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Christian movies

The Story of RuthAnimated Stories from the Bible

The Story of Ruth

Original title: The Story of Ruth

1994 - USA
Cartoon - family, biography, history, biblical

A famine has destroyed the farm of Elimelech of Bethlehem, driving him and his wife Naomi to the land of Moab. There, with the help of their two sons, they do well for a time, and the sons marry Gentile women of the region, Orpah, and the good and beautiful Ruth. But tragedy strikes the family once again. Within a short period of time, Elimelech and his two sons die. The three women are left widowed and alone. Naomi decides to return to Bethlehem. Knowing that Gentiles would not be welcome there, she tells Orpah and Ruth to return to their families. Orpah does so, but…

David and GoliathAnimated Stories from the Bible

David and Goliath

Original title: David and Goliath

1995 - USA
Cartoon - family, biography, history, biblical

Saul, king of Israel, struggles to do as the Lord commands. Through the Prophet Samuel, the Lord commands Saul destroy the Amalekites and kill all their animals. Saul refuses to kill their animals, saying they will be offered as a sacrifice. Samuel tells the arrogant Saul that obedience is more important than sacrifice and tells Saul that for disobeying Gods's command, Saul will lose his Kingdom. Samuel visits Jesse, a shepherd with eight sons. He tells Jesse that the Lord has a need for one of them. Jesse introduces his sons including David, the youngest. God tells …

SolomonAnimated Stories from the Bible


Original title: Solomon

1995 - USA
Cartoon - family, biography, history, biblical

King David was renowned for his wisdom. On his deathbed, he anoints his younger son, Solomon, to be King of Israel. Solomon's older brother tries to wrest away the crown. But Solomon displays God-given wisdom and courage when he confronts his brother, saying, "If I must be king I will not live in fear. Kill me now if that is your plan, or else go home and never challenge God's will again." Faced with Solomon's courage, his brother says he will obey God's will. Solomon prays to God for the wisdom of King David, confiding, "I feel no wiser than a little child." The Lord…

Joseph's ReunionAnimated Stories from the Bible

Joseph's Reunion

Original title: Joseph's Reunion

1995 - USA
Cartoon - family, biography, history, biblical

The classic story from the Bible of Joseph in Egypt, reuniting with his brothers and his Father.

Joseph: King of Dreams

Joseph: King of Dreams

Original title: Joseph: King of Dreams

2000 - USA
Cartoon - musical, drama, adventure, family, biography, history

The Prince of Egypt

The Prince of Egypt

Original title: The Prince of Egypt

1998 - USA
Cartoon - family, biography, history, biblical

In the BeginningSuperbook

Season 1 Episode 1

In the Beginning

Original title: In the Beginning

2011 - USA
Cartoon - biblical, children

When Chris disobeys his father by sneaking into the Quantum lab to look at the Professor's latest invention, he has an accident that almost destroys the top secret work-in-progress. Chris is mortified and doesn't know what he'll say to his father. Superbook intervenes and takes our three heroes on a journey to witness Lucifer's fall and transformation into Satan during a blistering heavenly battle. After Satan has been cast to Earth, Chris, Joy and Gizmo are witness to the destruction of Adam and Eve's perfect world in Eden due to their own disobedience. Superbook ...

Exodus: Let My People GoSuperbook

Season 1 Episode 4

Exodus: Let My People Go

Original title: Exodus: Let My People Go

2011 - USA
Cartoon - biblical, children

On a lazy afternoon, Chris Joy and Gizmo are hanging out in the lab recalling the great adventures they've had with Superbook. This prompts Gizmo to question whether they've yet experienced THE GREATEST Bible story of all time. In answer to his question, Superbook whisks the kids away to meet Moses as he is chosen by God to free the Israelites from their bondage in Egypt. During the course of the adventure, our young heroes make it through the plagues, the Exodus from Egypt, and ultimately to the parting of the Red Sea. When the kids return home, they know they have ...

The Test!Superbook

Season 1 Episode 2

The Test!

Original title: The Test!

2013 - USA
Cartoon - biblical, children

Chris has never been this excited. His birthday gift is a HoloStation 4, the ultimate holographic gaming system! It's so popular that there aren't enough to go around for all the kids who want one. Such as the sick boy at the local hospital; even the hospital is unable to pull strings to get him one. Chris feels a twinge of guilt, but it takes SUPERBOOK'S ministrations to turn him around. The kids journey to meet Abraham and his beloved son, Isaac, whom he was willing to sacrifice because it's what God wants. Abraham puts God first in his life, above everything else. ...

