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Original text: Bible / Acts / Chapter 11

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ηκουσαν G191 G5656 δε G1161 οι G3588 αποστολοι G652 και G2532 οι G3588 αδελφοι G80 οι G3588 οντες G5607 G5752 κατα G2596 την G3588 ιουδαιαν G2449 οτι G3754 και G2532 τα G3588 εθνη G1484 εδεξαντο G1209 G5662 τον G3588 λογον G3056 του G3588 θεου G2316 1 NowG1161 the apostlesG652 and the brethrenG80 who were throughoutG2596 JudeaG2453 heardG191 that the GentilesG1484 alsoG2532 had receivedG1209 the wordG3056 of God.G2316
και G2532 οτε G3753 ανεβη G305 G5627 πετρος G4074 εις G1519 ιεροσολυμα G2414 διεκρινοντο G1252 G5710 προς G4314 αυτον G846 οι G3588 εκ G1537 περιτομης G4061 2 And whenG3753 PeterG4074 cameG305 up to Jerusalem,G2419 thoseG3588 who were circumcisedG4061 tookG1252 issueG1252 with him,
λεγοντες G3004 G5723 οτι G3754 προς G4314 ανδρας G435 ακροβυστιαν G203 εχοντας G2192 G5723 εισηλθες G1525 G5627 και G2532 συνεφαγες G4906 G5627 αυτοις G846 3 saying,G3004 "You wentG1525 to uncircumcisedG203 menG435 and ateG4906 with them."
αρξαμενος G756 G5671 δε G1161 ο G3588 πετρος G4074 εξετιθετο G1620 G5710 αυτοις G846 καθεξης G2517 λεγων G3004 G5723 4 But PeterG4074 beganG757 [speaking] and [proceeded] to explainG1620 to them in orderlyG2517 sequence,G2517 saying,G3004
εγω G1473 ημην G2252 G5713 εν G1722 πολει G4172 ιοππη G2445 προσευχομενος G4336 G5740 και G2532 ειδον G1492 G5627 εν G1722 εκστασει G1611 οραμα G3705 καταβαινον G2597 G5723 σκευος G4632 τι G5100 ως G5613 οθονην G3607 μεγαλην G3173 τεσσαρσιν G5064 αρχαις G746 καθιεμενην G2524 G5746 εκ G1537 του G3588 ουρανου G3772 και G2532 ηλθεν G2064 G5627 αχρις G891 εμου G1700 5 "I was in the cityG4172 of JoppaG2445 praying;G4336 and in a tranceG1611 I sawG3708 a vision,G3705 a certainG5100 objectG4632 comingG2597 downG2597 likeG5613 a greatG3173 sheetG3607 loweredG2524 by fourG5064 cornersG746 from the sky;G3772 and it cameG2064 rightG891 down to me,
εις G1519 ην G3739 ατενισας G816 G5660 κατενοουν G2657 G5707 και G2532 ειδον G1492 G5627 τα G3588 τετραποδα G5074 της G3588 γης G1093 και G2532 τα G3588 θηρια G2342 και G2532 τα G3588 ερπετα G2062 και G2532 τα G3588 πετεινα G4071 του G3588 ουρανου G3772 6 and when I had fixedG816 my gazeG816 upon it and was observingG2657 it I sawG3708 the four-footed animalsG5074 of the earthG1093 and the wildG2342 beastsG2342 and the crawlingG2062 creaturesG2062 and the birdsG4071 of the air.G3772
ηκουσα G191 G5656 δε G1161 φωνης G5456 λεγουσης G3004 G5723 μοι G3427 αναστας G450 G5631 πετρε G4074 θυσον G2380 G5657 και G2532 φαγε G5315 G5628 7 "And I alsoG2532 heardG191 a voiceG5456 sayingG3004 to me, 'Arise,G450 Peter;G4074 killG2380 and eat.G2068'
ειπον G2036 G5627 δε G1161 μηδαμως G3365 κυριε G2962 οτι G3754 παν G3956 κοινον G2839 η G2228 ακαθαρτον G169 ουδεποτε G3763 εισηλθεν G1525 G5627 εις G1519 το G3588 στομα G4750 μου G3450 8 "But I said,G3004 'By noG3365 means,G3365 Lord,G2962 for nothingG3763 unholyG2839 orG2228 uncleanG169 has everG3763 enteredG1525 my mouth.G4750'
απεκριθη G611 G5662 δε G1161 μοι G3427 φωνη G5456 εκ G1537 δευτερου G1208 εκ G1537 του G3588 ουρανου G3772 α G3739 ο G3588 θεος G2316 εκαθαρισεν G2511 G5656 συ G4771 μη G3361 κοινου G2840 G5720 9 "But a voiceG5456 from heavenG3772 answeredG611 a secondG1208 time,G1208 'WhatG3739 GodG2316 has cleansed,G2511 noG3361 longer considerG2840 unholy.G2839'
