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Original text: Bible / 1 Corinthians / Chapter 5

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ολως G3654 ακουεται G191 G5743 εν G1722 υμιν G5213 πορνεια G4202 και G2532 τοιαυτη G5108 πορνεια G4202 ητις G3748 ουδε G3761 εν G1722 τοις G3588 εθνεσιν G1484 ονομαζεται G3687 G5743 ωστε G5620 γυναικα G1135 τινα G5100 του G3588 πατρος G3962 εχειν G2192 G5721 1 It is actuallyG3654 reportedG191 that there is immoralityG4202 amongG1722 you, and immoralityG4202 of suchG5108 a kindG5108 as does not exist evenG3761 amongG1722 the Gentiles,G1484 that someoneG5100 hasG2192 his father's wife.G1135
και G2532 υμεις G5210 πεφυσιωμενοι G5448 G5772 εστε G2075 G5748 και G2532 ουχι G3780 μαλλον G3123 επενθησατε G3996 G5656 ινα G2443 εξαρθη G1808 G5686 εκ G1537 μεσου G3319 υμων G5216 ο G3588 το G3588 εργον G2041 τουτο G5124 ποιησας G4160 G5660 2 And you have become arrogant,G5448 and have not mournedG3996 instead,G3123 in orderG2443 that the one who had doneG4238 thisG3778 deedG2041 might be removedG142 from your midst.G3319
εγω G1473 μεν G3303 γαρ G1063 ως G5613 απων G548 G5752 τω G3588 σωματι G4983 παρων G3918 G5752 δε G1161 τω G3588 πνευματι G4151 ηδη G2235 κεκρικα G2919 G5758 ως G5613 παρων G3918 G5752 τον G3588 ουτως G3779 τουτο G5124 κατεργασαμενον G2716 G5666 3 For I, on my part,G1473 thoughG3303 absentG548 in bodyG4983 but presentG3918 in spirit,G4151 have alreadyG2235 judgedG2919 him who has soG3779 committedG2716 this,G3778 as thoughG5613 I were present.G3918
εν G1722 τω G3588 ονοματι G3686 του G3588 κυριου G2962 ημων G2257 ιησου G2424 χριστου G5547 συναχθεντων G4863 G5685 υμων G5216 και G2532 του G3588 εμου G1700 πνευματος G4151 συν G4862 τη G3588 δυναμει G1411 του G3588 κυριου G2962 ημων G2257 ιησου G2424 χριστου G5547 4 In the nameG3686 of our LordG2962 Jesus,G2424 when you are assembled,G4863 and I with you in spirit,G4151 with the powerG1411 of our LordG2962 Jesus,G2424
παραδουναι G3860 G5629 τον G3588 τοιουτον G5108 τω G3588 σατανα G4567 εις G1519 ολεθρον G3639 της G3588 σαρκος G4561 ινα G2443 το G3588 πνευμα G4151 σωθη G4982 G5686 εν G1722 τη G3588 ημερα G2250 του G3588 κυριου G2962 ιησου G2424 5 [I have decided] to deliverG3860 suchG5108 a oneG5108 to SatanG4567 for the destructionG3639 of his flesh,G4561 that his spiritG4151 may be savedG4982 in the dayG2250 of the LordG2962 Jesus.G2424
ου G3756 καλον G2570 το G3588 καυχημα G2745 υμων G5216 ουκ G3756 οιδατε G1492 G5758 οτι G3754 μικρα G3398 ζυμη G2219 ολον G3650 το G3588 φυραμα G5445 ζυμοι G2220 G5719 6 Your boastingG2745 is not good.G2570 Do you not knowG3609 that a littleG3398 leavenG2219 leavensG2220 the wholeG3650 lumpG5445 [of dough]?
