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Original text: Bible / Romans / Chapter 4

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τι G5101 ουν G3767 ερουμεν G2046 G5692 αβρααμ G11 τον G3588 πατερα G3962 ημων G2257 ευρηκεναι G2147 G5760 κατα G2596 σαρκα G4561 1 WhatG5101 thenG3767 shall we sayG3004 that Abraham,G11 our forefatherG4310 accordingG2596 to the flesh,G4561 has foundG2147?
ει G1487 γαρ G1063 αβρααμ G11 εξ G1537 εργων G2041 εδικαιωθη G1344 G5681 εχει G2192 G5719 καυχημα G2745 αλλ G235 ου G3756 προς G4314 τον G3588 θεον G2316 2 For ifG1487 AbrahamG11 was justifiedG1344 by works,G2041 he hasG2192 somethingG2745 to boastG2745 about;G2745 but not beforeG4314 God.G2316
τι G5101 γαρ G1063 η G3588 γραφη G1124 λεγει G3004 G5719 επιστευσεν G4100 G5656 δε G1161 αβρααμ G11 τω G3588 θεω G2316 και G2532 ελογισθη G3049 G5681 αυτω G846 εις G1519 δικαιοσυνην G1343 3 For whatG5101 does the ScriptureG1124 sayG3004? "And AbrahamG11 believedG4100 God,G2316 and it was reckonedG3049 to him as righteousness.G1343"
τω G3588 δε G1161 εργαζομενω G2038 G5740 ο G3588 μισθος G3408 ου G3756 λογιζεται G3049 G5736 κατα G2596 χαριν G5485 αλλα G235 κατα G2596 το G3588 οφειλημα G3783 4 NowG1161 to the one who works,G2038 his wageG3408 is not reckonedG3049 as a favor,G5485 but as whatG3783 is due.G3783
τω G3588 δε G1161 μη G3361 εργαζομενω G2038 G5740 πιστευοντι G4100 G5723 δε G1161 επι G1909 τον G3588 δικαιουντα G1344 G5723 τον G3588 ασεβη G765 λογιζεται G3049 G5736 η G3588 πιστις G4102 αυτου G846 εις G1519 δικαιοσυνην G1343 5 But to the one who does not work,G2038 but believesG4100 in Him who justifiesG1344 the ungodly,G765 his faithG4102 is reckonedG3049 as righteousness,G1343
καθαπερ G2509 και G2532 δαβιδ G1138 λεγει G3004 G5719 τον G3588 μακαρισμον G3108 του G3588 ανθρωπου G444 ω G3739 ο G3588 θεος G2316 λογιζεται G3049 G5736 δικαιοσυνην G1343 χωρις G5565 εργων G2041 6 justG2509 as DavidG7035 alsoG2532 speaksG3004 of the blessingG3108 upon the manG444 to whomG3739 GodG2316 reckonsG3049 righteousnessG1343 apartG5565 from works: G2041
μακαριοι G3107 ων G3739 αφεθησαν G863 G5681 αι G3588 ανομιαι G458 και G2532 ων G3739 επεκαλυφθησαν G1943 G5681 αι G3588 αμαρτιαι G266 7 "BlessedG3107 are those whoseG3739 lawlessG458 deedsG458 have been forgiven,G863 And whoseG3739 sinsG266 have been covered.G1943
μακαριος G3107 ανηρ G435 ω G3739 ου G3756 μη G3361 λογισηται G3049 G5667 κυριος G2962 αμαρτιαν G266 8 "BlessedG3107 is the manG435 whoseG3739 sinG266 the LordG2962 will not takeG3049 into account.G3049"
ο G3588 μακαρισμος G3108 ουν G3767 ουτος G3778 επι G1909 την G3588 περιτομην G4061 η G2228 και G2532 επι G1909 την G3588 ακροβυστιαν G203 λεγομεν G3004 G5719 γαρ G1063 οτι G3754 ελογισθη G3049 G5681 τω G3588 αβρααμ G11 η G3588 πιστις G4102 εις G1519 δικαιοσυνην G1343 9 Is thisG3778 blessingG3108 thenG3767 upon the circumcised,G4061 orG2228 upon the uncircumcisedG203 alsoG2532? For we say,G3004 "FaithG4102 was reckonedG3049 to AbrahamG11 as righteousness.G1343"
πως G4459 ουν G3767 ελογισθη G3049 G5681 εν G1722 περιτομη G4061 οντι G5607 G5752 η G2228 εν G1722 ακροβυστια G203 ουκ G3756 εν G1722 περιτομη G4061 αλλ G235 εν G1722 ακροβυστια G203 10 HowG4459 thenG3767 was it reckonedG3049? While he was circumcised,G4061 orG2228 uncircumcisedG203? Not while circumcised,G4061 but while uncircumcised;G203
και G2532 σημειον G4592 ελαβεν G2983 G5627 περιτομης G4061 σφραγιδα G4973 της G3588 δικαιοσυνης G1343 της G3588 πιστεως G4102 της G3588 εν G1722 τη G3588 ακροβυστια G203 εις G1519 το G3588 ειναι G1511 G5750 αυτον G846 πατερα G3962 παντων G3956 των G3588 πιστευοντων G4100 G5723 δι G1223 ακροβυστιας G203 εις G1519 το G3588 λογισθηναι G3049 G5683 και G2532 αυτοις G846 την G3588 δικαιοσυνην G1343 11 and he receivedG2983 the signG4592 of circumcision,G4061 a sealG4973 of the righteousnessG1343 of the faithG4102 which he had while uncircumcised,G203 that he might be the fatherG3962 of allG3956 who believeG4100 withoutG203 beingG203 circumcised,G203 that righteousnessG1343 might be reckonedG3049 to them,
