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Original text: Bible / Romans / Chapter 8

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ουδεν G3762 αρα G686 νυν G3568 κατακριμα G2631 τοις G3588 εν G1722 χριστω G5547 ιησου G2424 μη G3361 κατα G2596 σαρκα G4561 περιπατουσιν G4043 G5723 αλλα G235 κατα G2596 πνευμα G4151 1 There is thereforeG686 nowG3568 noG3762 condemnationG2631 for thoseG3588 who are in ChristG5547 Jesus.G2424
ο G3588 γαρ G1063 νομος G3551 του G3588 πνευματος G4151 της G3588 ζωης G2222 εν G1722 χριστω G5547 ιησου G2424 ηλευθερωσεν G1659 G5656 με G3165 απο G575 του G3588 νομου G3551 της G3588 αμαρτιας G266 και G2532 του G3588 θανατου G2288 2 For the lawG3551 of the SpiritG4151 of lifeG2222 in ChristG5547 JesusG2424 has setG1659 you freeG1659 from the lawG3551 of sinG266 and of death.G2288
το G3588 γαρ G1063 αδυνατον G102 του G3588 νομου G3551 εν G1722 ω G3739 ησθενει G770 G5707 δια G1223 της G3588 σαρκος G4561 ο G3588 θεος G2316 τον G3588 εαυτου G1438 υιον G5207 πεμψας G3992 G5660 εν G1722 ομοιωματι G3667 σαρκος G4561 αμαρτιας G266 και G2532 περι G4012 αμαρτιας G266 κατεκρινεν G2632 G5656 την G3588 αμαρτιαν G266 εν G1722 τη G3588 σαρκι G4561 3 For whatG102 the LawG3551 couldG102 not do, weakG770 as it was throughG1223 the flesh,G4561 GodG2316 [did: ] sendingG3992 His ownG1438 SonG5207 in the likenessG3667 of sinfulG266 fleshG4561 and [as an offering] for sin,G266 He condemnedG2632 sinG266 in the flesh,G4561
ινα G2443 το G3588 δικαιωμα G1345 του G3588 νομου G3551 πληρωθη G4137 G5686 εν G1722 ημιν G2254 τοις G3588 μη G3361 κατα G2596 σαρκα G4561 περιπατουσιν G4043 G5723 αλλα G235 κατα G2596 πνευμα G4151 4 in orderG2443 that the requirementG1345 of the LawG3551 might be fulfilledG4137 in us, who do not walkG4043 accordingG2596 to the flesh,G4561 but accordingG2596 to the Spirit.G4151
οι G3588 γαρ G1063 κατα G2596 σαρκα G4561 οντες G5607 G5752 τα G3588 της G3588 σαρκος G4561 φρονουσιν G5426 G5719 οι G3588 δε G1161 κατα G2596 πνευμα G4151 τα G3588 του G3588 πνευματος G4151 5 For thoseG3588 who are accordingG2596 to the fleshG4561 setG5426 their mindsG5426 on the things of the flesh,G4561 but thoseG3588 who are accordingG2596 to the Spirit,G4151 the things of the Spirit.G4151
το G3588 γαρ G1063 φρονημα G5427 της G3588 σαρκος G4561 θανατος G2288 το G3588 δε G1161 φρονημα G5427 του G3588 πνευματος G4151 ζωη G2222 και G2532 ειρηνη G1515 6 For the mindG5427 setG5427 on the fleshG4561 is death,G2288 but the mindG5427 setG5427 on the SpiritG4151 is lifeG2222 and peace,G1515
διοτι G1360 το G3588 φρονημα G5427 της G3588 σαρκος G4561 εχθρα G2189 εις G1519 θεον G2316 τω G3588 γαρ G1063 νομω G3551 του G3588 θεου G2316 ουχ G3756 υποτασσεται G5293 G5743 ουδε G3761 γαρ G1063 δυναται G1410 G5736 7 becauseG1360 the mindG5427 setG5427 on the fleshG4561 is hostileG2189 towardG1519 God;G2316 for it does not subjectG5293 itself to the lawG3551 of God,G2316 for it is not evenG3761 ableG1410 [to do so];
οι G3588 δε G1161 εν G1722 σαρκι G4561 οντες G5607 G5752 θεω G2316 αρεσαι G700 G5658 ου G3756 δυνανται G1410 G5736 8 and thoseG3588 who are in the fleshG4561 cannotG1410 G3756 pleaseG700 God.G2316
υμεις G5210 δε G1161 ουκ G3756 εστε G2075 G5748 εν G1722 σαρκι G4561 αλλ G235 εν G1722 πνευματι G4151 ειπερ G1512 πνευμα G4151 θεου G2316 οικει G3611 G5719 εν G1722 υμιν G5213 ει G1487 δε G1161 τις G5100 πνευμα G4151 χριστου G5547 ουκ G3756 εχει G2192 G5719 ουτος G3778 ουκ G3756 εστιν G2076 G5748 αυτου G846 9 However,G1161 you are not in the fleshG4561 but in the Spirit,G4151 ifG1512 indeedG1512 the SpiritG4151 of GodG2316 dwellsG3611 in you. But ifG1487 anyoneG5100 does not haveG2192 the SpiritG4151 of Christ,G5547 he does not belongG1510 to Him.
