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Original text: Bible / Luke / Chapter 5

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εγενετο G1096 G5633 δε G1161 εν G1722 τω G3588 τον G3588 οχλον G3793 επικεισθαι G1945 G5738 αυτω G846 του G3588 ακουειν G191 G5721 τον G3588 λογον G3056 του G3588 θεου G2316 και G2532 αυτος G846 ην G2258 G5713 εστως G2476 G5761 παρα G3844 την G3588 λιμνην G3041 γεννησαρετ G1082 1 NowG1161 it cameG1096 about that whileG1722 the multitudeG3793 were pressingG1945 aroundG1945 Him and listeningG191 to the wordG3056 of God,G2316 He was standingG2476 by the lakeG3041 of Gennesaret;G1082
και G2532 ειδεν G1492 G5627 δυο G1417 πλοια G4143 εστωτα G2476 G5761 παρα G3844 την G3588 λιμνην G3041 οι G3588 δε G1161 αλιεις G231 αποβαντες G576 G5631 απ G575 αυτων G846 απεπλυναν G637 G5656 τα G3588 δικτυα G1350 2 and He sawG3708 twoG1417 boatsG4142 lyingG2476 at the edge of the lake;G3041 but the fishermenG231 had gottenG576 out of them, and were washingG4150 their nets.G1350
εμβας G1684 G5631 δε G1161 εις G1519 εν G1520 των G3588 πλοιων G4143 ο G3739 ην G2258 G5713 του G3588 σιμωνος G4613 ηρωτησεν G2065 G5656 αυτον G846 απο G575 της G3588 γης G1093 επαναγαγειν G1877 G5629 ολιγον G3641 και G2532 καθισας G2523 G5660 εδιδασκεν G1321 G5707 εκ G1537 του G3588 πλοιου G4143 τους G3588 οχλους G3793 3 And He gotG1684 into oneG1520 of the boats,G4143 whichG3739 was Simon's, and askedG2065 him to putG1877 out a littleG3641 wayG3641 from the land.G1093 And He satG2523 downG2523 and [began] teachingG1321 the multitudesG3793 from the boat.G4143
ως G5613 δε G1161 επαυσατο G3973 G5668 λαλων G2980 G5723 ειπεν G2036 G5627 προς G4314 τον G3588 σιμωνα G4613 επαναγαγε G1877 G5628 εις G1519 το G3588 βαθος G899 και G2532 χαλασατε G5465 G5657 τα G3588 δικτυα G1350 υμων G5216 εις G1519 αγραν G61 4 And whenG5613 He had finishedG3973 speaking,G2980 He saidG3004 to Simon,G4613 "PutG1877 out into the deepG899 waterG899 and letG5465 downG5465 your netsG1350 for a catch.G61"
και G2532 αποκριθεις G611 G5679 ο G3588 σιμων G4613 ειπεν G2036 G5627 αυτω G846 επιστατα G1988 δι G1223 ολης G3650 της G3588 νυκτος G3571 κοπιασαντες G2872 G5660 ουδεν G3762 ελαβομεν G2983 G5627 επι G1909 δε G1161 τω G3588 ρηματι G4487 σου G4675 χαλασω G5465 G5692 το G3588 δικτυον G1350 5 And SimonG4613 answeredG611 and said,G3004 "Master,G1988 we workedG2872 hardG2872 allG3650 nightG3571 and caughtG2983 nothing,G3762 but at Your biddingG4487 I will letG5465 downG5465 the nets.G1350"
και G2532 τουτο G5124 ποιησαντες G4160 G5660 συνεκλεισαν G4788 G5656 ιχθυων G2486 πληθος G4128 πολυ G4183 διερρηγνυτο G1284 G5712 δε G1161 το G3588 δικτυον G1350 αυτων G846 6 And when they had doneG4160 this,G3778 they enclosedG4788 a greatG4183 quantityG4128 of fish;G2486 and their netsG1350 [began] to break;G1284
