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Christian movies

Andrey Rublyov

Andrey Rublyov

1969 - USSR
Film - drama, biography, history

The life, times and afflictions of the fifteenth-century Russian iconographer.




Original title: Ben-Hur

1959 - USA
Film - drama, adventure, military

When a Jewish prince is betrayed and sent into slavery by a Roman friend, he regains his freedom and comes back for revenge.

Preacher's Kid

Preacher's Kid

Original title: Preacher's Kid

2010 - USA
Film - drama

Tired of being a Preacher's daughter and longing to experience more of life, 20-something ANGIE KING strikes out on her own for the very first time and joins a traveling gospel show.

God's Not Dead

God's Not Dead

Original title: God's Not Dead

2014 - USA
Film - drama

College philosophy professor Mr. Radisson's curriculum is challenged by his new student, Josh, who believes God exists.




Original title: Risen

2016 - USA
Film - thriller, drama, detective, adventure, biblical

In 33 AD, a Roman Tribune in Judea is tasked to find the missing body of an executed Jew rumored to have risen from the dead.


The Climb

The Climb

Original title: The Climb

2002 - USA
Film - thriller, drama, adventure, family

Two professional solo climbers form an uneasy partnership after a successful rescue mission grants them the gift of a lifetime.




Original title: Joshua

2002 - USA
Film - drama

"Joshua" tells the story of a possible second coming of Christ to a small U.S. town.


The preachers wife

The preachers wife

Original title: The preachers wife

1996 - USA
Film - fantasy, drama, melodrama, comedy

Good natured Reverend Henry Biggs finds that his marriage to choir mistress Julia is flagging, due to his constant absence caring for the deprived neighborhood they live in. On top of all this, his church is coming under threat from property developer Joe Hamilton. In desperation, Rev. Biggs prays to God for help - and help arrives in the form of an angel named Dudley. However, Dudley's arrival seems to cause even more trouble…


Life Of Jesus

Life Of Jesus

Original title: Life Of Jesus

2013 - USA
Film - drama, biography, history, biblical

Choi returns from Chinese university to her village, wondering where the government will place her and what her life will be…

Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace

Original title: Amazing Grace

2006 - United Kingdom, USA
Film - drama, melodrama, biography, history

The idealist William Wilberforce maneuvers his way through Parliament, endeavoring to end the British transatlantic slave trade.

The Story of Jesus for Children

The Story of Jesus for Children

Original title: The Story of Jesus for Children

2000 - USA
Film - drama, family, biblical

This is the story of Jesus as seen through the eyes of children who might have lived during the time of Jesus. Follow the lives of Benjamin, Caleb, Sarah, Joel, Leah and Nathan, living in Jerusalem about A.D. 30. Hear the stories of the man from Nazareth who heals the sick and raises the dead. They struggle to make sense of it all - some from families who believe Jesus is the Son of God, others from families who do not. They watch Jesus from the crowds. They follow him, to see what this incredible man, who loves children, will do next. They see him betrayed, wrongly accused, crucified, and buried. But, they remembers the promise of Jesus and they believe they will see him again. Children of all ages will enjoy this captivating retelling of the true story of Jesus from a child's perspective.

The Book of Daniel

The Book of Daniel

Original title: The Book of Daniel

2013 - USA
Film - drama, history, biblical

In 605 B.C. Jerusalem was conquered by the Babylonians and many of their best young men were taken into captivity, including Daniel. Daniel was taken to Babylon to serve it. As Powerful King, Nebuchadnezzar. Daniel as an example of boldness and faithfulness to God in the most difficult circumstances had eternal impact on the people and the kings that he encountered.

Edges Of The Lord

Edges Of The Lord

Original title: Edges Of The Lord

2001 - Poland
Film - drama, crime, melodrama

A 12-year-old Jewish boy hides with a family of Catholic peasant farmers to escape the Nazis.

Il momento della verità

Il momento della verità

Original title: Il momento della verità

1965 - Italy, Spain
Film - drama

The rise and fall of a famous torero, Miguelin, inside and outside of the bullfighters ring.

The Encounter

The Encounter

Original title: The Encounter

2010 - USA
Film - drama

Five strangers with nothing in common are forced to come together at a remote roadside eatery because of a road closure. They place their orders with the diner's omniscient owner, who seems to know everything about them... and claims he is Jesus.


