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Original text: Bible / Ephesians / Chapter 4

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παρακαλω G3870 G5719 ουν G3767 υμας G5209 εγω G1473 ο G3588 δεσμιος G1198 εν G1722 κυριω G2962 αξιως G516 περιπατησαι G4043 G5658 της G3588 κλησεως G2821 ης G3739 εκληθητε G2564 G5681 1 I, therefore,G3767 the prisonerG1198 of the Lord,G2962 entreatG3870 you to walkG4043 in a mannerG516 worthyG516 of the callingG2821 with whichG3739 you have been called,G2564
μετα G3326 πασης G3956 ταπεινοφροσυνης G5012 και G2532 πραοτητος G4236 μετα G3326 μακροθυμιας G3115 ανεχομενοι G430 G5740 αλληλων G240 εν G1722 αγαπη G26 2 with allG3956 humilityG5012 and gentleness,G4240 with patience,G3115 showingG430 forbearanceG430 to oneG240 anotherG240 in love,G26
σπουδαζοντες G4704 G5723 τηρειν G5083 G5721 την G3588 ενοτητα G1775 του G3588 πνευματος G4151 εν G1722 τω G3588 συνδεσμω G4886 της G3588 ειρηνης G1515 3 being diligentG4704 to preserveG5083 the unityG1775 of the SpiritG4151 in the bondG4886 of peace.G1515
εν G1520 σωμα G4983 και G2532 εν G1520 πνευμα G4151 καθως G2531 και G2532 εκληθητε G2564 G5681 εν G1722 μια G1520 ελπιδι G1680 της G3588 κλησεως G2821 υμων G5216 4 [There is] oneG1520 bodyG4983 and oneG1520 Spirit,G4151 justG2531 as alsoG2532 you were calledG2564 in oneG1520 hopeG1680 of your calling;G2821
εις G1520 κυριος G2962 μια G1520 πιστις G4102 εν G1520 βαπτισμα G908 5 oneG1520 Lord,G2962 oneG1520 faith,G4102 oneG1520 baptism,G908
εις G1520 θεος G2316 και G2532 πατηρ G3962 παντων G3956 ο G3588 επι G1909 παντων G3956 και G2532 δια G1223 παντων G3956 και G2532 εν G1722 πασιν G3956 υμιν G5213 6 oneG1520 GodG2316 and FatherG3962 of allG3956 whoG3588 is overG1909 allG3956 and throughG1223 allG3956 and in all.G3956
ενι G1520 δε G1161 εκαστω G1538 ημων G2257 εδοθη G1325 G5681 η G3588 χαρις G5485 κατα G2596 το G3588 μετρον G3358 της G3588 δωρεας G1431 του G3588 χριστου G5547 7 But to eachG1538 oneG1520 of us graceG5485 was givenG1325 accordingG2596 to the measureG3358 of Christ's gift.G1431
διο G1352 λεγει G3004 G5719 αναβας G305 G5631 εις G1519 υψος G5311 ηχμαλωτευσεν G162 G5656 αιχμαλωσιαν G161 και G2532 εδωκεν G1325 G5656 δοματα G1390 τοις G3588 ανθρωποις G444 8 ThereforeG1352 it says,G3004 "When He ascendedG305 on high,G5311 He ledG162 captiveG162 a hostG161 of captives,G161 And He gaveG1325 giftsG1390 to men.G444"
το G3588 δε G1161 ανεβη G305 G5627 τι G5101 εστιν G2076 G5748 ει G1487 μη G3361 οτι G3754 και G2532 κατεβη G2597 G5627 πρωτον G4412 εις G1519 τα G3588 κατωτερα G2737 μερη G3313 της G3588 γης G1093 9 (NowG1161 thisG3588 [expression,] "He ascended,G305" whatG5101 does it meanG1510 exceptG1508 that He alsoG2532 had descendedG2597 into the lowerG2737 partsG3313 of the earthG1093?