και G2532 πατερα G3962 περιτομης G4061 τοις G3588 ουκ G3756 εκ G1537 περιτομης G4061 μονον G3440 αλλα G235 και G2532 τοις G3588 στοιχουσιν G4748 G5723 τοις G3588 ιχνεσιν G2487 της G3588 εν G1722 τη G3588 ακροβυστια G203 πιστεως G4102 του G3588 πατρος G3962 ημων G2257 αβρααμ G11 12 and the fatherG3962 of circumcisionG4061 to thoseG3588 who not onlyG3440 are of the circumcision,G4061 but who alsoG2532 followG4748 in the stepsG2487 of the faithG4102 of our fatherG3962 AbrahamG11 which he had while uncircumcised.G203
ου G3756 γαρ G1063 δια G1223 νομου G3551 η G3588 επαγγελια G1860 τω G3588 αβρααμ G11 η G2228 τω G3588 σπερματι G4690 αυτου G846 το G3588 κληρονομον G2818 αυτον G846 ειναι G1511 G5750 του G3588 κοσμου G2889 αλλα G235 δια G1223 δικαιοσυνης G1343 πιστεως G4102 13 For the promiseG1860 to AbrahamG11 orG2228 to his descendantsG4690 that he would be heirG2818 of the worldG2889 was not throughG1223 the Law,G3551 but throughG1223 the righteousnessG1343 of faith.G4102
ει G1487 γαρ G1063 οι G3588 εκ G1537 νομου G3551 κληρονομοι G2818 κεκενωται G2758 G5769 η G3588 πιστις G4102 και G2532 κατηργηται G2673 G5769 η G3588 επαγγελια G1860 14 For ifG1487 thoseG3588 who are of the LawG3551 are heirs,G2818 faithG4102 is madeG2758 voidG2758 and the promiseG1860 is nullified;G2673
ο G3588 γαρ G1063 νομος G3551 οργην G3709 κατεργαζεται G2716 G5736 ου G3757 γαρ G1063 ουκ G3756 εστιν G2076 G5748 νομος G3551 ουδε G3761 παραβασις G3847 15 for the LawG3551 bringsG2716 aboutG2716 wrath,G3709 but whereG3757 there is noG3756 law,G3551 neitherG3761 is there violation.G3847
δια G1223 τουτο G5124 εκ G1537 πιστεως G4102 ινα G2443 κατα G2596 χαριν G5485 εις G1519 το G3588 ειναι G1511 G5750 βεβαιαν G949 την G3588 επαγγελιαν G1860 παντι G3956 τω G3588 σπερματι G4690 ου G3756 τω G3588 εκ G1537 του G3588 νομου G3551 μονον G3440 αλλα G235 και G2532 τω G3588 εκ G1537 πιστεως G4102 αβρααμ G11 ος G3739 εστιν G2076 G5748 πατηρ G3962 παντων G3956 ημων G2257 16 For thisG3778 reasonG1223 [it is] by faith,G4102 that [it might be] in accordanceG2596 with grace,G5485 in orderG1519 that the promiseG1860 may be certainG949 to allG3956 the descendants,G4690 not onlyG3440 to thoseG3588 who are of the Law,G3551 but alsoG2532 to thoseG3588 who are of the faithG4102 of Abraham,G11 whoG3739 is the fatherG3962 of us all,G3956
καθως G2531 γεγραπται G1125 G5769 οτι G3754 πατερα G3962 πολλων G4183 εθνων G1484 τεθεικα G5087 G5758 σε G4571 κατεναντι G2713 ου G3739 επιστευσεν G4100 G5656 θεου G2316 του G3588 ζωοποιουντος G2227 G5723 τους G3588 νεκρους G3498 και G2532 καλουντος G2564 G5723 τα G3588 μη G3361 οντα G5607 G5752 ως G5613 οντα G5607 G5752 17 (as it is written,G1125 "A fatherG3962 of manyG4183 nationsG1484 have I madeG5087 you") in the sightG2713 of Him whomG3739 he believed,G4100 [even] God,G2316 who givesG2227 lifeG2227 to the deadG3498 and callsG2564 into beingG1510 that which does not exist.G1510
ος G3739 παρ G3844 ελπιδα G1680 επ G1909 ελπιδι G1680 επιστευσεν G4100 G5656 εις G1519 το G3588 γενεσθαι G1096 G5635 αυτον G846 πατερα G3962 πολλων G4183 εθνων G1484 κατα G2596 το G3588 ειρημενον G2046 G5772 ουτως G3779 εσται G2071 G5704 το G3588 σπερμα G4690 σου G4675 18 In hopeG1680 againstG1909 hopeG1680 he believed,G4100 in orderG1519 that he might becomeG1096 a fatherG3962 of manyG4183 nations,G1484 accordingG2596 to that which had been spoken,G3004 "SoG3779 shall your descendantsG4690 be."
