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Original text: Bible / Acts / Chapter 24

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μετα G3326 δε G1161 πεντε G4002 ημερας G2250 κατεβη G2597 G5627 ο G3588 αρχιερευς G749 ανανιας G367 μετα G3326 των G3588 πρεσβυτερων G4245 και G2532 ρητορος G4489 τερτυλλου G5061 τινος G5100 οιτινες G3748 ενεφανισαν G1718 G5656 τω G3588 ηγεμονι G2232 κατα G2596 του G3588 παυλου G3972 1 And afterG3326 fiveG4002 daysG2250 the highG749 priestG749 AnaniasG367 cameG2597 downG2597 with someG5100 elders,G4245 with a certainG5100 attorneyG4489 [named] Tertullus;G5061 and they broughtG1718 chargesG1718 to the governorG2232 againstG2596 Paul.G3972
κληθεντος G2564 G5685 δε G1161 αυτου G846 ηρξατο G756 G5662 κατηγορειν G2723 G5721 ο G3588 τερτυλλος G5061 λεγων G3004 G5723 2 And after [Paul] had been summoned,G2564 TertullusG5061 beganG757 to accuseG2723 him, sayingG3004 [to the governor], "Since we have throughG1223 you attainedG5177 muchG4183 peace,G1515 and since by your providenceG4307 reformsG7045 are beingG1096 carriedG1096 out for thisG3778 nation,G1484
πολλης G4183 ειρηνης G1515 τυγχανοντες G5177 G5723 δια G1223 σου G4675 και G2532 κατορθωματων G2735 γινομενων G1096 G5740 τω G3588 εθνει G1484 τουτω G5129 δια G1223 της G3588 σης G4674 προνοιας G4307 παντη G3839 τε G5037 και G2532 πανταχου G3837 αποδεχομεθα G588 G5736 κρατιστε G2903 φηλιξ G5344 μετα G3326 πασης G3956 ευχαριστιας G2169 3 we acknowledgeG588 [this] in everyG3839 wayG3839 and everywhere,G3837 mostG2903 excellentG2903 Felix,G5344 with allG3956 thankfulness.G2169
ινα G2443 δε G1161 μη G3361 επι G1909 πλειον G4119 σε G4571 εγκοπτω G1465 G5725 παρακαλω G3870 G5719 ακουσαι G191 G5658 σε G4571 ημων G2257 συντομως G4935 τη G3588 ση G4674 επιεικεια G1932 4 "But, that I may not wearyG1465 you anyG1909 further,G1909 G4183 I begG3870 you to grantG191 us, by your kindness,G1932 a briefG4935 hearing.G191
ευροντες G2147 G5631 γαρ G1063 τον G3588 ανδρα G435 τουτον G5126 λοιμον G3061 και G2532 κινουντα G2795 G5723 στασιν G4714 πασιν G3956 τοις G3588 ιουδαιοις G2453 τοις G3588 κατα G2596 την G3588 οικουμενην G3625 πρωτοστατην G4414 τε G5037 της G3588 των G3588 ναζωραιων G3480 αιρεσεως G139 5 "For we have foundG2147 thisG3778 manG435 a real pestG3061 and a fellow who stirsG2795 up dissensionG4714 among allG3956 the JewsG2453 throughoutG2596 the world,G3625 and a ringleaderG4414 of the sectG139 of the Nazarenes.G3480
ος G3739 και G2532 το G3588 ιερον G2411 επειρασεν G3985 G5707 βεβηλωσαι G953 G5658 ον G3739 και G2532 εκρατησαμεν G2902 G5656 και G2532 κατα G2596 τον G3588 ημετερον G2251 νομον G3551 ηθελησαμεν G2309 G5656 κρινειν G2919 G5721 6 "And he evenG2532 triedG3985 to desecrateG953 the temple;G2413 and thenG2532 we arrestedG2902 him. [ And we wantedG2309 to judgeG2919 him accordingG2596 to our own Law.G3551