τουτο G5124 δε G1161 εγενετο G1096 G5633 επι G1909 τρις G5151 και G2532 παλιν G3825 ανεσπασθη G385 G5681 απαντα G537 εις G1519 τον G3588 ουρανον G3772 10 "And thisG3778 happenedG1096 threeG5151 times,G5151 and everythingG537 was drawnG385 backG3825 up into the sky.G3772
και G2532 ιδου G2400 G5628 εξαυτης G1824 τρεις G5140 ανδρες G435 επεστησαν G2186 G5627 επι G1909 την G3588 οικιαν G3614 εν G1722 η G3739 ημην G1510 G5713 απεσταλμενοι G649 G5772 απο G575 καισαρειας G2542 προς G4314 με G3165 11 "And behold,G2400 at that momentG1824 threeG5140 menG435 appearedG2186 beforeG1909 the houseG3614 in whichG3739 we were [staying,] having been sentG649 to me from Caesarea.G2542
ειπεν G2036 G5627 δε G1161 μοι G3427 το G3588 πνευμα G4151 συνελθειν G4905 G5629 αυτοις G846 μηδεν G3367 διακρινομενον G1252 G5734 ηλθον G2064 G5627 δε G1161 συν G4862 εμοι G1698 και G2532 οι G3588 εξ G1803 αδελφοι G80 ουτοι G3778 και G2532 εισηλθομεν G1525 G5627 εις G1519 τον G3588 οικον G3624 του G3588 ανδρος G435 12 "And the SpiritG4151 toldG3004 me to goG4905 with them withoutG3367 misgivings.G1252 And theseG3778 sixG1803 brethrenG80 alsoG2532 wentG2064 with me, and we enteredG1525 the man's house.G3624
απηγγειλεν G518 G5656 τε G5037 ημιν G2254 πως G4459 ειδεν G1492 G5627 τον G3588 αγγελον G32 εν G1722 τω G3588 οικω G3624 αυτου G846 σταθεντα G2476 G5685 και G2532 ειποντα G2036 G5631 αυτω G846 αποστειλον G649 G5657 εις G1519 ιοππην G2445 ανδρας G435 και G2532 μεταπεμψαι G3343 G5663 σιμωνα G4613 τον G3588 επικαλουμενον G1941 G5746 πετρον G4074 13 "And he reportedG518 to us howG4459 he had seenG3708 the angelG32 standingG2476 in his house,G3624 and saying,G3004 'SendG649 to Joppa,G2445 and have Simon,G4613 who is also calledG1941 Peter,G4074 broughtG3343 here;G3343
ος G3739 λαλησει G2980 G5692 ρηματα G4487 προς G4314 σε G4571 εν G1722 οις G3739 σωθηση G4982 G5701 συ G4771 και G2532 πας G3956 ο G3588 οικος G3624 σου G4675 14 and he shall speakG2980 wordsG4487 to you by whichG3739 you will be saved,G4982 you and allG3956 your household.G3624'
εν G1722 δε G1161 τω G3588 αρξασθαι G756 G5670 με G3165 λαλειν G2980 G5721 επεπεσεν G1968 G5627 το G3588 πνευμα G4151 το G3588 αγιον G40 επ G1909 αυτους G846 ωσπερ G5618 και G2532 εφ G1909 ημας G2248 εν G1722 αρχη G746 15 "And as I beganG757 to speak,G2980 the HolyG40 SpiritG4151 fellG1968 upon them, justG5618 as [He did] upon us at the beginning.G746
εμνησθην G3415 G5681 δε G1161 του G3588 ρηματος G4487 κυριου G2962 ως G5613 ελεγεν G3004 G5707 ιωαννης G2491 μεν G3303 εβαπτισεν G907 G5656 υδατι G5204 υμεις G5210 δε G1161 βαπτισθησεσθε G907 G5701 εν G1722 πνευματι G4151 αγιω G40 16 "And I rememberedG3403 the wordG4487 of the Lord,G2962 howG5613 He used to say,G3004 'JohnG2491 baptizedG907 with water,G5204 but you shall be baptizedG907 with the HolyG40 Spirit.G4151'
ει G1487 ουν G3767 την G3588 ισην G2470 δωρεαν G1431 εδωκεν G1325 G5656 αυτοις G846 ο G3588 θεος G2316 ως G5613 και G2532 ημιν G2254 πιστευσασιν G4100 G5660 επι G1909 τον G3588 κυριον G2962 ιησουν G2424 χριστον G5547 εγω G1473 δε G1161 τις G5101 ημην G2252 G5713 δυνατος G1415 κωλυσαι G2967 G5658 τον G3588 θεον G2316 17 "IfG1487 GodG2316 thereforeG3767 gaveG1325 to them the sameG2470 giftG1431 as [He gave] to us alsoG2532 after believingG4100 in the LordG2962 JesusG2424 Christ,G5547 whoG5101 was I that I couldG1415 standG2967 in God's wayG2967?"
