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Original text: Bible / Revelation / Chapter 7

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και G2532 μετα G3326 ταυτα G5023 ειδον G1492 G5627 τεσσαρας G5064 αγγελους G32 εστωτας G2476 G5761 επι G1909 τας G3588 τεσσαρας G5064 γωνιας G1137 της G3588 γης G1093 κρατουντας G2902 G5723 τους G3588 τεσσαρας G5064 ανεμους G417 της G3588 γης G1093 ινα G2443 μη G3361 πνεη G4154 G5725 ανεμος G417 επι G1909 της G3588 γης G1093 μητε G3383 επι G1909 της G3588 θαλασσης G2281 μητε G3383 επι G1909 παν G3956 δενδρον G1186 1 AfterG3326 thisG3778 I sawG3708 fourG5064 angelsG32 standingG2476 at the fourG5064 cornersG1137 of the earth,G1093 holdingG2902 backG2902 the fourG5064 windsG417 of the earth,G1093 soG2443 that noG3361 windG417 should blowG4154 on the earthG1093 orG3383 on the seaG2281 orG3383 on anyG3956 tree.G1186
και G2532 ειδον G1492 G5627 αλλον G243 αγγελον G32 {VAR1: αναβαντα G305 G5631 } {VAR2: αναβαινοντα G305 G5723 } απο G575 ανατολης G395 ηλιου G2246 εχοντα G2192 G5723 σφραγιδα G4973 θεου G2316 ζωντος G2198 G5723 και G2532 εκραξεν G2896 G5656 φωνη G5456 μεγαλη G3173 τοις G3588 τεσσαρσιν G5064 αγγελοις G32 οις G3739 εδοθη G1325 G5681 αυτοις G846 αδικησαι G91 G5658 την G3588 γην G1093 και G2532 την G3588 θαλασσαν G2281 2 And I sawG3708 anotherG243 angelG32 ascendingG305 from the risingG395 of the sun,G2246 havingG2192 the sealG4973 of the livingG2198 God;G2316 and he criedG2896 out with a loudG3173 voiceG5456 to the fourG5064 angelsG32 to whomG3739 it was grantedG1325 to harmG91 the earthG1093 and the sea,G2281
λεγων G3004 G5723 μη G3361 αδικησητε G91 G5661 την G3588 γην G1093 μητε G3383 την G3588 θαλασσαν G2281 μητε G3383 τα G3588 δενδρα G1186 αχρις G891 ου G3739 {VAR1: σφραγιζωμεν G4972 G5725 } {VAR2: σφραγισωμεν G4972 G5661 } τους G3588 δουλους G1401 του G3588 θεου G2316 ημων G2257 επι G1909 των G3588 μετωπων G3359 αυτων G846 3 saying,G3004 "Do not harmG91 the earthG1093 orG3383 the seaG2281 orG3383 the trees,G1186 untilG891 we have sealedG4972 the bond-servants of our GodG2316 on their foreheads.G3359"
και G2532 ηκουσα G191 G5656 τον G3588 αριθμον G706 των G3588 εσφραγισμενων G4972 G5772 ρμδ G1540 G5062 G5064 χιλιαδες G5505 εσφραγισμενοι G4972 G5772 εκ G1537 πασης G3956 φυλης G5443 υιων G5207 ισραηλ G2474 4 And I heardG191 the numberG706 of thoseG3588 who were sealed,G4972 oneG1540 hundredG1540 and forty-four thousandG5505 sealedG4972 from everyG3956 tribeG5443 of the sonsG5207 of Israel: G2474
εκ G1537 φυλης G5443 ιουδα G2448 ιβ G1427 χιλιαδες G5505 εσφραγισμενοι G4972 G5772 εκ G1537 φυλης G5443 ρουβην G4502 ιβ G1427 χιλιαδες G5505 εσφραγισμενοι G4972 G5772 εκ G1537 φυλης G5443 γαδ G1045 ιβ G1427 χιλιαδες G5505 εσφραγισμενοι G4972 G5772 5 from the tribeG5443 of Judah,G2455 twelveG1427 thousandG5505 [were] sealed,G4972 from the tribeG5443 of ReubenG4502 twelveG1427 thousand,G5505 from the tribeG5443 of GadG1045 twelveG1427 thousand,G5505