και G2532 κατενευσαν G2656 G5656 τοις G3588 μετοχοις G3353 τοις G3588 εν G1722 τω G3588 ετερω G2087 πλοιω G4143 του G3588 ελθοντας G2064 G5631 συλλαβεσθαι G4815 G5641 αυτοις G846 και G2532 ηλθον G2064 G5627 και G2532 επλησαν G4130 G5656 αμφοτερα G297 τα G3588 πλοια G4143 ωστε G5620 βυθιζεσθαι G1036 G5745 αυτα G846 7 and they signaledG2656 to their partnersG3353 in the otherG2087 boat,G4143 for them to comeG2064 and helpG4815 them. And they came,G2064 and filledG4092 bothG297 of the boats,G4143 soG5620 that they began to sink.G1036
ιδων G1492 G5631 δε G1161 σιμων G4613 πετρος G4074 προσεπεσεν G4363 G5627 τοις G3588 γονασιν G1119 του G3588 ιησου G2424 λεγων G3004 G5723 εξελθε G1831 G5628 απ G575 εμου G1700 οτι G3754 ανηρ G435 αμαρτωλος G268 ειμι G1510 G5748 κυριε G2962 8 But when SimonG4613 PeterG4074 sawG3708 [that,] he fellG4363 downG4363 at Jesus' feet,G1119 saying,G3004 "DepartG1831 from me, for I amG1510 a sinfulG268 man,G435 O Lord!G2962"
θαμβος G2285 γαρ G1063 περιεσχεν G4023 G5627 αυτον G846 και G2532 παντας G3956 τους G3588 συν G4862 αυτω G846 επι G1909 τη G3588 αγρα G61 των G3588 ιχθυων G2486 η G3739 συνελαβον G4815 G5627 9 For amazementG2285 had seizedG4023 him and allG3956 his companionsG3588 G4862 becauseG1909 of the catchG61 of fishG2486 whichG3739 they had taken;G4815
ομοιως G3668 δε G1161 και G2532 ιακωβον G2385 και G2532 ιωαννην G2491 υιους G5207 ζεβεδαιου G2199 οι G3739 ησαν G2258 G5713 κοινωνοι G2844 τω G3588 σιμωνι G4613 και G2532 ειπεν G2036 G5627 προς G4314 τον G3588 σιμωνα G4613 ο G3588 ιησους G2424 μη G3361 φοβου G5399 G5737 απο G575 του G3588 νυν G3568 ανθρωπους G444 εση G2071 G5704 ζωγρων G2221 G5723 10 and soG3668 alsoG2532 JamesG2385 and John,G2491 sonsG5207 of Zebedee,G2199 whoG3739 were partnersG2844 with Simon.G4613 And JesusG2424 saidG3004 to Simon,G4613 "Do not fear,G5399 from nowG3568 on you will be catchingG2221 men.G444"
και G2532 καταγαγοντες G2609 G5631 τα G3588 πλοια G4143 επι G1909 την G3588 γην G1093 αφεντες G863 G5631 απαντα G537 ηκολουθησαν G190 G5656 αυτω G846 11 And when they had broughtG2609 their boatsG4143 to land,G1093 they leftG863 everythingG3956 and followedG190 Him.
και G2532 εγενετο G1096 G5633 εν G1722 τω G3588 ειναι G1511 G5750 αυτον G846 εν G1722 μια G1520 των G3588 πολεων G4172 και G2532 ιδου G2400 G5628 ανηρ G435 πληρης G4134 λεπρας G3014 και G2532 ιδων G1492 G5631 τον G3588 ιησουν G2424 πεσων G4098 G5631 επι G1909 προσωπον G4383 εδεηθη G1189 G5681 αυτου G846 λεγων G3004 G5723 κυριε G2962 εαν G1437 θελης G2309 G5725 δυνασαι G1410 G5736 με G3165 καθαρισαι G2511 G5658 12 And it cameG1096 about that whileG1722 He was in oneG1520 of the cities,G4172 behold,G2400 [there was] a manG435 fullG4134 of leprosy;G3014 and when he sawG3708 Jesus,G2424 he fellG4098 on his faceG4383 and imploredG1189 Him, saying,G3004 "Lord,G2962 ifG1437 You are willing,G2309 You canG1410 makeG2511 me clean.G2511"
και G2532 εκτεινας G1614 G5660 την G3588 χειρα G5495 ηψατο G680 G5662 αυτου G846 ειπων G2036 G5631 θελω G2309 G5719 καθαρισθητι G2511 G5682 και G2532 ευθεως G2112 η G3588 λεπρα G3014 απηλθεν G565 G5627 απ G575 αυτου G846 13 And He stretchedG1614 out His hand,G5495 and touchedG681 him, saying,G3004 "I amG2309 willing;G2309 be cleansed.G2511" And immediatelyG2112 the leprosyG3014 leftG565 him.
