5713 διδασκων G1321 G5723 το G3588 καθ G2596 ημεραν G2250 εν G1722 τω G3588 ιερω G2411 οι G3588 δε G1161 αρχιερεις G749 και G2532 οι G3588 γραμματεις G1122 εζητουν G2212 G5707 αυτον G846 απολεσαι G622 G5658 και G2532 οι G3588 πρωτοι G4413 του G3588 λαου G2992 47 And He was teachingG1321 dailyG2596 G2250 in the temple;G2413 but the chiefG749 priestsG749 and the scribesG1122 and the leadingG4413 menG4413 among the peopleG2992 were tryingG2212 to destroyG622 Him,
και G2532 ουχ G3756 ευρισκον G2147 G5707 το G3588 τι G5101 ποιησωσιν G4160 G5661 ο G3588 λαος G2992 γαρ G1063 απας G537 εξεκρεματο G1582 G5710 αυτου G846 ακουων G191 G5723 48 and they could not findG2147 anythingG5101 that they might do,G4160 for allG537 the peopleG2992 were hangingG1582 upon His words.G191
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