παρελθων G3928 G5631 δε G1161 λυσιας G3079 ο G3588 χιλιαρχος G5506 μετα G3326 πολλης G4183 βιας G970 εκ G1537 των G3588 χειρων G5495 ημων G2257 απηγαγεν G520 G5627 7 "But LysiasG3079 the commanderG5506 cameG3928 along,G3928 and with muchG4183 violenceG970 tookG520 him out of our hands,G5495
κελευσας G2753 G5660 τους G3588 κατηγορους G2725 αυτου G846 ερχεσθαι G2064 G5738 επι G1909 σε G4571 παρ G3844 ου G3739 δυνηση G1410 G5695 αυτος G846 ανακρινας G350 G5660 περι G4012 παντων G3956 τουτων G5130 επιγνωναι G1921 G5629 ων G3739 ημεις G2249 κατηγορουμεν G2723 G5719 αυτου G846 8 orderingG2753 his accusersG2725 to comeG2064 beforeG1909 you.] And by examiningG350 him yourselfG846 concerningG4012 allG3956 theseG3778 matters, you will be ableG1410 to ascertainG1921 the things of whichG3739 we accuseG2723 him. "
συνεθεντο G4934 G5639 δε G1161 και G2532 οι G3588 ιουδαιοι G2453 φασκοντες G5335 G5723 ταυτα G5023 ουτως G3779 εχειν G2192 G5721 9 And the JewsG2453 alsoG2532 joinedG4902 in the attack,G4902 assertingG5335 that theseG3778 thingsG3778 were so.G3779
απεκριθη G611 G5662 δε G1161 ο G3588 παυλος G3972 νευσαντος G3506 G5660 αυτω G846 του G3588 ηγεμονος G2232 λεγειν G3004 G5721 εκ G1537 πολλων G4183 ετων G2094 οντα G5607 G5752 σε G4571 κριτην G2923 τω G3588 εθνει G1484 τουτω G5129 επισταμενος G1987 G5740 ευθυμοτερον G2115 τα G3588 περι G4012 εμαυτου G1683 απολογουμαι G626 G5736 10 And when the governorG2232 had noddedG3506 for him to speak,G3004 PaulG3972 responded: G611"KnowingG1987 that for manyG4183 yearsG2094 you have beenG1510 a judgeG2923 to thisG3778 nation,G1484 I cheerfullyG7085 makeG626 my defense,G626
δυναμενου G1410 G5740 σου G4675 γνωναι G1097 G5629 οτι G3754 ου G3756 πλειους G4119 εισιν G1526 G5748 μοι G3427 ημεραι G2250 η G2228 δεκαδυο G1177 αφ G575 ης G3739 ανεβην G305 G5627 προσκυνησων G4352 G5694 εν G1722 ιερουσαλημ G2419 11 since you canG1410 takeG1921 noteG1921 of the factG3754 that noG3756 moreG4183 than twelveG1427 daysG2250 agoG575 I wentG305 up to JerusalemG2419 to worship.G4352
και G2532 ουτε G3777 εν G1722 τω G3588 ιερω G2411 ευρον G2147 G5627 με G3165 προς G4314 τινα G5100 διαλεγομενον G1256 G5740 η G2228 επισυστασιν G1999 ποιουντα G4160 G5723 οχλου G3793 ουτε G3777 εν G1722 ταις G3588 συναγωγαις G4864 ουτε G3777 κατα G2596 την G3588 πολιν G4172 12 "And neitherG3777 in the temple,G2413 norG3777 in the synagogues,G4864 norG3777 in the cityG4172 [itself] did they findG2147 me carryingG1256 on a discussionG1256 with anyoneG5100 orG2228 causingG4160 a riot.G3793 G7081
ουτε G3777 παραστησαι G3936 G5658 {VAR1: με G3165 } δυνανται G1410 G5736 περι G4012 ων G3739 νυν G3568 κατηγορουσιν G2723 G5719 μου G3450 13 "NorG3761 canG1410 they proveG3936 to you [the charges] of whichG3739 they nowG3570 accuseG2723 me.
