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Original text: Bible / 1 Corinthians / Chapter 6

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τολμα G5111 G5719 τις G5100 υμων G5216 πραγμα G4229 εχων G2192 G5723 προς G4314 τον G3588 ετερον G2087 κρινεσθαι G2919 G5745 επι G1909 των G3588 αδικων G94 και G2532 ουχι G3780 επι G1909 των G3588 αγιων G40 1 Does anyG5100 oneG5100 of you, when he hasG2192 a caseG4229 againstG4314 his neighbor,G2087 dareG5111 to goG2919 to lawG2919 beforeG1909 the unrighteous,G94 and not beforeG1909 the saintsG40?
ουκ G3756 οιδατε G1492 G5758 οτι G3754 οι G3588 αγιοι G40 τον G3588 κοσμον G2889 κρινουσιν G2919 G5692 και G2532 ει G1487 εν G1722 υμιν G5213 κρινεται G2919 G5743 ο G3588 κοσμος G2889 αναξιοι G370 εστε G2075 G5748 κριτηριων G2922 ελαχιστων G1646 2 OrG2228 do you not knowG3609 that the saintsG40 will judgeG2919 the worldG2889? And ifG1487 the worldG2889 is judgedG2919 by you, are you not competentG370 [to constitute] the smallestG1646 lawG2922 courtsG2922?
ουκ G3756 οιδατε G1492 G5758 οτι G3754 αγγελους G32 κρινουμεν G2919 G5692 μητι G3385 γε G1065 βιωτικα G982 3 Do you not knowG3609 that we shall judgeG2919 angelsG32? HowG3386 muchG3386 more,G3386 mattersG982 of this lifeG982?
βιωτικα G982 μεν G3303 ουν G3767 κριτηρια G2922 εαν G1437 εχητε G2192 G5725 τους G3588 εξουθενημενους G1848 G5772 εν G1722 τη G3588 εκκλησια G1577 τουτους G5128 καθιζετε G2523 G5719 4 IfG1437 thenG3767 you haveG2192 lawG2922 courtsG2922 dealing with mattersG982 of this life,G982 do you appointG2523 them as judges who are of noG1848 accountG1848 in the churchG1577?
προς G4314 εντροπην G1791 υμιν G5213 λεγω G3004 G5719 ουτως G3779 ουκ G3756 εστιν G2076 G5748 εν G1722 υμιν G5213 σοφος G4680 ουδε G3761 εις G1520 ος G3739 δυνησεται G1410 G5695 διακριναι G1252 G5658 ανα G303 μεσον G3319 του G3588 αδελφου G80 αυτου G846 5 I sayG3004 [this] to your shame.G1791 [Is it] so,G3779 [that] there is not amongG1722 you oneG3762 wiseG4680 manG4680 whoG3739 will be ableG1410 to decideG1252 betweenG303 G3319 his brethren,G80
αλλα G235 αδελφος G80 μετα G3326 αδελφου G80 κρινεται G2919 G5743 και G2532 τουτο G5124 επι G1909 απιστων G571 6 but brotherG80 goesG2919 to lawG2919 with brother,G80 and that beforeG1909 unbelieversG571?
ηδη G2235 μεν G3303 ουν G3767 ολως G3654 ηττημα G2275 εν G1722 υμιν G5213 εστιν G2076 G5748 οτι G3754 κριματα G2917 εχετε G2192 G5719 μεθ G3326 εαυτων G1438 δια G1223 τι G5101 ουχι G3780 μαλλον G3123 αδικεισθε G91 G5743 δια G1223 τι G5101 ουχι G3780 μαλλον G3123 αποστερεισθε G650 G5743 7 Actually,G3654 then,G3767 it is alreadyG2235 a defeatG2275 for you, that you haveG2192 lawsuitsG2917 with oneG1438 another.G1438 WhyG1223 G5101 not ratherG3123 be wrongedG91? WhyG1223 G5101 not ratherG3123 be defraudedG650?