Papa was a preacher

Papa was a preacher

Original title: Papa was a preacher

1985 - USA
Film - drama, family

Behind the Sun

Behind the Sun

Original title: Behind the Sun

1995 - USA
Film - drama

Samir Majan was raised as a Muslim in the Middle East. When studying in America, he becomes a Christian, which may cause some difficulties when he returns home

Ponzio Pilato

Ponzio Pilato

Original title: Ponzio Pilato

1963 - Italy
Film - drama

The events that culminated with the Passion of Christ seen from the perspective of Pontius Pilate, the Procurator of Judea who unwillingly condemned Christ to death. Based on the biblical Gospel of John.

Tanglewoods’ Secret

Tanglewoods’ Secret

Original title: Tanglewoods’ Secret

1980 - United Kingdom
Film - family

Patricia St John's warm story about Philip and Ruth in 1940s England. They have set their hearts on a second-hand camera, which will greatly increase the quality of their nature study notes. The only way they can raise the money is by dressing up as Gypsy flower sellers. Discovered by their gaurdian, Aunt Margret, Ruth makes a spirited but unsuccessful defence of their action and decides to run away. She is found next morning by the vicar of a small village church where she has slept the night. He listens to her story and sends her home with a new determination to get on with her Aunt. Terry, the Gipsy boy who is a great friend of theirs, has broken his back by falling out of a tree. Terry's mother is poor and cannot look after him properly. So Philip and Ruth decide to put their savings into buying things for him. To no avail. The death of Terry causes confusion and sorrow. Ruth has prayed for him and God did not listen. Only Mr. Tandy the old shepherd has any sort of adequate answer to her questions.

Schindler's List

Schindler's List

Original title: Schindler's List

1993 - USA
Film - drama, biography, history

In German-occupied Poland during World War II, Oskar Schindler gradually becomes concerned for his Jewish workforce after witnessing their persecution by the Nazi Germans.


The Body

The Body

Original title: The Body

2001 - USA, Israel, Germany
Film - thriller, drama, melodrama, detective

A crucified body dated back to the 1st century A.D is uncovered at an ancient cave in Jerusalem. Trouble ensues as word spreads.

Do You Believe?

Do You Believe?

Original title: Do You Believe?

2015 - USA
Film - drama

When a pastor is shaken by the visible faith of a street-corner preacher, he is reminded that true belief always requires action. His response ignites a journey that impacts everyone it touches in ways that only God could orchestrate.


Standing Firm

Standing Firm

Original title: Standing Firm

2010 - USA
Film - drama

A hopeful story about suffering, joy, and the purpose of it all for one man and the world around him.

Home Run

Home Run

Original title: Home Run

2013 - USA
Film - drama, sport

A pro ball player with a substance abuse problem is forced into rehab in his hometown, finding new hope when he gets honest about his checkered past, and takes on coaching duties for a misfit Little League team.

What Would Jesus Do? The Journey ContinuesWWJD

What Would Jesus Do? The Journey Continues

Original title: What Would Jesus Do? The Journey Continues

2015 - USA
Film - drama, family

The journey continues from WWJD as the drifter (John Schneider) arrives into a new town - inspiring a group of people to live as Jesus would. A troubled teen heads down the wrong path dragging his brother along with him. A young woman struggles with the pressures of being in a romantic relationship. A family hopes to reunite with their estranged father. When the local pastor Joseph loses his faith in the lord the Drifter leads the pastor and the community on an improbable journey back to faith and redemption.

Six: The Mark Unleashed

Six: The Mark Unleashed

Original title: Six: The Mark Unleashed

2004 - USA
Film - fantastic, thriller, thriller, drama

In the last days before Armaggeddon, three men must made one eternal choice: receive the mark of the devil or stand for Christ. This movie will make you think about your own life choices.

Evan Almighty

Evan Almighty

Original title: Evan Almighty

2007 - USA
Film - comedy

God contacts Congressman Evan Baxter and tells him to build an ark in preparation for a great flood.


