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Original text: Bible / Revelation / Chapter 11

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και G2532 εδοθη G1325 G5681 μοι G3427 καλαμος G2563 ομοιος G3664 ραβδω G4464 {VAR2: και G2532 ο G3588 αγγελος G32 ειστηκει G2476 G5715 } λεγων G3004 G5723 εγειραι G1453 G5669 και G2532 μετρησον G3354 G5657 τον G3588 ναον G3485 του G3588 θεου G2316 και G2532 το G3588 θυσιαστηριον G2379 και G2532 τους G3588 προσκυνουντας G4352 G5723 εν G1722 αυτω G846 1 And there was givenG1325 me a measuringG2563 rodG2563 likeG3664 a staff;G4464 and someone said,G3004 "RiseG1453 and measureG3354 the templeG3485 of God,G2316 and the altar,G2379 and thoseG3588 who worshipG4352 in it.
και G2532 την G3588 αυλην G833 την G3588 {VAR1: εσωθεν G2081 } {VAR2: εξωθεν G1855 } του G3588 ναου G3485 εκβαλε G1544 G5628 εξω G1854 και G2532 μη G3361 αυτην G846 μετρησης G3354 G5661 οτι G3754 εδοθη G1325 G5681 τοις G3588 εθνεσιν G1484 και G2532 την G3588 πολιν G4172 την G3588 αγιαν G40 πατησουσιν G3961 G5692 μηνας G3376 τεσσαρακοντα G5062 δυο G1417 2 "And leaveG1544 out the courtG833 which is outsideG1855 the temple,G3485 and do not measureG3354 it, for it has been givenG1325 to the nations;G1484 and they will treadG3961 underG3961 footG3961 the holyG40 cityG4172 for forty-two months.G3376
και G2532 δωσω G1325 G5692 τοις G3588 δυσιν G1417 μαρτυσιν G3144 μου G3450 και G2532 προφητευσουσιν G4395 G5692 ημερας G2250 χιλιας G5507 διακοσιας G1250 εξηκοντα G1835 περιβεβλημενοι G4016 G5772 σακκους G4526 3 "And I will grantG1325 [authority] to my twoG1417 witnesses,G3144 and they will prophesyG4395 for twelveG5507 G1250 hundredG5507 G1250 and sixtyG1835 days,G2250 clothedG4016 in sackcloth.G4526"
ουτοι G3778 εισιν G1526 G5748 αι G3588 δυο G1417 ελαιαι G1636 και G2532 {VAR2: αι G3588 } δυο G1417 λυχνιαι G3087 αι G3588 ενωπιον G1799 του G3588 θεου G2316 της G3588 γης G1093 εστωσαι G2476 G5761 4 TheseG3778 are the twoG1417 oliveG1636 treesG1636 and the twoG1417 lampstandsG3087 that standG2476 beforeG1799 the LordG2962 of the earth.G1093
και G2532 ει G1487 τις G5100 αυτους G846 θελη G2309 G5725 αδικησαι G91 G5658 πυρ G4442 εκπορευεται G1607 G5736 εκ G1537 του G3588 στοματος G4750 αυτων G846 και G2532 κατεσθιει G2719 G5719 τους G3588 εχθρους G2190 αυτων G846 και G2532 ει G1487 τις G5100 αυτους G846 θελη G2309 G5725 αδικησαι G91 G5658 ουτως G3779 δει G1163 G5904 αυτον G846 αποκτανθηναι G615 G5683 5 And ifG1487 anyoneG5100 desiresG2309 to harmG91 them, fireG4442 proceedsG1607 out of their mouthG4750 and devoursG2719 their enemies;G2190 and ifG1487 anyoneG5100 would desireG2309 to harmG91 them, in thisG3779 mannerG3779 he mustG1163 be killed.G615
ουτοι G3778 εχουσιν G2192 G5719 εξουσιαν G1849 κλεισαι G2808 G5658 τον G3588 ουρανον G3772 ινα G2443 μη G3361 βρεχη G1026 G5725 υετος G5205 εν G1722 ημεραις G2250 αυτων G846 της G3588 προφητειας G4394 και G2532 εξουσιαν G1849 εχουσιν G2192 G5719 επι G1909 των G3588 υδατων G5204 στρεφειν G4762 G5721 αυτα G846 εις G1519 αιμα G129 και G2532 παταξαι G3960 G5658 την G3588 γην G1093 παση G3956 πληγη G4127 οσακις G3740 εαν G1437 θελησωσιν G2309 G5661 6 TheseG3778 haveG2192 the powerG1849 to shutG2808 up the sky,G3772 in orderG2443 that rainG5205 may not fallG1026 during the daysG2250 of their prophesying;G4394 and they haveG2192 powerG1849 overG1909 the watersG5204 to turnG4762 them into blood,G129 and to smiteG3960 the earthG1093 with everyG3956 plague,G4127 as oftenG3740 as they desire.G2309