και G2532 αυτος G846 παρηγγειλεν G3853 G5656 αυτω G846 μηδενι G3367 ειπειν G2036 G5629 αλλα G235 απελθων G565 G5631 δειξον G1166 G5657 σεαυτον G4572 τω G3588 ιερει G2409 και G2532 προσενεγκε G4374 G5628 περι G4012 του G3588 καθαρισμου G2512 σου G4675 καθως G2531 προσεταξεν G4367 G5656 μωσης G3475 εις G1519 μαρτυριον G3142 αυτοις G846 14 And He orderedG3853 him to tellG3004 noG3367 one,G3367 "But goG565 and showG1166 yourselfG4572 to the priest,G2409 and makeG4374 an offeringG4374 for your cleansing,G2512 justG2531 as MosesG3475 commanded,G4367 for a testimonyG3142 to them."
διηρχετο G1330 G5711 δε G1161 μαλλον G3123 ο G3588 λογος G3056 περι G4012 αυτου G846 και G2532 συνηρχοντο G4905 G5711 οχλοι G3793 πολλοι G4183 ακουειν G191 G5721 και G2532 θεραπευεσθαι G2323 G5745 υπ G5259 αυτου G846 απο G575 των G3588 ασθενειων G769 αυτων G846 15 But the newsG3056 aboutG4012 Him was spreadingG1330 evenG3123 farther,G3123 and greatG4183 multitudesG3793 were gatheringG4905 to hearG191 [Him] and to be healedG2323 of their sicknesses.G769
αυτος G846 δε G1161 ην G2258 G5713 υποχωρων G5298 G5723 εν G1722 ταις G3588 ερημοις G2048 και G2532 προσευχομενος G4336 G5740 16 But He HimselfG846 would [often] slipG5298 awayG5298 to the wildernessG2048 and pray.G4336
και G2532 εγενετο G1096 G5633 εν G1722 μια G1520 των G3588 ημερων G2250 και G2532 αυτος G846 ην G2258 G5713 διδασκων G1321 G5723 και G2532 ησαν G2258 G5713 καθημενοι G2521 G5740 φαρισαιοι G5330 και G2532 νομοδιδασκαλοι G3547 οι G3739 ησαν G2258 G5713 εληλυθοτες G2064 G5756 εκ G1537 πασης G3956 κωμης G2968 της G3588 γαλιλαιας G1056 και G2532 ιουδαιας G2449 και G2532 ιερουσαλημ G2419 και G2532 δυναμις G1411 κυριου G2962 ην G2258 G5713 εις G1519 το G3588 ιασθαι G2390 G5738 αυτους G846 17 And it cameG1096 about oneG1520 dayG2250 that He was teaching;G1321 and there were [some] PhariseesG5330 and teachersG3547 of the lawG3547 sittingG2521 [there,] whoG3739 had comeG2064 from everyG3956 villageG2968 of GalileeG1056 and JudeaG2453 and [from] Jerusalem;G2419 and the powerG1411 of the LordG2962 was [present] for Him to performG2390 healing.G2390
και G2532 ιδου G2400 G5628 ανδρες G435 φεροντες G5342 G5723 επι G1909 κλινης G2825 ανθρωπον G444 ος G3739 ην G2258 G5713 παραλελυμενος G3886 G5772 και G2532 εζητουν G2212 G5707 αυτον G846 εισενεγκειν G1533 G5629 και G2532 θειναι G5087 G5629 ενωπιον G1799 αυτου G846 18 And behold,G2400 [some] menG435 [were] carryingG5342 on a bedG2825 a manG444 whoG3739 was paralyzed;G3886 and they were tryingG2212 to bringG1533 him in, and to setG5087 him downG5087 in frontG1799 of Him.