ομολογω G3670 G5719 δε G1161 τουτο G5124 σοι G4671 οτι G3754 κατα G2596 την G3588 οδον G3598 ην G3739 λεγουσιν G3004 G5719 αιρεσιν G139 ουτως G3779 λατρευω G3000 G5719 τω G3588 πατρωω G3971 θεω G2316 πιστευων G4100 G5723 πασιν G3956 τοις G3588 κατα G2596 τον G3588 νομον G3551 και G2532 τοις G3588 προφηταις G4396 γεγραμμενοις G1125 G5772 14 "But thisG3778 I admitG3670 to you, that accordingG2596 to the WayG3598 whichG3739 they callG3004 a sectG139 I do serveG3000 the GodG2316 of our fathers,G3971 believingG4100 everythingG3956 that is in accordanceG2596 with the Law,G3551 and that is writtenG1125 in the Prophets;G4396
ελπιδα G1680 εχων G2192 G5723 εις G1519 τον G3588 θεον G2316 ην G3739 και G2532 αυτοι G846 ουτοι G3778 προσδεχονται G4327 G5736 αναστασιν G386 μελλειν G3195 G5721 εσεσθαι G2071 G5705 νεκρων G3498 δικαιων G1342 τε G5037 και G2532 αδικων G94 15 havingG2192 a hopeG1680 in God,G2316 whichG3739 theseG3778 menG3778 cherishG4327 themselves,G846 that there shall certainlyG3195 be a resurrectionG386 of bothG5037 the righteousG1342 and the wicked.G94
εν G1722 τουτω G5129 δε G1161 αυτος G846 ασκω G778 G5719 απροσκοπον G677 συνειδησιν G4893 εχειν G2192 G5721 προς G4314 τον G3588 θεον G2316 και G2532 τους G3588 ανθρωπους G444 διαπαντος G1275 16 "In view of this,G3778 I alsoG2532 doG778 my bestG778 to maintainG2192 alwaysG1223 G3956 a blamelessG677 conscienceG4893 [both] beforeG4314 GodG2316 and before men.G444
δι G1223 ετων G2094 δε G1161 πλειονων G4119 παρεγενομην G3854 G5633 ελεημοσυνας G1654 ποιησων G4160 G5694 εις G1519 το G3588 εθνος G1484 μου G3450 και G2532 προσφορας G4376 17 "NowG1161 afterG1223 severalG4183 yearsG2094 I cameG3854 to bringG4160 almsG1654 to my nationG1484 and to presentG4160 offerings;G4376
εν G1722 οις G3739 ευρον G2147 G5627 με G3165 ηγνισμενον G48 G5772 εν G1722 τω G3588 ιερω G2411 ου G3756 μετα G3326 οχλου G3793 ουδε G3761 μετα G3326 θορυβου G2351 τινες G5100 {VAR1: δε G1161 } απο G575 της G3588 ασιας G773 ιουδαιοι G2453 18 in whichG3739 they foundG2147 me [occupied] in the temple,G2413 having been purified,G48 withoutG3326 G3756 [any] crowdG3793 orG3761 uproar.G2351 But [there were] certainG5100 JewsG2453 from AsiaG773
ους G3739 {VAR1: δει G1163 G5904 } {VAR2: εδει G1163 G5900 } επι G1909 σου G4675 παρειναι G3918 G5750 και G2532 κατηγορειν G2723 G5721 ει G1487 τι G5100 εχοιεν G2192 G5722 προς G4314 με G3165 19 whoG3739 oughtG1163 to have beenG3918 presentG3918 beforeG1909 you, and to makeG2723 accusation,G2723 ifG1487 they should haveG2192 anythingG5100 againstG4314 me.
η G2228 αυτοι G846 ουτοι G3778 ειπατωσαν G2036 G5628 ει G1487 τι G5100 ευρον G2147 G5627 εν G1722 εμοι G1698 αδικημα G92 σταντος G2476 G5631 μου G3450 επι G1909 του G3588 συνεδριου G4892 20 "OrG2228 elseG2228 let theseG3778 menG3778 themselvesG846 tellG3004 whatG5101 misdeedG92 they foundG2147 when I stoodG2476 beforeG1909 the Council,G4892
η G2228 περι G4012 μιας G1520 ταυτης G3778 φωνης G5456 ης G3739 εκραξα G2896 G5656 εστως G2476 G5761 εν G1722 αυτοις G846 οτι G3754 περι G4012 αναστασεως G386 νεκρων G3498 εγω G1473 κρινομαι G2919 G5743 σημερον G4594 υφ G5259 υμων G5216 21 otherG2228 thanG2228 for thisG3778 oneG1520 statementG5456 whichG3739 I shoutedG2896 out while standingG2476 amongG1722 them, 'For the resurrectionG386 of the deadG3498 I am on trialG2919 beforeG1909 you today.G4594' "
ακουσας G191 G5660 δε G1161 ταυτα G5023 ο G3588 φηλιξ G5344 ανεβαλετο G306 G5639 αυτους G846 ακριβεστερον G199 ειδως G1492 G5761 τα G3588 περι G4012 της G3588 οδου G3598 ειπων G2036 G5631 οταν G3752 λυσιας G3079 ο G3588 χιλιαρχος G5506 καταβη G2597 G5632 διαγνωσομαι G1231 G5695 τα G3588 καθ G2596 υμας G5209 22 But Felix,G5344 havingG3609 a moreG199 exactG199 knowledgeG3609 aboutG4012 the Way,G3598 putG306 them off,G306 saying,G3004 "WhenG3752 LysiasG3079 the commanderG5506 comesG2597 down,G2597 I will decideG1231 your case.G3588 G2596"
διαταξαμενος G1299 G5671 τε G5037 τω G3588 εκατονταρχη G1543 τηρεισθαι G5083 G5745 τον G3588 παυλον G3972 εχειν G2192 G5721 τε G5037 ανεσιν G425 και G2532 μηδενα G3367 κωλυειν G2967 G5721 των G3588 ιδιων G2398 αυτου G846 υπηρετειν G5256 G5721 η G2228 προσερχεσθαι G4334 G5738 αυτω G846 23 And he gaveG1299 ordersG1299 to the centurionG1543 for him to be keptG5083 in custodyG5083 and [yet] haveG2192 [some] freedom,G425 and not to preventG2967 anyG3367 of his friendsG2398 from ministeringG5256 to him.