και G2532 οταν G3752 τελεσωσιν G5055 G5661 την G3588 μαρτυριαν G3141 αυτων G846 το G3588 θηριον G2342 το G3588 αναβαινον G305 G5723 εκ G1537 της G3588 αβυσσου G12 ποιησει G4160 G5692 πολεμον G4171 μετ G3326 αυτων G846 και G2532 νικησει G3528 G5692 αυτους G846 και G2532 αποκτενει G615 G5692 αυτους G846 7 And whenG3752 they have finishedG5055 their testimony,G3141 the beastG2342 that comesG305 up out of the abyssG12 will makeG4160 warG4171 with them, and overcomeG3528 them and killG615 them.
και G2532 τα G3588 πτωματα G4430 αυτων G846 επι G1909 της G3588 πλατειας G4113 πολεως G4172 της G3588 μεγαλης G3173 ητις G3748 καλειται G2564 G5743 πνευματικως G4153 σοδομα G4670 και G2532 αιγυπτος G125 οπου G3699 και G2532 ο G3588 κυριος G2962 ημων G2257 εσταυρωθη G4717 G5681 8 And their deadG4430 bodiesG4430 [will lie] in the streetG4116 of the greatG3173 cityG4172 whichG3748 mysticallyG4153 is calledG2564 SodomG4670 and Egypt,G125 whereG3699 alsoG2532 their LordG2962 was crucified.G4717
και G2532 βλεψουσιν G991 G5692 εκ G1537 των G3588 λαων G2992 και G2532 φυλων G5443 και G2532 γλωσσων G1100 και G2532 εθνων G1484 τα G3588 πτωματα G4430 αυτων G846 ημερας G2250 τρεις G5140 και G2532 ημισυ G2255 και G2532 τα G3588 πτωματα G4430 αυτων G846 ουκ G3756 αφησουσιν G863 G5692 τεθηναι G5087 G5683 εις G1519 μνηματα G3418 9 And those from the peoplesG2992 and tribesG5443 and tonguesG1100 and nationsG1484 [will] lookG991 at their deadG4430 bodiesG4430 for threeG5140 and a halfG2255 days,G2250 and will not permitG863 their deadG4430 bodiesG4430 to be laidG5087 in a tomb.G3418
και G2532 οι G3588 κατοικουντες G2730 G5723 επι G1909 της G3588 γης G1093 χαρουσιν G5463 G5692 επ G1909 αυτοις G846 και G2532 ευφρανθησονται G2165 G5701 και G2532 δωρα G1435 πεμψουσιν G3992 G5692 αλληλοις G240 οτι G3754 ουτοι G3778 οι G3588 δυο G1417 προφηται G4396 εβασανισαν G928 G5656 τους G3588 κατοικουντας G2730 G5723 επι G1909 της G3588 γης G1093 10 And thoseG3588 who dwellG2730 on the earthG1093 [will] rejoiceG5463 overG1909 them and makeG2165 merry;G2165 and they will sendG3992 giftsG1435 to oneG240 another,G240 becauseG3754 theseG3778 twoG1417 prophetsG4396 tormentedG928 thoseG3588 who dwellG2730 on the earth.G1093
και G2532 μετα G3326 τας G3588 τρεις G5140 ημερας G2250 και G2532 ημισυ G2255 πνευμα G4151 ζωης G2222 εκ G1537 του G3588 θεου G2316 εισηλθεν G1525 G5627 επ G1909 αυτους G846 και G2532 εστησαν G2476 G5627 επι G1909 τους G3588 ποδας G4228 αυτων G846 και G2532 φοβος G5401 μεγας G3173 επεσεν G4098 G5627 επι G1909 τους G3588 θεωρουντας G2334 G5723 αυτους G846 11 And afterG3326 the threeG5140 and a halfG2255 daysG2250 the breathG4151 of lifeG2222 from GodG2316 cameG1525 into them, and they stoodG2476 on their feet;G4228 and greatG3173 fearG5401 fellG1968 upon thoseG3588 who were beholdingG2334 them.
