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Original text: Bible / 1 Peter / Chapter 3

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ομοιως G3668 αι G3588 γυναικες G1135 υποτασσομεναι G5293 G5746 τοις G3588 ιδιοις G2398 ανδρασιν G435 ινα G2443 και G2532 ει G1487 τινες G5100 απειθουσιν G544 G5719 τω G3588 λογω G3056 δια G1223 της G3588 των G3588 γυναικων G1135 αναστροφης G391 ανευ G427 λογου G3056 κερδηθησωνται G2770 G5686 1 In the sameG3668 way,G3668 you wives,G1135 be submissiveG5293 to your ownG2398 husbandsG435 soG2443 that evenG2532 ifG1487 anyG5100 [of them] are disobedientG544 to the word,G3056 they may be wonG2770 withoutG427 a wordG3056 by the behaviorG391 of their wives,G1135
εποπτευσαντες G2029 G5660 την G3588 εν G1722 φοβω G5401 αγνην G53 αναστροφην G391 υμων G5216 2 as they observeG2029 your chasteG53 and respectfulG5401 behavior.G391
ων G3739 εστω G2077 G5749 ουχ G3756 ο G3588 εξωθεν G1855 εμπλοκης G1708 τριχων G2359 και G2532 περιθεσεως G4025 χρυσιων G5553 η G2228 ενδυσεως G1745 ιματιων G2440 κοσμος G2889 3 And let not your adornmentG2889 be [merely] externalG1855 – braidingG1708 the hair,G2359 and wearingG4025 goldG5553 jewelry,G5553 orG2228 puttingG1745 on dresses;G2440
αλλ G235 ο G3588 κρυπτος G2927 της G3588 καρδιας G2588 ανθρωπος G444 εν G1722 τω G3588 αφθαρτω G862 του G3588 πραεος G4239 και G2532 ησυχιου G2272 πνευματος G4151 ο G3739 εστιν G2076 G5748 ενωπιον G1799 του G3588 θεου G2316 πολυτελες G4185 4 but [let it be] the hiddenG2927 personG444 of the heart,G2588 with the imperishableG862 qualityG862 of a gentleG4239 and quietG2272 spirit,G4151 whichG3739 is preciousG4185 in the sightG1799 of God.G2316
ουτως G3779 γαρ G1063 ποτε G4218 και G2532 αι G3588 αγιαι G40 γυναικες G1135 αι G3588 ελπιζουσαι G1679 G5723 επι G1909 τον G3588 θεον G2316 εκοσμουν G2885 G5707 εαυτας G1438 υποτασσομεναι G5293 G5746 τοις G3588 ιδιοις G2398 ανδρασιν G435 5 For in thisG3779 wayG3779 in formerG4218 timesG4218 the holyG40 womenG1135 also,G2532 who hopedG1679 in God,G2316 used to adornG2885 themselves,G1438 being submissiveG5293 to their ownG2398 husbands.G435
ως G5613 σαρρα G4564 υπηκουσεν G5219 G5656 τω G3588 αβρααμ G11 κυριον G2962 αυτον G846 καλουσα G2564 G5723 ης G3739 εγενηθητε G1096 G5675 τεκνα G5043 αγαθοποιουσαι G15 G5723 και G2532 μη G3361 φοβουμεναι G5399 G5740 μηδεμιαν G3367 πτοησιν G4423 6 ThusG5613 SarahG4564 obeyedG5219 Abraham,G11 callingG2564 him lord,G2962 and you have becomeG1096 her childrenG5043 if you doG15 what is rightG15 withoutG2532 G3361 being frightenedG5399 by anyG3367 fear.G4423
οι G3588 ανδρες G435 ομοιως G3668 συνοικουντες G4924 G5723 κατα G2596 γνωσιν G1108 ως G5613 ασθενεστερω G772 σκευει G4632 τω G3588 γυναικειω G1134 απονεμοντες G632 G5723 τιμην G5092 ως G5613 και G2532 συγκληρονομοι G4789 χαριτος G5485 ζωης G2222 εις G1519 το G3588 μη G3361 εκκοπτεσθαι G1581 G5745 τας G3588 προσευχας G4335 υμων G5216 7 You husbandsG435 likewise,G3668 liveG4924 with [your wives] in an understandingG1108 way,G1108 as with a weakerG772 vessel,G4632 since she is a woman;G1134 and grantG632 her honorG5092 as a fellowG4789 heirG4789 of the graceG5485 of life,G2222 soG1519 that your prayersG4335 may not be hindered.G1465