ο G3588 καταβας G2597 G5631 αυτος G846 εστιν G2076 G5748 και G2532 ο G3588 αναβας G305 G5631 υπερανω G5231 παντων G3956 των G3588 ουρανων G3772 ινα G2443 πληρωση G4137 G5661 τα G3588 παντα G3956 10 He who descendedG2597 is HimselfG846 alsoG2532 He who ascendedG305 farG5231 aboveG5231 allG3956 the heavens,G3772 that He might fillG4137 allG3956 things.G3956)
και G2532 αυτος G846 εδωκεν G1325 G5656 τους G3588 μεν G3303 αποστολους G652 τους G3588 δε G1161 προφητας G4396 τους G3588 δε G1161 ευαγγελιστας G2099 τους G3588 δε G1161 ποιμενας G4166 και G2532 διδασκαλους G1320 11 And He gaveG1325 someG3588 G3303 [as] apostles,G652 and someG3588 [as] prophets,G4396 and someG3588 [as] evangelists,G2099 and someG3588 [as] pastorsG4166 and teachers,G1320
προς G4314 τον G3588 καταρτισμον G2677 των G3588 αγιων G40 εις G1519 εργον G2041 διακονιας G1248 εις G1519 οικοδομην G3619 του G3588 σωματος G4983 του G3588 χριστου G5547 12 for the equippingG2677 of the saintsG40 for the workG2041 of service,G1248 to the buildingG3619 up of the bodyG4983 of Christ;G5547
μεχρι G3360 καταντησωμεν G2658 G5661 οι G3588 παντες G3956 εις G1519 την G3588 ενοτητα G1775 της G3588 πιστεως G4102 και G2532 της G3588 επιγνωσεως G1922 του G3588 υιου G5207 του G3588 θεου G2316 εις G1519 ανδρα G435 τελειον G5046 εις G1519 μετρον G3358 ηλικιας G2244 του G3588 πληρωματος G4138 του G3588 χριστου G5547 13 untilG3360 we allG3956 attainG2658 to the unityG1775 of the faith,G4102 and of the knowledgeG1922 of the SonG5207 of God,G2316 to a matureG5046 man,G435 to the measureG3358 of the statureG2244 which belongs to the fulnessG4138 of Christ.G5547
ινα G2443 μηκετι G3371 ωμεν G5600 G5753 νηπιοι G3516 κλυδωνιζομενοι G2831 G5740 και G2532 περιφερομενοι G4064 G5746 παντι G3956 ανεμω G417 της G3588 διδασκαλιας G1319 εν G1722 τη G3588 κυβεια G2940 των G3588 ανθρωπων G444 εν G1722 πανουργια G3834 προς G4314 την G3588 μεθοδειαν G3180 της G3588 πλανης G4106 14 As a result,G2443 we are noG3371 longerG3371 to be children,G3516 tossedG2831 hereG2831 and thereG2831 by waves,G2831 and carriedG4064 aboutG4064 by everyG3956 windG417 of doctrine,G1319 by the trickeryG2940 of men,G444 by craftinessG3834 in deceitfulG4106 scheming;G3180
αληθευοντες G226 G5723 δε G1161 εν G1722 αγαπη G26 αυξησωμεν G837 G5661 εις G1519 αυτον G846 τα G3588 παντα G3956 ος G3739 εστιν G2076 G5748 η G3588 κεφαλη G2776 ο G3588 χριστος G5547 15 but speakingG226 the truthG226 in love,G26 we are to growG837 up in allG3956 [aspects] into Him, whoG3739 is the head,G2776 [even] Christ,G5547
εξ G1537 ου G3739 παν G3956 το G3588 σωμα G4983 συναρμολογουμενον G4883 G5746 και G2532 συμβιβαζομενον G4822 G5746 δια G1223 πασης G3956 αφης G860 της G3588 επιχορηγιας G2024 κατ G2596 ενεργειαν G1753 εν G1722 μετρω G3358 ενος G1520 εκαστου G1538 μερους G3313 την G3588 αυξησιν G838 του G3588 σωματος G4983 ποιειται G4160 G5731 εις G1519 οικοδομην G3619 εαυτου G1438 εν G1722 αγαπη G26 16 from whomG3739 the wholeG3956 body,G4983 being fittedG4883 and heldG4822 togetherG4822 G4883 by that which everyG3956 jointG860 supplies,G2024 accordingG2596 to the properG3358 workingG1753 of eachG1538 individualG1520 part,G3313 causesG4160 the growthG838 of the bodyG4983 for the buildingG3619 up of itselfG1438 in love.G26