ει G1487 δε G1161 χριστος G5547 εν G1722 υμιν G5213 το G3588 μεν G3303 σωμα G4983 νεκρον G3498 δι G1223 αμαρτιαν G266 το G3588 δε G1161 πνευμα G4151 ζωη G2222 δια G1223 δικαιοσυνην G1343 10 And ifG1487 ChristG5547 is in you, thoughG3303 the bodyG4983 is deadG3498 becauseG1223 of sin,G266 yetG1161 the spiritG4151 is aliveG2222 becauseG1223 of righteousness.G1343
ει G1487 δε G1161 το G3588 πνευμα G4151 του G3588 εγειραντος G1453 G5660 ιησουν G2424 εκ G1537 νεκρων G3498 οικει G3611 G5719 εν G1722 υμιν G5213 ο G3588 εγειρας G1453 G5660 τον G3588 χριστον G5547 εκ G1537 νεκρων G3498 ζωοποιησει G2227 G5692 και G2532 τα G3588 θνητα G2349 σωματα G4983 υμων G5216 δια G1223 {VAR1: το G3588 ενοικουν G1774 G5723 αυτου G846 πνευμα G4151 } {VAR2: του G3588 ενοικουντος G1774 G5723 αυτου G846 πνευματος G4151 } εν G1722 υμιν G5213 11 But ifG1487 the SpiritG4151 of Him who raisedG1453 JesusG2424 from the deadG3498 dwellsG3611 in you, He who raisedG1453 ChristG5547 JesusG2424 from the deadG3498 will alsoG2532 giveG2227 lifeG2227 to your mortalG2349 bodiesG4983 throughG1223 His SpiritG4151 who indwellsG1774 you.
αρα G686 ουν G3767 αδελφοι G80 οφειλεται G3781 εσμεν G2070 G5748 ου G3756 τη G3588 σαρκι G4561 του G3588 κατα G2596 σαρκα G4561 ζην G2198 G5721 12 SoG686 then,G686 brethren,G80 we are underG3781 obligation,G3781 not to the flesh,G4561 to liveG2198 accordingG2596 to the fleshG4561
ει G1487 γαρ G1063 κατα G2596 σαρκα G4561 ζητε G2198 G5719 μελλετε G3195 G5719 αποθνησκειν G599 G5721 ει G1487 δε G1161 πνευματι G4151 τας G3588 πραξεις G4234 του G3588 σωματος G4983 θανατουτε G2289 G5719 ζησεσθε G2198 G5695 13 for ifG1487 you are livingG2198 accordingG2596 to the flesh,G4561 you mustG3195 die;G599 but ifG1487 by the SpiritG4151 you are puttingG2289 to deathG2289 the deedsG4234 of the body,G4983 you will live.G2198
οσοι G3745 γαρ G1063 πνευματι G4151 θεου G2316 αγονται G71 G5743 ουτοι G3778 εισιν G1526 G5748 υιοι G5207 θεου G2316 14 For allG3745 whoG3745 are being ledG71 by the SpiritG4151 of God,G2316 theseG3778 are sonsG5207 of God.G2316
ου G3756 γαρ G1063 ελαβετε G2983 G5627 πνευμα G4151 δουλειας G1397 παλιν G3825 εις G1519 φοβον G5401 αλλ G235 ελαβετε G2983 G5627 πνευμα G4151 υιοθεσιας G5206 εν G1722 ω G3739 κραζομεν G2896 G5719 αββα G5 ο G3588 πατηρ G3962 15 For you have not receivedG2983 a spiritG4151 of slaveryG1397 leadingG1519 to fearG5401 again,G3825 but you have receivedG2983 a spiritG4151 of adoptionG5206 as sonsG5206 by whichG3739 we cryG2896 out, "Abba! Father!G5"
αυτο G846 το G3588 πνευμα G4151 συμμαρτυρει G4828 G5719 τω G3588 πνευματι G4151 ημων G2257 οτι G3754 εσμεν G2070 G5748 τεκνα G5043 θεου G2316 16 The SpiritG4151 HimselfG846 bearsG4828 witnessG4828 with our spiritG4151 that we are childrenG5043 of God,G2316
ει G1487 δε G1161 τεκνα G5043 και G2532 κληρονομοι G2818 κληρονομοι G2818 μεν G3303 θεου G2316 συγκληρονομοι G4789 δε G1161 χριστου G5547 ειπερ G1512 συμπασχομεν G4841 G5719 ινα G2443 και G2532 συνδοξασθωμεν G4888 G5686 17 and ifG1487 children,G5043 heirsG2818 also,G2532 heirsG2818 of GodG2316 and fellowG4789 heirsG4789 with Christ,G5547 ifG1512 indeedG1512 we sufferG4841 with [Him] in orderG2443 that we may alsoG2532 be glorifiedG4888 with [Him.]
