HTML color table
Colors in HTML |
Computer and color |
HTML color table |
Table of safe colors |
Table of safe colors by Bob Stein
In HTML, the color is determined by the 6-digit RRGGBB code (red, red, green, green, blue, blue), And in JavaScript or in CSS 6-digit code RRGGBB or a word (in English). For example, you liked the color that is given by the word, and you want to use it in HTML or you do A drawing in Photoshop, where the background should be exactly the same color. This table will help to see the correspondence of the English word to the color code. #F0F8FF #FAEBD7 #00FFFF #7FFFD4 #F0FFFF #F5F5DC #FFE4C4 #000000 #FFEBCD #0000FF #8A2BE2 #A52A2A #DEB887 #5F9EA0 #7FFF00 #D2691E #FF7F50 #6495ED #FFF8DC #DC143C #00FFFF #00008B #008B8B #B8860B #A9A9A9 #006400 #BDB76B #8B008B #556B2F #FF8C00 #9932CC #8B0000 #E9967A #8FBC8F #483D8B #2F4F4F #00CED1 #9400D3 #FF1493 #00BFFF #696969 #1E90FF #B22222 #FFFAF0 #228B22 #FF00FF #DCDCDC #F8F8FF #FFD700 #DAA520 #808080 #008000 #ADFF2F #F0FFF0 #FF69B4 #CD5C5C #4B0082 #FFFFF0 #F0E68C #E6E6FA #FFF0F5 #7CFC00 #FFFACD #ADD8E6 #F08080 #E0FFFF #FAFAD2 #90EE90 #D3D3D3 #FFB6C1 #FFA07A #20B2AA #87CEFA #778899 #B0C4DE #FFFFE0 #00FF00 #32CD32 #FAF0E6 #FF00FF #800000 #66CDAA #0000CD #BA55D3 #9370D8 #3CB371 #7B68EE #00FA9A #48D1CC #C71585 #191970 #F5FFFA #FFE4E1 #FFE4B5 #FFDEAD #000080 #FDF5E6 #808000 #688E23 #FFA500 #FF4500 #DA70D6 #EEE8AA #98FB98 #AFEEEE #D87093 #FFEFD5 #FFDAB9 #CD853F #FFC0CB #DDA0DD #B0E0E6 #800080 #FF0000 #BC8F8F #4169E1 #8B4513 #FA8072 #F4A460 #2E8B57 #FFF5EE #A0522D #C0C0C0 #87CEEB #6A5ACD #708090 #FFFAFA #00FF7F #4682B4 #D2B48C #008080 #D8BFD8 #FF6347 #40E0D0 #EE82EE #F5DEB3 #FFFFFF #F5F5F5 #FFFF00 #9ACD32 |
Graphic arts
Useful links
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Secrets of Web Design 2.0 projects
Formats and standards
Graphic expansion
Printing requirements
Banners standards
Pages stub
And the color computer
Steep crib on a combination of colors
HTML color table
Table safe colors
Table safe colors Bob Stein
Color Generators Online
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