τουτο G5124 ουν G3767 λεγω G3004 G5719 και G2532 μαρτυρομαι G3143 G5736 εν G1722 κυριω G2962 μηκετι G3371 υμας G5209 περιπατειν G4043 G5721 καθως G2531 και G2532 τα G3588 λοιπα G3062 εθνη G1484 περιπατει G4043 G5719 εν G1722 ματαιοτητι G3153 του G3588 νοος G3563 αυτων G846 17 ThisG3778 I sayG3004 therefore,G3767 and affirmG3143 togetherG1722 with the Lord,G2962 that you walkG4043 noG3371 longerG3371 justG2531 as the GentilesG1484 alsoG2532 walk,G4043 in the futilityG3153 of their mind,G3563
εσκοτισμενοι G4654 G5772 τη G3588 διανοια G1271 οντες G5607 G5752 απηλλοτριωμενοι G526 G5772 της G3588 ζωης G2222 του G3588 θεου G2316 δια G1223 την G3588 αγνοιαν G52 την G3588 ουσαν G5607 G5752 εν G1722 αυτοις G846 δια G1223 την G3588 πωρωσιν G4457 της G3588 καρδιας G2588 αυτων G846 18 beingG1510 darkenedG4656 in their understanding,G1271 excludedG526 from the lifeG2222 of God,G2316 becauseG1223 of the ignoranceG52 that is in them, becauseG1223 of the hardnessG4457 of their heart;G2588
οιτινες G3748 απηλγηκοτες G524 G5761 εαυτους G1438 παρεδωκαν G3860 G5656 τη G3588 ασελγεια G766 εις G1519 εργασιαν G2039 ακαθαρσιας G167 πασης G3956 εν G1722 πλεονεξια G4124 19 and they, having becomeG524 callous,G524 have givenG3860 themselvesG1438 overG3860 to sensuality,G766 for the practiceG2039 of everyG3956 kindG3956 of impurityG167 with greediness.G4124
υμεις G5210 δε G1161 ουχ G3756 ουτως G3779 εμαθετε G3129 G5627 τον G3588 χριστον G5547 20 But you did not learnG3129 ChristG5547 in thisG3779 way,G3779
ειγε G1489 αυτον G846 ηκουσατε G191 G5656 και G2532 εν G1722 αυτω G846 εδιδαχθητε G1321 G5681 καθως G2531 εστιν G2076 G5748 αληθεια G225 εν G1722 τω G3588 ιησου G2424 21 ifG1487 indeedG1065 you have heardG191 Him and have been taughtG1321 in Him, justG2531 as truthG225 is in Jesus,G2424
αποθεσθαι G659 G5641 υμας G5209 κατα G2596 την G3588 προτεραν G4387 αναστροφην G391 τον G3588 παλαιον G3820 ανθρωπον G444 τον G3588 φθειρομενον G5351 G5746 κατα G2596 τας G3588 επιθυμιας G1939 της G3588 απατης G539 22 that, in referenceG2596 to your formerG4387 mannerG391 of life,G391 you layG659 asideG659 the oldG3820 self,G444 which is being corruptedG5351 in accordanceG2596 with the lustsG1939 of deceit,G539
ανανεουσθαι G365 G5745 δε G1161 τω G3588 πνευματι G4151 του G3588 νοος G3563 υμων G5216 23 and that you be renewedG365 in the spiritG4151 of your mind,G3563
και G2532 ενδυσασθαι G1746 G5670 τον G3588 καινον G2537 ανθρωπον G444 τον G3588 κατα G2596 θεον G2316 κτισθεντα G2936 G5685 εν G1722 δικαιοσυνη G1343 και G2532 οσιοτητι G3742 της G3588 αληθειας G225 24 and putG1746 on the newG2537 self,G444 which in [the likeness of] GodG2316 has been createdG2936 in righteousnessG1343 and holinessG3742 of the truth.G225