Jacob and EsauSuperbook

Season 1 Episode 3

Jacob and Esau

Original title: Jacob and Esau

2013 - USA
Cartoon - biblical, children

In the Quantum yard, during a spirited water fight, Joy accidentally gets Gizmo's inner workings wet and he fritzes out, suddenly believing he belongs to Joy. Chris can't seem to correct the problem and is furious with Joy, saying he'll never forgive her. SUPERBOOK intercedes and whisks the kids back to the days of Jacob and Esau. The two brothers compete over many things, but when Esau gives up his birthright and Jacob tricks his father out of a blessing they become estranged for many years thereafter. Chris and Joy witness the animosity between the two brothers and ...

The Ten CommandmentsSuperbook

Season 1 Episode 5

The Ten Commandments

Original title: The Ten Commandments

2012 - USA
Cartoon - biblical, children

The Quantum family along with Joy and Gizmo are enjoying a family camp out when Chris secretly decides it'll be more adventurous to ignore the rules laid down by his parents and the park ranger. His flagrant disregard gets him, Gizmo and Joy trapped in a dark cave. SUPERBOOK whisks the kids back to a time when the Israelites were facing their own challenges regarding rules and laws. The adventure revolves around the Israelites who are left with Aaron, when Moses ascends the mountain to confer with God. Left without rules, some of the Israelites descend into moral ...

A Giant AdventureSuperbook

Season 1 Episode 6

A Giant Adventure

Original title: A Giant Adventure

2012 - USA
Cartoon - biblical, children

During a school band audition, Chris loses the courage to play his guitar in front of the crowd. Superbook whisks the kids off to meet another youngster who had to face his own "Giant" in a moment of crisis. Chris, Joy and Gizmo befriend the young David, who is taking bread to his brothers, who are on the front lines, fighting the Philistines. Because David is small, everyone laughs when he says he will face the Israelite's fiercest enemy Goliath, the Giant of Gath. David is ultimately able to slay the giant because God is on his side in this battle. Chris realizes ...


Season 1 Episode 7


Original title: Roar!

2013 - USA
Cartoon - biblical, children

Chris is morally challenged "to do the right thing," when a smaller boy is harassed by bullies at the skateboard park. SUPERBOOK whisks the kids off to an adventure where they meet Daniel and King Darius, as an edict is struck saying that no one shall worship anyone but the king, at the risk of death. Daniel is a spiritual man, and when his faith is challenged in this way, he never backs down for an instance. He does what he knows in his heart is the right thing to do. The kids' are stunned to watch as Daniel prays before an open window for all to witness. This action...

The First ChristmasSuperbook

Season 1 Episode 8

The First Christmas

Original title: The First Christmas

2012 - USA
Cartoon - biblical, children

Commercial Christmas mayhem reigns in the Quantum household. The Prince of Peace seems to have left this family to their own comical devices and distractions on this blessed holiday. When Chris ignores his promise to set up the nativity scene, he offhandedly says to Joy that it's just another decoration like all their reindeer, snowflakes and Santa's elves. SUPERBOOK intercedes and whisks our young heroes off on a journey to discover the true meaning of Christmas. They learn of Herod's secret plan to try and thwart the birth of a new "king" who he imagines as a threat...

Miracles of JesusSuperbook

Season 1 Episode 9

Miracles of Jesus

Original title: Miracles of Jesus

2013 - USA
Cartoon - biblical, children

When Chris begins to believe that a mysterious street magician (Miraculo The Miracle Maker) possesses real powers, Superbook whisks the kids off to historical Galilee where Jesus is performing true miracles like healing a cripple, calming a storm on the sea and banishing demons from a possessed man. During the course of their miraculous adventure, Chris comes to understand the power to perform miracles comes only from God. When he returns home, he looks a little closer and discovers the very clever, but very human machinations Miraculo has used to trick his public.

The Last SupperSuperbook

Season 1 Episode 10

The Last Supper

Original title: The Last Supper

2013 - USA
Cartoon - biblical, children

Chris and his band have been invited to audition for an American Idol-like show, called World's Best Band. The "success" goes to Chris' head and he becomes comically unbearable to live with; he is becoming a Superstar in his own mind and he wants Joy and Gizmo to treat him accordingly. SUPERBOOK whisks the kids off to Jerusalem as Jesus is making his triumphant entrance. Chris is enamored with the fame Jesus seems to have, with the crowds cheering Him, with the "entourage" of disciples around him, and with the fact that everyone is talking about Jesus becoming King. ...

He Is Risen!Superbook

Season 1 Episode 11

He Is Risen!

Original title: He Is Risen!