εκ G1537 φυλης G5443 ασηρ G768 ιβ G1427 χιλιαδες G5505 εσφραγισμενοι G4972 G5772 εκ G1537 φυλης G5443 νεφθαλειμ G3508 ιβ G1427 χιλιαδες G5505 εσφραγισμενοι G4972 G5772 εκ G1537 φυλης G5443 μανασση G3128 ιβ G1427 χιλιαδες G5505 εσφραγισμενοι G4972 G5772 6 from the tribeG5443 of AsherG768 twelveG1427 thousand,G5505 from the tribeG5443 of NaphtaliG3508 twelveG1427 thousand,G5505 from the tribeG5443 of ManassehG3128 twelveG1427 thousand,G5505
εκ G1537 φυλης G5443 συμεων G4826 ιβ G1427 χιλιαδες G5505 εσφραγισμενοι G4972 G5772 εκ G1537 φυλης G5443 λευι G3017 ιβ G1427 χιλιαδες G5505 εσφραγισμενοι G4972 G5772 εκ G1537 φυλης G5443 ισαχαρ G2466 ιβ G1427 χιλιαδες G5505 εσφραγισμενοι G4972 G5772 7 from the tribeG5443 of SimeonG4826 twelveG1427 thousand,G5505 from the tribeG5443 of LeviG3017 twelveG1427 thousand,G5505 from the tribeG5443 of IssacharG7096 twelveG1427 thousand,G5505
εκ G1537 φυλης G5443 ζαβουλων G2194 ιβ G1427 χιλιαδες G5505 εσφραγισμενοι G4972 G5772 εκ G1537 φυλης G5443 ιωσηφ G2501 ιβ G1427 χιλιαδες G5505 εσφραγισμενοι G4972 G5772 εκ G1537 φυλης G5443 βενιαμιν G958 ιβ G1427 χιλιαδες G5505 εσφραγισμενοι G4972 G5772 8 from the tribeG5443 of ZebulunG2194 twelveG1427 thousand,G5505 from the tribeG5443 of JosephG2501 twelveG1427 thousand,G5505 from the tribeG5443 of Benjamin,G958 twelveG1427 thousandG5505 [were] sealed.G4972
μετα G3326 ταυτα G5023 ειδον G1492 G5627 και G2532 ιδου G2400 G5628 οχλος G3793 πολυς G4183 ον G3739 αριθμησαι G705 G5658 αυτον G846 ουδεις G3762 ηδυνατο G1410 G5711 εκ G1537 παντος G3956 εθνους G1484 και G2532 φυλων G5443 και G2532 λαων G2992 και G2532 γλωσσων G1100 εστωτες G2476 G5761 ενωπιον G1799 του G3588 θρονου G2362 και G2532 ενωπιον G1799 του G3588 αρνιου G721 περιβεβλημενοι G4016 G5772 στολας G4749 λευκας G3022 και G2532 φοινικες G5404 εν G1722 ταις G3588 χερσιν G5495 αυτων G846 9 AfterG3326 theseG3778 thingsG3778 I looked,G3708 and behold,G2400 a greatG4183 multitude,G3793 whichG3739 noG3762 oneG3762 couldG1410 count,G705 from everyG3956 nationG1484 and [all] tribesG5443 and peoplesG2992 and tongues,G1100 standingG2476 beforeG1799 the throneG2362 and beforeG1799 the Lamb,G721 clothedG4016 in whiteG3022 robes,G4749 and palmG5404 branchesG5404 [were] in their hands;G5495
και G2532 κραζοντες G2896 G5723 φωνη G5456 μεγαλη G3173 λεγοντες G3004 G5723 η G3588 σωτηρια G4991 τω G3588 {VAR2: θεω G2316 ημων G2257 τω G3588 } καθημενω G2521 G5740 επι G1909 του G3588 θρονου G2362 {VAR1: του G3588 θεου G2316 ημων G2257 } και G2532 τω G3588 αρνιω G721 10 and they cryG2896 out with a loudG3173 voice,G5456 saying,G3004 "SalvationG4991 to our GodG2316 who sitsG2521 on the throne,G2362 and to the Lamb.G721"
και G2532 παντες G3956 οι G3588 αγγελοι G32 εστηκεσαν G2476 G5715 κυκλω G2945 του G3588 θρονου G2362 και G2532 των G3588 πρεσβυτερων G4245 και G2532 των G3588 τεσσαρων G5064 ζωων G2226 και G2532 επεσον G4098 G5627 ενωπιον G1799 του G3588 θρονου G2362 επι G1909 προσωπον G4383 αυτων G846 και G2532 προσεκυνησαν G4352 G5656 τω G3588 θεω G2316 11 And allG3956 the angelsG32 were standingG2476 aroundG2945 the throneG2362 and [around] the eldersG4245 and the fourG5064 livingG2226 creatures;G2226 and they fellG4098 on their facesG4383 beforeG1799 the throneG2362 and worshipedG4352 God,G2316