και G2532 ηκουσαν G191 G5656 φωνην G5456 μεγαλην G3173 εκ G1537 του G3588 ουρανου G3772 λεγουσαν G3004 G5723 αυτοις G846 αναβητε G305 G5628 ωδε G5602 και G2532 ανεβησαν G305 G5627 εις G1519 τον G3588 ουρανον G3772 εν G1722 τη G3588 νεφελη G3507 και G2532 εθεωρησαν G2334 G5656 αυτους G846 οι G3588 εχθροι G2190 αυτων G846 12 And they heardG191 a loudG3173 voiceG5456 from heavenG3772 sayingG3004 to them, "ComeG305 up here.G5602" And they wentG305 up into heavenG3772 in the cloud,G3507 and their enemiesG2190 beheldG2334 them.
και G2532 εν G1722 εκεινη G1565 τη G3588 ωρα G5610 εγενετο G1096 G5633 σεισμος G4578 μεγας G3173 και G2532 το G3588 δεκατον G1182 της G3588 πολεως G4172 επεσεν G4098 G5627 και G2532 απεκτανθησαν G615 G5681 εν G1722 τω G3588 σεισμω G4578 ονοματα G3686 ανθρωπων G444 χιλιαδες G5505 επτα G2033 και G2532 οι G3588 λοιποι G3062 εμφοβοι G1719 εγενοντο G1096 G5633 και G2532 εδωκαν G1325 G5656 δοξαν G1391 τω G3588 θεω G2316 του G3588 ουρανου G3772 13 And in that hourG5610 there was a greatG3173 earthquake,G4578 and a tenthG1182 of the cityG4172 fell;G4098 and sevenG2033 thousandG5505 peopleG3686 G444 were killedG615 in the earthquake,G4578 and the restG3062 were terrifiedG1719 and gaveG1325 gloryG1391 to the GodG2316 of heaven.G3772
η G3588 ουαι G3759 η G3588 δευτερα G1208 απηλθεν G565 G5627 {VAR2: και G2532 } ιδου G2400 G5628 η G3588 ουαι G3759 η G3588 τριτη G5154 ερχεται G2064 G5736 ταχυ G5035 14 The secondG1208 woeG3759 is past;G565 behold,G2400 the thirdG5154 woeG3759 is comingG2064 quickly.G5035
και G2532 ο G3588 εβδομος G1442 αγγελος G32 εσαλπισεν G4537 G5656 και G2532 εγενοντο G1096 G5633 φωναι G5456 μεγαλαι G3173 εν G1722 τω G3588 ουρανω G3772 λεγουσαι G3004 G5723 εγενοντο G1096 G5633 αι G3588 βασιλειαι G932 του G3588 κοσμου G2889 του G3588 κυριου G2962 ημων G2257 και G2532 του G3588 χριστου G5547 αυτου G846 και G2532 βασιλευσει G936 G5692 εις G1519 τους G3588 αιωνας G165 των G3588 αιωνων G165 15 And the seventhG1442 angelG32 sounded;G4537 and there aroseG1096 loudG3173 voicesG5456 in heaven,G3772 saying,G3004 "The kingdomG932 of the worldG2889 has becomeG1096 [the kingdom] of our Lord,G2962 and of His Christ;G5547 and He will reignG936 foreverG165 and ever.G165"