2013 - USA
Cartoon - biblical, children

Chris is having an argument with his mother, Phoebe, and he's displaying disrespect for her wishes. SUPERBOOK appears, and in a very special episode, takes Chris, Joy, Gizmo AND Phoebe back in time, for an encounter with Jesus' mother Mary at a most trying time, her son's crucifixion. During the astounding events that unfold, Jesus' appearance before Pilate, the journey up Calvary, the Crucifixion and finally the glory of the resurrection, Chris witnesses Mary's devotion to her son and Jesus' love for His mother even when fulfilling His part in God's plan for mankind....

The Road to DamascusSuperbook

Season 1 Episode 12

The Road to Damascus

Original title: The Road to Damascus

2012 - USA
Cartoon - biblical, children

When a delinquent teen enters Chris and Joy's life they don't see any chance of him changing his ways. However, SUPERBOOK takes our heroes on a journey to the early days of Christianity, where they encounter a man named Saul of Tarsus, who also seems to be an impossible hard-case. His violent actions towards the church take a startling turn on the road to Damascus. There, the kids witness Saul's miraculous conversion and follow him to his healing and baptism at the hands of Ananias. Once the persecutor, Saul, now called Paul, finds himself becoming the persecuted, and...

Revelation: The Final Battle!Superbook

Season 1 Episode 13

Revelation: The Final Battle!

Original title: Revelation: The Final Battle!

2013 - USA
Cartoon - biblical, children

In a life-altering event, Chris accidentally starts a fire that burns down the Quantum family's home. He believes there is no forgiveness for something this big. However, SUPERBOOK takes our heroes on a journey to show them that forgiveness, the ultimate forgiveness, has always been a part of God's plan for mankind. Chris encounters Satan in the desert just before the time of the apocalypse. As Satan attempts to lure the emotionally battered boy over to his side, simultaneously we see Joy and Gizmo have landed in heaven where John is recording the revelations being


Season 2 Episode 1


Original title: Jonah

2013 - USA
Cartoon - biblical, children

Joy witnesses the theft of a bike by a school bully. To Joy's surprise, the principal offers mercy to the thief instead of offering justice. Joy, Chris and Gizmo join Jonah on his journey, from inside the whale to saving the sinful Ninevites. Joy relates to Jonah's frustrations, but is also convicted to live out God's forgiveness, even with someone she doesn't like.

Joseph and the Pharaoh's DreamSuperbook

Season 2 Episode 2

Joseph and the Pharaoh's Dream

Original title: Joseph and the Pharaoh's Dream

2013 - USA
Cartoon - biblical, children

Chris has a very precise plan for how he is going to get what he wants; and he can't handle it when things don't go according to his own plan. Superbook transports him back to ancient Egypt. As he watches Joseph rise from prisoner to governor of Egypt and gain a long lost bond with his brothers, Chris learns to forego his own plans and trust a little more in God's plans instead.

The Fiery Furnace!Superbook

Season 2 Episode 3

The Fiery Furnace!

Original title: The Fiery Furnace!

2013 - USA
Cartoon - biblical, children

Chris wrestles with making a moral decision between right and wrong, a decision Joy warns could get him in big trouble. Superbook takes him and his friends back to Babylon during the reign of Nebuchadnezzar to meet Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, three men who chose to obey God and trust Him for their protection no matter the cost.

Rahab and the Walls of JerichoSuperbook

Season 2 Episode 4

Rahab and the Walls of Jericho

Original title: Rahab and the Walls of Jericho

2013 - USA
Cartoon - biblical, children

Chris wrestles with making a moral decision between right and wrong, a decision Joy warns could get him in big trouble. Superbook takes him and his friends back to Babylon during the reign of Nebuchadnezzar to meet Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Three men who chose to obey God and trust Him for their protection no matter the cost.

Esther: For Such a Time as ThisSuperbook

Season 2 Episode 5

Esther: For Such a Time as This

Original title: Esther: For Such a Time as This

2013 - USA
Cartoon - biblical, children

Joy is challenged to stand up to a classmate who questions Joy's selection of a new girl at school to join a special club. If Joy pushes for the new girl she could lose her own position in the club. Superbook whisks the kids off to meet Queen Esther, who is facing a moral crisis of her own. As Joy befriends the Queen, she learns that her own dilemma pales in comparison to the life and death choice Queen Ester is grappling with. At the moment of truth, Ether shows her true colors and stands up for what is right, even though it could mean death. She is rewarded for her ...