και G2532 μη G3361 ευροντες G2147 G5631 δια G1223 ποιας G4169 εισενεγκωσιν G1533 G5632 αυτον G846 δια G1223 τον G3588 οχλον G3793 αναβαντες G305 G5631 επι G1909 το G3588 δωμα G1430 δια G1223 των G3588 κεραμων G2766 καθηκαν G2524 G5656 αυτον G846 συν G4862 τω G3588 κλινιδιω G2826 εις G1519 το G3588 μεσον G3319 εμπροσθεν G1715 του G3588 ιησου G2424 19 And not findingG2147 anyG4169 [way] to bringG1533 him in becauseG1223 of the crowd,G3793 they wentG305 up on the roofG1430 and letG2524 him downG2524 throughG1223 the tilesG2766 with his stretcher,G2826 right in the center,G3319 in frontG1715 of Jesus.G2424
και G2532 ιδων G1492 G5631 την G3588 πιστιν G4102 αυτων G846 ειπεν G2036 G5627 αυτω G846 ανθρωπε G444 αφεωνται G863 G5769 σοι G4671 αι G3588 αμαρτιαι G266 σου G4675 20 And seeingG3708 their faith,G4102 He said,G3004 "Friend,G444 your sinsG266 are forgivenG863 you."
και G2532 ηρξαντο G756 G5662 διαλογιζεσθαι G1260 G5738 οι G3588 γραμματεις G1122 και G2532 οι G3588 φαρισαιοι G5330 λεγοντες G3004 G5723 τις G5101 εστιν G2076 G5748 ουτος G3778 ος G3739 λαλει G2980 G5719 βλασφημιας G988 τις G5101 δυναται G1410 G5736 αφιεναι G863 G5721 αμαρτιας G266 ει G1487 μη G3361 μονος G3441 ο G3588 θεος G2316 21 And the scribesG1122 and the PhariseesG5330 beganG757 to reason,G1260 saying,G3004 "WhoG5101 is thisG3778 [man] whoG3739 speaksG2980 blasphemiesG988? WhoG5101 canG1410 forgiveG863 sins,G266 but GodG2316 aloneG3441?"
επιγνους G1921 G5631 δε G1161 ο G3588 ιησους G2424 τους G3588 διαλογισμους G1261 αυτων G846 αποκριθεις G611 G5679 ειπεν G2036 G5627 προς G4314 αυτους G846 τι G5101 διαλογιζεσθε G1260 G5736 εν G1722 ταις G3588 καρδιαις G2588 υμων G5216 22 But Jesus,G2424 awareG1921 of their reasonings,G1261 answeredG611 and saidG3004 to them, "WhyG5101 are you reasoningG1260 in your heartsG2588?
τι G5101 εστιν G2076 G5748 ευκοπωτερον G2123 ειπειν G2036 G5629 αφεωνται G863 G5769 σοι G4671 αι G3588 αμαρτιαι G266 σου G4675 η G2228 ειπειν G2036 G5629 εγειραι G1453 G5669 και G2532 περιπατει G4043 G5720 23 "WhichG5101 is easier,G2123 to say,G3004 'Your sinsG266 have been forgivenG863 you,' orG2228 to say,G3004 'RiseG1453 and walkG4043'?
ινα G2443 δε G1161 ειδητε G1492 G5762 οτι G3754 εξουσιαν G1849 εχει G2192 G5719 ο G3588 υιος G5207 του G3588 ανθρωπου G444 επι G1909 της G3588 γης G1093 αφιεναι G863 G5721 αμαρτιας G266 ειπεν G2036 G5627 τω G3588 παραλελυμενω G3886 G5772 σοι G4671 λεγω G3004 G5719 εγειραι G1453 G5669 και G2532 αρας G142 G5660 το G3588 κλινιδιον G2826 σου G4675 πορευου G4198 G5737 εις G1519 τον G3588 οικον G3624 σου G4675 24 "But in orderG2443 that you may knowG3609 that the SonG5207 of ManG444 hasG2192 authorityG1849 on earthG1093 to forgiveG863 sins,G266" – He saidG3004 to the paralyticG3886 – "I sayG3004 to you, rise,G1453 and takeG142 up your stretcherG2826 and goG4198 home.G3624"
και G2532 παραχρημα G3916 αναστας G450 G5631 ενωπιον G1799 αυτων G846 αρας G142 G5660 εφ G1909 ω G3739 κατεκειτο G2621 G5711 απηλθεν G565 G5627 εις G1519 τον G3588 οικον G3624 αυτου G846 δοξαζων G1392 G5723 τον G3588 θεον G2316 25 And at onceG3916 he roseG450 up beforeG1799 them, and tookG142 up whatG3739 he had been lyingG2621 on, and wentG565 home,G3624 glorifyingG1392 God.G2316