λογιζομαι G3049 G5736 γαρ G1063 οτι G3754 ουκ G3756 αξια G514 τα G3588 παθηματα G3804 του G3588 νυν G3568 καιρου G2540 προς G4314 την G3588 μελλουσαν G3195 G5723 δοξαν G1391 αποκαλυφθηναι G601 G5683 εις G1519 ημας G2248 18 For I considerG3049 that the sufferingsG3804 of thisG3588 presentG3568 timeG2540 are not worthyG514 to be compared with the gloryG1391 that is to be revealedG601 to us.
η G3588 γαρ G1063 αποκαραδοκια G603 της G3588 κτισεως G2937 την G3588 αποκαλυψιν G602 των G3588 υιων G5207 του G3588 θεου G2316 απεκδεχεται G553 G5736 19 For the anxiousG603 longingG603 of the creationG2937 waitsG553 eagerlyG553 for the revealingG602 of the sonsG5207 of God.G2316
τη G3588 γαρ G1063 ματαιοτητι G3153 η G3588 κτισις G2937 υπεταγη G5293 G5648 ουχ G3756 εκουσα G1635 αλλα G235 δια G1223 τον G3588 υποταξαντα G5293 G5660 επ G1909 ελπιδι G1680 20 For the creationG2937 was subjectedG5293 to futility,G3153 not of its ownG1635 will,G1635 but becauseG1223 of Him who subjectedG5293 it, in hopeG1680
οτι G3754 και G2532 αυτη G846 η G3588 κτισις G2937 ελευθερωθησεται G1659 G5701 απο G575 της G3588 δουλειας G1397 της G3588 φθορας G5356 εις G1519 την G3588 ελευθεριαν G1657 της G3588 δοξης G1391 των G3588 τεκνων G5043 του G3588 θεου G2316 21 that the creationG2937 itselfG846 alsoG2532 will be setG1659 freeG1659 from its slaveryG1397 to corruptionG5356 into the freedomG1657 of the gloryG1391 of the childrenG5043 of God.G2316
οιδαμεν G1492 G5758 γαρ G1063 οτι G3754 πασα G3956 η G3588 κτισις G2937 συστεναζει G4959 G5719 και G2532 συνωδινει G4944 G5719 αχρι G891 του G3588 νυν G3568 22 For we knowG3609 that the wholeG3956 creationG2937 groansG4959 and suffersG4944 the painsG4944 of childbirthG4944 togetherG4959 G4944 untilG891 now.G3568
ου G3756 μονον G3440 δε G1161 αλλα G235 και G2532 αυτοι G846 την G3588 απαρχην G536 του G3588 πνευματος G4151 εχοντες G2192 G5723 και G2532 ημεις G2249 αυτοι G846 εν G1722 εαυτοις G1438 στεναζομεν G4727 G5719 υιοθεσιαν G5206 απεκδεχομενοι G553 G5740 την G3588 απολυτρωσιν G629 του G3588 σωματος G4983 ημων G2257 23 And not onlyG3440 this, but alsoG2532 we ourselves,G846 havingG2192 the firstG536 fruitsG536 of the Spirit,G4151 evenG2532 we ourselvesG846 groanG4727 withinG1722 ourselves,G1438 waitingG553 eagerlyG553 for [our] adoptionG5206 as sons,G5206 the redemptionG629 of our body.G4983
τη G3588 γαρ G1063 ελπιδι G1680 εσωθημεν G4982 G5681 ελπις G1680 δε G1161 βλεπομενη G991 G5746 ουκ G3756 εστιν G2076 G5748 ελπις G1680 ο G3739 γαρ G1063 βλεπει G991 G5719 τις G5100 τι G5101 και G2532 ελπιζει G1679 G5719 24 For in hopeG1680 we have been saved,G4982 but hopeG1680 that is seenG991 is not hope;G1680 for whyG5101 does oneG5100 alsoG2532 hopeG1679 for whatG3739 he seesG991?