John Hus

John Hus

Original title: John Hus

1977 - USA
Film - drama, biography

A faithful recounting of the ministry, trial and martyrdom of the fifteenth century Bohemian priest John Hus, who built on the reforms of John Wycliffe, taught the Bible in the vernacular and who influenced Martin Luther a century later.

Христианские телефильмы

Христианские телефильмы

Original title: Христианские телефильмы


AbrahamThe Bible


Original title: Abraham

1997 - Czech Republic, Italy, Germany, USA
Telefilm - drama, adventure, biography, history, biblical


San Giovanni - L'apocalisseThe Bible

San Giovanni - L'apocalisse

Original title: San Giovanni - L'apocalisse

2000 - Italy, France, Germany, United Kingdom
Telefilm - drama, biblical

It is 90 AD, and the Roman Empire is being run by the Emperor Domitian, who has declared himself to be God and ruler over heaven and earth. The Christians, who do not recognize his divinity, are a thorn in his side # and he is having them cruelly persecuted. The small village in Asia Minor to which the aged apostle John has withdrawn is also attacked by Roman soldiers. As if by a miracle, John is the only person to escape the slaughter # and he receives divine orders to write down the visions he will have and communicate them to the Christian communities in the Roman provinces of Asia. The voice tells him that they should discover what is and what will happen thereafter. Among the Christians of Asia Minor, who believe that John is dead, everyone is deeply worried about being persecuted. Gaius, the community elder in Smyrna, is concerned that only a few believers still dare come to the ritual supper. Under these circumstances, Christianity can no longer exist! But at this point the young Irene appears at the secret meeting. She is convinced that John, who could give the Christians back their courage, is still alive, because a certain Theophilus, who is being held captive by the Romans on the island of Patmos, is in contact with him and had a letter sent to her. In it, John describes his vision of Heaven: And behold, a throne was set in Heaven, and one sat on the throne...and out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices. And there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne... and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind. And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle. ... And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book... that was sealed with seven seals. Neither Gaius nor the other adult believers understand what John means by this. Only a little child among them, also named John, grasps the sense of it: John realizes that the throne belongs to God, and sees the seven lamps of fire as the seven Christian communities of Asia Minor, together with the four elements and the book of seals with the mystery of faith that brings salvation. Yet the letter's mysterious origins make Gaius skeptical. He is only prepared to believe in the integrity of this vision if John really is still alive. Old Theophilus # who in reality is John himself # has been sent to the prison island of Patmos, ruled by the corrupt Roman official Corvus, as a scribe, while the other prisoners have to do hard labor in the mines. Many of them hate Theophilus/John because of the special treatment he is receiving, but above all because he is a Christian. Nevertheless he does succeed in converting some of his fellow-prisoners to Christianity, such as the young scribe Demetrius, who is planning to escape along a secret tunnel. When the shaken John tells his companions about the crucifixion of the Savior, they realize that he was there at the time and is actually John. He falls into a trance and experiences a new vision of Heaven: And one of the elders said unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof. ...And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes...And he came and took the book .... And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.... Meanwhile, in Smyrna, the young Irene has taken her leave of Valerius, whom she loves with a pure heart. She does not realize that he is not a Christian at all but a spy working for the notoriously brutal Roman general Rufus, who has been ordered by Domitian to persecute Christians in Asia Minor. Valerius is a Roman soldier; born as a slave, he has his foster-father Rufus to thank for everything he has now become. He therefore has to obey when Rufus sends him to Patmos. Disguised as a prisoner, Valerius is told to find out whether John is still alive # because there are incessant rumors that he is, and they are leading to unwelcome solidarity among the Christians. Meanwhile Irene, with the help of