και G2532 εκστασις G1611 ελαβεν G2983 G5627 απαντας G537 και G2532 εδοξαζον G1392 G5707 τον G3588 θεον G2316 και G2532 επλησθησαν G4130 G5681 φοβου G5401 λεγοντες G3004 G5723 οτι G3754 ειδομεν G1492 G5627 παραδοξα G3861 σημερον G4594 26 And they were allG537 seizedG2983 with astonishmentG1611 and [began] glorifyingG1392 God;G2316 and they were filledG4092 with fear,G5401 saying,G3004 "We have seenG3708 remarkableG3861 thingsG3861 today.G4594"
και G2532 μετα G3326 ταυτα G5023 εξηλθεν G1831 G5627 και G2532 εθεασατο G2300 G5662 τελωνην G5057 ονοματι G3686 λευιν G3018 καθημενον G2521 G5740 επι G1909 το G3588 τελωνιον G5058 και G2532 ειπεν G2036 G5627 αυτω G846 ακολουθει G190 G5720 μοι G3427 27 And afterG3326 that He wentG1831 out, and noticedG2300 a tax-gathererG5058 namedG3686 Levi,G3017 sittingG2521 in the tax office,G5058 and He saidG3004 to him, "FollowG190 Me."
και G2532 καταλιπων G2641 G5631 απαντα G537 αναστας G450 G5631 ηκολουθησεν G190 G5656 αυτω G846 28 And he leftG2641 everythingG3956 behind,G2641 and roseG450 and [began] to followG190 Him.
και G2532 εποιησεν G4160 G5656 δοχην G1403 μεγαλην G3173 ο G3588 λευις G3018 αυτω G846 εν G1722 τη G3588 οικια G3614 αυτου G846 και G2532 ην G2258 G5713 οχλος G3793 τελωνων G5057 πολυς G4183 και G2532 αλλων G243 οι G3739 ησαν G2258 G5713 μετ G3326 αυτων G846 κατακειμενοι G2621 G5740 29 And LeviG3017 gaveG4160 a bigG3173 receptionG1403 for Him in his house;G3614 and there was a greatG4183 crowdG3793 of tax-gatherers and otherG243 [people] whoG3739 were recliningG2621 [at the table] with them.
και G2532 εγογγυζον G1111 G5707 οι G3588 γραμματεις G1122 αυτων G846 και G2532 οι G3588 φαρισαιοι G5330 προς G4314 τους G3588 μαθητας G3101 αυτου G846 λεγοντες G3004 G5723 δια G1223 τι G5101 μετα G3326 τελωνων G5057 και G2532 αμαρτωλων G268 εσθιετε G2068 G5719 και G2532 πινετε G4095 G5719 30 And the PhariseesG5330 and their scribesG1122 [began] grumblingG1111 at His disciples,G3101 saying,G3004 "WhyG1223 G5101 do you eatG2068 and drinkG4095 with the tax-gatherers and sinnersG268?"
και G2532 αποκριθεις G611 G5679 ο G3588 ιησους G2424 ειπεν G2036 G5627 προς G4314 αυτους G846 ου G3756 χρειαν G5532 εχουσιν G2192 G5719 οι G3588 υγιαινοντες G5198 G5723 ιατρου G2395 αλλ G235 οι G3588 κακως G2560 εχοντες G2192 G5723 31 And JesusG2424 answeredG611 and saidG3004 to them, "[It is] not thoseG3588 who are wellG5198 who needG5532 a physician,G2395 but thoseG3588 who are sick.G2560
ουκ G3756 εληλυθα G2064 G5754 καλεσαι G2564 G5658 δικαιους G1342 αλλα G235 αμαρτωλους G268 εις G1519 μετανοιαν G3341 32 "I have not comeG2064 to callG2564 the righteousG1342 but sinnersG268 to repentance.G3341"
οι G3588 δε G1161 ειπον G2036 G5627 προς G4314 αυτον G846 δια G1223 τι G5101 οι G3588 μαθηται G3101 ιωαννου G2491 νηστευουσιν G3522 G5719 πυκνα G4437 και G2532 δεησεις G1162 ποιουνται G4160 G5731 ομοιως G3668 και G2532 οι G3588 των G3588 φαρισαιων G5330 οι G3588 δε G1161 σοι G4674 εσθιουσιν G2068 G5719 και G2532 πινουσιν G4095 G5719 33 And they saidG3004 to Him, "The disciplesG3101 of JohnG2491 oftenG4437 fastG3522 and offerG4160 prayers;G1162 the [disciples] of the PhariseesG5330 alsoG2532 do the same;G3668 but YoursG4674 eatG2068 and drink.G4095"
ο G3588 δε G1161 ειπεν G2036 G5627 προς G4314 αυτους G846 μη G3361 δυνασθε G1410 G5736 τους G3588 υιους G5207 του G3588 νυμφωνος G3567 εν G1722 ω G3739 ο G3588 νυμφιος G3566 μετ G3326 αυτων G846 εστιν G2076 G5748 ποιησαι G4160 G5658 νηστευειν G3522 G5721 34 And JesusG2424 saidG3004 to them, "You cannotG1410 G3361 makeG4160 the attendantsG5207 of the bridegroomG3567 fastG3522 whileG1722 G3739 the bridegroomG3566 is with them, can you?