ει G1487 δε G1161 ο G3739 ου G3756 βλεπομεν G991 G5719 ελπιζομεν G1679 G5719 δι G1223 υπομονης G5281 απεκδεχομεθα G553 G5736 25 But ifG1487 we hopeG1679 for whatG3739 we do not see,G991 with perseveranceG5281 we waitG553 eagerlyG553 for it.
ωσαυτως G5615 δε G1161 και G2532 το G3588 πνευμα G4151 συναντιλαμβανεται G4878 G5736 ταις G3588 ασθενειαις G769 ημων G2257 το G3588 γαρ G1063 τι G5101 προσευξωμεθα G4336 G5667 καθο G2526 δει G1163 G5904 ουκ G3756 οιδαμεν G1492 G5758 αλλ G235 αυτο G846 το G3588 πνευμα G4151 υπερεντυγχανει G5241 G5719 υπερ G5228 ημων G2257 στεναγμοις G4726 αλαλητοις G215 26 And in the sameG5615 wayG5615 the SpiritG4151 alsoG2532 helpsG4878 our weakness;G769 for we do not knowG3609 howG5101 to prayG4336 as we should,G1163 but the SpiritG4151 HimselfG846 intercedesG5241 for [us] with groaningsG4726 tooG215 deepG215 for words;G215
ο G3588 δε G1161 ερευνων G2045 G5723 τας G3588 καρδιας G2588 οιδεν G1492 G5758 τι G5101 το G3588 φρονημα G5427 του G3588 πνευματος G4151 οτι G3754 κατα G2596 θεον G2316 εντυγχανει G1793 G5719 υπερ G5228 αγιων G40 27 and He who searchesG2045 the heartsG2588 knowsG3609 whatG5101 the mindG5427 of the SpiritG4151 is, becauseG3754 He intercedesG1793 for the saintsG40 accordingG2596 to [the will of] God.G2316
οιδαμεν G1492 G5758 δε G1161 οτι G3754 τοις G3588 αγαπωσιν G25 G5723 τον G3588 θεον G2316 παντα G3956 G3956 συνεργει G4903 G5719 εις G1519 αγαθον G18 τοις G3588 κατα G2596 προθεσιν G4286 κλητοις G2822 ουσιν G5607 G5752 28 And we knowG3609 that GodG2316 causesG4903 allG3956 thingsG3956 to workG4903 togetherG4903 for goodG18 to thoseG3588 who loveG25 God,G2316 to thoseG3588 who are calledG2822 accordingG2596 to [His] purpose.G4286
οτι G3754 ους G3739 προεγνω G4267 G5656 και G2532 προωρισεν G4309 G5656 συμμορφους G4832 της G3588 εικονος G1504 του G3588 υιου G5207 αυτου G846 εις G1519 το G3588 ειναι G1511 G5750 αυτον G846 πρωτοτοκον G4416 εν G1722 πολλοις G4183 αδελφοις G80 29 For whomG3739 He foreknew,G4267 He alsoG2532 predestinedG4309 [to become] conformedG4832 to the imageG1504 of His Son,G5207 that He might be the first-born amongG1722 manyG4183 brethren;G80
ους G3739 δε G1161 προωρισεν G4309 G5656 τουτους G5128 και G2532 εκαλεσεν G2564 G5656 και G2532 ους G3739 εκαλεσεν G2564 G5656 τουτους G5128 και G2532 εδικαιωσεν G1344 G5656 ους G3739 δε G1161 εδικαιωσεν G1344 G5656 τουτους G5128 και G2532 εδοξασεν G1392 G5656 30 and whomG3739 He predestined,G4309 theseG3778 He alsoG2532 called;G2564 and whomG3739 He called,G2564 theseG3778 He alsoG2532 justified;G1344 and whomG3739 He justified,G1344 theseG3778 He alsoG2532 glorified.G1392
τι G5101 ουν G3767 ερουμεν G2046 G5692 προς G4314 ταυτα G5023 ει G1487 ο G3588 θεος G2316 υπερ G5228 ημων G2257 τις G5101 καθ G2596 ημων G2257 31 WhatG5101 thenG3767 shall we sayG3004 to theseG3778 thingsG3778? IfG1487 GodG2316 [is] for us, whoG5101 [is] againstG2596 us?
