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Original text: Bible / Titus / Chapter 2

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συ G4771 δε G1161 λαλει G2980 G5720 α G3739 πρεπει G4241 G5904 τη G3588 υγιαινουση G5198 G5723 διδασκαλια G1319 1 But as for you, speakG2980 the things whichG3739 are fittingG4241 for soundG5198 doctrine.G1319
πρεσβυτας G4246 νηφαλιους G3524 ειναι G1511 G5750 σεμνους G4586 σωφρονας G4998 υγιαινοντας G5198 G5723 τη G3588 πιστει G4102 τη G3588 αγαπη G26 τη G3588 υπομονη G5281 2 OlderG4246 menG4246 are to be temperate,G3524 dignified,G4586 sensible,G4998 soundG5198 in faith,G4102 in love,G26 in perseverance.G5281
πρεσβυτιδας G4247 ωσαυτως G5615 εν G1722 καταστηματι G2688 ιεροπρεπεις G2412 μη G3361 διαβολους G1228 μη G3361 οινω G3631 πολλω G4183 δεδουλωμενας G1402 G5772 καλοδιδασκαλους G2567 3 OlderG4247 womenG4247 likewiseG5615 are to be reverentG2412 in their behavior,G2688 not maliciousG1228 gossips,G1228 norG3366 enslavedG1402 to muchG4183 wine,G3631 teachingG2567 whatG2567 is good,G2567
ινα G2443 σωφρονιζωσιν G4994 G5725 τας G3588 νεας G3501 φιλανδρους G5362 ειναι G1511 G5750 φιλοτεκνους G5388 4 that they may encourageG4994 the youngG3501 womenG3501 to loveG5362 their husbands,G5362 to loveG5388 their children,G5388
σωφρονας G4998 αγνας G53 οικουρους G3626 αγαθας G18 υποτασσομενας G5293 G5746 τοις G3588 ιδιοις G2398 ανδρασιν G435 ινα G2443 μη G3361 ο G3588 λογος G3056 του G3588 θεου G2316 βλασφημηται G987 G5747 5 [to be] sensible,G4998 pure,G53 workersG3626 at home,G3626 kind,G18 being subjectG5293 to their ownG2398 husbands,G435 that the wordG3056 of GodG2316 may not be dishonored.G987
τους G3588 νεωτερους G3501 ωσαυτως G5615 παρακαλει G3870 G5720 σωφρονειν G4993 G5721 6 LikewiseG5615 urgeG3870 the youngG3501 menG3501 to be sensible;G4993
περι G4012 παντα G3956 σεαυτον G4572 παρεχομενος G3930 G5734 τυπον G5179 καλων G2570 εργων G2041 εν G1722 τη G3588 διδασκαλια G1319 αδιαφθοριαν G90 σεμνοτητα G4587 αφθαρσιαν G861 7 in allG3956 thingsG3956 showG3930 yourselfG4572 to be an exampleG5179 of goodG2570 deeds,G2041 [with] purityG7026 in doctrine,G1319 dignified,G4587
λογον G3056 υγιη G5199 ακαταγνωστον G176 ινα G2443 ο G3588 εξ G1537 εναντιας G1727 εντραπη G1788 G5652 μηδεν G3367 εχων G2192 G5723 περι G4012 υμων G5216 λεγειν G3004 G5721 φαυλον G5337 8 soundG5199 [in] speechG3056 whichG176 is beyondG176 reproach,G176 in orderG2443 that the opponentG1727 may be putG1788 to shame,G1788 havingG2192 nothingG3367 badG5337 to sayG3004 aboutG4012 us.
δουλους G1401 ιδιοις G2398 δεσποταις G1203 υποτασσεσθαι G5293 G5733 εν G1722 πασιν G3956 ευαρεστους G2101 ειναι G1511 G5750 μη G3361 αντιλεγοντας G483 G5723 9 [Urge] bondslavesG1401 to be subjectG5293 to their ownG2398 mastersG1203 in everything,G3956 to be well-pleasing, not argumentative,G483
μη G3361 νοσφιζομενους G3557 G5734 αλλα G235 πιστιν G4102 πασαν G3956 ενδεικνυμενους G1731 G5734 αγαθην G18 ινα G2443 την G3588 διδασκαλιαν G1319 του G3588 σωτηρος G4990 {VAR1: υμων G5216 } {VAR2: ημων G2257 } θεου G2316 κοσμωσιν G2885 G5725 εν G1722 πασιν G3956 10 not pilfering,G3557 but showingG1731 allG3956 goodG18 faithG4102 that they may adornG2885 the doctrineG1319 of GodG2316 our SaviorG4990 in everyG3956 respect.G3956
επεφανη G2014 G5648 γαρ G1063 η G3588 χαρις G5485 του G3588 θεου G2316 η G3588 σωτηριος G4992 πασιν G3956 ανθρωποις G444 11 For the graceG5485 of GodG2316 has appeared,G2014 bringingG4992 salvationG4992 to allG3956 men,G444
παιδευουσα G3811 G5723 ημας G2248 ινα G2443 αρνησαμενοι G720 G5666 την G3588 ασεβειαν G763 και G2532 τας G3588 κοσμικας G2886 επιθυμιας G1939 σωφρονως G4996 και G2532 δικαιως G1346 και G2532 ευσεβως G2153 ζησωμεν G2198 G5661 εν G1722 τω G3588 νυν G3568 αιωνι G165 12 instructingG3811 us to denyG720 ungodlinessG763 and worldlyG2886 desiresG1939 and to liveG2198 sensibly,G4996 righteouslyG1346 and godlyG2153 in the presentG3568 age,G165
προσδεχομενοι G4327 G5740 την G3588 μακαριαν G3107 ελπιδα G1680 και G2532 επιφανειαν G2015 της G3588 δοξης G1391 του G3588 μεγαλου G3173 θεου G2316 και G2532 σωτηρος G4990 ημων G2257 ιησου G2424 χριστου G5547 13 lookingG4327 for the blessedG3107 hopeG1680 and the appearingG2015 of the gloryG1391 of our greatG3173 GodG2316 and Savior,G4990 ChristG5547 Jesus;G2424
ος G3739 εδωκεν G1325 G5656 εαυτον G1438 υπερ G5228 ημων G2257 ινα G2443 λυτρωσηται G3084 G5672 ημας G2248 απο G575 πασης G3956 ανομιας G458 και G2532 καθαριση G2511 G5661 εαυτω G1438 λαον G2992 περιουσιον G4041 ζηλωτην G2207 καλων G2570 εργων G2041 14 whoG3739 gaveG1325 HimselfG1438 for us, that He might redeemG3084 us from everyG3956 lawlessG458 deedG458 and purifyG2511 for HimselfG1438 a peopleG2992 for His ownG1438 possession,G4041 zealousG2207 for goodG2570 deeds.G2041
ταυτα G5023 λαλει G2980 G5720 και G2532 παρακαλει G3870 G5720 και G2532 ελεγχε G1651 G5720 μετα G3326 πασης G3956 επιταγης G2003 μηδεις G3367 σου G4675 περιφρονειτω G4065 G5720 15 TheseG3778 thingsG3778 speakG2980 and exhortG3870 and reproveG1651 with allG3956 authority.G2003 Let noG3367 oneG3367 disregardG4065 you.
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