λεγοντες G3004 G5723 αμην G281 η G3588 ευλογια G2129 και G2532 η G3588 δοξα G1391 και G2532 η G3588 σοφια G4678 και G2532 η G3588 ευχαριστια G2169 και G2532 η G3588 τιμη G5092 και G2532 η G3588 δυναμις G1411 και G2532 η G3588 ισχυς G2479 τω G3588 θεω G2316 ημων G2257 εις G1519 τους G3588 αιωνας G165 των G3588 αιωνων G165 αμην G281 12 saying,G3004 "Amen,G281 blessingG2129 and gloryG1391 and wisdomG4678 and thanksgivingG2169 and honorG5092 and powerG1411 and might,G2479 [be] to our GodG2316 foreverG165 and ever.G165 Amen.G281"
και G2532 απεκριθη G611 G5662 εις G1520 εκ G1537 των G3588 πρεσβυτερων G4245 λεγων G3004 G5723 μοι G3427 ουτοι G3778 οι G3588 περιβεβλημενοι G4016 G5772 τας G3588 στολας G4749 τας G3588 λευκας G3022 τινες G5101 εισιν G1526 G5748 και G2532 ποθεν G4159 ηλθον G2064 G5627 13 And oneG1520 of the eldersG4245 answered,G611 sayingG3004 to me, "TheseG3778 who are clothedG4016 in the whiteG3022 robes,G4749 whoG5101 are they, and from whereG4159 have they comeG2064?"
και G2532 ειρηκα G2046 G5758 αυτω G846 κυριε G2962 συ G4771 οιδας G1492 G5758 και G2532 ειπεν G2036 G5627 μοι G3427 ουτοι G3778 εισιν G1526 G5748 οι G3588 ερχομενοι G2064 G5740 εκ G1537 της G3588 θλιψεως G2347 της G3588 μεγαλης G3173 και G2532 επλυναν G4150 G5656 τας G3588 στολας G4749 αυτων G846 και G2532 ελευκαναν G3021 G5656 {VAR1: στολας G4749 αυτων G846 } {VAR2: αυτας G846 } εν G1722 τω G3588 αιματι G129 του G3588 αρνιου G721 14 And I saidG3004 to him, "My lord,G2962 you know.G3609" And he saidG3004 to me, "TheseG3778 are the ones who comeG2064 out of the greatG3173 tribulation,G2347 and they have washedG4150 their robesG4749 and madeG3021 them whiteG3021 in the bloodG129 of the Lamb.G721
δια G1223 τουτο G5124 εισιν G1526 G5748 ενωπιον G1799 του G3588 θρονου G2362 του G3588 θεου G2316 και G2532 λατρευουσιν G3000 G5719 αυτω G846 ημερας G2250 και G2532 νυκτος G3571 εν G1722 τω G3588 ναω G3485 αυτου G846 και G2532 ο G3588 καθημενος G2521 G5740 επι G1909 του G3588 θρονου G2362 σκηνωσει G4637 G5692 επ G1909 αυτους G846 15 "For thisG3778 reason,G1223 they are beforeG1799 the throneG2362 of God;G2316 and they serveG3000 Him dayG2250 and nightG3571 in His temple;G3485 and He who sitsG2521 on the throneG2362 shall spreadG4637 His tabernacleG4637 overG1909 them.
ου G3756 πεινασουσιν G3983 G5692 ετι G2089 ουδε G3761 διψησουσιν G1372 G5692 ετι G2089 ουδε G3761 μη G3361 πεση G4098 G5632 επ G1909 αυτους G846 ο G3588 ηλιος G2246 ουδε G3761 παν G3956 καυμα G2738 16 "They shall hungerG3983 noG3756 more,G2089 neitherG3761 thirstG1372 anymore;G2089 neitherG3761 shall the sunG2246 beatG4098 downG4098 on them, norG3761 anyG3956 heat;G2738
οτι G3754 το G3588 αρνιον G721 το G3588 ανα G303 μεσον G3319 του G3588 θρονου G2362 ποιμανει G4165 G5692 αυτους G846 και G2532 οδηγησει G3594 G5692 αυτους G846 επι G1909 ζωσας G2198 G5723 πηγας G4077 υδατων G5204 και G2532 εξαλειψει G1813 G5692 ο G3588 θεος G2316 παν G3956 δακρυον G1144 απο G575 των G3588 οφθαλμων G3788 αυτων G846 17 for the LambG721 in the centerG3319 of the throneG2362 shall be their shepherd,G4165 and shall guideG3594 them to springsG4077 of the waterG5204 of life;G2222 and GodG2316 shall wipeG1813 everyG3956 tearG1144 from their eyes.G3788 "
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