John the BaptistSuperbook

Season 2 Episode 6

John the Baptist

Original title: John the Baptist

2014 - USA
Cartoon - biblical, children

When Chris is faced with a challenge between choosing to act truthfully or to take the easy and more "fun" pathway, Superbook whisks the kids back to meet John The Baptizer. During an exciting journey that takes the kids from witnessing John preach and baptize on the Jordan River, all the way through to his incarceration and ultimate death at the hands of Herodias and King Herod, Chris comes to understand what it means to live truthfully and point others toward in the direction of being more like Jesus. When Chris returns home, he applies what he's learned. Although ...

Paul and the ShipwreckSuperbook

Season 2 Episode 7

Paul and the Shipwreck

Original title: Paul and the Shipwreck

2013 - USA
Cartoon - biblical, children

Joy and the Quantums are helping with a disaster relief effort. However, the circumstances are so arduous that Joy soon finds she doesn't have the strength to continue, even though her heart is in the right place. At her lowest moment, Superbook takes the kids back in time to meet a man who is also facing adversity. The kids land onboard a ship taking a prisoner, named Paul, to face authorities in Rome. Before he gets there, Paul must face one disaster after another, and when the journey seems the most dire, God gives him the strength to carry on and even minister to ...


Season 2 Episode 8


Original title: Job

2013 - USA
Cartoon - biblical, children

Noah and the ArkSuperbook

Season 2 Episode 9

Noah and the Ark

Original title: Noah and the Ark

2013 - USA
Cartoon - biblical, children

When Gizmo catches Chris and Joy skipping school to hang out with a bad role model (Pearce, the leader of an extreme skateboarding team), Superbook sends them back to a time when the world was fraught with evil. So evil, in fact, that God vows to destroy the world, saving only Noah "The only righteous man on earth", his family and a menagerie of animal species. As they witness the Flood, and Noah's unwavering faith in God, our heroes see how their bad behavior paralleled the world's descent into sin. Heartened by Noah's example and God's covenant with Mankind to never...

The Tower of Babel and the Day of PentecostSuperbook

Season 2 Episode 10

The Tower of Babel and the Day of Pentecost

Original title: The Tower of Babel and the Day of Pentecost

2013 - USA
Cartoon - biblical, children

Peter's DenialSuperbook

Season 2 Episode 11

Peter's Denial

Original title: Peter's Denial

2014 - USA
Cartoon - biblical, children

Chris is desperate to play with some of the cooler kids in school in an afternoon pick-up basketball game. Just as he demonstrates his Quantum Corkscrew jump shot, Joy runs in to excitedly announce that she's been elected Chess Club President. Realizing how "un-cool" that sounds to the guys he's trying to impress, Chris pretends he doesn't know her. Gizmo promptly arrives with Chris' sneakers, but there will be no game for him today. Instead, Superbook sends the trio back in time to meet the disciple Peter, who ends up denying Jesus three times. Later, after seeing ...


Season 2 Episode 12


Original title: Gideon

2014 - USA
Cartoon - biblical, children

The Prodigal SonSuperbook

Season 2 Episode 13

The Prodigal Son

Original title: The Prodigal Son

2014 - USA
Cartoon - biblical, children


Season 3 Episode 1


Original title: Ruth

2014 - USA
Cartoon - biblical, children

Elijah and the Prophets of BaalSuperbook

Season 3 Episode 2

Elijah and the Prophets of Baal

Original title: Elijah and the Prophets of Baal

2014 - USA
Cartoon - biblical, children

Isaac & RebekahSuperbook

Season 3 Episode 4

Isaac & Rebekah

Original title: Isaac & Rebekah

2014 - USA
Cartoon - biblical, children

Saul and DavidSuperbook

Season 3 Episode 7

Saul and David

Original title: Saul and David

2014 - USA
Cartoon - biblical, children


Season 3 Episode 8


Original title: Nehemiah

2014 - USA
Cartoon - biblical, children

The Good SamaritanSuperbook

Season 3 Episode 10

The Good Samaritan

Original title: The Good Samaritan

2014 - USA
Cartoon - biblical, children

The Birth of John the BaptistSuperbook

Season 3 Episode 12

The Birth of John the Baptist

Original title: The Birth of John the Baptist

2014 - USA
Cartoon - biblical, children

Peter and Cornelius: Salvation for AllSuperbook

Season 4 Episode 2

Peter and Cornelius: Salvation for All

Original title: Peter and Cornelius: Salvation for All

2014 - USA
Cartoon - biblical, children

Miracles IIISuperbook

Season 4 Episode 6

Miracles III

Original title: Miracles III

2014 - USA
Cartoon - biblical, children

Foreign Best Movies Action Cinema-fiction Comedy comedies Movies about sports Cooking Movies Music and Dance Movies Romantic movies Fairytale movies Domestic Russian Soviet Cartoons Cartoons Christmas Foreign movies Movies domestic Short animat

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