ακουσαντες G191 G5660 δε G1161 ταυτα G5023 ησυχασαν G2270 G5656 και G2532 εδοξαζον G1392 G5707 τον G3588 θεον G2316 λεγοντες G3004 G5723 αραγε G686 και G2532 τοις G3588 εθνεσιν G1484 ο G3588 θεος G2316 την G3588 μετανοιαν G3341 εδωκεν G1325 G5656 εις G1519 ζωην G2222 18 And when they heardG191 this,G3778 they quietedG2270 down,G2270 and glorifiedG1392 God,G2316 saying,G3004 "WellG686 then,G686 GodG2316 has grantedG1325 to the GentilesG1484 alsoG2532 the repentanceG3341 [that leads] to life.G2222"
οι G3588 μεν G3303 ουν G3767 διασπαρεντες G1289 G5651 απο G575 της G3588 θλιψεως G2347 της G3588 γενομενης G1096 G5637 επι G1909 στεφανω G4736 διηλθον G1330 G5627 εως G2193 φοινικης G5403 και G2532 κυπρου G2954 και G2532 αντιοχειας G490 μηδενι G3367 λαλουντες G2980 G5723 τον G3588 λογον G3056 ει G1487 μη G3361 μονον G3440 ιουδαιοις G2453 19 SoG3767 thenG3767 thoseG3588 who were scatteredG1289 becauseG575 of the persecutionG2347 that aroseG1096 in connectionG1909 with StephenG4736 madeG1330 their wayG1330 to PhoeniciaG5403 and CyprusG2954 and Antioch,G490 speakingG2980 the wordG3056 to noG3367 oneG3367 exceptG1508 to JewsG2453 alone.G3441
ησαν G2258 G5713 δε G1161 τινες G5100 εξ G1537 αυτων G846 ανδρες G435 κυπριοι G2953 και G2532 κυρηναιοι G2956 οιτινες G3748 εισελθοντες G1525 G5631 εις G1519 αντιοχειαν G490 ελαλουν G2980 G5707 προς G4314 τους G3588 ελληνιστας G1675 ευαγγελιζομενοι G2097 G5734 τον G3588 κυριον G2962 ιησουν G2424 20 But there were someG5100 of them, menG435 of CyprusG2953 and Cyrene,G2956 whoG3748 cameG2064 to AntiochG490 and [began] speakingG2980 to the GreeksG1672 also,G2532 preachingG2097 the LordG2962 Jesus.G2424
και G2532 ην G2258 G5713 χειρ G5495 κυριου G2962 μετ G3326 αυτων G846 πολυς G4183 τε G5037 αριθμος G706 πιστευσας G4100 G5660 επεστρεψεν G1994 G5656 επι G1909 τον G3588 κυριον G2962 21 And the handG5495 of the LordG2962 was with them, and a largeG4183 numberG706 who believedG4100 turnedG1994 to the Lord.G2962
ηκουσθη G191 G5681 δε G1161 ο G3588 λογος G3056 εις G1519 τα G3588 ωτα G3775 της G3588 εκκλησιας G1577 της G3588 εν G1722 ιεροσολυμοις G2414 περι G4012 αυτων G846 και G2532 εξαπεστειλαν G1821 G5656 βαρναβαν G921 διελθειν G1330 G5629 εως G2193 αντιοχειας G490 22 And the newsG3056 aboutG4012 them reachedG191 the earsG3775 of the churchG1577 at Jerusalem,G2419 and they sentG1821 BarnabasG921 offG1821 to Antioch.G490
ος G3739 παραγενομενος G3854 G5637 και G2532 ιδων G1492 G5631 την G3588 χαριν G5485 του G3588 θεου G2316 εχαρη G5463 G5644 και G2532 παρεκαλει G3870 G5707 παντας G3956 τη G3588 προθεσει G4286 της G3588 καρδιας G2588 προσμενειν G4357 G5721 τω G3588 κυριω G2962 23 Then when he had comeG3854 and witnessedG3708 the graceG5485 of God,G2316 he rejoicedG5463 and [began] to encourageG3870 them allG3956 with resoluteG4286 heartG2588 to remainG4357 [true] to the Lord;G2962