ελευσονται G2064 G5695 δε G1161 ημεραι G2250 και G2532 οταν G3752 απαρθη G522 G5686 απ G575 αυτων G846 ο G3588 νυμφιος G3566 τοτε G5119 νηστευσουσιν G3522 G5692 εν G1722 εκειναις G1565 ταις G3588 ημεραις G2250 35 "But [the] daysG2250 will come;G2064 and whenG3752 the bridegroomG3566 is takenG522 awayG522 from them, thenG5119 they will fastG3522 in thoseG1565 days.G2250"
ελεγεν G3004 G5707 δε G1161 και G2532 παραβολην G3850 προς G4314 αυτους G846 οτι G3754 ουδεις G3762 επιβλημα G1915 ιματιου G2440 καινου G2537 επιβαλλει G1911 G5719 επι G1909 ιματιον G2440 παλαιον G3820 ει G1487 δε G1161 μηγε G3361 και G2532 το G3588 καινον G2537 σχιζει G4977 G5719 και G2532 τω G3588 παλαιω G3820 ου G3756 συμφωνει G4856 G5719 επιβλημα G1915 το G3588 απο G575 του G3588 καινου G2537 36 And He was alsoG2532 tellingG3004 them a parable:G3850 "NoG3762 oneG3762 tearsG4977 a pieceG1915 from a newG2537 garmentG2440 and putsG1911 it on an oldG3820 garment;G2440 otherwiseG7507 he will bothG2532 tearG4977 the new,G2537 and the pieceG1915 from the newG2537 will not matchG4856 the old.G3820
και G2532 ουδεις G3762 βαλλει G906 G5719 οινον G3631 νεον G3501 εις G1519 ασκους G779 παλαιους G3820 ει G1487 δε G1161 μηγε G3361 ρηξει G4486 G5692 ο G3588 νεος G3501 οινος G3631 τους G3588 ασκους G779 και G2532 αυτος G846 εκχυθησεται G1632 G5701 και G2532 οι G3588 ασκοι G779 απολουνται G622 G5698 37 "And noG3762 oneG3762 putsG906 newG3501 wineG3631 into oldG3820 wineskins;G779 otherwiseG7507 the newG3501 wineG3631 will burstG4486 the skins,G779 and it will be spilledG7062 out, and the skinsG779 will be ruined.G622
αλλα G235 οινον G3631 νεον G3501 εις G1519 ασκους G779 καινους G2537 βλητεον G992 και G2532 αμφοτεροι G297 συντηρουνται G4933 G5743 38 "But newG3501 wineG3631 mustG992 be putG992 into freshG2537 wineskins.G779
και G2532 ουδεις G3762 πιων G4095 G5631 παλαιον G3820 ευθεως G2112 θελει G2309 G5719 νεον G3501 λεγει G3004 G5719 γαρ G1063 ο G3588 παλαιος G3820 χρηστοτερος G5543 εστιν G2076 G5748 39 "And noG3762 one,G3762 after drinkingG4095 oldG3820 [wine] wishesG2309 for new;G3501 for he says,G3004 'The oldG3820 is goodG5543 [enough.]'"
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