εκκαθαρατε G1571 G5657 ουν G3767 την G3588 παλαιαν G3820 ζυμην G2219 ινα G2443 ητε G5600 G5753 νεον G3501 φυραμα G5445 καθως G2531 εστε G2075 G5748 αζυμοι G106 και G2532 γαρ G1063 το G3588 πασχα G3957 ημων G2257 υπερ G5228 ημων G2257 {VAR1: ετυθη G2380 G5681 } {VAR2: εθυθη G2380 G5681 } χριστος G5547 7 CleanG1571 out the oldG3820 leaven,G2219 that you may be a newG3501 lump,G5445 justG2531 as you are [in fact] unleavened.G106 For ChristG5547 our PassoverG3957 alsoG2532 has been sacrificed.G2380
ωστε G5620 εορταζωμεν G1858 G5725 μη G3361 εν G1722 ζυμη G2219 παλαια G3820 μηδε G3366 εν G1722 ζυμη G2219 κακιας G2549 και G2532 πονηριας G4189 αλλ G235 εν G1722 αζυμοις G106 ειλικρινειας G1505 και G2532 αληθειας G225 8 Let us thereforeG5620 celebrateG1858 the feast,G1858 not with oldG3820 leaven,G2219 norG3366 with the leavenG2219 of maliceG2549 and wickedness,G4189 but with the unleavenedG106 bread of sincerityG1505 and truth.G225
εγραψα G1125 G5656 υμιν G5213 εν G1722 τη G3588 επιστολη G1992 μη G3361 συναναμιγνυσθαι G4874 G5733 πορνοις G4205 9 I wroteG1125 you in my letterG1992 not to associateG4874 with immoralG4205 people;G4205
και G2532 ου G3756 παντως G3843 τοις G3588 πορνοις G4205 του G3588 κοσμου G2889 τουτου G5127 η G2228 τοις G3588 πλεονεκταις G4123 η G2228 αρπαξιν G727 η G2228 ειδωλολατραις G1496 επει G1893 οφειλετε G3784 G5719 αρα G686 εκ G1537 του G3588 κοσμου G2889 εξελθειν G1831 G5629 10 I [did] not at allG3843 [mean] with the immoralG4205 peopleG4205 of thisG3778 world,G2889 orG2228 with the covetousG4123 and swindlers,G727 orG2228 with idolaters;G1496 for thenG686 you would haveG3784 to goG1831 out of the world.G2889
νυνι G3570 δε G1161 εγραψα G1125 G5656 υμιν G5213 μη G3361 συναναμιγνυσθαι G4874 G5733 εαν G1437 τις G5100 αδελφος G80 ονομαζομενος G3687 G5746 η G2228 G1510 G5753 πορνος G4205 η G2228 πλεονεκτης G4123 η G2228 ειδωλολατρης G1496 η G2228 λοιδορος G3060 η G2228 μεθυσος G3183 η G2228 αρπαξ G727 τω G3588 τοιουτω G5108 μηδε G3366 συνεσθιειν G4906 G5721 11 But actually,G3568 I wroteG1125 to you not to associateG4874 with anyG5100 so-called brotherG80 ifG1437 he should be an immoralG4205 person,G4205 orG2228 covetous,G4123 orG2228 an idolater,G1496 orG2228 a reviler,G3060 orG2228 a drunkard,G3183 orG2228 a swindlerG727 – not evenG3366 to eatG4906 with suchG5108 a one.G5108
τι G5101 γαρ G1063 μοι G3427 και G2532 τους G3588 εξω G1854 κρινειν G2919 G5721 ουχι G3780 τους G3588 εσω G2080 υμεις G5210 κρινετε G2919 G5719 12 For whatG5101 have I to do with judgingG2919 outsidersG3588 G1854? Do you not judgeG2919 thoseG3588 whoG3588 are withinG2080 [the church]?
τους G3588 δε G1161 εξω G1854 ο G3588 θεος G2316 κρινει G2919 G5692 G2919 G5719 και G2532 εξαρειτε G1808 G5692 τον G3588 πονηρον G4190 εξ G1537 υμων G5216 αυτων G846 13 But thoseG3588 whoG3588 are outside,G1854 GodG2316 judges.G2919 RemoveG1808 the wickedG4190 manG4190 from amongG1537 yourselves.G4771 G846
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