και G2532 μη G3361 ασθενησας G770 G5660 τη G3588 πιστει G4102 ου G3756 κατενοησεν G2657 G5656 το G3588 εαυτου G1438 σωμα G4983 ηδη G2235 νενεκρωμενον G3499 G5772 εκατονταετης G1541 που G4225 υπαρχων G5225 G5723 και G2532 την G3588 νεκρωσιν G3500 της G3588 μητρας G3388 σαρρας G4564 19 And withoutG3361 becomingG770 weakG770 in faithG4102 he contemplatedG2657 his ownG1438 body,G4983 now as good as deadG3498 since he was aboutG4225 a hundredG1541 yearsG1541 old,G1541 and the deadnessG3500 of Sarah's womb;G3388
εις G1519 δε G1161 την G3588 επαγγελιαν G1860 του G3588 θεου G2316 ου G3756 διεκριθη G1252 G5681 τη G3588 απιστια G570 αλλ G235 ενεδυναμωθη G1743 G5681 τη G3588 πιστει G4102 δους G1325 G5631 δοξαν G1391 τω G3588 θεω G2316 20 yet,G1161 with respectG1519 to the promiseG1860 of God,G2316 he did not waverG1252 in unbelief,G570 but grewG1743 strongG1743 in faith,G4102 givingG1325 gloryG1391 to God,G2316
και G2532 πληροφορηθεις G4135 G5685 οτι G3754 ο G3739 επηγγελται G1861 G5766 δυνατος G1415 εστιν G2076 G5748 και G2532 ποιησαι G4160 G5658 21 and being fullyG4135 assuredG4135 that whatG3739 He had promised,G1861 He was ableG1415 alsoG2532 to perform.G2038
διο G1352 και G2532 ελογισθη G3049 G5681 αυτω G846 εις G1519 δικαιοσυνην G1343 22 ThereforeG1352 alsoG2532 it was reckonedG3049 to him as righteousness.G1343
ουκ G3756 εγραφη G1125 G5648 δε G1161 δι G1223 αυτον G846 μονον G3440 οτι G3754 ελογισθη G3049 G5681 αυτω G846 23 NowG1161 not for his sakeG1223 onlyG3440 was it written,G1125 that it was reckonedG3049 to him,
αλλα G235 και G2532 δι G1223 ημας G2248 οις G3739 μελλει G3195 G5719 λογιζεσθαι G3049 G5745 τοις G3588 πιστευουσιν G4100 G5723 επι G1909 τον G3588 εγειραντα G1453 G5660 ιησουν G2424 τον G3588 κυριον G2962 ημων G2257 εκ G1537 νεκρων G3498 24 but for our sakeG1223 also,G2532 to whomG3739 it willG3195 be reckoned,G3049 as thoseG3588 who believeG4100 in Him who raisedG1453 JesusG2424 our LordG2962 from the dead,G3499
ος G3739 παρεδοθη G3860 G5681 δια G1223 τα G3588 παραπτωματα G3900 ημων G2257 και G2532 ηγερθη G1453 G5681 δια G1223 την G3588 δικαιωσιν G1347 ημων G2257 25 [He] whoG3739 was deliveredG3860 up becauseG1223 of our transgressions,G3900 and was raisedG1453 becauseG1223 of our justification.G1347
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