το G3588 δε G1161 τελος G5056 παντες G3956 ομοφρονες G3675 συμπαθεις G4835 φιλαδελφοι G5361 ευσπλαγχνοι G2155 φιλοφρονες G5391 8 To sumG5056 up, let allG3956 be harmonious,G3675 sympathetic,G4835 brotherly,G5361 kindhearted,G2155 and humbleG5012 in spirit;G5012
μη G3361 αποδιδοντες G591 G5723 κακον G2556 αντι G473 κακου G2556 η G2228 λοιδοριαν G3059 αντι G473 λοιδοριας G3059 τουναντιον G5121 δε G1161 ευλογουντες G2127 G5723 ειδοτες G1492 G5761 οτι G3754 εις G1519 τουτο G5124 εκληθητε G2564 G5681 ινα G2443 ευλογιαν G2129 κληρονομησητε G2816 G5661 9 not returningG591 evilG2556 for evil,G2556 orG2228 insultG3059 for insult,G3059 but givingG2127 a blessingG2127 instead;G5121 for you were calledG2564 for the veryG3778 purpose that you might inheritG2816 a blessing.G2129
ο G3588 γαρ G1063 θελων G2309 G5723 ζωην G2222 αγαπαν G25 G5721 και G2532 ιδειν G1492 G5629 ημερας G2250 αγαθας G18 παυσατω G3973 G5657 την G3588 γλωσσαν G1100 αυτου G846 απο G575 κακου G2556 και G2532 χειλη G5491 αυτου G846 του G3588 μη G3361 λαλησαι G2980 G5658 δολον G1388 10 For, "Let him who meansG2309 to loveG25 lifeG2222 and seeG3708 goodG18 daysG2250 RefrainG3973 his tongueG1100 from evilG2556 and his lipsG5491 from speakingG2980 guile.G1388
εκκλινατω G1578 G5657 απο G575 κακου G2556 και G2532 ποιησατω G4160 G5657 αγαθον G18 ζητησατω G2212 G5657 ειρηνην G1515 και G2532 διωξατω G1377 G5657 αυτην G846 11 "And let him turnG1578 awayG1578 from evilG2556 and doG4160 good;G18 Let him seekG2212 peaceG1515 and pursueG1377 it.
οτι G3754 οι G3588 οφθαλμοι G3788 κυριου G2962 επι G1909 δικαιους G1342 και G2532 ωτα G3775 αυτου G846 εις G1519 δεησιν G1162 αυτων G846 προσωπον G4383 δε G1161 κυριου G2962 επι G1909 ποιουντας G4160 G5723 κακα G2556 12 "For the eyesG3788 of the LordG2962 are upon the righteous,G1342 And His earsG3775 attend to their prayer,G1162 But the faceG4383 of the LordG2962 is againstG1909 those who doG4160 evil.G2556"
και G2532 τις G5101 ο G3588 κακωσων G2559 G5694 υμας G5209 εαν G1437 του G3588 αγαθου G18 μιμηται G3402 γενησθε G1096 G5638 13 And whoG5101 is there to harmG2559 you ifG1437 you proveG1096 zealousG2207 for whatG18 is goodG18?
αλλ G235 ει G1487 και G2532 πασχοιτε G3958 G5722 δια G1223 δικαιοσυνην G1343 μακαριοι G3107 τον G3588 δε G1161 φοβον G5401 αυτων G846 μη G3361 φοβηθητε G5399 G5676 μηδε G3366 ταραχθητε G5015 G5686 14 But evenG2532 ifG1487 you should sufferG3958 for the sakeG1223 of righteousness,G1343 [you are] blessed.G3107 And do not fearG5399 their intimidation,G5401 and do not be troubled,G5015
κυριον G2962 δε G1161 τον G3588 θεον G2316 αγιασατε G37 G5657 εν G1722 ταις G3588 καρδιαις G2588 υμων G5216 ετοιμοι G2092 δε G1161 αει G104 προς G4314 απολογιαν G627 παντι G3956 τω G3588 αιτουντι G154 G5723 υμας G5209 λογον G3056 περι G4012 της G3588 εν G1722 υμιν G5213 ελπιδος G1680 μετα G3326 πραυτητος G4240 και G2532 φοβου G5401 15 but sanctifyG37 ChristG5547 as LordG2962 in your hearts,G2588 alwaysG104 [being] readyG2092 to make a defenseG627 to everyoneG3956 who asksG154 you to give an accountG3056 for the hopeG1680 that is in you, yetG235 with gentlenessG4240 and reverence;G5401