her brother Jonicus, who visits Patmos regularly as a trader, gains access to the prison camp there. She recognizes Valerius from a distance and gets very worried about him. She embarked on all these dangers for the sake of John, however; her greatest desire is to see the last living Apostle and to tell everyone about him. John trusts her, and confides in her under the seal of secrecy. She receives his visions in written form and promises to circulate the text among the Christians. Meanwhile on Patmos Valerius tries to gain the trust of the Christian prisoners by defending the old Sostenes against the guards and suffering severe punishment as a result. Bound to a cross, he is left in the burning sunshine, but John is the only one who dares give him any water. And to Valerius's great surprise, he seems to know all about him and Rufus. In the hell of the prison camp, where violence and resentment reign, John often wonders about his mission: why has the Lord trapped him on this island, instead of sending him out into the world to spread the glad tidings? Then, surrounded by his companions, he falls into a trance ... and again he sees himself in Heaven, with the Lamb on the throne. It is being threatened by a heavily armed knight on a red horse who is bringing hatred and war to humanity. Then a black horse appears whose rider is holding a pair of scales: he is the bringer of injustice and selfishness. Meanwhile Rufus has ordered the island's governor Corvus to come and see him to tell him to show more severity, especially toward the Christians. Corvus is worried about losing his lucrative job and so he tells his guards to be even more watchful than before. As a result he notices that Irene has slipped into the camp again with Jonicus, to collect John's latest message. However, Jonicus cleverly manages to talk the guards out of searching either himself or his sister. Johns' visions become increasingly frequent and exhaust his strength. Nevertheless Demetrius is still hoping to be able to get him off the island: the tunnel is ready, and the escape is planned for that evening. But when John supports the maltreated Sostenes he incurs the wrath of the governor. He is imprisoned and the escape plans are scrapped. In his prison cell John has a new vision: the Lamb breaks the fourth seal and again a horse appears # the pale horse that brings death into the world, plagues and famines, accidents and earthquakes. Only the love of God can defeat it. That night numerous prisoners want to use the tunnel to escape, but it is discovered by the guards and the fugitives are slaughtered. For Demetrius, all hope of rescue has now vanished. But John consoles him, telling him that it is God's will that they remain here on the island. Blessed are the poor, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven, Jesus announces to him in the vision. And then he sees a huge number of people in Heaven: They called in a loud voice: Salvation cometh from our God.... The Christians of Asia Minor, all in very great danger, cling to this belief; for the Romans are murdering them all, women and men, young and old alike. Irene and Ionicus put their lives into very great danger and, with the help of a guard, manage to free John and the other Christians from the camp, the Roman spy Valerius among them. A ship is waiting at the harbor! But John is too old and weak to shake off the guards pursuing them. He takes his leave of his companions and hides in a cave together with Valerius, who is transformed by the old man's influence and becomes his helper. In the cave John goes into a prophetic trance and has his last vision: And when the Lamb had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven... And I saw the seven angels which stood before God; and to them were given seven trumpets. When the angels blew one after the other into the trumpets, hail, fire and locusts destroyed the earth, the sea turned to blood, darkness covered the earth and the Day of Judgment arrived. ... And I saw a new heaven and a new earth... and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain...: Meanwhile Irene, Jonicus and Demetrius are arrested by Corvus and his men, and Valerius and John are found in their cave # their lives are forfeited. But at this point Rufus arrives, and not only frees his foster son Valerius but also the other captive Christians! It turns out that the Emperor Domitian is dead, and his successor has announced an amnesty # the persecution of the Christians is over. John, his companions and the Christian communities all thank God for their salvation. Freed from his duty toward his foster father, Valerius is finally free to embrace his beloved Irene.


