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Original text: Bible / Titus / Chapter 1

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παυλος G3972 δουλος G1401 θεου G2316 αποστολος G652 δε G1161 ιησου G2424 χριστου G5547 κατα G2596 πιστιν G4102 εκλεκτων G1588 θεου G2316 και G2532 επιγνωσιν G1922 αληθειας G225 της G3588 κατ G2596 ευσεβειαν G2150 1 Paul,G3972 a bond-servant of God,G2316 and an apostleG652 of JesusG2424 Christ,G5547 for the faithG4102 of those chosenG1588 of GodG2316 and the knowledgeG1922 of the truthG225 which is accordingG2596 to godliness,G2150
επ G1909 ελπιδι G1680 ζωης G2222 αιωνιου G166 ην G3739 επηγγειλατο G1861 G5662 ο G3588 αψευδης G893 θεος G2316 προ G4253 χρονων G5550 αιωνιων G166 2 in the hopeG1680 of eternalG166 life,G2222 whichG3739 God,G2316 whoG893 cannotG893 lie,G893 promisedG1861 longG5550 agesG5550 ago,G4253
εφανερωσεν G5319 G5656 δε G1161 καιροις G2540 ιδιοις G2398 τον G3588 λογον G3056 αυτου G846 εν G1722 κηρυγματι G2782 ο G3739 επιστευθην G4100 G5681 εγω G1473 κατ G2596 επιταγην G2003 του G3588 σωτηρος G4990 ημων G2257 θεου G2316 3 but at the properG2398 timeG2540 manifested,G5319 [even] His word,G3056 in the proclamationG2782 with whichG3739 I was entrustedG4100 accordingG2596 to the commandmentG2003 of GodG2316 our Savior;G4990
τιτω G5103 γνησιω G1103 τεκνω G5043 κατα G2596 κοινην G2839 πιστιν G4102 χαρις G5485 ελεος G1656 ειρηνη G1515 απο G575 θεου G2316 πατρος G3962 και G2532 κυριου G2962 ιησου G2424 χριστου G5547 του G3588 σωτηρος G4990 ημων G2257 4 to Titus,G5103 my trueG1103 childG5043 in a commonG2839 faith:G4102 GraceG5485 and peaceG1515 from GodG2316 the FatherG3962 and ChristG5547 JesusG2424 our Savior.G4990
τουτου G5127 χαριν G5484 κατελιπον G2641 G5627 σε G4571 εν G1722 κρητη G2914 ινα G2443 τα G3588 λειποντα G3007 G5723 επιδιορθωση G1930 G5672 και G2532 καταστησης G2525 G5661 κατα G2596 πολιν G4172 πρεσβυτερους G4245 ως G5613 εγω G1473 σοι G4671 διεταξαμην G1299 G5668 5 For thisG3778 reasonG5484 I leftG620 you in Crete,G2914 that you might setG1930 in orderG1930 what remains,G3007 and appointG2525 eldersG4245 in everyG2596 cityG4172 as I directedG1299 you,
ει G1487 τις G5100 εστιν G2076 G5748 ανεγκλητος G410 μιας G1520 γυναικος G1135 ανηρ G435 τεκνα G5043 εχων G2192 G5723 πιστα G4103 μη G3361 εν G1722 κατηγορια G2724 ασωτιας G810 η G2228 ανυποτακτα G506 6 [namely,] ifG1487 anyG5100 manG5100 be aboveG410 reproach,G410 the husbandG435 of oneG1520 wife,G1135 havingG2192 childrenG5043 whoG4103 believe,G4103 not accusedG2724 of dissipationG810 orG2228 rebellion.G506
δει G1163 G5904 γαρ G1063 τον G3588 επισκοπον G1985 ανεγκλητον G410 ειναι G1511 G5750 ως G5613 θεου G2316 οικονομον G3623 μη G3361 αυθαδη G829 μη G3361 οργιλον G3711 μη G3361 παροινον G3943 μη G3361 πληκτην G4131 μη G3361 αισχροκερδη G146 7 For the overseerG1985 mustG1163 be aboveG410 reproachG410 as God's steward,G3623 not self-willed, not quick-tempered, not addictedG3943 to wine,G3943 not pugnacious,G4131 not fondG146 of sordidG146 gain,G146
αλλα G235 φιλοξενον G5382 φιλαγαθον G5358 σωφρονα G4998 δικαιον G1342 οσιον G3741 εγκρατη G1468 8 but hospitable,G5382 lovingG5358 whatG5358 is good,G5358 sensible,G4998 just,G1342 devout,G3741 self-controlled,