ος G3739 γε G1065 του G3588 ιδιου G2398 υιου G5207 ουκ G3756 εφεισατο G5339 G5662 αλλ G235 υπερ G5228 ημων G2257 παντων G3956 παρεδωκεν G3860 G5656 αυτον G846 πως G4459 ουχι G3780 και G2532 συν G4862 αυτω G846 τα G3588 παντα G3956 ημιν G2254 χαρισεται G5483 G5695 32 He whoG3739 did not spareG5339 His ownG2398 Son,G5207 but deliveredG3860 Him up for us all,G3956 howG4459 will He not alsoG2532 with Him freelyG5483 giveG5483 us allG3956 thingsG3956?
τις G5101 εγκαλεσει G1458 G5692 κατα G2596 εκλεκτων G1588 θεου G2316 θεος G2316 ο G3588 δικαιων G1344 G5723 33 WhoG5101 will bringG1458 a chargeG1458 againstG2596 GodG2316's electG1588? God is the one who justifies;G1344
τις G5101 ο G3588 κατακρινων G2632 G5723 G2632 G5694 χριστος G5547 ο G3588 αποθανων G599 G5631 μαλλον G3123 δε G1161 και G2532 εγερθεις G1453 G5685 ος G3739 και G2532 εστιν G2076 G5748 εν G1722 δεξια G1188 του G3588 θεου G2316 ος G3739 και G2532 εντυγχανει G1793 G5719 υπερ G5228 ημων G2257 34 whoG5101 is the one who condemnsG2632? ChristG5547 JesusG2424 is He who died,G599 yes,G1161 ratherG3123 who was raised,G1453 whoG3739 is at the rightG1188 handG1188 of God,G2316 whoG3739 alsoG2532 intercedesG1793 for us.
τις G5101 ημας G2248 χωρισει G5563 G5692 απο G575 της G3588 αγαπης G26 του G3588 χριστου G5547 θλιψις G2347 η G2228 στενοχωρια G4730 η G2228 διωγμος G1375 η G2228 λιμος G3042 η G2228 γυμνοτης G1132 η G2228 κινδυνος G2794 η G2228 μαχαιρα G3162 35 WhoG5101 shall separateG5563 us from the loveG26 of ChristG5547? Shall tribulation,G2347 orG2228 distress,G4730 orG2228 persecution,G1375 orG2228 famine,G3042 orG2228 nakedness,G1132 orG2228 peril,G2794 orG2228 swordG3162?
καθως G2531 γεγραπται G1125 G5769 οτι G3754 ενεκα G1752 σου G4675 θανατουμεθα G2289 G5743 ολην G3650 την G3588 ημεραν G2250 ελογισθημεν G3049 G5681 ως G5613 προβατα G4263 σφαγης G4967 36 JustG2531 as it is written,G1125 "For Thy sakeG1752 we are being putG2289 to deathG2289 allG3650 dayG2250 long; We were consideredG3049 as sheepG4263 to be slaughtered.G4967"
αλλ G235 εν G1722 τουτοις G5125 πασιν G3956 υπερνικωμεν G5245 G5719 δια G1223 του G3588 αγαπησαντος G25 G5660 ημας G2248 37 But in allG3956 theseG3778 thingsG3778 we overwhelminglyG5245 conquerG5245 throughG1223 Him who lovedG25 us.
πεπεισμαι G3982 G5769 γαρ G1063 οτι G3754 ουτε G3777 θανατος G2288 ουτε G3777 ζωη G2222 ουτε G3777 αγγελοι G32 ουτε G3777 αρχαι G746 ουτε G3777 δυναμεις G1411 ουτε G3777 ενεστωτα G1764 G5761 ουτε G3777 μελλοντα G3195 G5723 38 For I am convincedG3982 that neitherG3777 death,G2288 norG3777 life,G2222 norG3777 angels,G32 norG3777 principalities,G746 norG3777 thingsG1764 present,G1764 norG3777 thingsG3195 to come,G3195 norG3777 powers,G1411
ουτε G3777 υψωμα G5313 ουτε G3777 βαθος G899 ουτε G3777 τις G5100 κτισις G2937 ετερα G2087 δυνησεται G1410 G5695 ημας G2248 χωρισαι G5563 G5658 απο G575 της G3588 αγαπης G26 του G3588 θεου G2316 της G3588 εν G1722 χριστω G5547 ιησου G2424 τω G3588 κυριω G2962 ημων G2257 39 norG3777 height,G5313 norG3777 depth,G899 norG3777 anyG5100 otherG2087 createdG2937 thing,G2937 shall be ableG1410 to separateG5563 us from the loveG26 of God,G2316 which is in ChristG5547 JesusG2424 our Lord.G2962
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