διο G1352 αποθεμενοι G659 G5642 το G3588 ψευδος G5579 λαλειτε G2980 G5720 αληθειαν G225 εκαστος G1538 μετα G3326 του G3588 πλησιον G4139 αυτου G846 οτι G3754 εσμεν G2070 G5748 αλληλων G240 μελη G3196 25 Therefore,G1352 layingG659 asideG659 falsehood,G5579 speakG2980 truth,G225 eachG1538 oneG1538 [of you,] with his neighbor,G4139 for we are membersG3196 of oneG240 another.G240
οργιζεσθε G3710 G5744 και G2532 μη G3361 αμαρτανετε G264 G5720 ο G3588 ηλιος G2246 μη G3361 επιδυετω G1931 G5720 επι G1909 τω G3588 παροργισμω G3950 υμων G5216 26 Be angry,G3710 and [yet] do not sin;G264 do not let the sunG2246 goG1931 downG1931 on your anger,G3950
μητε G3383 διδοτε G1325 G5720 τοπον G5117 τω G3588 διαβολω G1228 27 and do not giveG1325 the devilG1228 an opportunity.G5117
ο G3588 κλεπτων G2813 G5723 μηκετι G3371 κλεπτετω G2813 G5720 μαλλον G3123 δε G1161 κοπιατω G2872 G5720 εργαζομενος G2038 G5740 το G3588 αγαθον G18 ταις G3588 χερσιν G5495 ινα G2443 εχη G2192 G5725 μεταδιδοναι G3330 G5721 τω G3588 χρειαν G5532 εχοντι G2192 G5723 28 Let him who stealsG2813 stealG2813 noG3371 longer;G3371 but ratherG3123 let him labor,G2872 performingG2038 with his ownG2398 handsG5495 whatG18 is good,G18 in orderG2443 that he may haveG2192 [something] to shareG3330 with him who hasG2192 need.G5532
πας G3956 λογος G3056 σαπρος G4550 εκ G1537 του G3588 στοματος G4750 υμων G5216 μη G3361 εκπορευεσθω G1607 G5737 αλλ G235 ει G1487 τις G5100 αγαθος G18 προς G4314 οικοδομην G3619 της G3588 χρειας G5532 ινα G2443 δω G1325 G5632 χαριν G5485 τοις G3588 ακουουσιν G191 G5723 29 Let noG3361 G3956 unwholesomeG4550 wordG3056 proceedG1607 from your mouth,G4750 but onlyG1487 suchG5100 [a word] as is goodG18 for edificationG3619 according to the needG5532 [of the moment,] that it may giveG1325 graceG5485 to thoseG3588 who hear.G191
και G2532 μη G3361 λυπειτε G3076 G5720 το G3588 πνευμα G4151 το G3588 αγιον G40 του G3588 θεου G2316 εν G1722 ω G3739 εσφραγισθητε G4972 G5681 εις G1519 ημεραν G2250 απολυτρωσεως G629 30 And do not grieveG3076 the HolyG40 SpiritG4151 of God,G2316 by whomG3739 you were sealedG4972 for the dayG2250 of redemption.G629
πασα G3956 πικρια G4088 και G2532 θυμος G2372 και G2532 οργη G3709 και G2532 κραυγη G2906 και G2532 βλασφημια G988 αρθητω G142 G5682 αφ G575 υμων G5216 συν G4862 παση G3956 κακια G2549 31 Let allG3956 bitternessG4088 and wrathG2372 and angerG3709 and clamorG2906 and slanderG988 be putG142 awayG142 from you, alongG4862 with allG3956 malice.G2549
γινεσθε G1096 G5737 δε G1161 εις G1519 αλληλους G240 χρηστοι G5543 ευσπλαγχνοι G2155 χαριζομενοι G5483 G5740 εαυτοις G1438 καθως G2531 και G2532 ο G3588 θεος G2316 εν G1722 χριστω G5547 εχαρισατο G5483 G5662 υμιν G5213 32 And be kindG5543 to oneG240 another,G240 tender-hearted, forgivingG5483 eachG1438 other,G1438 justG2531 as GodG2316 in ChristG5547 alsoG2532 has forgivenG5483 you.
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