San PaoloThe Bible

San Paolo

Original title: San Paolo

2000 - Italy, Czech Republic, Germany
Telefilm - drama, adventure, biblical

Biblical epic from the book of Acts and Paul's epistles covering the conversion of Saul of Tarsus and his ministry to the Gentiles now known as Paul. Pursued by fellow Jew Reuben, who wishes him dead, Paul takes the Gospel of Jesus throughout the known world to Rome.


JesusThe Bible


Original title: Jesus

1999 - Czech Republic, Italy, Germany, USA
Telefilm - drama, biography, history, biblical

A movie about the life, work and death of Jesus as we know it from the Bible.


JosephThe Bible


Original title: Joseph

1995 - Italy, USA, Germany
Telefilm - drama, adventure, biography, history, biblical

The Biblical story of Joseph, who was sold to slavery by his brothers who were jealous of his prophetic abilities to analyze dreams and of his being their fathers' favorite.


DavidThe Bible


Original title: David

1997 - Italy, USA, Germany
Telefilm - drama, adventure, biography, history, biblical

The tribes of Israel need to defeat the superior might of the Philistines: "Now appoint a king to lead us, such as all the other nations have." (I Samuel, 8:5). And so the prophet Samuel gives the Hebrews their first king, Saul, a simple farmer, who with God's help becomes a brave and mighty warlord who leads the united tribes of Israel against their enemies. Saul, however, has incessant doubts about his mission. Not trustful enough of divine wisdom, he acts of his own accord and thus sins against the Lord. The influential prophet Samuel turns away from Saul in order to select a new king according to God's will: David. He is still a young boy, tending sheep in the fields, when, secretly Samuel oints him as the next king of the Israelites. When David - as courageous as he is intelligent - emerges victorious from his encounter with Goliath, the Philistines' most powerful warrior, he becomes a hero. His fame arouses the jealousy of King Saul, who senses that David is going to dispute his right to be king - and tries to kill him. David flees from Saul, and finds many supporters and loyal companions who believe that he is destined to be king. In exile, David waits for his time to come, since he does not want to take the place of Saul by violence. He is young and in the prime of his strength, while King Saul is a broken man. When Saul falls upon his sword after losing a battle, David's hour is at hand. The new King David conquers Jerusalem. The magnificent city is to become the royal residence for the glorious hero, who now plans to leave the business of war to others in future and to become a King of Peace. However, this temperamental man, with so many years of battle behind him and still in the bloom of youth, is not predestined for a quiet, orderly life at all. Very soon he plunges into an illicit love affair with Bathsheba, a married woman - an affair that threatens to become the king's undoing when it turns out that she is expecting his child. To conceal his adulterous fatherhood, the king sends Bathsheba's husband Uriah - one of his best and most loyal soldiers - to his death, and then marries her. The prophet and royal adviser Nathan announces to David that his act will result in divine punishment: the Lord will not countenance such an outrage. Violence and evil will continue in David's own family and bring disaster upon the heads of the numerous sons born to David from his wives and concubines. Then the child of David and Bathsheba dies. She gives him another son, Solomon, but very soon David suffers another sharp blow of fate: his grown-up son Absalom kills one of his brothers for the latter's rape of his sister. David is far too mild in response to this: not only does he fail to bring the incestuous seducer to justice, he also leaves the fratricide unpunished. The king does not realise that he is gradually losing control over his family, and that his hold on the people is also growing weaker. For David is obsessed with his plan of building the finest and largest temple in the world in Jerusalem. He demands immense sums from the populace for this project, even though God has commanded him to leave the completion of the building to his successors. David's ambitious son Absalom thus finds it very easy to drum up support for a conspiracy against his father. After a fierce battle, culminating in Absalom's death, David makes it back to Jerusalem.


The Gospel

The Gospel

Original title: The Gospel

2005 - USA
Telefilm - drama, music

This is a story about a successful young R&B singer that has an unlikely homecoming when his father, the bishop, becomes ill.

The Ninth day

The Ninth day

Original title: The Ninth day

2004 - Germany
Telefilm - drama, thriller, military

A drama loosely based on Jean Bernard's Nazi-era prison diary.

Giuseppe Moscati: L'amore che guarisce

Giuseppe Moscati: L'amore che guarisce

Original title: Giuseppe Moscati: L'amore che guarisce

2007 - Italy
Telefilm - biography

Doctor thar helps the poor.




Original title: Flywheel

2003 - USA
Telefilm - drama

A dishonest used car salesman decides to become the salesman that God wants him to be - with surprising results.

Sarah, Plain and Tall

Sarah, Plain and Tall

Original title: Sarah, Plain and Tall

1991 - USA
Telefilm - drama, family

A single New England woman responds to an advertisement by a Midwestern widower in which he asks for a bride to help him raise his two children.

Solomon & Sheba

Solomon & Sheba

Original title: Solomon & Sheba

1995 - USA
Telefilm - drama, melodrama, biblical

Queen of Sheba goes on a secret business trip to meet king Solomon.

Love Comes Softly

Love Comes Softly

Original title: Love Comes Softly

2003 - USA
Mini-series - drama, melodrama, family, western

A young woman on her way to a new life in the 1800's suddenly finds herself a widow. Now she must live with a recently widowed young man and his daughter. Can any of them find love again?