μετα G3326 δε G1161 ημερας G2250 τινας G5100 παραγενομενος G3854 G5637 ο G3588 φηλιξ G5344 συν G4862 δρουσιλλη G1409 τη G3588 γυναικι G1135 αυτου G846 ουση G5607 G5752 ιουδαια G2453 μετεπεμψατο G3343 G5662 τον G3588 παυλον G3972 και G2532 ηκουσεν G191 G5656 αυτου G846 περι G4012 της G3588 εις G1519 χριστον G5547 πιστεως G4102 24 But someG5100 daysG2250 later,G3326 FelixG5344 arrivedG3854 with Drusilla,G1409 his wifeG1135 who was a Jewess,G2453 and sentG3343 for Paul,G3972 and heardG191 him [speak] aboutG4012 faithG4102 in ChristG5547 Jesus.G2424
διαλεγομενου G1256 G5740 δε G1161 αυτου G846 περι G4012 δικαιοσυνης G1343 και G2532 εγκρατειας G1466 και G2532 του G3588 κριματος G2917 του G3588 μελλοντος G3195 G5723 εσεσθαι G2071 G5705 εμφοβος G1719 γενομενος G1096 G5637 ο G3588 φηλιξ G5344 απεκριθη G611 G5662 το G3588 νυν G3568 εχον G2192 G5723 πορευου G4198 G5737 καιρον G2540 δε G1161 μεταλαβων G3335 G5631 μετακαλεσομαι G3333 G5698 σε G4571 25 And as he was discussingG1256 righteousness,G1343 self-control and the judgmentG2917 to come,G3195 FelixG5344 becameG1096 frightenedG1719 and said,G611 "GoG4198 awayG4198 for the present,G3568 and when I findG3335 time,G2540 I will summonG3333 you."
αμα G260 δε G1161 και G2532 ελπιζων G1679 G5723 οτι G3754 χρηματα G5536 δοθησεται G1325 G5701 αυτω G846 υπο G5259 του G3588 παυλου G3972 οπως G3704 λυση G3089 G5661 αυτον G846 διο G1352 και G2532 πυκνοτερον G4437 αυτον G846 μεταπεμπομενος G3343 G5740 ωμιλει G3656 G5707 αυτω G846 26 At the sameG260 timeG260 too,G2532 he was hopingG1679 that moneyG5536 would be givenG1325 him by Paul;G3972 thereforeG1352 he alsoG2532 used to sendG3343 for him quiteG4437 oftenG4437 and converseG3656 with him.
διετιας G1333 δε G1161 πληρωθεισης G4137 G5685 ελαβεν G2983 G5627 διαδοχον G1240 ο G3588 φηλιξ G5344 πορκιον G4201 φηστον G5347 θελων G2309 G5723 τε G5037 χαριτας G5485 καταθεσθαι G2698 G5641 τοις G3588 ιουδαιοις G2453 ο G3588 φηλιξ G5344 κατελιπεν G2641 G5627 τον G3588 παυλον G3972 δεδεμενον G1210 G5772 27 But after twoG1333 yearsG1333 had passed,G4137 FelixG5344 was succeededG1240 by PorciusG4201 Festus;G5347 and wishingG2309 to doG2698 the JewsG2453 a favor,G5485 FelixG5344 leftG2641 PaulG3972 imprisoned.G1210
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