αλλα G235 υμεις G5210 αδικειτε G91 G5719 και G2532 αποστερειτε G650 G5719 και G2532 ταυτα G5023 αδελφους G80 8 On the contrary,G235 you yourselvesG4771 wrongG91 and defraud,G650 and that [your] brethren.G80
η G2228 ουκ G3756 οιδατε G1492 G5758 οτι G3754 αδικοι G94 βασιλειαν G932 θεου G2316 ου G3756 κληρονομησουσιν G2816 G5692 μη G3361 πλανασθε G4105 G5744 ουτε G3777 πορνοι G4205 ουτε G3777 ειδωλολατραι G1496 ουτε G3777 μοιχοι G3432 ουτε G3777 μαλακοι G3120 ουτε G3777 αρσενοκοιται G733 9 OrG2228 do you not knowG3609 that the unrighteousG94 shall not inheritG2816 the kingdomG932 of GodG2316? Do not be deceived;G4105 neitherG3777 fornicators,G4205 norG3777 idolaters,G1496 norG3777 adulterers,G3432 norG3777 effeminate,G3120 norG3777 homosexuals,G733
ουτε G3777 κλεπται G2812 ουτε G3777 πλεονεκται G4123 ουτε G3777 μεθυσοι G3183 ου G3756 λοιδοροι G3060 ουχ G3756 αρπαγες G727 βασιλειαν G932 θεου G2316 ου G3756 κληρονομησουσιν G2816 G5692 10 norG3777 thieves,G2812 norG3777 [the] covetous,G4123 norG3756 drunkards,G3183 norG3756 revilers,G3060 norG3756 swindlers,G727 shall inheritG2816 the kingdomG932 of God.G2316
και G2532 ταυτα G5023 τινες G5100 ητε G2258 G5713 αλλα G235 απελουσασθε G628 G5668 αλλα G235 ηγιασθητε G37 G5681 αλλ G235 εδικαιωθητε G1344 G5681 εν G1722 τω G3588 ονοματι G3686 του G3588 κυριου G2962 ιησου G2424 και G2532 εν G1722 τω G3588 πνευματι G4151 του G3588 θεου G2316 ημων G2257 11 And suchG3778 were someG5100 of you; but you were washed,G628 but you were sanctified,G37 but you were justifiedG1344 in the nameG3686 of the LordG2962 JesusG2424 Christ,G5547 and in the SpiritG4151 of our God.G2316
παντα G3956 μοι G3427 εξεστιν G1832 G5904 αλλ G235 ου G3756 παντα G3956 συμφερει G4851 G5719 παντα G3956 μοι G3427 εξεστιν G1832 G5904 αλλ G235 ουκ G3756 εγω G1473 εξουσιασθησομαι G1850 G5701 υπο G5259 τινος G5100 12 AllG3956 thingsG3956 are lawfulG1832 for me, but not allG3956 thingsG3956 are profitable.G4851 AllG3956 thingsG3956 are lawfulG1832 for me, but I will not be masteredG1850 by anything.G5100
τα G3588 βρωματα G1033 τη G3588 κοιλια G2836 και G2532 η G3588 κοιλια G2836 τοις G3588 βρωμασιν G1033 ο G3588 δε G1161 θεος G2316 και G2532 ταυτην G3778 και G2532 ταυτα G5023 καταργησει G2673 G5692 το G3588 δε G1161 σωμα G4983 ου G3756 τη G3588 πορνεια G4202 αλλα G235 τω G3588 κυριω G2962 και G2532 ο G3588 κυριος G2962 τω G3588 σωματι G4983 13 FoodG1033 is for the stomach,G2836 and the stomachG2836 is for food;G1033 but GodG2316 will doG2673 awayG2673 with bothG2532 of them. YetG1161 the bodyG4983 is not for immorality,G4202 but for the Lord;G2962 and the LordG2962 is for the body.G4983
ο G3588 δε G1161 θεος G2316 και G2532 τον G3588 κυριον G2962 ηγειρεν G1453 G5656 και G2532 ημας G2248 εξεγερει G1825 G5692 δια G1223 της G3588 δυναμεως G1411 αυτου G846 14 NowG1161 GodG2316 has not onlyG2532 raisedG1453 the Lord,G2962 but will alsoG2532 raiseG1825 us up throughG1223 His power.G1411
ουκ G3756 οιδατε G1492 G5758 οτι G3754 τα G3588 σωματα G4983 υμων G5216 μελη G3196 χριστου G5547 εστιν G2076 G5748 αρας G142 G5660 ουν G3767 τα G3588 μελη G3196 του G3588 χριστου G5547 ποιησω G4160 G5661 πορνης G4204 μελη G3196 μη G3361 γενοιτο G1096 G5636 15 Do you not knowG3609 that your bodiesG4983 are membersG3196 of ChristG5547? Shall I thenG3767 takeG142 awayG142 the membersG3196 of ChristG5547 and makeG4160 them membersG3196 of a harlotG4204? May it neverG3361 be!