οτι G3754 ην G2258 G5713 ανηρ G435 αγαθος G18 και G2532 πληρης G4134 πνευματος G4151 αγιου G40 και G2532 πιστεως G4102 και G2532 προσετεθη G4369 G5681 οχλος G3793 ικανος G2425 τω G3588 κυριω G2962 24 for he was a goodG18 man,G435 and fullG4134 of the HolyG40 SpiritG4151 and of faith.G4102 And considerableG2425 numbersG3793 were broughtG4369 to the Lord.G2962
εξηλθεν G1831 G5627 δε G1161 εις G1519 ταρσον G5019 ο G3588 βαρναβας G921 αναζητησαι G327 G5658 σαυλον G4569 25 And he leftG1831 for TarsusG5019 to lookG327 for Saul;G4569
και G2532 ευρων G2147 G5631 αυτον G846 ηγαγεν G71 G5627 αυτον G846 εις G1519 αντιοχειαν G490 εγενετο G1096 G5633 δε G1161 αυτους G846 ενιαυτον G1763 ολον G3650 συναχθηναι G4863 G5683 εν G1722 τη G3588 εκκλησια G1577 και G2532 διδαξαι G1321 G5658 οχλον G3793 ικανον G2425 χρηματισαι G5537 G5658 τε G5037 πρωτον G4412 εν G1722 αντιοχεια G490 τους G3588 μαθητας G3101 χριστιανους G5546 26 and when he had foundG2147 him, he broughtG71 him to Antioch.G490 And it cameG1096 about that for an entireG3650 yearG1763 they metG4863 with the church,G1577 and taughtG1321 considerableG2425 numbers;G3793 and the disciplesG3101 were firstG4416 calledG5537 ChristiansG5546 in Antioch.G490
εν G1722 ταυταις G3778 δε G1161 ταις G3588 ημεραις G2250 κατηλθον G2718 G5627 απο G575 ιεροσολυμων G2414 προφηται G4396 εις G1519 αντιοχειαν G490 27 NowG1161 at thisG3778 timeG2250 some prophetsG4396 cameG2718 downG2718 from JerusalemG2414 to Antioch.G490
αναστας G450 G5631 δε G1161 εις G1520 εξ G1537 αυτων G846 ονοματι G3686 αγαβος G13 εσημανεν G4591 G5656 δια G1223 του G3588 πνευματος G4151 λιμον G3042 μεγαν G3173 μελλειν G3195 G5721 εσεσθαι G2071 G5705 εφ G1909 ολην G3650 την G3588 οικουμενην G3625 οστις G3748 και G2532 εγενετο G1096 G5633 επι G1909 κλαυδιου G2804 καισαρος G2541 28 And oneG1520 of them namedG3686 AgabusG13 stoodG450 up and [began] to indicateG4591 by the SpiritG4151 that there wouldG3195 certainlyG3195 be a greatG3173 famineG3042 allG3650 overG1909 the world.G3625 And thisG3748 tookG1096 placeG1096 in the [reign] of Claudius.G2804
των G3588 δε G1161 μαθητων G3101 καθως G2531 ηυπορειτο G2141 G5711 τις G5100 ωρισαν G3724 G5656 εκαστος G1538 αυτων G846 εις G1519 διακονιαν G1248 πεμψαι G3992 G5658 τοις G3588 κατοικουσιν G2730 G5723 εν G1722 τη G3588 ιουδαια G2449 αδελφοις G80 29 And in the proportionG2531 that anyG5100 of the disciplesG3101 hadG2141 means,G2141 eachG1538 of them determinedG3724 to sendG3992 [a contribution] for the reliefG1248 of the brethrenG80 livingG2730 in Judea.G2453
ο G3739 και G2532 εποιησαν G4160 G5656 αποστειλαντες G649 G5660 προς G4314 τους G3588 πρεσβυτερους G4245 δια G1223 χειρος G5495 βαρναβα G921 και G2532 σαυλου G4569 30 And thisG3739 they did,G4160 sendingG649 it in chargeG1223 G5495 of BarnabasG921 and SaulG4569 to the elders.G4245
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