Not A Fan

Not A Fan

Original title: Not A Fan

2010 - USA
Mini-series - drama

The study follows the journey of Eric Nelson, a man leading a compartmentalized triple life as a pleasure-seeking rebel, a cutthroat corporate executive, and a nominal Christian. But when confronted with a near death experience, Eric embarks on a spiritual journey that transforms his commitment to Jesus Christ and tests the faith of his friends and family.



Original title: Proverbs

2010 - Belarus
Short film - drama

Proverbs 2

Proverbs 2

Original title: Proverbs 2

2011 - Belarus
Short film - comedy, family

Proverbs 3

Proverbs 3

Original title: Proverbs 3

2013 - Belarus
Short film - drama

Proverbs 4

Proverbs 4

Original title: Proverbs 4

2013 - Belarus
Short film - comedy, family

In the BeginningEpisode 1

In the Beginning

Original title: In the Beginning

2013 - USA
Mini-series - drama, biography, history, biblical

Noah endures God's wrath; Abraham reaches the Promised Land but still must prove his faith in God; Moses leads the Israelites out of Egypt, and his faith in God is rewarded when the Red Sea parts to allow the Israelites to escape Pharaoh's chariots; Moses delivers his final message from God-the Ten Commandments.


ExodusEpisode 2


Original title: Exodus

2013 - USA
Mini-series - drama, biography, history, biblical

While in exile, Moses is told by God at the Burning Bush that he will free the Israelites from slavery. Moses returns to Egypt and, with the help of ten devastating plagues and the miracle of the parting of the Red Sea, he leads the Israelites to freedom. At Mount Sinai, Moses receives laws from God that will prepare the Israelites for life in a new land.


HomelandEpisode 3


Original title: Homeland

2013 - USA
Mini-series - drama, biography, history, biblical

Joshua conquers Jericho; Delilah betrays Samson as the Israelites battle the Philistines; Samuel anoints David king, a move that could throw the nation into civil war; Saul is consumed with jealousy when David defeats Goliath; King David ushers in a golden age for Israel, but is soon seduced by power and lust for Bathsheba; God forgives David, and his son, Solomon, builds God's temple in Jerusalem.


KingdomEpisode 4


Original title: Kingdom

2013 - USA
Mini-series - drama, biography, history, biblical

King Saul and the Israelite army face seemingly impossible odds against the Philistine army and their champion, Goliath. An unlikely here, the young David, defeats Goliath and goes on to lead the Israelites to victory against the Philistines. Saul fears that David means to steal his throne and so betrays his loyal warrior. This is Saul's undoing, and David becomes King and later captures Jerusalem for the Israelites.


HopeEpisode 6


Original title: Hope

2013 - USA
Mini-series - drama, biography, history, biblical

Against a backdrop of Roman oppression, young Mary's faith is rewarded when the angel Gabriel tells her she will carry a special child from God. Jesus is born to Mary and Joseph and, from the outset, his life is in danger. But with guidance from his parents and his baptism by John, He is strong enough to take on even Satan.


MissionEpisode 7


Original title: Mission

2013 - USA
Mini-series - drama, biography, history, biblical

Jesus and his disciples move from town to town, preaching love and forgiveness, but this radical approach is not welcomed by everyone. Jesus' miracles grow increasingly wondrous until he conquers death itself, raising Lazarus from the tomb.


BetrayalEpisode 8


Original title: Betrayal

2013 - USA
Mini-series - drama, biography, history, biblical

Jesus arrives in Jerusalem, openly declaring that he is the promised Messiah. High Priest Caiaphas fears that impassioned crowds will start a riot, so he finds a way to get to Jesus - through Judas. At the Last Supper, Jesus tells his disciples that one of them will betray him. They can only watch as Jesus is arrested and led away.


PassionEpisode 9


Original title: Passion

2013 - USA
Mini-series - drama, biography, history, biblical

Jesus is sentenced to die by the crucifixion. The crowds of Jerusalem wail as Jesus is forced to drag his cross to Golgotha, where he is crucified for all to see. As life leaves his body, the sky darkens and the earth quakes. His mother weeps.


CourageEpisode 10


Original title: Courage

2013 - USA
Mini-series - drama, biography, history, biblical

Mary Magdalene thinks she has gone mad when she finds Jesus' tomb empty. The resurrected Jesus delivers his final message to his disciples before he leaves them to continue without him, but promises that, in the Spirit, he will be with them always.