η G2228 ουκ G3756 οιδατε G1492 G5758 οτι G3754 ο G3588 κολλωμενος G2853 G5746 τη G3588 πορνη G4204 εν G1520 σωμα G4983 εστιν G2076 G5748 εσονται G2071 G5704 γαρ G1063 φησιν G5346 G5748 οι G3588 δυο G1417 εις G1519 σαρκα G4561 μιαν G1520 16 OrG2228 do you not knowG3609 that the one who joinsG2853 himself to a harlotG4204 is oneG1520 bodyG4983 [with her]? For He says,G5346 "The twoG1417 will becomeG1510 G1519 oneG1520 flesh.G4561"
ο G3588 δε G1161 κολλωμενος G2853 G5746 τω G3588 κυριω G2962 εν G1520 πνευμα G4151 εστιν G2076 G5748 17 But the one who joinsG2853 himself to the LordG2962 is oneG1520 spiritG4151 [with Him.]
φευγετε G5343 G5720 την G3588 πορνειαν G4202 παν G3956 αμαρτημα G265 ο G3739 εαν G1437 ποιηση G4160 G5661 ανθρωπος G444 εκτος G1622 του G3588 σωματος G4983 εστιν G2076 G5748 ο G3588 δε G1161 πορνευων G4203 G5723 εις G1519 το G3588 ιδιον G2398 σωμα G4983 αμαρτανει G264 G5719 18 FleeG5343 immorality.G4202 EveryG3956 [other] sinG265 that a manG444 commitsG4160 is outsideG1622 the body,G4983 but the immoralG4203 man sinsG264 againstG1519 his ownG2398 body.G4983
η G2228 ουκ G3756 οιδατε G1492 G5758 οτι G3754 το G3588 σωμα G4983 υμων G5216 ναος G3485 του G3588 εν G1722 υμιν G5213 αγιου G40 πνευματος G4151 εστιν G2076 G5748 ου G3739 εχετε G2192 G5719 απο G575 θεου G2316 και G2532 ουκ G3756 εστε G2075 G5748 εαυτων G1438 19 OrG2228 do you not knowG3609 that your bodyG4983 is a templeG3485 of the HolyG40 SpiritG4151 who is in you, whomG3739 you haveG2192 from God,G2316 and that you are not your ownG1438?
ηγορασθητε G59 G5681 γαρ G1063 τιμης G5092 δοξασατε G1392 G5657 δη G1211 τον G3588 θεον G2316 εν G1722 τω G3588 σωματι G4983 υμων G5216 και G2532 εν G1722 τω G3588 πνευματι G4151 υμων G5216 ατινα G3748 εστιν G2076 G5748 του G3588 θεου G2316 20 For you have been boughtG59 with a price:G5092 thereforeG1211 glorifyG1392 GodG2316 in your body.G4983
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