συνειδησιν G4893 εχοντες G2192 G5723 αγαθην G18 ινα G2443 εν G1722 ω G3739 καταλαλωσιν G2635 G5725 υμων G5216 ως G5613 κακοποιων G2555 καταισχυνθωσιν G2617 G5686 οι G3588 επηρεαζοντες G1908 G5723 υμων G5216 την G3588 αγαθην G18 εν G1722 χριστω G5547 αναστροφην G391 16 and keepG2192 a goodG18 conscienceG4893 soG2443 that in the thing in whichG3739 you are slandered,G2635 thoseG3588 who revileG1908 your goodG18 behaviorG391 in ChristG5547 may be putG2617 to shame.G2617
κρειττον G2909 γαρ G1063 αγαθοποιουντας G15 G5723 ει G1487 θελει G2309 G5719 το G3588 θελημα G2307 του G3588 θεου G2316 πασχειν G3958 G5721 η G2228 κακοποιουντας G2554 G5723 17 For it is better,G2909 ifG1487 GodG2316 should willG2309 it so, that you sufferG3958 for doingG15 what is rightG15 ratherG2228 thanG2228 for doingG2554 what is wrong.G2554
οτι G3754 και G2532 χριστος G5547 απαξ G530 περι G4012 αμαρτιων G266 επαθεν G3958 G5627 δικαιος G1342 υπερ G5228 αδικων G94 ινα G2443 ημας G2248 προσαγαγη G4317 G5632 τω G3588 θεω G2316 θανατωθεις G2289 G5772 μεν G3303 σαρκι G4561 ζωοποιηθεις G2227 G5685 δε G1161 τω G3588 πνευματι G4151 18 For ChristG5547 alsoG2532 diedG599 for sinsG266 onceG530 for all,G530 [the] justG1342 for [the] unjust,G94 in orderG2443 that He might bringG4317 us to God,G2316 having been putG2289 to deathG2289 in the flesh,G4561 but madeG2227 aliveG2227 in the spirit;G4151
εν G1722 ω G3739 και G2532 τοις G3588 εν G1722 φυλακη G5438 πνευμασιν G4151 πορευθεις G4198 G5679 εκηρυξεν G2784 G5656 19 in whichG3739 alsoG2532 He wentG4198 and madeG2784 proclamationG2784 to the spiritsG4151 [now] in prison,G5438
απειθησασιν G544 G5660 ποτε G4218 οτε G3753 απαξ G530 εξεδεχετο G1551 G5711 η G3588 του G3588 θεου G2316 μακροθυμια G3115 εν G1722 ημεραις G2250 νωε G3575 κατασκευαζομενης G2680 G5746 κιβωτου G2787 εις G1519 ην G3739 ολιγαι G3641 τουτ G5124 εστιν G2076 G5748 οκτω G3638 ψυχαι G5590 διεσωθησαν G1295 G5681 δι G1223 υδατος G5204 20 who onceG4218 were disobedient,G544 whenG3753 the patienceG3115 of GodG2316 kept waitingG553 in the daysG2250 of Noah,G3575 during the constructionG2680 of the ark,G2787 in whichG3739 a few,G3641 that is, eightG3638 persons,G5590 were broughtG1295 safelyG1295 throughG1223 [the] water.G5204
{VAR1: ο G3739 } {VAR2: ω G3739 } και G2532 ημας G2248 αντιτυπον G499 νυν G3568 σωζει G4982 G5719 βαπτισμα G908 ου G3756 σαρκος G4561 αποθεσις G595 ρυπου G4509 αλλα G235 συνειδησεως G4893 αγαθης G18 επερωτημα G1906 εις G1519 θεον G2316 δι G1223 αναστασεως G386 ιησου G2424 χριστου G5547 21 And correspondingG499 to that, baptismG908 nowG3568 savesG4982 you – not the removalG595 of dirtG4509 from the flesh,G4561 but an appealG1906 to GodG2316 for a goodG18 conscienceG4893 – throughG1223 the resurrectionG386 of JesusG2424 Christ,G5547
ος G3739 εστιν G2076 G5748 εν G1722 δεξια G1188 του G3588 θεου G2316 πορευθεις G4198 G5679 εις G1519 ουρανον G3772 υποταγεντων G5293 G5651 αυτω G846 αγγελων G32 και G2532 εξουσιων G1849 και G2532 δυναμεων G1411 22 whoG3739 is at the rightG1188 handG1188 of God,G2316 having goneG4198 into heaven,G3772 after angelsG32 and authoritiesG1849 and powersG1411 had been subjectedG5293 to Him.
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