και G2532 οι G3588 εικοσι G1501 και G2532 τεσσαρες G5064 πρεσβυτεροι G4245 οι G3588 ενωπιον G1799 του G3588 θεου G2316 καθημενοι G2521 G5740 επι G1909 τους G3588 θρονους G2362 αυτων G846 επεσαν G4098 G5627 επι G1909 τα G3588 προσωπα G4383 αυτων G846 και G2532 προσεκυνησαν G4352 G5656 τω G3588 θεω G2316 16 And the twenty-four elders,G4245 who sitG2521 on their thronesG2362 beforeG1799 God,G2316 fellG4098 on their facesG4383 and worshipedG4352 God,G2316
λεγοντες G3004 G5723 ευχαριστουμεν G2168 G5719 σοι G4671 κυριε G2962 ο G3588 θεος G2316 ο G3588 παντοκρατωρ G3841 ο G3588 ων G5607 G5752 και G2532 ο G3588 ην G2258 G5713 και G2532 ο G3588 ερχομενος G2064 G5740 οτι G3754 ειληφας G2983 G5758 την G3588 δυναμιν G1411 σου G4675 την G3588 μεγαλην G3173 και G2532 εβασιλευσας G936 G5656 17 saying,G3004 "We giveG2168 Thee thanks,G2168 O LordG2962 God,G2316 the Almighty,G3841 who artG1510 and whoG3588 wast,G1510 becauseG3754 Thou hast takenG2983 Thy greatG3173 powerG1411 and hast begun to reign.G936
και G2532 τα G3588 εθνη G1484 ωργισθησαν G3710 G5681 και G2532 ηλθεν G2064 G5627 η G3588 οργη G3709 σου G4675 και G2532 ο G3588 καιρος G2540 των G3588 νεκρων G3498 κριθηναι G2919 G5683 και G2532 δουναι G1325 G5629 τον G3588 μισθον G3408 τοις G3588 δουλοις G1401 σου G4675 τοις G3588 προφηταις G4396 και G2532 τοις G3588 αγιοις G40 και G2532 τοις G3588 φοβουμενοις G5399 G5740 το G3588 ονομα G3686 σου G4675 τοις G3588 μικροις G3398 και G2532 τοις G3588 μεγαλοις G3173 και G2532 διαφθειραι G1311 G5658 τους G3588 διαφθειροντας G1311 G5723 την G3588 γην G1093 18 "And the nationsG1484 were enraged,G3710 and Thy wrathG3709 came,G2064 and the timeG2540 [came] for the deadG3498 to be judged,G2919 and [the time] to giveG1325 their rewardG3408 to Thy bond-servants the prophetsG4396 and to the saintsG40 and to thoseG3588 who fearG5399 Thy name,G3686 the smallG3398 and the great,G3173 and to destroyG1311 thoseG3588 who destroyG1311 the earth.G1093"
και G2532 ηνοιγη G455 G5648 ο G3588 ναος G3485 του G3588 θεου G2316 εν G1722 τω G3588 ουρανω G3772 και G2532 ωφθη G3700 G5681 η G3588 κιβωτος G2787 της G3588 διαθηκης G1242 αυτου G846 εν G1722 τω G3588 ναω G3485 αυτου G846 και G2532 εγενοντο G1096 G5633 αστραπαι G796 και G2532 φωναι G5456 και G2532 βρονται G1027 και G2532 σεισμος G4578 και G2532 χαλαζα G5464 μεγαλη G3173 19 And the templeG3485 of GodG2316 which is in heavenG3772 was opened;G455 and the arkG2787 of His covenantG1242 appearedG3708 in His temple,G3485 and there were flashesG796 of lightningG796 and soundsG5456 and pealsG1027 of thunderG1027 and an earthquakeG4578 and a greatG3173 hailstorm.G5464
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