Христианские мультфильмы

Христианские мультфильмы

Original title: Христианские мультфильмы


The Lion of Judah

The Lion of Judah

Original title: The Lion of Judah

2011 - USA
Cartoon - family, biography, history, biblical

Abraham and IsaacAnimated Stories from the Bible

Abraham and Isaac

Original title: Abraham and Isaac

1992 - USA
Cartoon - family, biography, history, biblical

Tell's of the Story of Abraham and Isaac found in the Bible.

Joseph in EgyptAnimated Stories from the Bible

Joseph in Egypt

Original title: Joseph in Egypt

1992 - USA
Cartoon - family, biography, history, biblical

Tells the story of Joseph from the Bible, when he was sent to Egypt by his brothers, and met Pharaoh.

Samuel the Boy ProphetAnimated Stories from the Bible

Samuel the Boy Prophet

Original title: Samuel the Boy Prophet

1993 - USA
Cartoon - family, biography, history, biblical

Eli, the high priest of Israel, knowingly disobeys the Lord, and he and his sons are punished. Hannah fulfills her promise to God, and gives up her son to His service. In return, God blesses Hannah by making her son, Samuel, the chosen Prophet of the people of Israel. At the tabernacle of Ark of the Covenant, Hannah prays for a son. She promises God that she will offer the boy up to His service. Eli, the high priest, overhears her prayer and sends her off with vague promises. Eli's sons abuse their position and steal from those who come to offer sacrifice. One night, ...

ElijahAnimated Stories from the Bible


Original title: Elijah

1993 - USA
Cartoon - family, biography, history, biblical

Ahab, a great king of the Israelites, has fallen under the spell of Jezebel, a daughter of the King of the Sidonians. He has rejected the Israelites' God and embraced Jezebel's religion: the worship of the idol Baal. At Jezebel's command, Ahab has ordered the execution of the prophets of Israel, replacing them with Baal's false prophets. But one man, Elijah, filled with power of the true God, directly challenges Ahab and Jezebel. He pronounces God's curse. " No rain will fall on Israel until the people reject Baal and return to God. As the God of Israel liveth no rain...

DanielAnimated Stories from the Bible


Original title: Daniel

1993 - USA
Cartoon - family, biography, history, biblical

Nebuchadnezzar orders that all Hebrew boys be brought to his palace in Babylon. Daniel, along with Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, are captured and taken to the palace. They are to be trained alongside Babylonian boys to become wise men and are given Babylonian names. David demands that the Israelites be given their own food, and they become much healthier than their Babylonian counterparts. God gives Daniel and his friends great wisdom. To Daniel, God gives the special power to interpret dreams. The King has frightening dream and when Daniel interprets the dream, the...

EstherAnimated Stories from the Bible


Original title: Esther

1993 - USA
Cartoon - family, biography, history, biblical

Mordecai, a Hebrew, is the gatekeeper at the palace of a great Babylonian king. A woman brings him an orphaned infant girl named Esther. Mordecai raises her as his own daughter, devoutly praying that God care for her. Years pass, and Esther has grown into a kind and beautiful young woman. King Xerxes has ascended to the Babylonian throne, with the evil Haman as his principal adviser. Xerxes has banished his wife, and sends for all of the young women in the kingdom so that he may choose a new wife. At first Mordecai is reluctant to send Esther to Xerxes. But God has ...

Moses: From Birth to Burning BushAnimated Stories from the Bible

Moses: From Birth to Burning Bush

Original title: Moses: From Birth to Burning Bush

1993 - USA
Cartoon - family, biography, history, biblical

ElishaAnimated Stories from the Bible


Original title: Elisha

1994 - USA
Cartoon - family, biography, history, biblical

Elisha, a young man, works hard on his father's prosperous farm, a farm which he will some day inherit. When the prophet Elijah visits Elisha and tells him that he will be the new prophet of Israel, Elisha, obedient to God, leaves the farm to follow Elijah. Elijah teaches his new student, knowing that his days on earth are few. Despite Elijah's efforts, the kings of Israel continue to worship idols and not the living God. In Elijah and Elisha's wanderings, they come to the River Jordan. Elijah spreads his mantle on the waters, and God parts the river so that the …

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