αντεχομενον G472 G5740 του G3588 κατα G2596 την G3588 διδαχην G1322 πιστου G4103 λογου G3056 ινα G2443 δυνατος G1415 η G5600 G5753 και G2532 παρακαλειν G3870 G5721 εν G1722 τη G3588 διδασκαλια G1319 τη G3588 υγιαινουση G5198 G5723 και G2532 τους G3588 αντιλεγοντας G483 G5723 ελεγχειν G1651 G5721 9 holdingG472 fastG472 the faithfulG4103 wordG3056 which is in accordanceG2596 with the teaching,G1322 that he may be ableG1415 bothG2532 to exhortG3870 in soundG5198 doctrineG1319 and to refuteG1651 thoseG3588 who contradict.G483
εισιν G1526 G5748 γαρ G1063 πολλοι G4183 και G2532 ανυποτακτοι G506 ματαιολογοι G3151 και G2532 φρεναπαται G5423 μαλιστα G3122 οι G3588 εκ G1537 περιτομης G4061 10 For there are manyG4183 rebelliousG506 men,G506 emptyG3151 talkersG3151 and deceivers,G5423 especiallyG3122 thoseG3588 of the circumcision,G4061
ους G3739 δει G1163 G5904 επιστομιζειν G1993 G5721 οιτινες G3748 ολους G3650 οικους G3624 ανατρεπουσιν G396 G5719 διδασκοντες G1321 G5723 α G3739 μη G3361 δει G1163 G5904 αισχρου G150 κερδους G2771 χαριν G5484 11 whoG3739 mustG1163 be silencedG1993 becauseG3748 they are upsettingG396 wholeG3650 families,G3624 teachingG1321 thingsG3739 they shouldG1163 not [teach], for the sakeG5484 of sordidG150 gain.G2771
ειπεν G2036 G5627 τις G5100 εξ G1537 αυτων G846 ιδιος G2398 αυτων G846 προφητης G4396 κρητες G2912 αει G104 ψευσται G5583 κακα G2556 θηρια G2342 γαστερες G1064 αργαι G692 12 OneG5100 of themselves,G846 a prophetG4396 of their own,G2398 said,G3004 "CretansG2912 are alwaysG104 liars,G5583 evilG2556 beasts,G2342 lazyG692 gluttons.G1064"
η G3588 μαρτυρια G3141 αυτη G3778 εστιν G2076 G5748 αληθης G227 δι G1223 ην G3739 αιτιαν G156 ελεγχε G1651 G5720 αυτους G846 αποτομως G664 ινα G2443 υγιαινωσιν G5198 G5725 εν G1722 τη G3588 πιστει G4102 13 ThisG3778 testimonyG3141 is true.G227 For thisG3739 causeG156 reproveG1651 them severelyG664 that they may be soundG5198 in the faith,G4102
μη G3361 προσεχοντες G4337 G5723 ιουδαικοις G2451 μυθοις G3454 και G2532 εντολαις G1785 ανθρωπων G444 αποστρεφομενων G654 G5734 την G3588 αληθειαν G225 14 not payingG4337 attentionG4337 to JewishG2451 mythsG3454 and commandmentsG1785 of menG444 who turnG654 awayG654 from the truth.G225
παντα G3956 μεν G3303 καθαρα G2513 τοις G3588 καθαροις G2513 τοις G3588 δε G1161 μεμιασμενοις G3392 G5772 και G2532 απιστοις G571 ουδεν G3762 καθαρον G2513 αλλα G235 μεμιανται G3392 G5769 αυτων G846 και G2532 ο G3588 νους G3563 και G2532 η G3588 συνειδησις G4893 15 To the pure,G2513 allG3956 thingsG3956 are pure;G2513 but to thoseG3588 who are defiledG3392 and unbelieving,G571 nothingG3762 is pure,G2513 but bothG2532 their mindG3563 and their conscienceG4893 are defiled.G3392
θεον G2316 ομολογουσιν G3670 G5719 ειδεναι G1492 G5760 τοις G3588 δε G1161 εργοις G2041 αρνουνται G720 G5736 βδελυκτοι G947 οντες G5607 G5752 και G2532 απειθεις G545 και G2532 προς G4314 παν G3956 εργον G2041 αγαθον G18 αδοκιμοι G96 16 They professG3670 to knowG3609 God,G2316 but by [their] deedsG2041 they denyG720 [Him], beingG1510 detestableG947 and disobedient,G545 and worthlessG96 for anyG3956 goodG18 deed.G2041
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